--nodedb.lua --database of all nodes that have 'save_in_nodedb' field set to true in node definition --serialization format: --(6byte poshash) (2byte contentid) --contentid := (14bit nodeid, 2bit param2) local function hash_to_bytes(x) local aH = math.floor(x / 1099511627776) % 256; local aL = math.floor(x / 4294967296) % 256; local bH = math.floor(x / 16777216) % 256; local bL = math.floor(x / 65536) % 256; local cH = math.floor(x / 256) % 256; local cL = math.floor(x ) % 256; return(string.char(aH, aL, bH, bL, cH, cL)); end local function cid_to_bytes(x) local cH = math.floor(x / 256) % 256; local cL = math.floor(x ) % 256; return(string.char(cH, cL)); end local function bytes_to_hash(bytes) local t={string.byte(bytes,1,-1)} local n = t[1] * 1099511627776 + t[2] * 4294967296 + t[3] * 16777216 + t[4] * 65536 + t[5] * 256 + t[6] return n end local function bytes_to_cid(bytes) local t={string.byte(bytes,1,-1)} local n = t[1] * 256 + t[2] return n end local function l2b(x) return x%4 end local function u14b(x) return math.floor(x/4) end local ndb={} --local variables for performance local ndb_nodeids={} local ndb_nodes={} --load --nodeids get loaded by advtrains init.lua and passed here function ndb.load_data(data) ndb_nodeids = data and data.nodeids or {} end local path=minetest.get_worldpath().."/advtrains_ndb" local file, err = io.open(path, "r") if not file then atprint("load ndb failed: ", err or "Unknown Error") else local cnt=0 local hst=file:read(6) local cid=file:read(2) while hst and #hst==6 and cid and #cid==2 do ndb_nodes[bytes_to_hash(hst)]=bytes_to_cid(cid) cnt=cnt+1 hst=file:read(6) cid=file:read(2) end atprint("nodedb: read", cnt, "nodes.") file:close() end --save function ndb.save_data() local file, err = io.open(path, "w") if not file then atprint("load ndb failed: ", err or "Unknown Error") else for hash, cid in pairs(ndb_nodes) do file:write(hash_to_bytes(hash)) file:write(cid_to_bytes(cid)) end file:close() end return {nodeids = ndb_nodeids} end --function to get node. track database is not helpful here. function ndb.get_node_or_nil(pos) local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node then return node else --maybe we have the node in the database... local cid=ndb_nodes[minetest.hash_node_position(pos)] if cid then local nodeid = ndb_nodeids[u14b(cid)] if nodeid then --atprint("ndb.get_node_or_nil",pos,"found node",nodeid,"cid",cid,"par2",l2b(cid)) return {name=nodeid, param2 = l2b(cid)} end end end atprint("ndb.get_node_or_nil",pos,"not found") end function ndb.get_node(pos) local n=ndb.get_node_or_nil(pos) if not n then return {name="ignore", param2=0} end return n end function ndb.swap_node(pos, node) minetest.swap_node(pos, node) ndb.update(pos, node) end function ndb.update(pos, pnode) local node = pnode or minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if not node or node.name=="ignore" then return end if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].groups.save_in_nodedb then local nid for tnid, nname in pairs(ndb_nodeids) do if nname==node.name then nid=tnid end end if not nid then nid=#ndb_nodeids+1 ndb_nodeids[nid]=node.name end local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) ndb_nodes[hash] = (nid * 4) + (l2b(node.param2 or 0)) --atprint("nodedb: updating node", pos, "stored nid",nid,"assigned",ndb_nodeids[nid],"resulting cid",ndb_nodes[hash]) else --at this position there is no longer a node that needs to be tracked. local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) ndb_nodes[hash] = nil end end function ndb.clear(pos) local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) ndb_nodes[hash] = nil end --get_node with pseudoload. now we only need track data, so we can use the trackdb as second fallback --nothing new will be saved inside the trackdb. --returns: --true, conn1, conn2, rely1, rely2, railheight in case everything's right. --false if it's not a rail or the train does not drive on this rail, but it is loaded or --nil if the node is neither loaded nor in trackdb --the distraction between false and nil will be needed only in special cases.(train initpos) function advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, drives_on) local rdp=advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(pos) local node=ndb.get_node_or_nil(rdp) --still no node? --advtrains.trackdb is nil when there's no data available. if not node then if advtrains.trackdb then --try raildb (see trackdb_legacy.lua) local dbe=(advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y] and advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x] and advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x][rdp.z]) if dbe then for tt,_ in pairs(drives_on) do if not dbe.tracktype or tt==dbe.tracktype then return true, dbe.conn1, dbe.conn2, dbe.rely1 or 0, dbe.rely2 or 0, dbe.railheight or 0 end end end end return nil end local nodename=node.name if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(nodename, drives_on)) then return false end local conn1, conn2, rely1, rely2, railheight, tracktype=advtrains.get_track_connections(node.name, node.param2) return true, conn1, conn2, rely1, rely2, railheight end minetest.register_abm({ name = "advtrains:nodedb_on_load_update", nodenames = {"group:save_in_nodedb"}, run_at_every_load = true, action = function(pos, node) local cid=ndb_nodes[minetest.hash_node_position(pos)] if cid then --if in database, detect changes and apply. local nodeid = ndb_nodeids[u14b(cid)] local param2 = l2b(cid) if not nodeid then --something went wrong atprint("nodedb: lbm nid not found", pos, "with nid", u14b(cid), "param2", param2, "cid is", cid) ndb.update(pos, node) else if (nodeid~=node.name or param2~=node.param2) then atprint("nodedb: lbm replaced", pos, "with nodeid", nodeid, "param2", param2, "cid is", cid) minetest.swap_node(pos, {name=nodeid, param2 = param2}) end end else --if not in database, take it. atprint("nodedb: ", pos, "not in database") ndb.update(pos, node) end end, interval=10, chance=1, }) minetest.register_on_dignode(function(pos, oldnode, digger) ndb.clear(pos) end) function ndb.get_nodes() return ndb_nodes end function ndb.get_nodeids() return ndb_nodeids end advtrains.ndb=ndb