local map_def={ example = { p1x=168, p1z=530, p2x=780, p2z=1016, background="itm_example.png", }, } local itm_cache={} local itm_pdata={} local itm_conf_mindia=0.1 minetest.register_privilege("itm", { description = "Allows to display train map", give_to_singleplayer = true, default = false }) local function create_map_form_with_bg(d) local minx, minz, maxx, maxz = math.min(d.p1x, d.p2x), math.min(d.p1z, d.p2z), math.max(d.p1x, d.p2x), math.max(d.p1z, d.p2z) local form_x, form_z=10,10 local edge_x, edge_z = form_x/(maxx-minx), form_z/(maxz-minz) local len_x, len_z=math.max(edge_x, itm_conf_mindia), math.max(edge_z, itm_conf_mindia) local form="size["..(form_x+edge_x)..","..(form_z+edge_z).."] background[0,0;0,0;"..d.background..";true] " local lbl={} for pts, tid in pairs(advtrains.detector.on_node) do local pos=minetest.string_to_pos(pts) form=form.."box["..(edge_x*(pos.x-minx))..","..(form_z-(edge_z*(pos.z-minz)))..";"..len_x..","..len_z..";red]" lbl[sid(tid)]=pos end for t_id, xz in pairs(lbl) do form=form.."label["..(edge_x*(xz.x-minx))..","..(form_x-(edge_z*(xz.z-minz)))..";"..t_id.."]" end return form end local function create_map_form(d) if d.background then return create_map_form_with_bg(d) end local minx, minz, maxx, maxz = math.min(d.p1x, d.p2x), math.min(d.p1z, d.p2z), math.max(d.p1x, d.p2x), math.max(d.p1z, d.p2z) local form_x, form_z=10,10 local edge_x, edge_z = form_x/(maxx-minx), form_z/(maxz-minz) local len_x, len_z=math.max(edge_x, itm_conf_mindia), math.max(edge_z, itm_conf_mindia) local form="size["..(form_x+edge_x)..","..(form_z+edge_z).."]" local lbl={} for x,itx in pairs(itm_cache) do if x>=minx and x<=maxx then for z,y in pairs(itx) do if z>=minz and z<=maxz then local adn=advtrains.detector.on_node[minetest.pos_to_string({x=x, y=y, z=z})] local color="gray" if adn then color="red" lbl[sid(adn)]={x=x, z=z} end form=form.."box["..(edge_x*(x-minx))..","..(form_z-(edge_z*(z-minz)))..";"..len_x..","..len_z..";"..color.."]" end end end end for t_id, xz in pairs(lbl) do form=form.."label["..(edge_x*(xz.x-minx))..","..(form_x-(edge_z*(xz.z-minz)))..";"..t_id.."]" end return form end local function cache_ndb() itm_cache={} local ndb_nodes=advtrains.ndb.get_nodes() for phs,_ in pairs(ndb_nodes) do local pos=minetest.get_position_from_hash(phs) if not itm_cache[pos.x] then itm_cache[pos.x]={} end itm_cache[pos.x][pos.z]=pos.y end end minetest.register_chatcommand("itm", { params="[x1 z1 x2 z2] or [mdef]", description="Display advtrains train map of given area.\nFirst form:[x1 z1 x2 z2] - specify area directly.\nSecond form:[mdef] - Use a predefined map background(see init.lua)\nThird form: No parameters - use WorldEdit position markers.", privs={itm=true}, func = function(name, param) local mdef=string.match(param, "^(%S+)$") if mdef then local d=map_def[mdef] if not d then return false, "Map definiton not found: "..mdef end itm_pdata[name]=map_def[mdef] minetest.show_formspec(name, "itrainmap", create_map_form(d)) return true, "Showing train map: "..mdef end local x1, z1, x2, z2=string.match(param, "^(%S+) (%S+) (%S+) (%S+)$") if not (x1 and z1 and x2 and z2) then if worldedit then local wep1, wep2=worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name] if wep1 and wep2 then x1, z1, x2, z2=wep1.x, wep1.z, wep2.x, wep2.z end end end if not (x1 and z1 and x2 and z2) then return false, "Invalid parameters and no WE positions set" end local d={p1x=x1, p1z=z1, p2x=x2, p2z=z2} itm_pdata[name]=d minetest.show_formspec(name, "itrainmap", create_map_form(d)) return true, "Showing ("..x1..","..z1..")-("..x2..","..z2..")" end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("itm_cache_ndb", { params="", description="Cache advtrains node database again. Run when tracks changed.", privs={itm=true}, func = function(name, param) cache_ndb() return true, "Done caching node database." end, }) local timer=0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) timer=timer-math.min(dtime, 0.1) if timer<=0 then local t1=os.clock() local any=false for pname,d in pairs(itm_pdata) do minetest.show_formspec(pname, "itrainmap", create_map_form(d)) any=true end if any then minetest.log("action", "itm "..math.floor((os.clock()-t1)*1000).."ms") end timer=2 end end) minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname=="itrainmap" and fields.quit then minetest.log("action", "itm form quit") itm_pdata[player:get_player_name()]=nil end end) --automatically run itm_cache_ndb minetest.after(2, cache_ndb)