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1 files changed, 10 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index efac9f3..29507aa 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ local whisper_color = "#aaaaaa" -- Whisper color override
-- ${message} the actual message that is to be sent
-- ${time} the current time in 24 hour format, as returned from os.date("%X")
-local channel_invitation_string = "|#${channel_name}| Channel invite from (${from_player}), to join the channel, do /jc ${channel_name},${channel_password} after which you can send messages to the channel via #${channel_name}: message"
+local channel_invitation_string = "|#${channel_name}| Channel invite from (${from_player}), to join the channel, do /jc ${channel_name} ${channel_password} after which you can send messages to the channel via #${channel_name}: message"
local channel_invited_string = "|#${channel_name}| Invite sent to ${to_player}"
local channel_created_string = "|#${channel_name}| Channel created"
local channel_deleted_string = "|#${channel_name}| Channel deleted"
@@ -123,10 +123,9 @@ minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player)
local create_channel = {
- params = "<Channel Name>,<Password (optional)>,<Color (optional, default is #ffffff)>",
+ params = "<Channel Name> <Password (optional)> <Color (optional, default is #ffffff)>",
description = "Create a channel named <Channel Name> with optional <Password> and hexadecimal <Color> "..
- "starting with # (e.g. #00ff00 for green). Use comma's to separate the arguments, e.g. "..
- "/cc my secret channel,#0000ff for a blue colored my secret channel without password",
+ "starting with # (e.g. #00ff00 for green). Use spaces to separate the arguments."
func = function(lname, param)
local lowner = lname
@@ -134,9 +133,9 @@ local create_channel = {
return false, "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments. Please supply the channel name as a minimum"
- local str = string.split(param, ",")
+ local str = string.split(param, " ")
if #str > 3 then
- return false, "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments. 4 parameters passed, maximum of 3 allowed: <Channel Name>,<Password>,<Color>"
+ return false, "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments. 4 parameters passed, maximum of 3 allowed: <Channel Name> <Password> <Color>"
local lchannel_name = string.trim(str[1])
@@ -247,14 +246,14 @@ local my_channels = {
local join_channel = {
- params = "<Channel Name>,<Password (only mandatory if channel was created using a password)>",
+ params = "<Channel Name> <Password (only mandatory if channel was created using a password)>",
description = "Join channel named <Channel Name>. After joining you will see messages sent to that channel (in addition to the other channels you have joined)",
func = function(name, param)
if not param or param == "" then
return false, "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments. Please supply the channel name as a minimum"
- local str = string.split(param, ",")
+ local str = string.split(param, " ")
local channel_name = str[1]
if not channels[channel_name] then
@@ -267,7 +266,7 @@ local join_channel = {
if channels[channel_name].password and channels[channel_name].password ~= "" then
if #str == 1 then
- return false, "ERROR: This channel requires that you supply a password. Supply it in the following format: /jc my channel,password01"
+ return false, "ERROR: This channel requires that you supply a password. Supply it in the following format: /jc my channel password01"
if str[2] ~= channels[channel_name].password then
return false, "ERROR: Invalid password"
@@ -318,7 +317,7 @@ local leave_channel = {
local invite_channel = {
- params = "<Channel Name>,<Player Name>",
+ params = "<Channel Name> <Player Name>",
description = "Invite player named <Player Name> to channel named <Channel Name>. You must be the owner of the channel in order to do invites",
func = function(name, param)
local owner = name
@@ -327,7 +326,7 @@ local invite_channel = {
return false, "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments. Please supply the channel name and the player name"
- local channel_name, player_name = string.match(param, "(.*),(.*)")
+ local channel_name, player_name = string.match(param, "(%S+)%s+(.*)")
if not channel_name or channel_name == "" then
return false, "ERROR: Channel name is empty"