#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- def dateformat(dt): """Formats a :class:`datetime.datetime` object as dd.mm.yyyy :param datetime.datetime dt: The :class:`datetime.datetime` object to format :return: A formatted string :rtype: str """ return dt.strftime('%d.%m.%Y') def fullformat(dt): """Formats a :class:`datetime.datetime` object as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS :param datetime.datetime dt: The :class:`datetime.datetime` object to format :return: A formatted string :rtype: str """ return dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def int2bin(i, length=8): """Returns the bit representation of the given integer with a minimum length of ``length``. E.g. ``int2bin(109, 7) == '1101101'`` and ``int2bin(109, 8) == '01101101'``. :param int i: The integer to format :param int length: The minimum length of the output string. The string is zero-padded on the left. :return: The bit representation of the given int :rtype: string """ if not isinstance(length, int): raise ValueError("expected int for length") return ('{:0>' + str(length) + 'b}').format(i) def timeformat(dt): """Formats a :class:`datetime.datetime` object as HH:MM :param datetime.datetime dt: The :class:`datetime.datetime` object to format :return: A formatted string :rtype: str """ return dt.strftime('%H:%M')