local mod_name = minetest.get_current_modname() local function log(level, message) minetest.log(level, ('[%s] %s'):format(mod_name, message)) end log('action', 'CSM cs_waypoints loading...') local mod_storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local search_delta_default = 10 -- -- -- local functions -- -- local function load_waypoints() if string.find(mod_storage:get_string('waypoints'), 'return') then return minetest.deserialize(mod_storage:get_string('waypoints')) else return {} end end local function load_waypoints_stack() if string.find(mod_storage:get_string('waypoints_stack'), 'return nil') then return {} end if string.find(mod_storage:get_string('waypoints_stack'), 'return') then return minetest.deserialize(mod_storage:get_string('waypoints_stack')) else return {} end end local waypoints = load_waypoints() local function safe(func) -- wrap a function w/ logic to avoid crashing the game local f = function(...) local status, out = pcall(func, ...) if status then return out else log('warning', 'Error (func): ' .. out) return nil end end return f end local function round(x) return math.floor(x+0.5) end local function pairsByKeys(t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end end local function lc_cmp(a, b) return a:lower() < b:lower() end local function tostring_point(point) return ('%i %i.5 %i'):format(round(point.x), round(point.y), round(point.z)) end local function teleport_to(position_name) local wpname = position_name local waypoint = waypoints[wpname] if waypoint ~= nil then minetest.run_server_chatcommand('teleport', tostring_point(waypoint)) else minetest.display_chat_message(('waypoint "%s" not found.'):format(wpname)) end return true end local function show_pos(position_name) local wpname = position_name local waypoint = waypoints[wpname] local rg = "" if waypoint ~= nil then rg = wpname .. ": " .. tostring_point(waypoint) else rg = ('waypoint "%s" not found.'):format(wpname) end return true,rg end local function stack_push() local point = minetest.localplayer:get_pos() wp_stack = load_waypoints_stack() count = #wp_stack +1 wp_stack[count] = point mod_storage:set_string('waypoints_stack', minetest.serialize(wp_stack)) end local function stack_pop() wp_stack = load_waypoints_stack() count = 0 if nil ~= wp_stack then count = #wp_stack end if count<1 then minetest.display_chat_message('stack empty - no teleporting') return end minetest.run_server_chatcommand('teleport', tostring_point(wp_stack[count])) wp_stack[count] = nil mod_storage:set_string('waypoints_stack', minetest.serialize(wp_stack)) return true end local function stack_show() wp_stack = load_waypoints_stack() count = 0 if nil ~= wp_stack then count = #wp_stack end if count<1 then minetest.display_chat_message('stack empty') return true end output = "" for i = count,1,-1 do output = output .. tostring(i) .. " " .. tostring_point(wp_stack[i]).."\n" end return true ,output end local function stack_clear() mod_storage:set_string('waypoints_stack', minetest.serialize(nil)) end local function stack_search(d) local delta = d if delta then delta = tonumber(delta) end if nil == delta then delta = search_delta_default end if delta < 0 then delta = 0 end here = minetest.localplayer:get_pos() minetest.display_chat_message( ('%s : %s'):format("current position", tostring_point(here)) ) for name,pos in pairsByKeys(waypoints, lc_cmp) do if math.abs(here.y-pos.y) <= delta then if math.abs(here.x-pos.x) <= delta then if math.abs(here.z-pos.z) <= delta then minetest.display_chat_message( ('%s -> %s'):format(name, tostring_point(pos))) end end end end return true end local function position_shift(p) local param = p if not p then return end while p:sub(1,1) == " " and p:len()> 3 do p = p:sub(2,99) end if p:len()<3 then return end direction = p:sub(1,1) d = "" if direction == "x" or direction == "X" then d = "x" end if direction == "y" or direction == "Y" then d = "y" end if direction == "z" or direction == "Z" then d = "z" end if d == "" then return end here = minetest.localplayer:get_pos() distance = tonumber(p:sub(2,8)) if not distance then return end if distance == 0 then return end here[d] = here[d] + distance here.y = here.y - 1 -- correction minetest.run_server_chatcommand('teleport', tostring_point(here)) end local function calc_distance(wp) local wpname = wp local waypoint = waypoints[wpname] local rg = "" if waypoint == nil then rg = ('waypoint "%s" not found.'):format(wp) else here = minetest.localplayer:get_pos() dx = math.abs(here.x-waypoint.x) dy = math.abs(here.y-waypoint.y) dz = math.abs(here.z-waypoint.z) l1 = "x: " .. tostring(round(100*dx)/100) .. " y: " .. tostring(round(100*dy)/100) .. " z: " .. tostring(round(100*dz)/100) delta_hor = math.floor(math.sqrt(dx*dx+dz*dz)*100)/100 delta_3d = math.floor(math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)*100)/100 l2 = "distance: " .. tostring(delta_3d) .. " horizontal distance: " .. tostring(delta_hor) rg = l1 .. "\n" .. l2 end return true,rg end -- -- -- chat commands -- -- minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_set', { params = '', description = 'set a waypoint', func = safe(function(param) waypoints = load_waypoints() local point = minetest.localplayer:get_pos() waypoints[param] = point mod_storage:set_string('waypoints', minetest.serialize(waypoints)) minetest.display_chat_message( ('set waypoint "%s" to "%s"'):format(param, tostring_point(point)) ) end), }) minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_unset', { params = '', description = 'remove a waypoint', func = safe(function(param) waypoints = load_waypoints() waypoints[param] = nil mod_storage:set_string('waypoints', minetest.serialize(waypoints)) minetest.display_chat_message( ('removed waypoint "%s"'):format(param) ) end), }) minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_list', { params = '', description = 'lists waypoints', func = safe(function(_) for name, point in pairsByKeys(waypoints, lc_cmp) do minetest.display_chat_message( ('%s -> %s'):format(name, tostring_point(point)) ) end end), }) minetest.register_chatcommand('tw', { params = '', description = 'teleport to a waypoint', func = safe(function(param) safe(teleport_to(param)) end), } ) minetest.register_chatcommand('tw_push', { params = '', description = 'teleport to a waypoint and save old position', func = safe(function(param) stack_push() safe(teleport_to(param)) end), } ) -- minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_push', { -- params = '', -- description = 'teleport to a position/player and save old position', -- func = safe(function(param) -- stack_push() -- minetest.run_server_chatcommand('teleport', param) -- end), -- } -- ) minetest.register_chatcommand('tw_pop', { params = '', description = 'return to the last saved position', func = stack_pop, } ) minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_stack', { params = '', description = 'shows the stack content', func = stack_show, } ) minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_stack_clear', { params = '', description = 'clears the position stack', func = stack_clear, } ) minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_search', { params = '()', description = 'search a waypoint near the current position', func = stack_search, } ) minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_shift', { params = ' ', description = '"shift" the player along the given axis and add the given number', func = position_shift, } ) minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_dist', { params = '', description = 'calculate the distance to a given waypoint', func = calc_distance, } ) minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_show', { params = '', description = 'show the coordinates of a given waypoint', func = show_pos, } ) -- wp_grep written by erstazi (player at Linux-Forks.de ) minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_grep', { params = '', description = 'lists waypoints', func = safe(function(param) local wpname = param local count = 0 for name, point in pairsByKeys(waypoints, lc_cmp) do if string.find(name, wpname) then count = count + 1 minetest.display_chat_message( ('%s -> %s'):format(name, tostring_point(point)) ) end end if count == 0 then minetest.display_chat_message(('waypoint "%s" not found.'):format(wpname)) end end), })