diff options
authorSmallJoker <mk939@ymail.com>2017-04-01 20:38:14 +0200
committerSmallJoker <mk939@ymail.com>2018-06-03 17:31:59 +0200
commit070ab6654ab4d8ab4a15a99698666f27552d6937 (patch)
parentebf9dda2e6150e07a1e55c376043a34e6b4c70aa (diff)
Sneak: Stripped down version
Fix taking damage caused by sneaking over a nodebox gap. Fix strange behaviour on stair nodeboxes. Enable jumping from node edges while sneaking. Enable movement around corners while sneaking on a 1-node-high groove in a wall.
2 files changed, 224 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/src/localplayer.cpp b/src/localplayer.cpp
index b587f7bbb..ace0b992f 100644
--- a/src/localplayer.cpp
+++ b/src/localplayer.cpp
@@ -67,13 +67,6 @@ LocalPlayer::LocalPlayer(Client *client, const char *name):
- m_sneak_node(32767,32767,32767),
- m_sneak_node_bb_ymax(0), // To support temporary option for old move code
- m_sneak_node_bb_top(0,0,0,0,0,0),
- m_sneak_node_exists(false),
- m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node(true),
- m_sneak_ladder_detected(false),
- m_ledge_detected(false),
@@ -96,88 +89,134 @@ LocalPlayer::~LocalPlayer()
-static aabb3f getTopBoundingBox(const std::vector<aabb3f> &nodeboxes)
+static aabb3f getNodeBoundingBox(const std::vector<aabb3f> &nodeboxes)
+ if (nodeboxes.size() == 0)
+ return aabb3f(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
aabb3f b_max;
- b_max.reset(-BS, -BS, -BS);
- for (std::vector<aabb3f>::const_iterator it = nodeboxes.begin();
- it != nodeboxes.end(); ++it) {
- aabb3f box = *it;
- if (box.MaxEdge.Y > b_max.MaxEdge.Y)
- b_max = box;
- else if (box.MaxEdge.Y == b_max.MaxEdge.Y)
- b_max.addInternalBox(box);
- }
- return aabb3f(v3f(b_max.MinEdge.X, b_max.MaxEdge.Y, b_max.MinEdge.Z), b_max.MaxEdge);
-#define GETNODE(map, p3, v2, y, valid) \
- (map)->getNodeNoEx((p3) + v3s16((v2).X, y, (v2).Y), valid)
+ std::vector<aabb3f>::const_iterator it = nodeboxes.begin();
+ b_max = aabb3f(it->MinEdge, it->MaxEdge);
+ ++it;
+ for (; it != nodeboxes.end(); ++it)
+ b_max.addInternalBox(*it);
+ return b_max;
-// pos is the node the player is standing inside(!)
-static bool detectSneakLadder(Map *map, INodeDefManager *nodemgr, v3s16 pos)
+bool LocalPlayer::updateSneakNode(Map *map, const v3f &position,
+ const v3f &sneak_max)
- // Detects a structure known as "sneak ladder" or "sneak elevator"
- // that relies on bugs to provide a fast means of vertical transportation,
- // the bugs have since been fixed but this function remains to keep it working.
- // NOTE: This is just entirely a huge hack and causes way too many problems.
- bool is_valid_position;
+ static const v3s16 dir9_center[9] = {
+ v3s16( 0, 0, 0),
+ v3s16( 1, 0, 0),
+ v3s16(-1, 0, 0),
+ v3s16( 0, 0, 1),
+ v3s16( 0, 0, -1),
+ v3s16( 1, 0, 1),
+ v3s16(-1, 0, 1),
+ v3s16( 1, 0, -1),
+ v3s16(-1, 0, -1)
+ };
+ INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_client->ndef();
MapNode node;
- // X/Z vectors for 4 neighboring nodes
- static const v2s16 vecs[] = { v2s16(-1, 0), v2s16(1, 0), v2s16(0, -1), v2s16(0, 1) };
+ bool is_valid_position;
+ bool new_sneak_node_exists = m_sneak_node_exists;
- for (u16 i = 0; i < ARRLEN(vecs); i++) {
- const v2s16 vec = vecs[i];
+ // We want the top of the sneak node to be below the players feet
+ f32 position_y_mod = 0.05 * BS;
+ if (m_sneak_node_exists)
+ position_y_mod = m_sneak_node_bb_top.MaxEdge.Y - position_y_mod;
- // walkability of bottom & top node should differ
- node = GETNODE(map, pos, vec, 0, &is_valid_position);
- if (!is_valid_position)
- continue;
- bool w = nodemgr->get(node).walkable;
- node = GETNODE(map, pos, vec, 1, &is_valid_position);
- if (!is_valid_position || w == nodemgr->get(node).walkable)
+ // Get position of current standing node
+ const v3s16 current_node = floatToInt(position - v3f(0, position_y_mod, 0), BS);
+ if (current_node != m_sneak_node) {
+ new_sneak_node_exists = false;
+ } else {
+ node = map->getNodeNoEx(current_node, &is_valid_position);
+ if (!is_valid_position || !nodemgr->get(node).walkable)
+ new_sneak_node_exists = false;
+ }
+ // Keep old sneak node
+ if (new_sneak_node_exists)
+ return true;
+ // Get new sneak node
+ m_sneak_ladder_detected = false;
+ f32 min_distance_f = 100000.0 * BS;
+ for (s16 d = 0; d < 9; d++) {
+ const v3s16 p = current_node + dir9_center[d];
+ const v3f pf = intToFloat(p, BS);
+ const v2f diff(position.X - pf.X, position.Z - pf.Z);
+ f32 distance_f = diff.getLength();
+ if (distance_f > min_distance_f ||
+ fabs(diff.X) > (.5 + .1) * BS + sneak_max.X ||
+ fabs(diff.Y) > (.5 + .1) * BS + sneak_max.Z)
- // check one more node above OR below with corresponding walkability
- node = GETNODE(map, pos, vec, -1, &is_valid_position);
- bool ok = is_valid_position && w != nodemgr->get(node).walkable;
- if (!ok) {
- node = GETNODE(map, pos, vec, 2, &is_valid_position);
- ok = is_valid_position && w == nodemgr->get(node).walkable;
+ // The node to be sneaked on has to be walkable
+ node = map->getNodeNoEx(p, &is_valid_position);
+ if (!is_valid_position || !nodemgr->get(node).walkable)
+ continue;
+ // And the node(s) above have to be nonwalkable
+ bool ok = true;
+ if (!physics_override_sneak_glitch) {
+ u16 height = ceilf(
+ (m_collisionbox.MaxEdge.Y - m_collisionbox.MinEdge.Y) / BS
+ );
+ for (u16 y = 1; y <= height; y++) {
+ node = map->getNodeNoEx(p + v3s16(0, y, 0), &is_valid_position);
+ if (!is_valid_position || nodemgr->get(node).walkable) {
+ ok = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // legacy behaviour: check just one node
+ node = map->getNodeNoEx(p + v3s16(0, 1, 0), &is_valid_position);
+ ok = is_valid_position && !nodemgr->get(node).walkable;
+ if (!ok)
+ continue;
- if (ok)
- return true;
+ min_distance_f = distance_f;
+ m_sneak_node = p;
+ new_sneak_node_exists = true;
- return false;
-static bool detectLedge(Map *map, INodeDefManager *nodemgr, v3s16 pos)
- bool is_valid_position;
- MapNode node;
- // X/Z vectors for 4 neighboring nodes
- static const v2s16 vecs[] = {v2s16(-1, 0), v2s16(1, 0), v2s16(0, -1), v2s16(0, 1)};
+ if (!new_sneak_node_exists)
+ return false;
- for (u16 i = 0; i < ARRLEN(vecs); i++) {
- const v2s16 vec = vecs[i];
+ // Update saved top bounding box of sneak node
+ node = map->getNodeNoEx(m_sneak_node);
+ std::vector<aabb3f> nodeboxes;
+ node.getCollisionBoxes(nodemgr, &nodeboxes);
+ m_sneak_node_bb_top = getNodeBoundingBox(nodeboxes);
- node = GETNODE(map, pos, vec, 1, &is_valid_position);
+ if (physics_override_sneak_glitch) {
+ // Detect sneak ladder:
+ // Node two meters above sneak node must be solid
+ node = map->getNodeNoEx(m_sneak_node + v3s16(0, 2, 0),
+ &is_valid_position);
if (is_valid_position && nodemgr->get(node).walkable) {
- // Ledge exists
- node = GETNODE(map, pos, vec, 2, &is_valid_position);
- if (is_valid_position && !nodemgr->get(node).walkable)
- // Space above ledge exists
- return true;
+ // Node three meters above: must be non-solid
+ node = map->getNodeNoEx(m_sneak_node + v3s16(0, 3, 0),
+ &is_valid_position);
+ m_sneak_ladder_detected = is_valid_position &&
+ !nodemgr->get(node).walkable;
- return false;
+ return true;
-#undef GETNODE
void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
std::vector<CollisionInfo> *collision_info)
@@ -193,10 +232,8 @@ void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
v3f position = getPosition();
// Copy parent position if local player is attached
- if(isAttached)
- {
+ if (isAttached) {
- m_sneak_node_exists = false;
@@ -208,7 +245,6 @@ void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
if (free_move) {
position += m_speed * dtime;
- m_sneak_node_exists = false;
@@ -279,7 +315,6 @@ void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
|| nodemgr->get(node2.getContent()).climbable) && !free_move;
Collision uncertainty radius
Make it a bit larger than the maximum distance of movement
@@ -291,48 +326,79 @@ void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
// This should always apply, otherwise there are glitches
sanity_check(d > pos_max_d);
+ // TODO: this shouldn't be hardcoded but transmitted from server
+ float player_stepheight = (touching_ground) ? (BS * 0.6f) : (BS * 0.2f);
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+ player_stepheight += (0.6f * BS);
+ v3f accel_f = v3f(0,0,0);
+ collisionMoveResult result = collisionMoveSimple(env, m_client,
+ pos_max_d, m_collisionbox, player_stepheight, dtime,
+ &position, &m_speed, accel_f);
+ bool could_sneak = control.sneak &&
+ !(fly_allowed && g_settings->getBool("free_move")) &&
+ !in_liquid && !is_climbing &&
+ physics_override_sneak;
+ /*
+ If the player's feet touch the topside of any node, this is
+ set to true.
+ Player is allowed to jump when this is true.
+ */
+ bool touching_ground_was = touching_ground;
+ touching_ground = result.touching_ground;
+ bool sneak_can_jump = false;
// Max. distance (X, Z) over border for sneaking determined by collision box
// * 0.49 to keep the center just barely on the node
v3f sneak_max = m_collisionbox.getExtent() * 0.49;
if (m_sneak_ladder_detected) {
// restore legacy behaviour (this makes the m_speed.Y hack necessary)
sneak_max = v3f(0.4 * BS, 0, 0.4 * BS);
- If sneaking, keep in range from the last walked node and don't
- fall off from it
+ If sneaking, keep on top of last walked node and don't fall off
- if (control.sneak && m_sneak_node_exists &&
- !(fly_allowed && g_settings->getBool("free_move")) &&
- !in_liquid && !is_climbing &&
- physics_override_sneak) {
+ if (could_sneak && m_sneak_node_exists) {
const v3f sn_f = intToFloat(m_sneak_node, BS);
const v3f bmin = sn_f + m_sneak_node_bb_top.MinEdge;
const v3f bmax = sn_f + m_sneak_node_bb_top.MaxEdge;
const v3f old_pos = position;
const v3f old_speed = m_speed;
+ f32 y_diff = bmax.Y - position.Y;
- position.X = rangelim(position.X,
+ // (BS * 0.6f) is the basic stepheight while standing on ground
+ if (y_diff < BS * 0.6f) {
+ // Only center player when they're on the node
+ position.X = rangelim(position.X,
bmin.X - sneak_max.X, bmax.X + sneak_max.X);
- position.Z = rangelim(position.Z,
+ position.Z = rangelim(position.Z,
bmin.Z - sneak_max.Z, bmax.Z + sneak_max.Z);
- if (position.X != old_pos.X)
- m_speed.X = 0;
- if (position.Z != old_pos.Z)
- m_speed.Z = 0;
+ if (position.X != old_pos.X)
+ m_speed.X = 0;
+ if (position.Z != old_pos.Z)
+ m_speed.Z = 0;
+ }
- // Because we keep the player collision box on the node, limiting
- // position.Y is not necessary but useful to prevent players from
- // being inside a node if sneaking on e.g. the lower part of a stair
- if (!m_sneak_ladder_detected) {
- position.Y = MYMAX(position.Y, bmax.Y);
- } else {
- // legacy behaviour that sometimes causes some weird slow sinking
- m_speed.Y = MYMAX(m_speed.Y, 0);
+ if (y_diff > 0 && m_speed.Y < 0 &&
+ (physics_override_sneak_glitch || y_diff < BS * 0.6f)) {
+ // Move player to the maximal height when falling or when
+ // the ledge is climbed on the next step.
+ position.Y = bmax.Y;
+ m_speed.Y = 0;
+ // Allow jumping on node edges while sneaking
+ if (m_speed.Y == 0 || m_sneak_ladder_detected)
+ sneak_can_jump = true;
if (collision_info != NULL &&
m_speed.Y - old_speed.Y > BS) {
// Collide with sneak node, report fall damage
@@ -344,131 +410,19 @@ void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
- // TODO: this shouldn't be hardcoded but transmitted from server
- float player_stepheight = (touching_ground) ? (BS * 0.6f) : (BS * 0.2f);
-#ifdef __ANDROID__
- player_stepheight += (0.6f * BS);
- v3f accel_f = v3f(0,0,0);
- collisionMoveResult result = collisionMoveSimple(env, m_client,
- pos_max_d, m_collisionbox, player_stepheight, dtime,
- &position, &m_speed, accel_f);
- /*
- If the player's feet touch the topside of any node, this is
- set to true.
- Player is allowed to jump when this is true.
- */
- bool touching_ground_was = touching_ground;
- touching_ground = result.touching_ground;
- // We want the top of the sneak node to be below the players feet
- f32 position_y_mod;
- if (m_sneak_node_exists)
- position_y_mod = m_sneak_node_bb_top.MaxEdge.Y - 0.05 * BS;
- else
- position_y_mod = (0.5 - 0.05) * BS;
- v3s16 current_node = floatToInt(position - v3f(0, position_y_mod, 0), BS);
- Check the nodes under the player to see from which node the
- player is sneaking from, if any. If the node from under
- the player has been removed, the player falls.
+ Find the next sneak node if necessary
- if (m_sneak_node_exists &&
- nodemgr->get(map->getNodeNoEx(m_old_node_below)).name == "air" &&
- m_old_node_below_type != "air") {
- // Old node appears to have been removed; that is,
- // it wasn't air before but now it is
- m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node = false;
- m_sneak_node_exists = false;
- } else if (nodemgr->get(map->getNodeNoEx(current_node)).name != "air") {
- // We are on something, so make sure to recalculate the sneak
- // node.
- m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node = true;
- }
- if (m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node && physics_override_sneak) {
- v2f player_p2df(position.X, position.Z);
- f32 min_distance_f = 100000.0 * BS;
- v3s16 new_sneak_node = m_sneak_node;
- for(s16 x=-1; x<=1; x++)
- for(s16 z=-1; z<=1; z++)
- {
- v3s16 p = current_node + v3s16(x,0,z);
- v3f pf = intToFloat(p, BS);
- v2f node_p2df(pf.X, pf.Z);
- f32 distance_f = player_p2df.getDistanceFrom(node_p2df);
+ bool new_sneak_node_exists = false;
- if (distance_f > min_distance_f ||
- fabs(player_p2df.X-node_p2df.X) > (.5+.1)*BS + sneak_max.X ||
- fabs(player_p2df.Y-node_p2df.Y) > (.5+.1)*BS + sneak_max.Z)
- continue;
- // The node to be sneaked on has to be walkable
- node = map->getNodeNoEx(p, &is_valid_position);
- if (!is_valid_position || !nodemgr->get(node).walkable)
- continue;
- // And the node(s) above have to be nonwalkable
- bool ok = true;
- if (!physics_override_sneak_glitch) {
- u16 height = ceilf(
- (m_collisionbox.MaxEdge.Y - m_collisionbox.MinEdge.Y) / BS
- );
- for (u16 y = 1; y <= height; y++) {
- node = map->getNodeNoEx(p + v3s16(0,y,0), &is_valid_position);
- if (!is_valid_position || nodemgr->get(node).walkable) {
- ok = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // legacy behaviour: check just one node
- node = map->getNodeNoEx(p + v3s16(0,1,0), &is_valid_position);
- ok = is_valid_position && !nodemgr->get(node).walkable;
- }
- if (!ok)
- continue;
- min_distance_f = distance_f;
- new_sneak_node = p;
- }
- bool sneak_node_found = (min_distance_f < 100000.0 * BS);
- m_sneak_node = new_sneak_node;
- m_sneak_node_exists = sneak_node_found;
- if (sneak_node_found) {
- // Update saved top bounding box of sneak node
- MapNode n = map->getNodeNoEx(m_sneak_node);
- std::vector<aabb3f> nodeboxes;
- n.getCollisionBoxes(nodemgr, &nodeboxes);
- m_sneak_node_bb_top = getTopBoundingBox(nodeboxes);
- m_sneak_ladder_detected = physics_override_sneak_glitch &&
- detectSneakLadder(map, nodemgr, floatToInt(position, BS));
- } else {
- m_sneak_ladder_detected = false;
- }
- }
- /*
- If 'sneak glitch' enabled detect ledge for old sneak-jump
- behaviour of climbing onto a ledge 2 nodes up.
- */
- if (physics_override_sneak_glitch && control.sneak && control.jump)
- m_ledge_detected = detectLedge(map, nodemgr, floatToInt(position, BS));
+ if (could_sneak)
+ new_sneak_node_exists = updateSneakNode(map, position, sneak_max);
Set new position but keep sneak node set
- bool sneak_node_exists = m_sneak_node_exists;
- m_sneak_node_exists = sneak_node_exists;
+ m_sneak_node_exists = new_sneak_node_exists;
Report collisions
@@ -502,21 +456,14 @@ void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
- Update the node last under the player
- */
- m_old_node_below = floatToInt(position - v3f(0,BS/2,0), BS);
- m_old_node_below_type = nodemgr->get(map->getNodeNoEx(m_old_node_below)).name;
- /*
Check properties of the node on which the player is standing
const ContentFeatures &f = nodemgr->get(map->getNodeNoEx(getStandingNodePos()));
// Determine if jumping is possible
- m_can_jump = touching_ground && !in_liquid;
+ m_can_jump = (touching_ground && !in_liquid && !is_climbing)
+ || sneak_can_jump;
if (itemgroup_get(f.groups, "disable_jump"))
m_can_jump = false;
- else if (control.sneak && m_sneak_ladder_detected && !in_liquid && !is_climbing)
- m_can_jump = true;
// Jump key pressed while jumping off from a bouncy block
if (m_can_jump && control.jump && itemgroup_get(f.groups, "bouncy") &&
@@ -705,17 +652,8 @@ void LocalPlayer::applyControl(float dtime)
v3f speedJ = getSpeed();
if(speedJ.Y >= -0.5 * BS) {
- if (m_ledge_detected) {
- // Limit jump speed to a minimum that allows
- // jumping up onto a ledge 2 nodes up.
- speedJ.Y = movement_speed_jump *
- MYMAX(physics_override_jump, 1.3f);
- setSpeed(speedJ);
- m_ledge_detected = false;
- } else {
- speedJ.Y = movement_speed_jump * physics_override_jump;
- setSpeed(speedJ);
- }
+ speedJ.Y = movement_speed_jump * physics_override_jump;
+ setSpeed(speedJ);
MtEvent *e = new SimpleTriggerEvent("PlayerJump");
diff --git a/src/localplayer.h b/src/localplayer.h
index 9cbefae23..32714ff32 100644
--- a/src/localplayer.h
+++ b/src/localplayer.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include "player.h"
#include "environment.h"
+#include "constants.h"
#include <list>
class Client;
@@ -44,27 +45,29 @@ public:
LocalPlayer(Client *client, const char *name);
virtual ~LocalPlayer();
- ClientActiveObject *parent;
+ ClientActiveObject *parent = nullptr;
- u16 hp;
- bool isAttached;
- bool touching_ground;
+ // Initialize hp to 0, so that no hearts will be shown if server
+ // doesn't support health points
+ u16 hp = 0;
+ bool isAttached = false;
+ bool touching_ground = false;
// This oscillates so that the player jumps a bit above the surface
- bool in_liquid;
+ bool in_liquid = false;
// This is more stable and defines the maximum speed of the player
- bool in_liquid_stable;
+ bool in_liquid_stable = false;
// Gets the viscosity of water to calculate friction
- u8 liquid_viscosity;
- bool is_climbing;
- bool swimming_vertical;
- float physics_override_speed;
- float physics_override_jump;
- float physics_override_gravity;
- bool physics_override_sneak;
- bool physics_override_sneak_glitch;
+ u8 liquid_viscosity = 0;
+ bool is_climbing = false;
+ bool swimming_vertical = false;
+ float physics_override_speed = 1.0f;
+ float physics_override_jump = 1.0f;
+ float physics_override_gravity = 1.0f;
+ bool physics_override_sneak = true;
+ bool physics_override_sneak_glitch = false;
// Temporary option for old move code
- bool physics_override_new_move;
+ bool physics_override_new_move = true;
v3f overridePosition;
@@ -83,32 +86,32 @@ public:
// Used to check if anything changed and prevent sending packets if not
v3f last_position;
v3f last_speed;
- float last_pitch;
- float last_yaw;
- unsigned int last_keyPressed;
- u8 last_camera_fov;
- u8 last_wanted_range;
+ float last_pitch = 0.0f;
+ float last_yaw = 0.0f;
+ unsigned int last_keyPressed = 0;
+ u8 last_camera_fov = 0;
+ u8 last_wanted_range = 0;
- float camera_impact;
+ float camera_impact = 0.0f;
- bool makes_footstep_sound;
+ bool makes_footstep_sound = true;
- int last_animation;
+ int last_animation = NO_ANIM;
float last_animation_speed;
- std::string hotbar_image;
- std::string hotbar_selected_image;
+ std::string hotbar_image = "";
+ std::string hotbar_selected_image = "";
- video::SColor light_color;
+ video::SColor light_color = video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
- float hurt_tilt_timer;
- float hurt_tilt_strength;
+ float hurt_tilt_timer = 0.0f;
+ float hurt_tilt_strength = 0.0f;
GenericCAO *getCAO() const { return m_cao; }
void setCAO(GenericCAO *toset)
- assert(m_cao == NULL); // Pre-condition
+ assert(!m_cao); // Pre-condition
m_cao = toset;
@@ -140,38 +143,39 @@ public:
void accelerateHorizontal(const v3f &target_speed, const f32 max_increase);
void accelerateVertical(const v3f &target_speed, const f32 max_increase);
+ bool updateSneakNode(Map *map, const v3f &position, const v3f &sneak_max);
v3f m_position;
- v3s16 m_sneak_node;
- // Stores the max player uplift by m_sneak_node
- // To support temporary option for old move code
- f32 m_sneak_node_bb_ymax;
+ v3s16 m_sneak_node = v3s16(32767, 32767, 32767);
// Stores the top bounding box of m_sneak_node
- aabb3f m_sneak_node_bb_top;
+ aabb3f m_sneak_node_bb_top = aabb3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Whether the player is allowed to sneak
- bool m_sneak_node_exists;
- // Whether recalculation of m_sneak_node and its top bbox is needed
- bool m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node;
+ bool m_sneak_node_exists = false;
// Whether a "sneak ladder" structure is detected at the players pos
// see detectSneakLadder() in the .cpp for more info (always false if disabled)
- bool m_sneak_ladder_detected;
- // Whether a 2-node-up ledge is detected at the players pos,
- // see detectLedge() in the .cpp for more info (always false if disabled).
- bool m_ledge_detected;
+ bool m_sneak_ladder_detected = false;
+ // ***** Variables for temporary option of the old move code *****
+ // Stores the max player uplift by m_sneak_node
+ f32 m_sneak_node_bb_ymax = 0.0f;
+ // Whether recalculation of m_sneak_node and its top bbox is needed
+ bool m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node = true;
// Node below player, used to determine whether it has been removed,
// and its old type
- v3s16 m_old_node_below;
- std::string m_old_node_below_type;
- bool m_can_jump;
- u16 m_breath;
- f32 m_yaw;
- f32 m_pitch;
- bool camera_barely_in_ceiling;
- aabb3f m_collisionbox;
- GenericCAO *m_cao;
+ v3s16 m_old_node_below = v3s16(32767, 32767, 32767);
+ std::string m_old_node_below_type = "air";
+ // ***** End of variables for temporary option *****
+ bool m_can_jump = false;
+ u16 m_breath = PLAYER_MAX_BREATH;
+ f32 m_yaw = 0.0f;
+ f32 m_pitch = 0.0f;
+ bool camera_barely_in_ceiling = false;
+ aabb3f m_collisionbox = aabb3f(-BS * 0.30f, 0.0f, -BS * 0.30f, BS * 0.30f,
+ BS * 1.75f, BS * 0.30f);
+ GenericCAO *m_cao = nullptr;
Client *m_client;