path: root/builtin
diff options
authorrubenwardy <rw@rubenwardy.com>2018-04-17 14:54:50 +0100
committerrubenwardy <rw@rubenwardy.com>2018-04-19 20:14:53 +0100
commit87ad4d8e7f25210cd28d9f2b372aa00aa3dab929 (patch)
treeddeeed2ddca984f0999437517bfdca120919ecd2 /builtin
parent36eb823b1cebc92cd7802368ab0bdc5b3679a3cd (diff)
Add online content repository
Replaces mods and texture pack tabs with a single content tab
Diffstat (limited to 'builtin')
-rw-r--r--builtin/mainmenu/dlg_delete_content.lua (renamed from builtin/mainmenu/dlg_delete_mod.lua)48
-rw-r--r--builtin/mainmenu/pkgmgr.lua (renamed from builtin/mainmenu/modmgr.lua)377
16 files changed, 1036 insertions, 595 deletions
diff --git a/builtin/common/filterlist.lua b/builtin/common/filterlist.lua
index 562231192..1ba1d8741 100644
--- a/builtin/common/filterlist.lua
+++ b/builtin/common/filterlist.lua
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ function filterlist.create(raw_fct,compare_fct,uid_match_fct,filter_fct,fetch_pa
assert((raw_fct ~= nil) and (type(raw_fct) == "function"))
assert((compare_fct ~= nil) and (type(compare_fct) == "function"))
local self = {}
self.m_raw_list_fct = raw_fct
self.m_compare_fct = compare_fct
self.m_filter_fct = filter_fct
self.m_uid_match_fct = uid_match_fct
self.m_filtercriteria = nil
self.m_fetch_param = fetch_param
self.m_sortmode = "none"
self.m_sort_list = {}
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function filterlist.create(raw_fct,compare_fct,uid_match_fct,filter_fct,fetch_pa
self.refresh = filterlist.refresh
return self
@@ -128,49 +128,49 @@ function filterlist.get_raw_element(self,idx)
if type(idx) ~= "number" then
idx = tonumber(idx)
if idx ~= nil and idx > 0 and idx <= #self.m_raw_list then
return self.m_raw_list[idx]
return nil
function filterlist.get_raw_index(self,listindex)
assert(self.m_processed_list ~= nil)
if listindex ~= nil and listindex > 0 and
listindex <= #self.m_processed_list then
local entry = self.m_processed_list[listindex]
for i,v in ipairs(self.m_raw_list) do
if self.m_compare_fct(v,entry) then
return i
return 0
function filterlist.get_current_index(self,listindex)
assert(self.m_processed_list ~= nil)
if listindex ~= nil and listindex > 0 and
listindex <= #self.m_raw_list then
local entry = self.m_raw_list[listindex]
for i,v in ipairs(self.m_processed_list) do
if self.m_compare_fct(v,entry) then
return i
return 0
@@ -183,23 +183,23 @@ function filterlist.process(self)
self.m_processed_list = self.m_raw_list
self.m_processed_list = {}
for k,v in pairs(self.m_raw_list) do
if self.m_filtercriteria == nil or
self.m_filter_fct(v,self.m_filtercriteria) then
self.m_processed_list[#self.m_processed_list + 1] = v
if self.m_sortmode == "none" then
if self.m_sort_list[self.m_sortmode] ~= nil and
type(self.m_sort_list[self.m_sortmode]) == "function" then
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ function filterlist.size(self)
if self.m_processed_list == nil then
return 0
return #self.m_processed_list
@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ function filterlist.raw_index_by_uid(self, uid)
elementidx = i
-- If there are more elements than one with same name uid can't decide which
-- one is meant. self shouldn't be possible but just for sure.
if elementcount > 1 then
@@ -254,11 +254,11 @@ function compare_worlds(world1,world2)
if world1.path ~= world2.path then
return false
if world1.name ~= world2.name then
return false
if world1.gameid ~= world2.gameid then
return false
@@ -288,11 +288,11 @@ function sort_mod_list(self)
table.sort(self.m_processed_list, function(a, b)
-- Show game mods at bottom
- if a.typ ~= b.typ then
- if b.typ == "game" then
- return a.typ ~= "game_mod"
+ if a.type ~= b.type or a.loc ~= b.loc then
+ if b.type == "game" then
+ return a.loc ~= "game"
- return b.typ == "game_mod"
+ return b.loc == "game"
-- If in same or no modpack, sort by name
if a.modpack == b.modpack then
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ function sort_mod_list(self)
elseif b.name == a.modpack then
return false
local name_a = a.modpack or a.name
local name_b = b.modpack or b.name
if name_a:lower() == name_b:lower() then
diff --git a/builtin/common/misc_helpers.lua b/builtin/common/misc_helpers.lua
index aa118b443..43a6dda48 100644
--- a/builtin/common/misc_helpers.lua
+++ b/builtin/common/misc_helpers.lua
@@ -551,6 +551,16 @@ function table.copy(t, seen)
return n
+function table.insert_all(t, other)
+ for i=1, #other do
+ t[#t + 1] = other[i]
+ end
+ return t
-- mainmenu only functions
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/common.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/common.lua
index 7eb941775..7c0cbae4d 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/common.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/common.lua
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ local function render_client_count(n)
local function configure_selected_world_params(idx)
- local worldconfig = modmgr.get_worldconfig(menudata.worldlist:get_list()[idx].path)
+ local worldconfig = pkgmgr.get_worldconfig(menudata.worldlist:get_list()[idx].path)
if worldconfig.creative_mode then
core.settings:set("creative_mode", worldconfig.creative_mode)
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_config_world.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_config_world.lua
index fcedadea8..33c5d9bba 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_config_world.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_config_world.lua
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ local function get_formspec(data)
mod = {name=""}
- local hard_deps, soft_deps = modmgr.get_dependencies(mod.path)
+ local hard_deps, soft_deps = pkgmgr.get_dependencies(mod.path)
retval = retval ..
"label[0,0.7;" .. fgettext("Mod:") .. "]" ..
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ local function get_formspec(data)
retval = retval ..
"tablecolumns[color;tree;text]" ..
- retval = retval .. modmgr.render_modlist(data.list)
+ retval = retval .. pkgmgr.render_packagelist(data.list)
retval = retval .. ";" .. data.selected_mod .."]"
return retval
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ function create_configure_world_dlg(worldidx)
dlg.data.worldspec = core.get_worlds()[worldidx]
if dlg.data.worldspec == nil then dlg:delete() return nil end
- dlg.data.worldconfig = modmgr.get_worldconfig(dlg.data.worldspec.path)
+ dlg.data.worldconfig = pkgmgr.get_worldconfig(dlg.data.worldspec.path)
if dlg.data.worldconfig == nil or dlg.data.worldconfig.id == nil or
dlg.data.worldconfig.id == "" then
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ function create_configure_world_dlg(worldidx)
dlg.data.list = filterlist.create(
- modmgr.preparemodlist, --refresh
- modmgr.comparemod, --compare
+ pkgmgr.preparemodlist, --refresh
+ pkgmgr.comparemod, --compare
function(element,uid) --uid match
if element.name == uid then
return true
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_contentstore.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_contentstore.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e9b90cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_contentstore.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+--Copyright (C) 2018 rubenwardy
+--This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+--it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+--the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+--(at your option) any later version.
+--This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+--but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+--GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+--You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+--with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+--51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+local function download_package(param)
+ if core.download_file(param.package.url, param.filename) then
+ return {
+ package = param.package,
+ filename = param.filename,
+ successful = true,
+ }
+ else
+ core.log("error", "downloading " .. dump(param.package.url) .. " failed")
+ return {
+ package = param.package,
+ successful = false,
+ }
+ end
+local function start_install(calling_dialog, package)
+ local params = {
+ package = package,
+ filename = os.tempfolder() .. "_MODNAME_" .. package.name .. ".zip",
+ }
+ local function callback(result)
+ if result.successful then
+ local path, msg = pkgmgr.install(result.package.type, result.filename, result.package.name)
+ if not path then
+ gamedata.errormessage = msg
+ else
+ local conf_path
+ local name_is_title = false
+ if result.package.type == "mod" then
+ conf_path = path .. DIR_DELIM .. "mod.conf"
+ elseif result.package.type == "game" then
+ conf_path = path .. DIR_DELIM .. "game.conf"
+ name_is_title = true
+ elseif result.package.type == "txp" then
+ conf_path = path .. DIR_DELIM .. "texture_pack.conf"
+ end
+ if conf_path then
+ local conf = Settings(conf_path)
+ local function set_def(key, value)
+ if conf:get(key) == nil then
+ conf:set(key, value)
+ end
+ end
+ if name_is_title then
+ set_def("name", result.package.title)
+ else
+ set_def("title", result.package.title)
+ set_def("name", result.package.name)
+ end
+ set_def("description", result.package.short_description)
+ set_def("author", result.package.author)
+ conf:write()
+ end
+ end
+ os.remove(result.filename)
+ else
+ gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Failed to download $1", package.name)
+ end
+ if gamedata.errormessage == nil then
+ core.button_handler({btn_hidden_close_download=result})
+ else
+ core.button_handler({btn_hidden_close_download={successful=false}})
+ end
+ end
+ if not core.handle_async(download_package, params, callback) then
+ minetest.log("error", "ERROR: async event failed")
+ gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Failed to download $1", package.name)
+ end
+ local new_dlg = dialog_create("store_downloading",
+ function(data)
+ return "size[7,2]label[0.25,0.75;" ..
+ fgettext("Downloading and installing $1, please wait...", data.title) .. "]"
+ end,
+ function(this,fields)
+ if fields["btn_hidden_close_download"] ~= nil then
+ this:delete()
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+ end,
+ nil)
+ new_dlg:set_parent(calling_dialog)
+ new_dlg.data.title = package.title
+ calling_dialog:hide()
+ new_dlg:show()
+local package_dialog = {}
+function package_dialog.get_formspec()
+ local package = package_dialog.package
+ local formspec = {
+ "size[8,4;true]",
+ "label[2.5,0.2;", core.formspec_escape(package.title), "]",
+ "label[0,1;", core.formspec_escape(package.short_description), "]",
+ "button[0,0;2,1;back;", fgettext("Back"), "]",
+ "button[6,0;2,1;install;", fgettext("Install"), "]",
+ }
+ -- TODO: screenshots
+ return table.concat(formspec, "")
+function package_dialog.handle_submit(this, fields, tabname, tabdata)
+ if fields.back then
+ this:delete()
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields.install then
+ start_install(package_dialog.package)
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function package_dialog.create(package)
+ package_dialog.package = package
+ return dialog_create("package_view",
+ package_dialog.get_formspec,
+ package_dialog.handle_submit,
+ nil)
+local store = {}
+local search_string = ""
+local cur_page = 1
+local num_per_page = 5
+local filter_type = 1
+local filter_types_titles = {
+ fgettext("All packages"),
+ fgettext("Games"),
+ fgettext("Mods"),
+ fgettext("Texture packs"),
+local filter_types_type = {
+ nil,
+ "game",
+ "mod",
+ "txp",
+function store.load()
+ store.packages_full = core.get_package_list()
+ store.packages = store.packages_full
+ store.loaded = true
+function store.update_paths()
+ local mod_hash = {}
+ pkgmgr.refresh_globals()
+ for _, mod in pairs(pkgmgr.global_mods:get_list()) do
+ mod_hash[mod.name] = mod
+ end
+ local game_hash = {}
+ pkgmgr.update_gamelist()
+ for _, game in pairs(pkgmgr.games) do
+ game_hash[game.id] = game
+ end
+ local txp_hash = {}
+ for _, txp in pairs(pkgmgr.get_texture_packs()) do
+ txp_hash[txp.name] = txp
+ end
+ for _, package in pairs(store.packages_full) do
+ local content
+ if package.type == "mod" then
+ content = mod_hash[package.name]
+ elseif package.type == "game" then
+ content = game_hash[package.name]
+ elseif package.type == "txp" then
+ content = txp_hash[package.name]
+ end
+ if content and content.author == package.author then
+ package.path = content.path
+ else
+ package.path = nil
+ end
+ end
+function store.filter_packages(query)
+ if query == "" and filter_type == 1 then
+ store.packages = store.packages_full
+ return
+ end
+ local keywords = {}
+ for word in query:lower():gmatch("%S+") do
+ table.insert(keywords, word)
+ end
+ local function matches_keywords(package, keywords)
+ for k = 1, #keywords do
+ local keyword = keywords[k]
+ if string.find(package.name:lower(), keyword, 1, true) or
+ string.find(package.title:lower(), keyword, 1, true) or
+ string.find(package.author:lower(), keyword, 1, true) or
+ string.find(package.short_description:lower(), keyword, 1, true) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ store.packages = {}
+ for _, package in pairs(store.packages_full) do
+ if (query == "" or matches_keywords(package, keywords)) and
+ (filter_type == 1 or package.type == filter_types_type[filter_type]) then
+ store.packages[#store.packages + 1] = package
+ end
+ end
+function store.get_formspec()
+ assert(store.loaded)
+ store.update_paths()
+ local pages = math.ceil(#store.packages / num_per_page)
+ if cur_page > pages then
+ cur_page = 1
+ end
+ local formspec = {
+ "size[12,6.5;true]",
+ "field[0.3,0.1;10.2,1;search_string;;", core.formspec_escape(search_string), "]",
+ "field_close_on_enter[search_string;false]",
+ "button[10.2,-0.2;2,1;search;", fgettext("Search"), "]",
+ "dropdown[0,1;2.4;type;",
+ table.concat(filter_types_titles, ","),
+ ";",
+ filter_type,
+ "]",
+ -- "textlist[0,1;2.4,5.6;a;",
+ -- table.concat(taglist, ","),
+ -- "]"
+ }
+ local start_idx = (cur_page - 1) * num_per_page + 1
+ for i=start_idx, math.min(#store.packages, start_idx+num_per_page-1) do
+ local package = store.packages[i]
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "container[3,"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = i - start_idx + 1
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ -- image
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "image[-0.4,0;1.5,1;"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = defaulttexturedir
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "no_screenshot.png"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ -- title
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "label[1,0;"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = core.formspec_escape(package.title ..
+ " by " .. package.author)
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ -- description
+ local short = package.short_description
+ if #short > 60 then
+ short = short:sub(1, 59) .. "…"
+ end
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "label[1,0.3;"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = core.formspec_escape(short)
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ -- buttons
+ if package.path then
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "button[6,0;1.5,1;uninstall_"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = tostring(i)
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = ";"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = fgettext("Uninstall")
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ else
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "button[6,0;1.5,1;install_"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = tostring(i)
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = ";"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = fgettext("Install")
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ end
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "button[7.5,0;1.5,1;view_"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = tostring(i)
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = ";"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = fgettext("View")
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "container_end[]"
+ end
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "container[0,"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = num_per_page + 1
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "button[2.6,0;3,1;back;"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = fgettext("Back to Main Menu")
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "button[7,0;1,1;pstart;<<]"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "button[8,0;1,1;pback;<]"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "label[9.2,0.2;"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = tonumber(cur_page)
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = " / "
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = tonumber(pages)
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "button[10,0;1,1;pnext;>]"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "button[11,0;1,1;pend;>>]"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "container_end[]"
+ formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]"
+ return table.concat(formspec, "")
+function store.handle_submit(this, fields, tabname, tabdata)
+ if fields.search or fields.key_enter_field == "search_string" then
+ search_string = fields.search_string:trim()
+ cur_page = 1
+ store.filter_packages(search_string)
+ core.update_formspec(store.get_formspec())
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields.back then
+ this:delete()
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields.pstart then
+ cur_page = 1
+ core.update_formspec(store.get_formspec())
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields.pend then
+ cur_page = math.ceil(#store.packages / num_per_page)
+ core.update_formspec(store.get_formspec())
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields.pnext then
+ cur_page = cur_page + 1
+ local pages = math.ceil(#store.packages / num_per_page)
+ if cur_page > pages then
+ cur_page = 1
+ end
+ core.update_formspec(store.get_formspec())
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields.pback then
+ if cur_page == 1 then
+ local pages = math.ceil(#store.packages / num_per_page)
+ cur_page = pages
+ else
+ cur_page = cur_page - 1
+ end
+ core.update_formspec(store.get_formspec())
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields.type then
+ local new_type = table.indexof(filter_types_titles, fields.type)
+ if new_type ~= filter_type then
+ filter_type = new_type
+ store.filter_packages(search_string)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ local start_idx = (cur_page - 1) * num_per_page + 1
+ assert(start_idx ~= nil)
+ for i=start_idx, math.min(#store.packages, start_idx+num_per_page-1) do
+ local package = store.packages[i]
+ assert(package)
+ if fields["install_" .. i] then
+ start_install(this, package)
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields["uninstall_" .. i] then
+ local dlg_delmod = create_delete_content_dlg(package)
+ dlg_delmod:set_parent(this)
+ this:hide()
+ dlg_delmod:show()
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields["view_" .. i] then
+ local dlg = package_dialog.create(package)
+ dlg:set_parent(this)
+ this:hide()
+ dlg:show()
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function create_store_dlg(type)
+ if not store.loaded then
+ store.load()
+ end
+ search_string = ""
+ cur_page = 1
+ store.filter_packages(search_string)
+ return dialog_create("store",
+ store.get_formspec,
+ store.handle_submit,
+ nil)
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_create_world.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_create_world.lua
index 134eeebc1..968b1fc74 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_create_world.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_create_world.lua
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ local function create_world_formspec(dialogdata)
local game, gameidx = nil , 0
if gameid ~= nil then
- game, gameidx = gamemgr.find_by_gameid(gameid)
+ game, gameidx = pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(gameid)
if gameidx == nil then
gameidx = 0
@@ -77,17 +77,17 @@ local function create_world_formspec(dialogdata)
"dropdown[4.2,2;6.3;dd_mapgen;" .. mglist .. ";" .. selindex .. "]" ..
"label[2,3;" .. fgettext("Game") .. "]"..
- "textlist[4.2,3;5.8,2.3;games;" .. gamemgr.gamelist() ..
+ "textlist[4.2,3;5.8,2.3;games;" .. pkgmgr.gamelist() ..
";" .. gameidx .. ";true]" ..
"button[3.25,6;2.5,0.5;world_create_confirm;" .. fgettext("Create") .. "]" ..
"button[5.75,6;2.5,0.5;world_create_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]"
- if #gamemgr.games == 0 then
+ if #pkgmgr.games == 0 then
retval = retval .. "box[2,4;8,1;#ff8800]label[2.25,4;" ..
fgettext("You have no games installed.") .. "]label[2.25,4.4;" ..
fgettext("Download one from minetest.net") .. "]"
- elseif #gamemgr.games == 1 and gamemgr.games[1].id == "minimal" then
+ elseif #pkgmgr.games == 1 and pkgmgr.games[1].id == "minimal" then
retval = retval .. "box[1.75,4;8.7,1;#ff8800]label[2,4;" ..
fgettext("Warning: The minimal development test is meant for developers.") .. "]label[2,4.4;" ..
fgettext("Download a game, such as minetest_game, from minetest.net") .. "]"
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ local function create_world_buttonhandler(this, fields)
if message ~= nil then
gamedata.errormessage = message
- core.settings:set("menu_last_game",gamemgr.games[gameindex].id)
+ core.settings:set("menu_last_game",pkgmgr.games[gameindex].id)
if this.data.update_worldlist_filter then
- menudata.worldlist:set_filtercriteria(gamemgr.games[gameindex].id)
- mm_texture.update("singleplayer", gamemgr.games[gameindex].id)
+ menudata.worldlist:set_filtercriteria(pkgmgr.games[gameindex].id)
+ mm_texture.update("singleplayer", pkgmgr.games[gameindex].id)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ local function create_world_buttonhandler(this, fields)
if fields["games"] then
local gameindex = core.get_textlist_index("games")
- core.settings:set("menu_last_game", gamemgr.games[gameindex].id)
+ core.settings:set("menu_last_game", pkgmgr.games[gameindex].id)
return true
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_delete_mod.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_delete_content.lua
index 2efd70414..8bc80b103 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_delete_mod.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_delete_content.lua
@@ -17,39 +17,38 @@
-local function delete_mod_formspec(dialogdata)
- dialogdata.mod = modmgr.global_mods:get_list()[dialogdata.selected]
+local function delete_content_formspec(dialogdata)
local retval =
"size[11.5,4.5,true]" ..
"label[2,2;" ..
- fgettext("Are you sure you want to delete \"$1\"?", dialogdata.mod.name) .. "]"..
- "button[3.25,3.5;2.5,0.5;dlg_delete_mod_confirm;" .. fgettext("Delete") .. "]" ..
- "button[5.75,3.5;2.5,0.5;dlg_delete_mod_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]"
+ fgettext("Are you sure you want to delete \"$1\"?", dialogdata.content.name) .. "]"..
+ "button[3.25,3.5;2.5,0.5;dlg_delete_content_confirm;" .. fgettext("Delete") .. "]" ..
+ "button[5.75,3.5;2.5,0.5;dlg_delete_content_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]"
return retval
-local function delete_mod_buttonhandler(this, fields)
- if fields["dlg_delete_mod_confirm"] ~= nil then
+local function delete_content_buttonhandler(this, fields)
+ if fields["dlg_delete_content_confirm"] ~= nil then
- if this.data.mod.path ~= nil and
- this.data.mod.path ~= "" and
- this.data.mod.path ~= core.get_modpath() then
- if not core.delete_dir(this.data.mod.path) then
- gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Modmgr: failed to delete \"$1\"", this.data.mod.path)
+ if this.data.content.path ~= nil and
+ this.data.content.path ~= "" and
+ this.data.content.path ~= core.get_modpath() and
+ this.data.content.path ~= core.get_gamepath() and
+ this.data.content.path ~= core.get_texturepath() then
+ if not core.delete_dir(this.data.content.path) then
+ gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("pkgmgr: failed to delete \"$1\"", this.data.content.path)
- modmgr.refresh_globals()
+ pkgmgr.refresh_globals()
- gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Modmgr: invalid modpath \"$1\"", this.data.mod.path)
+ gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("pkgmgr: invalid path \"$1\"", this.data.content.path)
return true
- if fields["dlg_delete_mod_cancel"] then
+ if fields["dlg_delete_content_cancel"] then
return true
@@ -58,12 +57,13 @@ local function delete_mod_buttonhandler(this, fields)
-function create_delete_mod_dlg(selected_index)
+function create_delete_content_dlg(content)
+ assert(content.name)
- local retval = dialog_create("dlg_delete_mod",
- delete_mod_formspec,
- delete_mod_buttonhandler,
+ local retval = dialog_create("dlg_delete_content",
+ delete_content_formspec,
+ delete_content_buttonhandler,
- retval.data.selected = selected_index
+ retval.data.content = content
return retval
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_rename_modpack.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_rename_modpack.lua
index 959c65d9b..2b383993f 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_rename_modpack.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_rename_modpack.lua
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
local function rename_modpack_formspec(dialogdata)
- dialogdata.mod = modmgr.global_mods:get_list()[dialogdata.selected]
+ dialogdata.mod = pkgmgr.global_mods:get_list()[dialogdata.selected]
local retval =
"size[11.5,4.5,true]" ..
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ local function rename_modpack_formspec(dialogdata)
fgettext("Accept") .. "]" ..
fgettext("Cancel") .. "]"
return retval
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ local function rename_modpack_buttonhandler(this, fields)
local oldpath = core.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. this.data.mod.name
local targetpath = core.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. fields["te_modpack_name"]
- modmgr.refresh_globals()
- modmgr.selected_mod = modmgr.global_mods:get_current_index(
- modmgr.global_mods:raw_index_by_uid(fields["te_modpack_name"]))
+ pkgmgr.refresh_globals()
+ pkgmgr.selected_mod = pkgmgr.global_mods:get_current_index(
+ pkgmgr.global_mods:raw_index_by_uid(fields["te_modpack_name"]))
return true
if fields["dlg_rename_modpack_cancel"] then
return true
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua
index 7d524eb80..2e6617aa7 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ local function parse_config_file(read_all, parse_mods)
-- Parse games
local games_category_initialized = false
local index = 1
- local game = gamemgr.get_game(index)
+ local game = pkgmgr.get_game(index)
while game do
local path = game.path .. DIR_DELIM .. FILENAME
local file = io.open(path, "r")
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ local function parse_config_file(read_all, parse_mods)
index = index + 1
- game = gamemgr.get_game(index)
+ game = pkgmgr.get_game(index)
-- Parse mods
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/gamemgr.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/gamemgr.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fd6025fcd..000000000
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/gamemgr.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
---Copyright (C) 2013 sapier
---This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
---it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
---the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
---(at your option) any later version.
---This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
---but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
---GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
---You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
---with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
---51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-gamemgr = {}
-function gamemgr.find_by_gameid(gameid)
- for i=1,#gamemgr.games,1 do
- if gamemgr.games[i].id == gameid then
- return gamemgr.games[i], i
- end
- end
- return nil, nil
-function gamemgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, retval)
- if gamespec ~= nil and
- gamespec.gamemods_path ~= nil and
- gamespec.gamemods_path ~= "" then
- get_mods(gamespec.gamemods_path, retval)
- end
-function gamemgr.get_game_modlist(gamespec)
- local retval = ""
- local game_mods = {}
- gamemgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, game_mods)
- for i=1,#game_mods,1 do
- if retval ~= "" then
- retval = retval..","
- end
- retval = retval .. game_mods[i].name
- end
- return retval
-function gamemgr.get_game(index)
- if index > 0 and index <= #gamemgr.games then
- return gamemgr.games[index]
- end
- return nil
-function gamemgr.update_gamelist()
- gamemgr.games = core.get_games()
-function gamemgr.gamelist()
- local retval = ""
- if #gamemgr.games > 0 then
- retval = retval .. core.formspec_escape(gamemgr.games[1].name)
- for i=2,#gamemgr.games,1 do
- retval = retval .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(gamemgr.games[i].name)
- end
- end
- return retval
--- read initial data
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/init.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/init.lua
index 1861a835e..d959cd902 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/init.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/init.lua
@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ dofile(basepath .. "fstk" .. DIR_DELIM .. "dialog.lua")
dofile(basepath .. "fstk" .. DIR_DELIM .. "tabview.lua")
dofile(basepath .. "fstk" .. DIR_DELIM .. "ui.lua")
dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "common.lua")
-dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "gamemgr.lua")
-dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "modmgr.lua")
+dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "pkgmgr.lua")
dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "textures.lua")
dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_config_world.lua")
dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_settings_advanced.lua")
+dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_contentstore.lua")
if menustyle ~= "simple" then
dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_create_world.lua")
- dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_delete_mod.lua")
+ dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_delete_content.lua")
dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_delete_world.lua")
dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_rename_modpack.lua")
@@ -54,14 +54,13 @@ end
local tabs = {}
tabs.settings = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_settings.lua")
-tabs.mods = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_mods.lua")
-tabs.credits = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_credits.lua")
+tabs.content = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_content.lua")
+tabs.credits = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_credits.lua")
if menustyle == "simple" then
tabs.simple_main = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_simple_main.lua")
tabs.local_game = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_local.lua")
tabs.play_online = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_online.lua")
- tabs.texturepacks = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_texturepacks.lua")
@@ -134,16 +133,14 @@ local function init_globals()
if menustyle == "simple" then
- tv_main:add(tabs.settings)
- tv_main:add(tabs.settings)
- tv_main:add(tabs.texturepacks)
- tv_main:add(tabs.mods)
+ tv_main:add(tabs.content)
+ tv_main:add(tabs.settings)
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/modmgr.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/pkgmgr.lua
index 185bcd639..b83488848 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/modmgr.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/pkgmgr.lua
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ function get_mods(path,retval,modpack)
toadd.name = name
+ toadd.author = mod_conf.author
toadd.path = prefix
+ toadd.type = "mod"
if modpack ~= nil and modpack ~= "" then
toadd.modpack = modpack
@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ function get_mods(path,retval,modpack)
local modpackfile = io.open(prefix .. "modpack.txt")
if modpackfile then
+ toadd.type = "modpack"
toadd.is_modpack = true
get_mods(prefix, retval, name)
@@ -48,10 +51,46 @@ function get_mods(path,retval,modpack)
--modmanager implementation
-modmgr = {}
+pkgmgr = {}
+function pkgmgr.get_texture_packs()
+ local txtpath = core.get_texturepath()
+ local list = core.get_dir_list(txtpath, true)
+ local retval = {}
+ local current_texture_path = core.settings:get("texture_path")
+ for _, item in ipairs(list) do
+ if item ~= "base" then
+ local name = item
+ local path = txtpath .. DIR_DELIM .. item .. DIR_DELIM
+ if path == current_texture_path then
+ name = fgettext("$1 (Enabled)", name)
+ end
+ local conf = Settings(path .. "texture_pack.conf")
+ retval[#retval + 1] = {
+ name = item,
+ author = conf:get("author"),
+ list_name = name,
+ type = "txp",
+ path = path,
+ enabled = path == current_texture_path,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(retval, function(a, b)
+ return a.name > b.name
+ end)
+ return retval
-function modmgr.extract(modfile)
+function pkgmgr.extract(modfile)
if modfile.type == "zip" then
local tempfolder = os.tempfolder()
@@ -66,72 +105,60 @@ function modmgr.extract(modfile)
return nil
-function modmgr.getbasefolder(temppath)
+function pkgmgr.get_folder_type(path)
+ local testfile = io.open(path .. DIR_DELIM .. "init.lua","r")
+ if testfile ~= nil then
+ testfile:close()
+ return { type = "mod", path = path }
+ end
- if temppath == nil then
- return {
- type = "invalid",
- path = ""
- }
+ testfile = io.open(path .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.txt","r")
+ if testfile ~= nil then
+ testfile:close()
+ return { type = "modpack", path = path }
- local testfile = io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. "init.lua","r")
+ testfile = io.open(path .. DIR_DELIM .. "game.conf","r")
if testfile ~= nil then
- return {
- type="mod",
- path=temppath
- }
+ return { type = "game", path = path }
- testfile = io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.txt","r")
+ testfile = io.open(path .. DIR_DELIM .. "texture_pack.conf","r")
if testfile ~= nil then
- return {
- type="modpack",
- path=temppath
- }
+ return { type = "txp", path = path }
- local subdirs = core.get_dir_list(temppath, true)
+ return nil
- --only single mod or modpack allowed
- if #subdirs ~= 1 then
- return {
- type = "invalid",
- path = ""
- }
+function pkgmgr.get_base_folder(temppath)
+ if temppath == nil then
+ return { type = "invalid", path = "" }
- testfile =
- io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1] ..DIR_DELIM .."init.lua","r")
- if testfile ~= nil then
- testfile:close()
- return {
- type="mod",
- path= temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1]
- }
+ local ret = pkgmgr.get_folder_type(temppath)
+ if ret then
+ return ret
- testfile =
- io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1] ..DIR_DELIM .."modpack.txt","r")
- if testfile ~= nil then
- testfile:close()
- return {
- type="modpack",
- path=temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1]
- }
+ local subdirs = core.get_dir_list(temppath, true)
+ if #subdirs == 1 then
+ ret = pkgmgr.get_folder_type(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1])
+ if ret then
+ return ret
+ else
+ return { type = "invalid", path = temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1] }
+ end
- return {
- type = "invalid",
- path = ""
- }
+ return nil
-function modmgr.isValidModname(modpath)
+function pkgmgr.isValidModname(modpath)
if modpath:find("-") ~= nil then
return false
@@ -140,7 +167,7 @@ function modmgr.isValidModname(modpath)
-function modmgr.parse_register_line(line)
+function pkgmgr.parse_register_line(line)
local pos1 = line:find("\"")
local pos2 = nil
if pos1 ~= nil then
@@ -167,7 +194,7 @@ function modmgr.parse_register_line(line)
-function modmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line)
+function pkgmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line)
local pos1 = line:find("\"")
local pos2 = nil
if pos1 ~= nil then
@@ -180,14 +207,14 @@ function modmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line)
if filename ~= nil and
filename ~= "" and
filename:find(".lua") then
- return modmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename)
+ return pkgmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename)
return nil
-function modmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename)
+function pkgmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename)
local testfile = io.open(modpath .. DIR_DELIM .. filename,"r")
if testfile ~= nil then
local line = testfile:read()
@@ -196,20 +223,20 @@ function modmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename)
local modname = nil
if line:find("minetest.register_tool") then
- modname = modmgr.parse_register_line(line)
+ modname = pkgmgr.parse_register_line(line)
if line:find("minetest.register_craftitem") then
- modname = modmgr.parse_register_line(line)
+ modname = pkgmgr.parse_register_line(line)
if line:find("minetest.register_node") then
- modname = modmgr.parse_register_line(line)
+ modname = pkgmgr.parse_register_line(line)
if line:find("dofile") then
- modname = modmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line)
+ modname = pkgmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line)
if modname ~= nil then
@@ -225,14 +252,14 @@ function modmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename)
return nil
-function modmgr.render_modlist(render_list)
+function pkgmgr.render_packagelist(render_list)
local retval = ""
if render_list == nil then
- if modmgr.global_mods == nil then
- modmgr.refresh_globals()
+ if pkgmgr.global_mods == nil then
+ pkgmgr.refresh_globals()
- render_list = modmgr.global_mods
+ render_list = pkgmgr.global_mods
local list = render_list:get_list()
@@ -252,36 +279,36 @@ function modmgr.render_modlist(render_list)
- elseif v.is_game_content then
+ elseif v.is_game_content or v.type == "game" then
color = mt_color_blue
- elseif v.enabled then
+ elseif v.enabled or v.type == "txp" then
color = mt_color_green
retval[#retval + 1] = color
- if v.modpack ~= nil or v.typ == "game_mod" then
+ if v.modpack ~= nil or v.loc == "game" then
retval[#retval + 1] = "1"
retval[#retval + 1] = "0"
- retval[#retval + 1] = core.formspec_escape(v.name)
+ retval[#retval + 1] = core.formspec_escape(v.list_name or v.name)
return table.concat(retval, ",")
-function modmgr.get_dependencies(path)
+function pkgmgr.get_dependencies(path)
if path == nil then
return "", ""
- local info = core.get_mod_info(path)
- return table.concat(info.depends, ","), table.concat(info.optional_depends, ",")
+ local info = core.get_content_info(path)
+ return table.concat(info.depends or {}, ","), table.concat(info.optional_depends or {}, ",")
-function modmgr.get_worldconfig(worldpath)
+function pkgmgr.get_worldconfig(worldpath)
local filename = worldpath ..
DIR_DELIM .. "world.mt"
@@ -302,26 +329,35 @@ function modmgr.get_worldconfig(worldpath)
--read gamemods
- local gamespec = gamemgr.find_by_gameid(worldconfig.id)
- gamemgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, worldconfig.game_mods)
+ local gamespec = pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(worldconfig.id)
+ pkgmgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, worldconfig.game_mods)
return worldconfig
-function modmgr.installmod(modfilename,basename)
- local modfile = modmgr.identify_filetype(modfilename)
- local modpath = modmgr.extract(modfile)
+function pkgmgr.install_dir(type, path, basename)
+ local basefolder = pkgmgr.get_base_folder(path)
- if modpath == nil then
- gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Install Mod: file: \"$1\"", modfile.name) ..
- fgettext("\nInstall Mod: unsupported filetype \"$1\" or broken archive", modfile.type)
- return
- end
+ local targetpath
+ if type == "txp" then
+ if basefolder and basefolder.type ~= "invalid" and basefolder.type ~= "txp" then
+ return nil, fgettext("Unable to install a $1 as a texture pack", basefolder.type)
+ end
+ local from = basefolder and basefolder.path or path
+ targetpath = core.get_texturepath() .. DIR_DELIM .. basename
+ core.copy_dir(from, targetpath)
+ return targetpath, nil
- local basefolder = modmgr.getbasefolder(modpath)
+ elseif not basefolder then
+ return nil, fgettext("Unable to find a valid mod or modpack")
+ end
if basefolder.type == "modpack" then
+ if type ~= "mod" then
+ return nil, fgettext("Unable to install a modpack as a $1", type)
+ end
local clean_path = nil
if basename ~= nil then
@@ -333,20 +369,27 @@ function modmgr.installmod(modfilename,basename)
if clean_path ~= nil then
- local targetpath = core.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. clean_path
+ targetpath = core.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. clean_path
if not core.copy_dir(basefolder.path,targetpath) then
- gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Failed to install $1 to $2", basename, targetpath)
+ return nil,
+ fgettext("Failed to install $1 to $2", basename, targetpath)
- gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Install Mod: unable to find suitable foldername for modpack $1", modfilename)
+ return nil,
+ fgettext("Install Mod: unable to find suitable foldername for modpack $1",
+ modfilename)
- end
- if basefolder.type == "mod" then
+ pkgmgr.refresh_globals()
+ elseif basefolder.type == "mod" then
+ if type ~= "mod" then
+ return nil, fgettext("Unable to install a mod as a $1", type)
+ end
local targetfolder = basename
if targetfolder == nil then
- targetfolder = modmgr.identify_modname(basefolder.path,"init.lua")
+ targetfolder = pkgmgr.identify_modname(basefolder.path,"init.lua")
--if heuristic failed try to use current foldername
@@ -354,22 +397,46 @@ function modmgr.installmod(modfilename,basename)
targetfolder = get_last_folder(basefolder.path)
- if targetfolder ~= nil and modmgr.isValidModname(targetfolder) then
- local targetpath = core.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. targetfolder
- core.copy_dir(basefolder.path,targetpath)
+ if targetfolder ~= nil and pkgmgr.isValidModname(targetfolder) then
+ targetpath = core.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. targetfolder
+ core.copy_dir(basefolder.path, targetpath)
- gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Install Mod: unable to find real modname for: $1", modfilename)
+ return nil, fgettext("Install Mod: unable to find real modname for: $1", modfilename)
+ pkgmgr.refresh_globals()
+ elseif basefolder.type == "game" then
+ if type ~= "game" then
+ return nil, fgettext("Unable to install a game as a $1", type)
+ end
+ targetpath = core.get_gamepath() .. DIR_DELIM .. basename
+ core.copy_dir(basefolder.path, targetpath)
- core.delete_dir(modpath)
+ return targetpath, nil
+function pkgmgr.install(type, modfilename, basename)
+ local archive_info = pkgmgr.identify_filetype(modfilename)
+ local path = pkgmgr.extract(archive_info)
- modmgr.refresh_globals()
+ if path == nil then
+ return nil,
+ fgettext("Install: file: \"$1\"", archive_info.name) .. "\n" ..
+ fgettext("Install: unsupported filetype \"$1\" or broken archive",
+ archive_info.type)
+ end
+ local targetpath, msg = pkgmgr.install_dir(type, path, basename)
+ core.delete_dir(path)
+ return targetpath, msg
-function modmgr.preparemodlist(data)
+function pkgmgr.preparemodlist(data)
local retval = {}
local global_mods = {}
@@ -384,25 +451,27 @@ function modmgr.preparemodlist(data)
for i=1,#global_mods,1 do
- global_mods[i].typ = "global_mod"
+ global_mods[i].type = "mod"
+ global_mods[i].loc = "global"
retval[#retval + 1] = global_mods[i]
--read game mods
- local gamespec = gamemgr.find_by_gameid(data.gameid)
- gamemgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, game_mods)
+ local gamespec = pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(data.gameid)
+ pkgmgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, game_mods)
if #game_mods > 0 then
-- Add title
retval[#retval + 1] = {
- typ = "game",
+ type = "game",
is_game_content = true,
name = fgettext("Subgame Mods")
for i=1,#game_mods,1 do
- game_mods[i].typ = "game_mod"
+ game_mods[i].type = "mod"
+ game_mods[i].loc = "game"
game_mods[i].is_game_content = true
retval[#retval + 1] = game_mods[i]
@@ -439,8 +508,12 @@ function modmgr.preparemodlist(data)
return retval
+function pkgmgr.compare_package(a, b)
+ return a and b and a.name == b.name and a.path == b.path
-function modmgr.comparemod(elem1,elem2)
+function pkgmgr.comparemod(elem1,elem2)
if elem1 == nil or elem2 == nil then
return false
@@ -450,7 +523,7 @@ function modmgr.comparemod(elem1,elem2)
if elem1.is_modpack ~= elem2.is_modpack then
return false
- if elem1.typ ~= elem2.typ then
+ if elem1.type ~= elem2.type then
return false
if elem1.modpack ~= elem2.modpack then
@@ -465,13 +538,13 @@ function modmgr.comparemod(elem1,elem2)
-function modmgr.mod_exists(basename)
+function pkgmgr.mod_exists(basename)
- if modmgr.global_mods == nil then
- modmgr.refresh_globals()
+ if pkgmgr.global_mods == nil then
+ pkgmgr.refresh_globals()
- if modmgr.global_mods:raw_index_by_uid(basename) > 0 then
+ if pkgmgr.global_mods:raw_index_by_uid(basename) > 0 then
return true
@@ -479,39 +552,35 @@ function modmgr.mod_exists(basename)
-function modmgr.get_global_mod(idx)
+function pkgmgr.get_global_mod(idx)
- if modmgr.global_mods == nil then
+ if pkgmgr.global_mods == nil then
return nil
if idx == nil or idx < 1 or
- idx > modmgr.global_mods:size() then
+ idx > pkgmgr.global_mods:size() then
return nil
- return modmgr.global_mods:get_list()[idx]
+ return pkgmgr.global_mods:get_list()[idx]
-function modmgr.refresh_globals()
- modmgr.global_mods = filterlist.create(
- modmgr.preparemodlist, --refresh
- modmgr.comparemod, --compare
- function(element,uid) --uid match
- if element.name == uid then
- return true
- end
- end,
- nil, --filter
- {}
- )
- modmgr.global_mods:add_sort_mechanism("alphabetic", sort_mod_list)
- modmgr.global_mods:set_sortmode("alphabetic")
+function pkgmgr.refresh_globals()
+ local function is_equal(element,uid) --uid match
+ if element.name == uid then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ pkgmgr.global_mods = filterlist.create(pkgmgr.preparemodlist,
+ pkgmgr.comparemod, is_equal, nil, {})
+ pkgmgr.global_mods:add_sort_mechanism("alphabetic", sort_mod_list)
+ pkgmgr.global_mods:set_sortmode("alphabetic")
-function modmgr.identify_filetype(name)
+function pkgmgr.identify_filetype(name)
if name:sub(-3):lower() == "zip" then
return {
@@ -547,3 +616,69 @@ function modmgr.identify_filetype(name)
type = "ukn"
+function pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(gameid)
+ for i=1,#pkgmgr.games,1 do
+ if pkgmgr.games[i].id == gameid then
+ return pkgmgr.games[i], i
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, nil
+function pkgmgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, retval)
+ if gamespec ~= nil and
+ gamespec.gamemods_path ~= nil and
+ gamespec.gamemods_path ~= "" then
+ get_mods(gamespec.gamemods_path, retval)
+ end
+function pkgmgr.get_game_modlist(gamespec)
+ local retval = ""
+ local game_mods = {}
+ pkgmgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, game_mods)
+ for i=1,#game_mods,1 do
+ if retval ~= "" then
+ retval = retval..","
+ end
+ retval = retval .. game_mods[i].name
+ end
+ return retval
+function pkgmgr.get_game(index)
+ if index > 0 and index <= #pkgmgr.games then
+ return pkgmgr.games[index]
+ end
+ return nil
+function pkgmgr.update_gamelist()
+ pkgmgr.games = core.get_games()
+function pkgmgr.gamelist()
+ local retval = ""
+ if #pkgmgr.games > 0 then
+ retval = retval .. core.formspec_escape(pkgmgr.games[1].name)
+ for i=2,#pkgmgr.games,1 do
+ retval = retval .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(pkgmgr.games[i].name)
+ end
+ end
+ return retval
+-- read initial data
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/tab_content.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/tab_content.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2699a7458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/tab_content.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+--Copyright (C) 2014 sapier
+--Copyright (C) 2018 rubenwardy <rw@rubenwardy.com>
+--This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+--it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+--the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+--(at your option) any later version.
+--This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+--but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+--GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+--You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+--with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+--51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+local packages_raw
+local packages
+local function get_formspec(tabview, name, tabdata)
+ if pkgmgr.global_mods == nil then
+ pkgmgr.refresh_globals()
+ end
+ if pkgmgr.games == nil then
+ pkgmgr.update_gamelist()
+ end
+ if packages == nil then
+ packages_raw = {}
+ table.insert_all(packages_raw, pkgmgr.games)
+ table.insert_all(packages_raw, pkgmgr.get_texture_packs())
+ table.insert_all(packages_raw, pkgmgr.global_mods:get_list())
+ local function get_data()
+ return packages_raw
+ end
+ local function is_equal(element, uid) --uid match
+ return (element.type == "game" and element.id == uid) or
+ element.name == uid
+ end
+ packages = filterlist.create(get_data, pkgmgr.compare_package,
+ is_equal, nil, {})
+ end
+ if tabdata.selected_pkg == nil then
+ tabdata.selected_pkg = 1
+ end
+ local retval =
+ "label[0.05,-0.25;".. fgettext("Installed Packages:") .. "]" ..
+ "tablecolumns[color;tree;text]" ..
+ "table[0,0.25;5.1,4.3;pkglist;" ..
+ pkgmgr.render_packagelist(packages) ..
+ ";" .. tabdata.selected_pkg .. "]" ..
+ "button[0,4.85;5.25,0.5;btn_contentdb;".. fgettext("Browse online content") .. "]"
+ local selected_pkg
+ if filterlist.size(packages) >= tabdata.selected_pkg then
+ selected_pkg = packages:get_list()[tabdata.selected_pkg]
+ end
+ if selected_pkg ~= nil then
+ --check for screenshot beeing available
+ local screenshotfilename = selected_pkg.path .. DIR_DELIM .. "screenshot.png"
+ local screenshotfile, error = io.open(screenshotfilename, "r")
+ local modscreenshot
+ if error == nil then
+ screenshotfile:close()
+ modscreenshot = screenshotfilename
+ end
+ if modscreenshot == nil then
+ modscreenshot = defaulttexturedir .. "no_screenshot.png"
+ end
+ retval = retval ..
+ "image[5.5,0;3,2;" .. core.formspec_escape(modscreenshot) .. "]" ..
+ "label[8.25,0.6;" .. core.formspec_escape(selected_pkg.name) .. "]" ..
+ "label[5.5,1.7;".. fgettext("Information:") .. "]" ..
+ "textlist[5.5,2.2;6.2,2.4;description;"
+ local info = core.get_content_info(selected_pkg.path)
+ local desc = info.description or fgettext("No package description available")
+ local descriptionlines = core.wrap_text(desc, 42, true)
+ for i = 1, #descriptionlines do
+ retval = retval .. core.formspec_escape(descriptionlines[i]) .. ","
+ end
+ if selected_pkg.type == "mod" then
+ if selected_pkg.is_modpack then
+ retval = retval .. ";0]" ..
+ "button[8.9,4.65;3,1;btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack;" ..
+ fgettext("Rename") .. "]"
+ else
+ --show dependencies
+ local toadd_hard = table.concat(info.depends or {}, ",")
+ local toadd_soft = table.concat(info.optional_depends or {}, ",")
+ if toadd_hard == "" and toadd_soft == "" then
+ retval = retval .. "," .. fgettext("No dependencies.")
+ else
+ if toadd_hard ~= "" then
+ retval = retval .. "," .. fgettext("Dependencies:") .. ","
+ retval = retval .. toadd_hard
+ end
+ if toadd_soft ~= "" then
+ if toadd_hard ~= "" then
+ retval = retval .. ","
+ end
+ retval = retval .. "," .. fgettext("Optional dependencies:") .. ","
+ retval = retval .. toadd_soft
+ end
+ end
+ retval = retval .. ";0]"
+ end
+ else
+ retval = retval .. ";0]"
+ if selected_pkg.type == "txp" then
+ if selected_pkg.enabled then
+ retval = retval ..
+ "button[8.9,4.65;3,1;btn_mod_mgr_disable_txp;" ..
+ fgettext("Disable Texture Pack") .. "]"
+ else
+ retval = retval ..
+ "button[8.9,4.65;3,1;btn_mod_mgr_use_txp;" ..
+ fgettext("Use Texture Pack") .. "]"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ retval = retval .. "button[5.5,4.65;3,1;btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod;"
+ .. fgettext("Uninstall Package") .. "]"
+ end
+ return retval
+local function handle_buttons(tabview, fields, tabname, tabdata)
+ if fields["pkglist"] ~= nil then
+ local event = core.explode_table_event(fields["pkglist"])
+ tabdata.selected_pkg = event.row
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields["btn_mod_mgr_install_local"] ~= nil then
+ core.show_file_open_dialog("mod_mgt_open_dlg", fgettext("Select Package File:"))
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields["btn_contentdb"] ~= nil then
+ local dlg = create_store_dlg()
+ dlg:set_parent(tabview)
+ tabview:hide()
+ dlg:show()
+ packages = nil
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields["btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack"] ~= nil then
+ local dlg_renamemp = create_rename_modpack_dlg(tabdata.selected_pkg)
+ dlg_renamemp:set_parent(tabview)
+ tabview:hide()
+ dlg_renamemp:show()
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields["btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod"] ~= nil then
+ local mod = packages:get_list()[tabdata.selected_pkg]
+ local dlg_delmod = create_delete_content_dlg(mod)
+ dlg_delmod:set_parent(tabview)
+ tabview:hide()
+ dlg_delmod:show()
+ packages = nil
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields.btn_mod_mgr_use_txp then
+ local txp = packages:get_list()[tabdata.selected_pkg]
+ core.settings:set("texture_path", txp.path)
+ packages = nil
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields.btn_mod_mgr_disable_txp then
+ core.settings:set("texture_path", "")
+ packages = nil
+ return true
+ end
+ if fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"] and
+ fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"] ~= "" then
+ pkgmgr.install_mod(fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"],nil)
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+return {
+ name = "content",
+ caption = fgettext("Content"),
+ cbf_formspec = get_formspec,
+ cbf_button_handler = handle_buttons,
+ on_change = pkgmgr.update_gamelist
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/tab_local.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/tab_local.lua
index 64ea09043..ec99c3946 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/tab_local.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/tab_local.lua
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
local function current_game()
local last_game_id = core.settings:get("menu_last_game")
- local game, index = gamemgr.find_by_gameid(last_game_id)
+ local game, index = pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(last_game_id)
return game
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ local function singleplayer_refresh_gamebar()
local function game_buttonbar_button_handler(fields)
for key,value in pairs(fields) do
- for j=1,#gamemgr.games,1 do
- if ("game_btnbar_" .. gamemgr.games[j].id == key) then
- mm_texture.update("singleplayer", gamemgr.games[j])
- core.set_topleft_text(gamemgr.games[j].name)
- core.settings:set("menu_last_game",gamemgr.games[j].id)
- menudata.worldlist:set_filtercriteria(gamemgr.games[j].id)
+ for j=1,#pkgmgr.games,1 do
+ if ("game_btnbar_" .. pkgmgr.games[j].id == key) then
+ mm_texture.update("singleplayer", pkgmgr.games[j])
+ core.set_topleft_text(pkgmgr.games[j].name)
+ core.settings:set("menu_last_game",pkgmgr.games[j].id)
+ menudata.worldlist:set_filtercriteria(pkgmgr.games[j].id)
local index = filterlist.get_current_index(menudata.worldlist,
if not index or index < 1 then
@@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ local function singleplayer_refresh_gamebar()
{x=-0.3,y=5.9}, "horizontal", {x=12.4,y=1.15})
- for i=1,#gamemgr.games,1 do
- local btn_name = "game_btnbar_" .. gamemgr.games[i].id
+ for i=1,#pkgmgr.games,1 do
+ local btn_name = "game_btnbar_" .. pkgmgr.games[i].id
local image = nil
local text = nil
- local tooltip = core.formspec_escape(gamemgr.games[i].name)
+ local tooltip = core.formspec_escape(pkgmgr.games[i].name)
- if gamemgr.games[i].menuicon_path ~= nil and
- gamemgr.games[i].menuicon_path ~= "" then
- image = core.formspec_escape(gamemgr.games[i].menuicon_path)
+ if pkgmgr.games[i].menuicon_path ~= nil and
+ pkgmgr.games[i].menuicon_path ~= "" then
+ image = core.formspec_escape(pkgmgr.games[i].menuicon_path)
- local part1 = gamemgr.games[i].id:sub(1,5)
- local part2 = gamemgr.games[i].id:sub(6,10)
- local part3 = gamemgr.games[i].id:sub(11)
+ local part1 = pkgmgr.games[i].id:sub(1,5)
+ local part2 = pkgmgr.games[i].id:sub(6,10)
+ local part3 = pkgmgr.games[i].id:sub(11)
text = part1 .. "\n" .. part2
if part3 ~= nil and
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ local function main_button_handler(this, fields, name, tabdata)
--update last game
local world = menudata.worldlist:get_raw_element(gamedata.selected_world)
if world then
- local game, index = gamemgr.find_by_gameid(world.gameid)
+ local game, index = pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(world.gameid)
core.settings:set("menu_last_game", game.id)
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/tab_mods.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/tab_mods.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7685bfcc4..000000000
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/tab_mods.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
---Copyright (C) 2014 sapier
---This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
---it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
---the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
---(at your option) any later version.
---This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
---but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
---GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
---You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
---with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
---51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-local function get_formspec(tabview, name, tabdata)
- if modmgr.global_mods == nil then
- modmgr.refresh_globals()
- end
- if tabdata.selected_mod == nil then
- tabdata.selected_mod = 1
- end
- local retval =
- "label[0.05,-0.25;".. fgettext("Installed Mods:") .. "]" ..
- "tablecolumns[color;tree;text]" ..
- "table[0,0.25;5.1,5;modlist;" ..
- modmgr.render_modlist(modmgr.global_mods) ..
- ";" .. tabdata.selected_mod .. "]"
- local selected_mod = nil
- if filterlist.size(modmgr.global_mods) >= tabdata.selected_mod then
- selected_mod = modmgr.global_mods:get_list()[tabdata.selected_mod]
- end
- if selected_mod ~= nil then
- --check for screenshot beeing available
- local screenshotfilename = selected_mod.path .. DIR_DELIM .. "screenshot.png"
- local screenshotfile, error = io.open(screenshotfilename,"r")
- local modscreenshot
- if error == nil then
- screenshotfile:close()
- modscreenshot = screenshotfilename
- end
- if modscreenshot == nil then
- modscreenshot = defaulttexturedir .. "no_screenshot.png"
- end
- retval = retval ..
- "image[5.5,0;3,2;" .. core.formspec_escape(modscreenshot) .. "]" ..
- "label[8.25,0.6;" .. selected_mod.name .. "]" ..
- "label[5.5,1.7;".. fgettext("Mod Information:") .. "]" ..
- "textlist[5.5,2.2;6.2,2.4;description;"
- local info = core.get_mod_info(selected_mod.path)
- local desc = info.description or fgettext("No mod description available")
- local descriptionlines = core.wrap_text(desc, 42, true)
- for i = 1, #descriptionlines do
- retval = retval .. core.formspec_escape(descriptionlines[i]) .. ","
- end
- if selected_mod.is_modpack then
- retval = retval .. ";0]" ..
- "button[9.9,4.65;2,1;btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack;" ..
- fgettext("Rename") .. "]"
- retval = retval .. "button[5.5,4.65;4.5,1;btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod;"
- .. fgettext("Uninstall Selected Modpack") .. "]"
- else
- --show dependencies
- local toadd_hard = table.concat(info.depends, ",")
- local toadd_soft = table.concat(info.optional_depends, ",")
- if toadd_hard == "" and toadd_soft == "" then
- retval = retval .. "," .. fgettext("No dependencies.")
- else
- if toadd_hard ~= "" then
- retval = retval .. "," .. fgettext("Dependencies:") .. ","
- retval = retval .. toadd_hard
- end
- if toadd_soft ~= "" then
- if toadd_hard ~= "" then
- retval = retval .. ","
- end
- retval = retval .. "," .. fgettext("Optional dependencies:") .. ","
- retval = retval .. toadd_soft
- end
- end
- retval = retval .. ";0]"
- retval = retval .. "button[5.5,4.65;4.5,1;btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod;"
- .. fgettext("Uninstall Selected Mod") .. "]"
- end
- end
- return retval
-local function handle_buttons(tabview, fields, tabname, tabdata)
- if fields["modlist"] ~= nil then
- local event = core.explode_table_event(fields["modlist"])
- tabdata.selected_mod = event.row
- return true
- end
- if fields["btn_mod_mgr_install_local"] ~= nil then
- core.show_file_open_dialog("mod_mgt_open_dlg",fgettext("Select Mod File:"))
- return true
- end
- if fields["btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack"] ~= nil then
- local dlg_renamemp = create_rename_modpack_dlg(tabdata.selected_mod)
- dlg_renamemp:set_parent(tabview)
- tabview:hide()
- dlg_renamemp:show()
- return true
- end
- if fields["btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod"] ~= nil then
- local dlg_delmod = create_delete_mod_dlg(tabdata.selected_mod)
- dlg_delmod:set_parent(tabview)
- tabview:hide()
- dlg_delmod:show()
- return true
- end
- if fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"] ~= nil and
- fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"] ~= "" then
- modmgr.installmod(fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"],nil)
- return true
- end
- return false
-return {
- name = "mods",
- caption = fgettext("Mods"),
- cbf_formspec = get_formspec,
- cbf_button_handler = handle_buttons,
- on_change = gamemgr.update_gamelist
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/tab_texturepacks.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/tab_texturepacks.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be555987..000000000
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/tab_texturepacks.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
---Copyright (C) 2014 sapier
---This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
---it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
---the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
---(at your option) any later version.
---This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
---but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
---GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
---You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
---with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
---51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-local function filter_texture_pack_list(list)
- local retval = {}
- for _, item in ipairs(list) do
- if item ~= "base" then
- retval[#retval + 1] = item
- end
- end
- table.sort(retval)
- table.insert(retval, 1, fgettext("None"))
- return retval
-local function render_texture_pack_list(list)
- local retval = ""
- for i, v in ipairs(list) do
- if v:sub(1, 1) ~= "." then
- if retval ~= "" then
- retval = retval .. ","
- end
- retval = retval .. core.formspec_escape(v)
- end
- end
- return retval
-local function get_formspec(tabview, name, tabdata)
- local retval = "label[4,-0.25;" .. fgettext("Select Texture Pack:") .. "]" ..
- "textlist[4,0.25;7.5,5.0;TPs;"
- local current_texture_path = core.settings:get("texture_path")
- local list = filter_texture_pack_list(core.get_dir_list(core.get_texturepath(), true))
- local index = tonumber(core.settings:get("mainmenu_last_selected_TP"))
- if not index then index = 1 end
- if current_texture_path == "" then
- retval = retval ..
- render_texture_pack_list(list) ..
- ";" .. index .. "]" ..
- "textarea[0.6,2.85;3.7,1.5;;" ..
- fgettext("Default textures will be used.") ..
- ";]"
- return retval
- end
- local infofile = current_texture_path .. DIR_DELIM .. "description.txt"
- -- This adds backwards compatibility for old texture pack description files named
- -- "info.txt", and should be removed once all such texture packs have been updated
- if not file_exists(infofile) then
- infofile = current_texture_path .. DIR_DELIM .. "info.txt"
- if file_exists(infofile) then
- core.log("deprecated", "info.txt is deprecated. description.txt should be used instead.")
- end
- end
- local infotext = ""
- local f = io.open(infofile, "r")
- if not f then
- infotext = fgettext("No information available")
- else
- infotext = f:read("*all")
- f:close()
- end
- local screenfile = current_texture_path .. DIR_DELIM .. "screenshot.png"
- local no_screenshot
- if not file_exists(screenfile) then
- screenfile = nil
- no_screenshot = defaulttexturedir .. "no_screenshot.png"
- end
- return retval ..
- render_texture_pack_list(list) ..
- ";" .. index .. "]" ..
- "image[0.25,0.25;4.05,2.7;" .. core.formspec_escape(screenfile or no_screenshot) .. "]" ..
- "textarea[0.6,2.85;3.7,1.5;;" .. core.formspec_escape(infotext or "") .. ";]"
-local function main_button_handler(tabview, fields, name, tabdata)
- if fields["TPs"] then
- local event = core.explode_textlist_event(fields["TPs"])
- if event.type == "CHG" or event.type == "DCL" then
- local index = core.get_textlist_index("TPs")
- core.settings:set("mainmenu_last_selected_TP", index)
- local list = filter_texture_pack_list(core.get_dir_list(core.get_texturepath(), true))
- local current_index = core.get_textlist_index("TPs")
- if current_index and #list >= current_index then
- local new_path = core.get_texturepath() .. DIR_DELIM .. list[current_index]
- if list[current_index] == fgettext("None") then
- new_path = ""
- end
- core.settings:set("texture_path", new_path)
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- return false
-return {
- name = "texturepacks",
- caption = fgettext("Texture Packs"),
- cbf_formspec = get_formspec,
- cbf_button_handler = main_button_handler,
- on_change = nil