path: root/client/shaders/object_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl
diff options
authorDanila Shutov <>2020-02-16 22:37:28 +0300
committerGitHub <>2020-02-16 20:37:28 +0100
commit6958071f497c8f059429343339ad3818ed3cfed1 (patch)
tree9e38865425f8c0589b695935e13009070778719b /client/shaders/object_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl
parent478e7532985320c5ddacc0280f77b67956715a65 (diff)
Basic model shading (#9374)
Diffstat (limited to 'client/shaders/object_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client/shaders/object_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl b/client/shaders/object_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb9e40637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/shaders/object_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+uniform sampler2D baseTexture;
+uniform sampler2D normalTexture;
+uniform sampler2D textureFlags;
+uniform vec4 emissiveColor;
+uniform vec4 skyBgColor;
+uniform float fogDistance;
+uniform vec3 eyePosition;
+varying vec3 vNormal;
+varying vec3 vPosition;
+varying vec3 worldPosition;
+varying vec3 eyeVec;
+varying vec3 lightVec;
+varying float vIDiff;
+bool normalTexturePresent = false;
+bool texTileableHorizontal = false;
+bool texTileableVertical = false;
+bool texSeamless = false;
+const float e = 2.718281828459;
+const float BS = 10.0;
+const float fogStart = FOG_START;
+const float fogShadingParameter = 1 / ( 1 - fogStart);
+void get_texture_flags()
+ vec4 flags = texture2D(textureFlags, vec2(0.0, 0.0));
+ if (flags.r > 0.5) {
+ normalTexturePresent = true;
+ }
+ if (flags.g > 0.5) {
+ texTileableHorizontal = true;
+ }
+ if (flags.b > 0.5) {
+ texTileableVertical = true;
+ }
+ if (texTileableHorizontal && texTileableVertical) {
+ texSeamless = true;
+ }
+float intensity(vec3 color)
+ return (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0;
+float get_rgb_height(vec2 uv)
+ if (texSeamless) {
+ return intensity(texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgb);
+ } else {
+ return intensity(texture2D(baseTexture, clamp(uv, 0.0, 0.999)).rgb);
+ }
+vec4 get_normal_map(vec2 uv)
+ vec4 bump = texture2D(normalTexture, uv).rgba;
+ = normalize( * 2.0 - 1.0);
+ return bump;
+void main(void)
+ vec3 color;
+ vec4 bump;
+ vec2 uv = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
+ bool use_normalmap = false;
+ get_texture_flags();
+ if (normalTexturePresent) {
+ bump = get_normal_map(uv);
+ use_normalmap = true;
+ }
+ if (normalTexturePresent == false) {
+ float tl = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x - SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y + SAMPLE_STEP));
+ float t = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x - SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y - SAMPLE_STEP));
+ float tr = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x + SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y + SAMPLE_STEP));
+ float r = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x + SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y));
+ float br = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x + SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y - SAMPLE_STEP));
+ float b = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x, uv.y - SAMPLE_STEP));
+ float bl = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x -SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y - SAMPLE_STEP));
+ float l = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x - SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y));
+ float dX = (tr + 2.0 * r + br) - (tl + 2.0 * l + bl);
+ float dY = (bl + 2.0 * b + br) - (tl + 2.0 * t + tr);
+ bump = vec4(normalize(vec3 (dX, dY, NORMALMAPS_STRENGTH)), 1.0);
+ use_normalmap = true;
+ }
+ vec4 base = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgba;
+ if (use_normalmap) {
+ vec3 L = normalize(lightVec);
+ vec3 E = normalize(eyeVec);
+ float specular = pow(clamp(dot(reflect(L,, E), 0.0, 1.0), 1.0);
+ float diffuse = dot(-E,;
+ color = (diffuse + 0.1 * specular) * base.rgb;
+ } else {
+ color = base.rgb;
+ }
+ color = base.rgb;
+ vec4 col = vec4(color.rgb, base.a);
+ col.rgb *= emissiveColor.rgb * vIDiff;
+ // Due to a bug in some (older ?) graphics stacks (possibly in the glsl compiler ?),
+ // the fog will only be rendered correctly if the last operation before the
+ // clamp() is an addition. Else, the clamp() seems to be ignored.
+ // E.g. the following won't work:
+ // float clarity = clamp(fogShadingParameter
+ // * (fogDistance - length(eyeVec)) / fogDistance), 0.0, 1.0);
+ // As additions usually come for free following a multiplication, the new formula
+ // should be more efficient as well.
+ // Note: clarity = (1 - fogginess)
+ float clarity = clamp(fogShadingParameter
+ - fogShadingParameter * length(eyeVec) / fogDistance, 0.0, 1.0);
+ col = mix(skyBgColor, col, clarity);
+ gl_FragColor = vec4(col.rgb, base.a);