path: root/games/minimal/mods/experimental/textures
diff options
authorJozef Behran <jozuejozef@gmail.com>2019-03-07 02:19:13 -0500
committerLoïc Blot <nerzhul@users.noreply.github.com>2019-03-07 08:19:13 +0100
commit007c8440d7da324af05631389f9a850e805fb3b3 (patch)
tree066cb97985c1dbcdbfa6bd730c66f1483192ea48 /games/minimal/mods/experimental/textures
parent557afdc42979916c54d9e1240845dcce3726721e (diff)
Optimize interaction distance checker (#8193)
The "what" parameter is being passed by value, most likely by accident as the type is "const std::string". Convert it to a reference by adding the missing "&".
Diffstat (limited to 'games/minimal/mods/experimental/textures')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
a> 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501
-- init code for LW timetable env

-- stop, scheduled departure every
-- d_int: Departure every n seconds (epoch modulo)
-- d_off: Departure time offset
function F.stop_sd(st_name, doors, departcommand, minstoptime, d_int, d_off)
	if event.train then
		local timenow = os.time()
		local timerdy = timenow + minstoptime
		local wait = d_int - ((timerdy-d_off) % d_int)
   local waitcorr = math.floor(wait*0.66)
		digiline_send("monitor", "Departure scheduled for: | "..os.date("%H:%M:%S", timenow+wait))
		atc_send("B0 W O"..doors.." D"..waitcorr.." OCD1"..departcommand)
		local timenow = os.time()
		digiline_send("monitor", "Time: "..os.date("%H:%M:%S", timenow))

function F.stop_sd_sched(st_name, doors, departcommand, minstoptime, d_int, d_off)
  depart = false
	if event.train then
   local time_now = rwt.now()
		local next_dep_time = rwt.next_rpt(rwt.add(time_now, minstoptime), d_int, d_off)
		digiline_send("monitor", "Departure scheduled for: | "..rwt.to_string(next_dep_time, true))
   atc_set_text_inside(st_name.."\nDeparture: "..rwt.to_string(next_dep_time, true))
		atc_send("B0 W O"..doors)
    schedule(next_dep_time, "depart")
  elseif event.schedule then
	  digiline_send("monitor", "Last Departure: | "..rwt.to_string(rwt.now(), true))
    depart = true

function F.timedisplay()
digiline_send("time", "Time: | "..rwt.to_string(rwt.now(),true).." | "..os.date("%H:%M:%S"))
schedule(rwt.next_rpt(rwt.now(),5,0), "")

-- Stat counter and timetaking utilities
-- Stat from subway
F.stat=function(line, init)
-- init
if init then
reftrain = atc_id
a_tbt = 30
a_tbtmax = 30
a_rtt = 500
a_not = 0
c_not = 0
c_tbtmax = 0
time_lt = os.time()
if not a_tbtmax then a_tbtmax = 30 end
if not c_tbtmax then c_tbtmax = 0 end
--real code
if event.train then
local time = os.time()
c_not = c_not + 1
a_tbt = (a_tbt + (time - time_lt)) / 2
c_tbtmax = math.max(c_tbtmax, (time - time_lt))
if atc_id == reftrain then
  a_rtt = (a_rtt*0.2 + (time - time_rt)*0.8)
  a_not = c_not
  c_not = 0
  a_tbtmax = (a_tbtmax + c_tbtmax) / 2
  c_tbtmax = 0
  digiline_send("stats", "Stat: "..line..
    " NoT:"..a_not.."("..c_not..")"..
    " TbT:"..math.floor(a_tbt).."("..(time-time_lt)..")"..
    " Tmx:"..math.floor(a_tbtmax).."("..c_tbtmax..")"..
    " R:"..math.floor(a_rtt).."("..(time - time_rt)..")"
time_lt = time
if atc_id == reftrain then
  time_rt = time

S.timetake = {}
function F.timetake_start(ttname)
  if not atc_id then return end
  local nouw = rwt.to_secs(rwt.now())
  if not S.timetake[ttname] then
    S.timetake[ttname] = {}
  S.timetake[ttname][atc_id] = nouw

function F.timetake_end(ttname)
  if not atc_id then return end
  if not S.timetake[ttname] or not S.timetake[ttname][atc_id] then
    digiline_send("timetake", "No start time for "..atc_id)
  local first = S.timetake[ttname][atc_id]
  local nouw = rwt.to_secs(rwt.now())
  local tdiff = nouw - first
  local cavg = S.timetake[ttname].avg
  local cmax = S.timetake[ttname].max
  local cmin = S.timetake[ttname].min
  if cavg and cmax and cmin then
    S.timetake[ttname].avg = tdiff*0.1 + cavg*0.9
    S.timetake[ttname].min = math.min(tdiff, cmin)
    S.timetake[ttname].max = math.max(tdiff, cmax)
    S.timetake[ttname].avg = tdiff
    S.timetake[ttname].min = tdiff
    S.timetake[ttname].max = tdiff    
  digiline_send("timetake", ttname..
    " this:"..tdiff..
    " min:"..math.floor(S.timetake[ttname].min)..
    " avg:"..math.floor(S.timetake[ttname].avg)..
    " max:"..math.floor(S.timetake[ttname].max)


--== Timetable prototype (TTP) ===
--[[ table structures:
F.ttp - static timetable data - see below
S.ttp[tt_name] = { - dynamic tt data
  recording_train = <id of the train that is recording travel times, or nil>
  travel_times = {
    <station name> = <time in seconds from initial departure at first station of the line to departure at this station>
  station_order = { <station 1>, <station 2>...}
S.ttt[train_id] = { - trains
      timetable = <timetable ID that the train is currently using>,
      initial_dep = <departure at first station of the line>,
      location = <Station where the train was last seen>,
      desired_dep = <Departure time as in timetable>,
      planned_dep = <real departure time calculated as the train reaches station>,
      actual_dep = <actual departure time at last station. is nil while train is stopped>,
      last_delay = <last known delay of the train - calculated every departure>,

local STOP_TIME = 10

if not S.ttp then S.ttp = {} end
if not S.ttt then S.ttt = {} end
  CFE_N = {
    outside_text = "[CFE] Warmoneaye\nvia Ehlodex, Personhood West, Crystal Farms",
    inside_line_desc = "CFE to Warmoneaye",
    stn_display = "CFE Warmoneaye  ",
  CFE_S = {
    outside_text = "[CFE] Origin\nvia Crystal Farms, Personhood West, Ehlodex",
    inside_line_desc = "CFE to Origin",
    stn_display = "CFE Origin      ",
  NRG_E = {
    outside_text = "[NRG] Azena Transirejo",
    inside_line_desc = "NRG to Azena Transirejo",
    stn_display = "NRG Azena Trans.",
  NRG_W = {
    outside_text = "[NRG] New Roses Gardens",
    inside_line_desc = "NRG to New Roses Gardens",
    stn_display = "NRG N.Roses Gdns",
  NX_S = {
    outside_text = "[NX] Trisiston\nvia Personhood West, Ehlodex, South Forest, Melinka",
    inside_line_desc = "NX to Trisiston",
    stn_display = "NX  Trisiston   ",
  E1_S = {
    outside_text = "[E1] Melinka\nvia The Cube, Ehlodex, Spawn Main, Mom Junction",
    inside_line_desc = "E1 to Melinka",
    stn_display = "E1  Melinka     ",
  S12_S = {
    outside_text = "[S12] Ehlodex\nvia Gardon St., Schwarzschild St., Anju Crossing, Lesnoi",
    inside_line_desc = "S12 to Spawn Main",
    stn_display = "S12 Spawn Main  ",

Timetable entry point. The train finalizes its last timetable and
registers itself on the given timetable instance. It departs at the next time slot
(given by interval and offset).
 stn = "Warmoneaye", -- station name
 tt = "CFE_S", -- timetable ID
 depint = "05;00", --departure slot interval
 depoff = "00;00", --departure slot offset
 doorside = "L",
 reverse = true,
 only_lines = nil, --if given a table, only trains where only_lines[get_line()] is true are considered
 force_tt_reset = false, -- force reset of travel times for this timetable
-- Make train depart at the next time slot, and save its start time
function F.ttp_begin(p)
  __approach_callback_mode = 1

  if not F.ttp[p.tt] then error("No TT instance "..p.tt) end
  if not atc_id or not atc_arrow then return end
  if p.only_lines and not p.only_lines[get_line()] then return end
  if not S.ttp[p.tt] then S.ttp[p.tt] = {} end
  local tti = S.ttp[p.tt]
  if event.approach and not event.has_entered then
    -- make the train stop
    atc_set_text_inside("Next stop: "..p.stn.."\nTerminal Station.\nThis train continues as "..F.ttp[p.tt].inside_line_desc)
  if event.train then
    -- train arrived, planning departure
		atc_send("B0 W O"..p.doorside)

    local time_now = rwt.now()
    -- Train might have had another TT before, do the cleanup from ttp_end here.
    local trno = S.ttt[atc_id]
    if trno then
      local ttio = S.ttp[trno.timetable]
      if ttio.recording_train == atc_id then
        ttio.travel_times[p.stn] = rwt.diff(trno.initial_dep, time_now)
        ttio.station_order[#ttio.station_order+1] = p.stn
    local next_dep_time = rwt.next_rpt(rwt.add(time_now, 10), p.depint, p.depoff)
    schedule(next_dep_time, "departure")
    S.ttt[atc_id] = {
      timetable = p.tt,
      initial_dep = next_dep_time,
      location = p.stn,
      desired_dep = next_dep_time,
      planned_dep = next_dep_time,
      last_delay = 0,
    -- if no travel times are available yet, set this train as recording
    if not tti.travel_times or p.force_tt_reset then
      tti.travel_times = {}
      tti.station_order = {p.stn}
      tti.recording_train = atc_id
    elseif tti.recording_train == atc_id then
      tti.recording_train = nil
    atc_set_text_inside(p.stn.."\nAa: "
        ..rwt.to_string(time_now, true).." Da: "
        ..rwt.to_string(next_dep_time, true))
  if event.schedule then
    -- departure. save actual departure time in tt
    if S.ttt[atc_id] then -- failsafe: if entry is deleted externally somehow, train just departs and is not tracked by tt (makes resetting S.ttt possible)
     S.ttt[atc_id].actual_dep = rwt.now()
     local delay = rwt.diff(S.ttt[atc_id].desired_dep, S.ttt[atc_id].actual_dep)
       .."\nDelay:"..rwt.to_string(delay, true))
     S.ttt[atc_id].last_delay = delay
    if p.reverse then
Generic stop on timetable. Any train that has a TT instance registered
stops here, waits STOP_TIME and continues. Behavior can be altered by options:
 stn = "Personhood West", -- station name
 doorside = "L",
 only_lines = nil, --if given a table, only trains where only_lines[get_line()] is true are considered
 end_of_tt = { TT_ID = true },
   -- if present and key is true for a TT identifier, this is the last station on this timetable. Trains will stop recording timetable and be deregistered.
 departure = { TT_ID = RWT relative to initial departure },
   -- If present, override desired departure time. Defaults to travel time + STOP_TIME if not provided
 no_disable_ars = nil,
   -- if true, does not disable ARS on approach (used for example at INTERCAL)
]]function F.ttp_stop(p)
  -- set my approach callback mode
  __approach_callback_mode = 1
  if not atc_id or not atc_arrow then return end
  if not S.ttt[atc_id] then return end
  if p.only_lines and not p.only_lines[get_line()] then return end
  local trn = S.ttt[atc_id]
  local tt = trn.timetable
  if not F.ttp[tt] then
    S.ttt[atc_id] = nil
  local tti = S.ttp[tt]
  if event.approach and not event.has_entered then
    -- make the train stop
    if not p.no_disable_ars then
    atc_set_text_inside("Next stop: "..p.stn)
  if event.train then
    -- train arrived, planning departure
		atc_send("B0 W O"..p.doorside)
    local time_now = rwt.now()
    -- update our location and determine desired and planned departure
    local next_dep_time = rwt.add(time_now, STOP_TIME)
    trn.location = p.stn
    trn.desired_dep = nil
    trn.actual_dep = nil

    -- calculate desired departure nouw
    if p.departure and p.departure[tt] then
      trn.desired_dep = rwt.add(trn.initial_dep or 0, 
    elseif tti.travel_times[p.stn] then
      trn.desired_dep = rwt.add(trn.initial_dep or 0, 
          tti.travel_times[p.stn] + STOP_TIME)

    if trn.desired_dep then
      -- if we had a source for desired departure, update planned daparture time
      if rwt.to_secs(next_dep_time) < rwt.to_secs(trn.desired_dep) then
        -- don't depart before the planned departure time
        next_dep_time = trn.desired_dep
      atc_set_text_inside(p.stn.."\nAa "
        ..rwt.to_string(time_now, true).." Dd"
        ..rwt.to_string(trn.desired_dep, true).." Da"
        ..rwt.to_string(next_dep_time, true))

      local delay = rwt.diff(trn.desired_dep, next_dep_time)
      trn.last_delay = delay
      atc_set_text_inside(p.stn.."\nAa "
        ..rwt.to_string(time_now, true).." Dd ? Da"
        ..rwt.to_string(next_dep_time, true))

    if tti.recording_train == atc_id then
      -- we are recording. save travel time
      tti.travel_times[p.stn] = rwt.diff(trn.initial_dep or 0, time_now)
      tti.station_order[#tti.station_order+1] = p.stn
      atc_set_text_inside(p.stn.."\nRec TT "
        ..rwt.to_string(tti.travel_times[p.stn], true).." Da"
        ..rwt.to_string(next_dep_time, true))

    trn.planned_dep = next_dep_time
    schedule(next_dep_time, "departure")
  if event.schedule then
    -- departure. save actual departure time in tt
    trn.actual_dep = rwt.now()
    local delay = rwt.diff(trn.desired_dep or trn.actual_dep, trn.actual_dep)
      .."\nDelay:"..rwt.to_string(delay, true))
    S.ttt[atc_id].last_delay = delay
    if p.end_of_tt and p.end_of_tt[tt] then
      -- end of timetable. Deregister train
      if tti.recording_train == atc_id then
        tti.recording_train = nil
      S.ttt[atc_id] = nil

function F.ttp_info_times(tt, starttime)
  local ttf = F.ttp[tt]
  local tti = S.ttp[tt]
  local p = {}
  if tti.recording_train then
    p[#p+1] = ("recording "..tti.recording_train)
  p[#p+1] = ("Di "..rwt.to_string(starttime, true).." "..tti.station_order[1])
  for i=2,#tti.station_order do
    local ap = rwt.add(starttime, tti.travel_times[tti.station_order[i]])
    p[#p+1] = ("Ap "..rwt.to_string(ap, true)..
      " Dp "..rwt.to_string(rwt.add(ap, STOP_TIME), true)..
      " "..tti.station_order[i])
  return p
function F.ttp_info_trains(tt, starttime)
  local ttf = F.ttp[tt]
  local tti = S.ttp[tt]
  local p = {}
  for tid,trn in pairs(S.ttt) do
    if trn.timetable==tt then
      if trn.actual_dep then
        p[#p+1] = ("Trn "..tid..
          " after "..trn.location..
          " Dd "..rwt.to_string(trn.desired_dep, true)..
          " Da "..rwt.to_string(trn.actual_dep, true)..
          " Delay "..rwt.to_string(trn.last_delay))
        p[#p+1] = ("Trn "..tid..
          " at "..trn.location..
          " Dd "..rwt.to_string(trn.desired_dep, true)..
          " Delay "..rwt.to_string(trn.last_delay))
  return p

 lines = {"CFE_S", "NX_S", "E1_S"},
 departure = {},
 station = "The Cube",
 title = "The Cube (Track 2)",
 interval = 30,
 display1 = "display1",
 display2 = "display2",
function F.ttp_station_display(p)
-- { dep, text }
local next_trains = {}
local function is_past_station(tstn, stnorder)
  for _,s in ipairs(stnorder) do
    if s==p.station then return true end
    if s==tstn then return false end
  return true
local function add_train(deptime, line, train, tid)
  local tent = {dep = deptime, text = 
     rwt.to_string(deptime,true).." "..F.ttp[line].stn_display
     .." +"..train.last_delay}
  for i,ntrn in ipairs(next_trains) do
    if rwt.diff(ntrn.dep, deptime)<0 then
      table.insert(next_trains, i, tent)
  table.insert(next_trains, tent)

for _,line in ipairs(p.lines) do
  local fttp = F.ttp[line]
  local sttp = S.ttp[line]
  -- find all trains on this line
  for id, train in pairs(S.ttt) do
   if train.timetable == line then
    if train.location == p.station and not train.actual_dep then
      -- the train is currently standing at this station
      add_train(train.planned_dep, line, train, id)
    elseif not is_past_station(train.location, sttp.station_order) then
      -- train is still approaching, calculate arrival time
      local trav_dep = rwt.add(train.initial_dep, (sttp.travel_times[p.station] or 0) + STOP_TIME)