path: root/po
diff options
authorPerttu Ahola <>2011-07-31 15:51:33 +0300
committerPerttu Ahola <>2011-07-31 15:51:33 +0300
commite88cd14c1f9e76444e551ce1806aa3571397c721 (patch)
tree14c9ba45cb3ed0a22fa64e198d968d0a4e300d34 /po
parent19ea901cf21685a53c279f24e04eaa37a3193aa6 (diff)
Added tag 0.2.20110731_3 for changeset c87e28deaabf
Diffstat (limited to 'po')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
a> 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223
Minetest Lua Mainmenu API Reference 0.5.0

The main menu is defined as a formspec by Lua in builtin/mainmenu/
Description of formspec language to show your menu is in lua_api.txt

core.buttonhandler(fields): called when a button is pressed.
^ fields = {name1 = value1, name2 = value2, ...}
^ event: "MenuQuit", "KeyEnter", "ExitButton" or "EditBoxEnter"

The "gamedata" table is read when calling core.start(). It should contain:
	playername     = <name>,
	password       = <password>,
	address        = <IP/adress>,
	port           = <port>,
	selected_world = <index>, -- 0 for client mode
	singleplayer   = <true/false>,


^ returns path to builtin root
core.get_modpath() (possible in async calls)
^ returns path to global modpath
core.get_clientmodpath() (possible in async calls)
^ returns path to global client-side modpath
core.get_gamepath() (possible in async calls)
^ returns path to global gamepath
core.get_texturepath() (possible in async calls)
^ returns path to default textures
core.create_dir(absolute_path) (possible in async calls)
^ absolute_path to directory to create (needs to be absolute)
^ returns true/false
core.delete_dir(absolute_path) (possible in async calls)
^ absolute_path to directory to delete (needs to be absolute)
^ returns true/false
core.copy_dir(source,destination,keep_soure) (possible in async calls)
^ source folder
^ destination folder
^ keep_source DEFAULT true --> if set to false source is deleted after copying
^ returns true/false
core.extract_zip(zipfile,destination) [unzip within path required]
^ zipfile to extract
^ destination folder to extract to
^ returns true/false
core.download_file(url,target) (possible in async calls)
^ url to download
^ target to store to
^ returns true/false
core.get_version() (possible in async calls)
^ returns current core version
core.sound_play(spec, looped) -> handle
^ spec = SimpleSoundSpec (see lua-api.txt)
^ looped = bool
^ get list of video drivers supported by engine (not all modes are guaranteed to work)
^ returns list of available video drivers' settings name and 'friendly' display name
^ e.g. { {name="opengl", friendly_name="OpenGL"}, {name="software", friendly_name="Software Renderer"} }
^ first element of returned list is guaranteed to be the NULL driver

core.get_table_index(tablename) -> index
^ can also handle textlists
core.formspec_escape(string) -> string
^ escapes characters [ ] \ , ; that can not be used in formspecs
core.explode_table_event(string) -> table
^ returns e.g. {type="CHG", row=1, column=2}
^ type: "INV" (no row selected), "CHG" (selected) or "DCL" (double-click)
core.explode_textlist_event(string) -> table
^ returns e.g. {type="CHG", index=1}
^ type: "INV" (no row selected), "CHG" (selected) or "DCL" (double-click)

core.set_background(type, texturepath,[tile],[minsize])
^ type: "background", "overlay", "header" or "footer"
^ tile: tile the image instead of scaling (background only)
^ minsize: minimum tile size, images are scaled to at least this size prior
^   doing tiling (background only)
^ shows a file open dialog
^ formname is base name of dialog response returned in fields
^     -if dialog was accepted "_accepted"
^^       will be added to fieldname containing the path
^     -if dialog was canceled "_cancelled"
^        will be added to fieldname value is set to formname itself
^ returns nil or selected file/folder
^ returns {
	density         = <screen density 0.75,1.0,2.0,3.0 ... (dpi)>,
	display_width   = <width of display>,
	display_height  = <height of display>,
	window_width    = <current window width>,
	window_height   = <current window height>

^ returns {
	id               = <id>,
	path             = <full path to game>,
	gamemods_path    = <path>,
	name             = <name of game>,
	menuicon_path    = <full path to menuicon>,
	addon_mods_paths = {[1] = <path>,},
core.get_games() -> table of all games in upper format (possible in async calls)
core.get_mapgen_names([include_hidden=false]) -> table of map generator algorithms
    registered in the core (possible in async calls)

core.get_favorites(location) -> list of favorites (possible in async calls)
^ location: "local" or "online"
^ returns {
	[1] = {
	clients       = <number of clients/nil>,
	clients_max   = <maximum number of clients/nil>,
	version       = <server version/nil>,
	password      = <true/nil>,
	creative      = <true/nil>,
	damage        = <true/nil>,
	pvp           = <true/nil>,
	description   = <server description/nil>,
	name          = <server name/nil>,
	address       = <address of server/nil>,
	port          = <port>
core.delete_favorite(id, location) -> success

core.debug(line) (possible in async calls)
^ Always printed to stderr and logfile (print() is redirected here)
core.log(line) (possible in async calls)
core.log(loglevel, line) (possible in async calls)
^ loglevel one of "error", "action", "info", "verbose"

core.setting_set(name, value)
core.setting_get(name) -> string or nil (possible in async calls)
core.setting_setbool(name, value)
core.setting_getbool(name) -> bool or nil (possible in async calls)
core.setting_save() -> nil, save all settings to config file

core.get_worlds() -> list of worlds (possible in async calls)
^ returns {
	[1] = {
	path   = <full path to world>,
	name   = <name of world>,
	gameid = <gameid of world>,
core.create_world(worldname, gameid)

^ returns time with microsecond precision
core.gettext(string) -> string
^ look up the translation of a string in the gettext message catalog
fgettext_ne(string, ...)
^ call core.gettext(string), replace "$1"..."$9" with the given
^ extra arguments and return the result
fgettext(string, ...) -> string
^ same as fgettext_ne(), but calls core.formspec_escape before returning result
core.parse_json(string[, nullvalue]) -> something (possible in async calls)
^ see core.parse_json (lua_api.txt)
dump(obj, dumped={})
^ Return object serialized as a string
^ eg. string:split("a,b", ",") == {"a","b"}
^ eg. string.trim("\n \t\tfoo bar\t ") == "foo bar"
core.is_yes(arg) (possible in async calls)
^ returns whether arg can be interpreted as yes
minetest.encode_base64(string) (possible in async calls)
^ Encodes a string in base64.
minetest.decode_base64(string) (possible in async calls)
^ Decodes a string encoded in base64.

Version compat:
^ returns the minimum supported network protocol version
^ returns the maximum supported network protocol version

^ execute a function asynchronously
^ async_job is a function receiving one parameter and returning one parameter
^ parameters parameter table passed to async_job
^ finished function to be called once async_job has finished
^    the result of async_job is passed to this function

Limitations of Async operations
 -No access to global lua variables, don't even try
 -Limited set of available functions
	e.g. No access to functions modifying menu like core.start,core.close,

Class reference
Settings: see lua_api.txt