path: root/src/mapblockobject.h
diff options
authorPerttu Ahola <>2011-10-15 02:28:57 +0300
committerPerttu Ahola <>2011-10-15 02:28:57 +0300
commit43a28f04fa3ddf4b612f58c25a896293a01567e3 (patch)
tree58ca2cac232c28ffd59609ad3998b97628f13e33 /src/mapblockobject.h
parent080002f8ed1af6d34cdc6f5abff0f51586ca831c (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mapblockobject.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1091 deletions
diff --git a/src/mapblockobject.h b/src/mapblockobject.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 406c32fce..000000000
--- a/src/mapblockobject.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1091 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2010 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-// This file contains the DEPRECATED MapBlockObject system
-#include "common_irrlicht.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "serialization.h"
-#include "mapnode.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-// Used for handling selecting special stuff
-class MapBlock;
-class MapBlockObject
- MapBlockObject(MapBlock *block, s16 id, v3f pos):
- m_collision_box(NULL),
- m_selection_box(NULL),
- m_block(block),
- m_id(id),
- m_pos(pos)
- {
- }
- virtual ~MapBlockObject()
- {
- }
- s16 getId()
- {
- return m_id;
- }
- MapBlock* getBlock()
- {
- return m_block;
- }
- // Writes id, pos and typeId
- void serializeBase(std::ostream &os, u8 version)
- {
- u8 buf[6];
- // id
- writeS16(buf, m_id);
- os.write((char*)buf, 2);
- // position
- // stored as x1000/BS v3s16
- v3s16 pos_i(m_pos.X*1000/BS, m_pos.Y*1000/BS, m_pos.Z*1000/BS);
- writeV3S16(buf, pos_i);
- os.write((char*)buf, 6);
- // typeId
- writeU16(buf, getTypeId());
- os.write((char*)buf, 2);
- }
- // Position where the object is drawn relative to block
- virtual v3f getRelativeShowPos()
- {
- return m_pos;
- }
- // Get floating point position on map
- v3f getAbsolutePos();
- void setBlockChanged();
- // Shootline is relative to block
- bool isSelected(core::line3d<f32> shootline)
- {
- if(m_selection_box == NULL)
- return false;
- core::aabbox3d<f32> offsetted_box(
- m_selection_box->MinEdge + m_pos,
- m_selection_box->MaxEdge + m_pos
- );
- return offsetted_box.intersectsWithLine(shootline);
- }
- core::aabbox3d<f32> getSelectionBoxOnMap()
- {
- v3f absolute_pos = getAbsolutePos();
- core::aabbox3d<f32> box(
- m_selection_box->MinEdge + absolute_pos,
- m_selection_box->MaxEdge + absolute_pos
- );
- return box;
- }
- /*
- Implementation interface
- */
- virtual u16 getTypeId() const = 0;
- // Shall call serializeBase and then write the parameters
- virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os, u8 version) = 0;
- // Shall read parameters from stream
- virtual void update(std::istream &is, u8 version) = 0;
- virtual std::string getInventoryString() { return "None"; }
- // Reimplementation shall call this.
- virtual void updatePos(v3f pos)
- {
- m_pos = pos;
- }
- // Shall move the object around, modify it and possibly delete it.
- // Typical dtimes are 0.2 and 10000.
- // A return value of true requests deletion of the object by the caller.
- // NOTE: Only server calls this.
- virtual bool serverStep(float dtime, u32 daynight_ratio)
- { return false; };
-#ifdef SERVER
- void clientStep(float dtime) {};
- void addToScene(void *smgr) {};
- void removeFromScene() {};
- void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos) {};
- // This should do slight animations only or so
- virtual void clientStep(float dtime) {};
- // NOTE: These functions should do nothing if the asked state is
- // same as the current state
- // Shall add and remove relevant scene nodes for rendering the
- // object in the game world
- virtual void addToScene(scene::ISceneManager *smgr) = 0;
- // Shall remove stuff from the scene
- // Should return silently if there is nothing to remove
- // NOTE: This has to be called before calling destructor
- virtual void removeFromScene() = 0;
- // 0 <= light_at_pos <= LIGHT_SUN
- virtual void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos) {};
- virtual std::string infoText() { return ""; }
- // Shall be left NULL if doesn't collide
- // Position is relative to m_pos in block
- core::aabbox3d<f32> * m_collision_box;
- // Shall be left NULL if can't be selected
- core::aabbox3d<f32> * m_selection_box;
- MapBlock *m_block;
- // This differentiates the instance of the object
- // Not same as typeId.
- s16 m_id;
- // Position of the object inside the block
- // Units is node coordinates * BS
- v3f m_pos;
- friend class MapBlockObjectList;
-#if 0
- Used for handling selections of special stuff
-class PseudoMBObject : public MapBlockObject
- // The constructor of every MapBlockObject should be like this
- PseudoMBObject(MapBlock *block, s16 id, v3f pos):
- MapBlockObject(block, id, pos)
- {
- }
- virtual ~PseudoMBObject()
- {
- if(m_selection_box)
- delete m_selection_box;
- }
- /*
- Implementation interface
- */
- virtual u16 getTypeId() const
- {
- }
- virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os, u8 version)
- {
- assert(0);
- }
- virtual void update(std::istream &is, u8 version)
- {
- assert(0);
- }
- virtual bool serverStep(float dtime, u32 daynight_ratio)
- {
- assert(0);
- }
- /*
- Special methods
- */
- void setSelectionBox(core::aabbox3d<f32> box)
- {
- m_selection_box = new core::aabbox3d<f32>(box);
- }
-class MovingObject : public MapBlockObject
- // The constructor of every MapBlockObject should be like this
- MovingObject(MapBlock *block, s16 id, v3f pos):
- MapBlockObject(block, id, pos),
- m_speed(0,0,0),
- m_oldpos(pos),
- m_pos_animation_time(0),
- m_showpos(pos)
- {
- m_touching_ground = false;
- }
- virtual ~MovingObject()
- {
- }
- /*
- Implementation interface
- */
- virtual u16 getTypeId() const = 0;
- virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os, u8 version)
- {
- serializeBase(os, version);
- u8 buf[6];
- // Write speed
- // stored as x100/BS v3s16
- v3s16 speed_i(m_speed.X*100/BS, m_speed.Y*100/BS, m_speed.Z*100/BS);
- writeV3S16(buf, speed_i);
- os.write((char*)buf, 6);
- }
- virtual void update(std::istream &is, u8 version)
- {
- u8 buf[6];
- // Read speed
- // stored as x100/BS v3s16
-*)buf, 6);
- v3s16 speed_i = readV3S16(buf);
- v3f speed((f32)speed_i.X/100*BS,
- (f32)speed_i.Y/100*BS,
- (f32)speed_i.Z/100*BS);
- m_speed = speed;
- }
- // Reimplementation shall call this.
- virtual void updatePos(v3f pos)
- {
- m_oldpos = m_showpos;
- m_pos = pos;
- if(m_pos_animation_time < 0.001 || m_pos_animation_time > 1.0)
- m_pos_animation_time = m_pos_animation_time_counter;
- else
- m_pos_animation_time = m_pos_animation_time * 0.9
- + m_pos_animation_time_counter * 0.1;
- m_pos_animation_time_counter = 0;
- m_pos_animation_counter = 0;
- }
- // Position where the object is drawn relative to block
- virtual v3f getRelativeShowPos()
- {
- return m_showpos;
- }
- // Returns m_showpos relative to whole map
- v3f getAbsoluteShowPos();
- virtual bool serverStep(float dtime, u32 daynight_ratio)
- { return false; };
- virtual void clientStep(float dtime)
- {};
- /*virtual void addToScene(scene::ISceneManager *smgr) = 0;
- virtual void removeFromScene() = 0;*/
- /*
- Special methods
- */
- // Move with collision detection, server side
- void move(float dtime, v3f acceleration);
- // Move from old position to new position, client side
- void simpleMove(float dtime);
- v3f m_speed;
- bool m_touching_ground;
- // Client-side moving
- v3f m_oldpos;
- f32 m_pos_animation_counter;
- f32 m_pos_animation_time;
- f32 m_pos_animation_time_counter;
- v3f m_showpos;
-class SignObject : public MapBlockObject
- // The constructor of every MapBlockObject should be like this
- SignObject(MapBlock *block, s16 id, v3f pos):
- MapBlockObject(block, id, pos)
-#ifndef SERVER
- ,m_node(NULL)
- {
- m_selection_box = new core::aabbox3d<f32>
- (-BS*0.4,-BS*0.5,-BS*0.4, BS*0.4,BS*0.5,BS*0.4);
- }
- virtual ~SignObject()
- {
- delete m_selection_box;
- }
- /*
- Implementation interface
- */
- virtual u16 getTypeId() const
- {
- }
- virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os, u8 version)
- {
- serializeBase(os, version);
- u8 buf[2];
- // Write yaw * 10
- writeS16(buf, m_yaw * 10);
- os.write((char*)buf, 2);
- // Write text length
- writeU16(buf, m_text.size());
- os.write((char*)buf, 2);
- // Write text
- os.write(m_text.c_str(), m_text.size());
- }
- virtual void update(std::istream &is, u8 version)
- {
- u8 buf[2];
- // Read yaw * 10
-*)buf, 2);
- s16 yaw_i = readS16(buf);
- m_yaw = (f32)yaw_i / 10;
- // Read text length
-*)buf, 2);
- u16 size = readU16(buf);
- // Read text
- m_text.clear();
- for(u16 i=0; i<size; i++)
- {
-*)buf, 1);
- m_text += buf[0];
- }
- updateSceneNode();
- }
- virtual bool serverStep(float dtime, u32 daynight_ratio)
- {
- return false;
- }
-#ifndef SERVER
- virtual void addToScene(scene::ISceneManager *smgr)
- {
- if(m_node != NULL)
- return;
- video::IVideoDriver* driver = smgr->getVideoDriver();
- scene::SMesh *mesh = new scene::SMesh();
- { // Front
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = new scene::SMeshBuffer();
- video::SColor c(255,255,255,255);
- video::S3DVertex vertices[4] =
- {
- video::S3DVertex(BS/2,-BS/2,0, 0,0,0, c, 0,1),
- video::S3DVertex(-BS/2,-BS/2,0, 0,0,0, c, 1,1),
- video::S3DVertex(-BS/2,BS/2,0, 0,0,0, c, 1,0),
- video::S3DVertex(BS/2,BS/2,0, 0,0,0, c, 0,0),
- };
- u16 indices[] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
- buf->append(vertices, 4, indices, 6);
- // Set material
- buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
- //buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, false);
- buf->getMaterial().setTexture
- (0, driver->getTexture(getTexturePath("sign.png").c_str()));
- buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false);
- buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true);
- buf->getMaterial().MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF;
- // Add to mesh
- mesh->addMeshBuffer(buf);
- buf->drop();
- }
- { // Back
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = new scene::SMeshBuffer();
- video::SColor c(255,255,255,255);
- video::S3DVertex vertices[4] =
- {
- video::S3DVertex(-BS/2,-BS/2,0, 0,0,0, c, 0,1),
- video::S3DVertex(BS/2,-BS/2,0, 0,0,0, c, 1,1),
- video::S3DVertex(BS/2,BS/2,0, 0,0,0, c, 1,0),
- video::S3DVertex(-BS/2,BS/2,0, 0,0,0, c, 0,0),
- };
- u16 indices[] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
- buf->append(vertices, 4, indices, 6);
- // Set material
- buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
- //buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, false);
- buf->getMaterial().setTexture
- (0, driver->getTexture(getTexturePath("sign_back.png").c_str()));
- buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false);
- buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true);
- buf->getMaterial().MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF;
- // Add to mesh
- mesh->addMeshBuffer(buf);
- buf->drop();
- }
- m_node = smgr->addMeshSceneNode(mesh, NULL);
- mesh->drop();
- updateSceneNode();
- }
- virtual void removeFromScene()
- {
- if(m_node != NULL)
- {
- m_node->remove();
- m_node = NULL;
- }
- }
- virtual void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
- {
- if(m_node == NULL)
- return;
- u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
- video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
- }
- virtual std::string infoText()
- {
- return std::string("\"") + m_text + "\"";
- }
- virtual std::string getInventoryString()
- {
- return std::string("Sign ")+m_text;
- }
- /*
- Special methods
- */
- void updateSceneNode()
- {
-#ifndef SERVER
- if(m_node != NULL)
- {
- m_node->setPosition(getAbsolutePos());
- m_node->setRotation(v3f(0, m_yaw, 0));
- }
- }
- void setText(std::string text)
- {
- if(text.size() > SIGN_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH)
- text = text.substr(0, SIGN_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH);
- m_text = text;
- setBlockChanged();
- }
- std::string getText()
- {
- return m_text;
- }
- void setYaw(f32 yaw)
- {
- m_yaw = yaw;
- setBlockChanged();
- }
-#ifndef SERVER
- scene::IMeshSceneNode *m_node;
- std::string m_text;
- f32 m_yaw;
-class RatObject : public MovingObject
- RatObject(MapBlock *block, s16 id, v3f pos):
- MovingObject(block, id, pos)
-#ifndef SERVER
- ,m_node(NULL)
- {
- m_collision_box = new core::aabbox3d<f32>
- (-BS*0.3,-BS*.25,-BS*0.3, BS*0.3,BS*0.25,BS*0.3);
- m_selection_box = new core::aabbox3d<f32>
- (-BS*0.3,-BS*.25,-BS*0.3, BS*0.3,BS*0.25,BS*0.3);
- m_yaw = 0;
- m_counter1 = 0;
- m_counter2 = 0;
- m_age = 0;
- }
- virtual ~RatObject()
- {
- delete m_collision_box;
- delete m_selection_box;
- }
- /*
- Implementation interface
- */
- virtual u16 getTypeId() const
- {
- }
- virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os, u8 version)
- {
- MovingObject::serialize(os, version);
- u8 buf[2];
- // Write yaw * 10
- writeS16(buf, m_yaw * 10);
- os.write((char*)buf, 2);
- }
- virtual void update(std::istream &is, u8 version)
- {
- MovingObject::update(is, version);
- u8 buf[2];
- // Read yaw * 10
-*)buf, 2);
- s16 yaw_i = readS16(buf);
- m_yaw = (f32)yaw_i / 10;
- updateNodePos();
- }
- virtual bool serverStep(float dtime, u32 daynight_ratio)
- {
- m_age += dtime;
- if(m_age > 60)
- // Die
- return true;
- v3f dir(cos(m_yaw/180*PI),0,sin(m_yaw/180*PI));
- f32 speed = 2*BS;
- m_speed.X = speed * dir.X;
- m_speed.Z = speed * dir.Z;
- if(m_touching_ground && (m_oldpos - m_pos).getLength() < dtime*speed/2)
- {
- m_counter1 -= dtime;
- if(m_counter1 < 0.0)
- {
- m_counter1 += 1.0;
- m_speed.Y = 5.0*BS;
- }
- }
- {
- m_counter2 -= dtime;
- if(m_counter2 < 0.0)
- {
- m_counter2 += (float)(myrand()%100)/100*3.0;
- m_yaw += ((float)(myrand()%200)-100)/100*180;
- m_yaw = wrapDegrees(m_yaw);
- }
- }
- m_oldpos = m_pos;
- //m_yaw += dtime*90;
- move(dtime, v3f(0, -9.81*BS, 0));
- //updateNodePos();
- return false;
- }
-#ifndef SERVER
- virtual void clientStep(float dtime)
- {
- //m_pos += m_speed * dtime;
- MovingObject::simpleMove(dtime);
- updateNodePos();
- }
- virtual void addToScene(scene::ISceneManager *smgr);
- virtual void removeFromScene()
- {
- if(m_node == NULL)
- return;
- m_node->remove();
- m_node = NULL;
- }
- virtual void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
- {
- if(m_node == NULL)
- return;
- u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
- video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
- }
- virtual std::string getInventoryString()
- {
- // There must be a space after the name
- // Or does there?
- return std::string("Rat ");
- }
- /*
- Special methods
- */
- void updateNodePos()
- {
-#ifndef SERVER
- if(m_node == NULL)
- return;
- m_node->setPosition(getAbsoluteShowPos());
- m_node->setRotation(v3f(0, -m_yaw+180, 0));
- }
-#ifndef SERVER
- scene::IMeshSceneNode *m_node;
- float m_yaw;
- float m_counter1;
- float m_counter2;
- float m_age;
- An object on the map that represents an inventory item
-class InventoryItem;
-class ItemObject : public MapBlockObject
- // The constructor of every MapBlockObject should be like this
- ItemObject(MapBlock *block, s16 id, v3f pos):
- MapBlockObject(block, id, pos)
-#ifndef SERVER
- ,m_node(NULL)
- {
- /*m_selection_box = new core::aabbox3d<f32>
- (-BS*0.4,-BS*0.5,-BS*0.4, BS*0.4,BS*0.5,BS*0.4);*/
- m_selection_box = new core::aabbox3d<f32>
- (-BS/3,-BS/2,-BS/3, BS/3,-BS/2+BS*2/3,BS/3);
- m_yaw = 0.0;
- }
- virtual ~ItemObject()
- {
- delete m_selection_box;
- }
- /*
- Implementation interface
- */
- virtual u16 getTypeId() const
- {
- }
- virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os, u8 version)
- {
- serializeBase(os, version);
- u8 buf[2];
- // Write text length
- writeU16(buf, m_itemstring.size());
- os.write((char*)buf, 2);
- // Write text
- os.write(m_itemstring.c_str(), m_itemstring.size());
- }
- virtual void update(std::istream &is, u8 version)
- {
- u8 buf[2];
- // Read text length
-*)buf, 2);
- u16 size = readU16(buf);
- // Read text
- std::string old_itemstring = m_itemstring;
- m_itemstring.clear();
- for(u16 i=0; i<size; i++)
- {
-*)buf, 1);
- m_itemstring += buf[0];
- }
-#ifndef SERVER
- if(m_itemstring != old_itemstring && m_node)
- {
- /*
- Update texture
- */
- video::ITexture *texture = getItemImage();
- scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
- if(mesh->getMeshBufferCount() >= 1)
- {
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(0);
- //dstream<<"Setting texture "<<texture<<std::endl;
- buf->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture);
- }
- }
- updateSceneNode();
- }
- virtual bool serverStep(float dtime, u32 daynight_ratio)
- {
- return false;
- }
-#ifndef SERVER
- virtual void clientStep(float dtime)
- {
- m_yaw += dtime * 60;
- if(m_yaw >= 360.)
- m_yaw -= 360.;
- updateSceneNode();
- }
- virtual void addToScene(scene::ISceneManager *smgr);
- virtual void removeFromScene()
- {
- if(m_node != NULL)
- {
- m_node->remove();
- m_node = NULL;
- }
- }
- virtual void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
- {
- if(m_node == NULL)
- return;
- u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
- video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
- }
- virtual std::string infoText()
- {
- return std::string("\"") + m_itemstring + "\"";
- }
- virtual std::string getInventoryString()
- {
- return std::string("ItemObj ")+m_itemstring;
- }
- /*
- Special methods
- */
- InventoryItem * createInventoryItem();
-#ifndef SERVER
- video::ITexture * getItemImage();
- void updateSceneNode()
- {
- if(m_node != NULL)
- {
- m_node->setPosition(getAbsolutePos());
- m_node->setRotation(v3f(0, m_yaw, 0));
- }
- }
- void setItemString(std::string inventorystring)
- {
- m_itemstring = inventorystring;
- setBlockChanged();
- }
- std::string getItemString()
- {
- return m_itemstring;
- }
-#ifndef SERVER
- scene::IMeshSceneNode *m_node;
- std::string m_itemstring;
- f32 m_yaw;
- NOTE: Not used.
-class PlayerObject : public MovingObject
- PlayerObject(MapBlock *block, s16 id, v3f pos):
- MovingObject(block, id, pos),
-#ifndef SERVER
- m_node(NULL),
- m_yaw(0)
- {
- m_collision_box = new core::aabbox3d<f32>
- (-BS*0.3,-BS*.25,-BS*0.3, BS*0.3,BS*0.25,BS*0.3);
- /*m_selection_box = new core::aabbox3d<f32>
- (-BS*0.3,-BS*.25,-BS*0.3, BS*0.3,BS*0.25,BS*0.3);*/
- }
- virtual ~PlayerObject()
- {
- if(m_collision_box)
- delete m_collision_box;
- if(m_selection_box)
- delete m_selection_box;
- }
- /*
- Implementation interface
- */
- virtual u16 getTypeId() const
- {
- }
- virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os, u8 version)
- {
- // Object data is generated from actual player
- }
- virtual void update(std::istream &is, u8 version)
- {
- MovingObject::update(is, version);
- u8 buf[2];
- // Read yaw * 10
-*)buf, 2);
- s16 yaw_i = readS16(buf);
- m_yaw = (f32)yaw_i / 10;
- updateNodePos();
- }
- virtual bool serverStep(float dtime, u32 daynight_ratio)
- {
- // Player is handled elsewhere.
- // Die.
- //return true;
- // Actually, fail very loudly:
- assert(0);
- }
-#ifndef SERVER
- virtual void clientStep(float dtime)
- {
- MovingObject::simpleMove(dtime);
- updateNodePos();
- }
- virtual void addToScene(scene::ISceneManager *smgr);
- virtual void removeFromScene()
- {
- if(m_node == NULL)
- return;
- m_node->remove();
- m_node = NULL;
- }
- virtual void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
- {
- if(m_node == NULL)
- return;
- u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
- video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
- }
- /*
- Special methods
- */
- void updateNodePos()
- {
-#ifndef SERVER
- if(m_node == NULL)
- return;
- m_node->setPosition(getAbsoluteShowPos());
- m_node->setRotation(v3f(0, -m_yaw+180, 0));
- }
-#ifndef SERVER
- scene::IMeshSceneNode *m_node;
- float m_yaw;
- v3f m_oldpos;
-struct DistanceSortedObject
- DistanceSortedObject(MapBlockObject *a_obj, f32 a_d)
- {
- obj = a_obj;
- d = a_d;
- }
- MapBlockObject *obj;
- f32 d;
- bool operator < (DistanceSortedObject &other)
- {
- return d < other.d;
- }
-namespace irr{
-namespace scene{
- class ISceneManager;
-using namespace irr;
-class MapBlockObjectList
- MapBlockObjectList(MapBlock *block);
- ~MapBlockObjectList();
- // Writes the count, id, the type id and the parameters of all objects
- void serialize(std::ostream &os, u8 version);
- // Reads ids, type_ids and parameters.
- // Creates, updates and deletes objects.
- // If smgr!=NULL, new objects are added to the scene
- void update(std::istream &is, u8 version, scene::ISceneManager *smgr,
- u32 daynight_ratio);
- // Finds a new unique id
- s16 getFreeId() throw(ContainerFullException);
- /*
- Adds an object.
- Set id to -1 to have this set it to a suitable one.
- The block pointer member is set to this block.
- */
- void add(MapBlockObject *object)
- throw(ContainerFullException, AlreadyExistsException);
- // Deletes and removes all objects
- void clear();
- /*
- Removes an object.
- Ignores inexistent objects
- */
- void remove(s16 id);
- /*
- References an object.
- The object will not be valid after step() or of course if
- it is removed.
- Grabbing the lock is recommended while processing.
- */
- MapBlockObject * get(s16 id);
- // You'll want to grab this in a SharedPtr
- JMutexAutoLock * getLock()
- {
- return new JMutexAutoLock(m_mutex);
- }
- // Steps all objects and if server==true, removes those that
- // want to be removed
- void step(float dtime, bool server, u32 daynight_ratio);
- // Wraps an object that wants to move onto this block from an another
- // Returns true if wrapping was impossible
- bool wrapObject(MapBlockObject *object);
- // origin is relative to block
- void getObjects(v3f origin, f32 max_d,
- core::array<DistanceSortedObject> &dest);
- // Number of objects
- s32 getCount()
- {
- return m_objects.size();
- }
- JMutex m_mutex;
- // Key is id
- core::map<s16, MapBlockObject*> m_objects;
- MapBlock *m_block;
- u32 m_last_update_daynight_ratio;