path: root/src/player.cpp
diff options
authorPerttu Ahola <>2010-11-27 01:02:21 +0200
committerPerttu Ahola <>2010-11-27 01:02:21 +0200
commit4e249fb3fbf75f0359758760d88e22aa5b14533c (patch)
tree323087d05efbd2ace27b316d4f017cf812a31992 /src/player.cpp
Initial files
Diffstat (limited to 'src/player.cpp')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/player.cpp b/src/player.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..080de6067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/player.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+(c) 2010 Perttu Ahola <>
+#include "player.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "connection.h"
+#include "constants.h"
+ touching_ground(false),
+ peer_id(PEER_ID_NEW),
+ m_speed(0,0,0),
+ m_position(0,0,0)
+ updateName("<not set>");
+void Player::move(f32 dtime, Map &map)
+ v3f position = getPosition();
+ v3f oldpos = position;
+ v3s16 oldpos_i = floatToInt(oldpos);
+ /*std::cout<<"oldpos_i=("<<oldpos_i.X<<","<<oldpos_i.Y<<","
+ <<oldpos_i.Z<<")"<<std::endl;*/
+ position += m_speed * dtime;
+ // Skip collision detection if player is non-local
+ if(isLocal() == false)
+ {
+ setPosition(position);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ Collision detection
+ */
+ v3s16 pos_i = floatToInt(position);
+ // The frame length is limited to the player going 0.1*BS per call
+ f32 d = (float)BS * 0.15;
+#define PLAYER_RADIUS (BS*0.3)
+#define PLAYER_HEIGHT (BS*1.7)
+ core::aabbox3d<f32> playerbox(
+ position.X - PLAYER_RADIUS,
+ position.Y - 0.0,
+ position.Z - PLAYER_RADIUS,
+ position.X + PLAYER_RADIUS,
+ position.Y + PLAYER_HEIGHT,
+ position.Z + PLAYER_RADIUS
+ );
+ core::aabbox3d<f32> playerbox_old(
+ oldpos.X - PLAYER_RADIUS,
+ oldpos.Y - 0.0,
+ oldpos.Z - PLAYER_RADIUS,
+ oldpos.X + PLAYER_RADIUS,
+ oldpos.Y + PLAYER_HEIGHT,
+ oldpos.Z + PLAYER_RADIUS
+ );
+ //hilightboxes.push_back(playerbox);
+ touching_ground = false;
+ /*std::cout<<"Checking collisions for ("
+ <<oldpos_i.X<<","<<oldpos_i.Y<<","<<oldpos_i.Z
+ <<") -> ("
+ <<pos_i.X<<","<<pos_i.Y<<","<<pos_i.Z
+ <<"):"<<std::endl;*/
+ for(s16 y = oldpos_i.Y - 1; y <= oldpos_i.Y + 2; y++){
+ for(s16 z = oldpos_i.Z - 1; z <= oldpos_i.Z + 1; z++){
+ for(s16 x = oldpos_i.X - 1; x <= oldpos_i.X + 1; x++){
+ //std::cout<<"with ("<<x<<","<<y<<","<<z<<"): ";
+ try{
+ if(map.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).d == MATERIAL_AIR){
+ //std::cout<<"air."<<std::endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
+ {
+ // Doing nothing here will block the player from
+ // walking over map borders
+ }
+ core::aabbox3d<f32> nodebox = Map::getNodeBox(
+ v3s16(x,y,z));
+ // See if the player is touching ground
+ if(
+ fabs(nodebox.MaxEdge.Y-playerbox.MinEdge.Y) < d
+ && nodebox.MaxEdge.X-d > playerbox.MinEdge.X
+ && nodebox.MinEdge.X+d < playerbox.MaxEdge.X
+ && nodebox.MaxEdge.Z-d > playerbox.MinEdge.Z
+ && nodebox.MinEdge.Z+d < playerbox.MaxEdge.Z
+ ){
+ touching_ground = true;
+ }
+ if(playerbox.intersectsWithBox(nodebox))
+ {
+ v3f dirs[3] = {
+ v3f(0,0,1), // back
+ v3f(0,1,0), // top
+ v3f(1,0,0), // right
+ };
+ for(u16 i=0; i<3; i++)
+ {
+ f32 nodemax = nodebox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
+ f32 nodemin = nodebox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
+ f32 playermax = playerbox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
+ f32 playermin = playerbox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
+ f32 playermax_old = playerbox_old.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
+ f32 playermin_old = playerbox_old.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
+ bool main_edge_collides =
+ ((nodemax > playermin && nodemax <= playermin_old + d
+ && m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) < 0)
+ ||
+ (nodemin < playermax && nodemin >= playermax_old - d
+ && m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) > 0));
+ bool other_edges_collide = true;
+ for(u16 j=0; j<3; j++)
+ {
+ if(j == i)
+ continue;
+ f32 nodemax = nodebox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
+ f32 nodemin = nodebox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
+ f32 playermax = playerbox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
+ f32 playermin = playerbox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
+ if(!(nodemax - d > playermin && nodemin + d < playermax))
+ {
+ other_edges_collide = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(main_edge_collides && other_edges_collide)
+ {
+ m_speed -= m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i];
+ position -= position.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i];
+ position += oldpos.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i];
+ }
+ }
+ } // if(playerbox.intersectsWithBox(nodebox))
+ } // for x
+ } // for z
+ } // for y
+ setPosition(position);
+// Y direction is ignored
+void Player::accelerate(v3f target_speed, f32 max_increase)
+ if(m_speed.X < target_speed.X - max_increase)
+ m_speed.X += max_increase;
+ else if(m_speed.X > target_speed.X + max_increase)
+ m_speed.X -= max_increase;
+ else if(m_speed.X < target_speed.X)
+ m_speed.X = target_speed.X;
+ else if(m_speed.X > target_speed.X)
+ m_speed.X = target_speed.X;
+ if(m_speed.Z < target_speed.Z - max_increase)
+ m_speed.Z += max_increase;
+ else if(m_speed.Z > target_speed.Z + max_increase)
+ m_speed.Z -= max_increase;
+ else if(m_speed.Z < target_speed.Z)
+ m_speed.Z = target_speed.Z;
+ else if(m_speed.Z > target_speed.Z)
+ m_speed.Z = target_speed.Z;
+ RemotePlayer
+ scene::ISceneNode* parent,
+ IrrlichtDevice *device,
+ s32 id):
+ scene::ISceneNode(parent, (device==NULL)?NULL:device->getSceneManager(), id),
+ m_text(NULL)
+ m_box = core::aabbox3d<f32>(-BS/2,0,-BS/2,BS/2,BS*2,BS/2);
+ if(parent != NULL && device != NULL)
+ {
+ // ISceneNode stores a member called SceneManager
+ scene::ISceneManager* mgr = SceneManager;
+ video::IVideoDriver* driver = mgr->getVideoDriver();
+ gui::IGUIEnvironment* gui = device->getGUIEnvironment();
+ // Add a text node for showing the name
+ wchar_t wname[1] = {0};
+ m_text = mgr->addTextSceneNode(gui->getBuiltInFont(),
+ wname, video::SColor(255,255,255,255), this);
+ m_text->setPosition(v3f(0, (f32)BS*2.1, 0));
+ // Attach a simple mesh to the player for showing an image
+ scene::SMesh *mesh = new scene::SMesh();
+ { // Front
+ scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = new scene::SMeshBuffer();
+ video::SColor c(255,255,255,255);
+ video::S3DVertex vertices[4] =
+ {
+ video::S3DVertex(-BS/2,0,0, 0,0,0, c, 0,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(BS/2,0,0, 0,0,0, c, 1,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(BS/2,BS*2,0, 0,0,0, c, 1,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(-BS/2,BS*2,0, 0,0,0, c, 0,0),
+ };
+ u16 indices[] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
+ buf->append(vertices, 4, indices, 6);
+ // Set material
+ buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
+ //buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, false);
+ buf->getMaterial().setTexture(0, driver->getTexture("../data/player.png"));
+ buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false);
+ //buf->getMaterial().MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL;
+ buf->getMaterial().MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF;
+ // Add to mesh
+ mesh->addMeshBuffer(buf);
+ buf->drop();
+ }
+ { // Back
+ scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = new scene::SMeshBuffer();
+ video::SColor c(255,255,255,255);
+ video::S3DVertex vertices[4] =
+ {
+ video::S3DVertex(BS/2,0,0, 0,0,0, c, 1,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(-BS/2,0,0, 0,0,0, c, 0,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(-BS/2,BS*2,0, 0,0,0, c, 0,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(BS/2,BS*2,0, 0,0,0, c, 1,0),
+ };
+ u16 indices[] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
+ buf->append(vertices, 4, indices, 6);
+ // Set material
+ buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
+ //buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, false);
+ buf->getMaterial().setTexture(0, driver->getTexture("../data/player_back.png"));
+ buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false);
+ buf->getMaterial().MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF;
+ // Add to mesh
+ mesh->addMeshBuffer(buf);
+ buf->drop();
+ }
+ scene::IMeshSceneNode *node = mgr->addMeshSceneNode(mesh, this);
+ mesh->drop();
+ node->setPosition(v3f(0,0,0));
+ }
+ if(SceneManager != NULL)
+ ISceneNode::remove();
+void RemotePlayer::updateName(const char *name)
+ Player::updateName(name);
+ if(m_text != NULL)
+ {
+ wchar_t wname[PLAYERNAME_SIZE];
+ mbstowcs(wname, m_name, strlen(m_name)+1);
+ m_text->setText(wname);
+ }
+ LocalPlayer
+void LocalPlayer::applyControl(float dtime)
+ // Random constants
+#define WALK_ACCELERATION (4.0 * BS)
+#define WALKSPEED_MAX (4.0 * BS)
+ f32 walk_acceleration = WALK_ACCELERATION;
+ f32 walkspeed_max = WALKSPEED_MAX;
+ setPitch(control.pitch);
+ setYaw(control.yaw);
+ v3f move_direction = v3f(0,0,1);
+ move_direction.rotateXZBy(getYaw());
+ v3f speed = v3f(0,0,0);
+ // Superspeed mode
+ bool superspeed = false;
+ if(control.superspeed)
+ {
+ speed += move_direction;
+ superspeed = true;
+ }
+ if(control.up)
+ {
+ speed += move_direction;
+ }
+ if(control.down)
+ {
+ speed -= move_direction;
+ }
+ if(control.left)
+ {
+ speed += move_direction.crossProduct(v3f(0,1,0));
+ }
+ if(control.right)
+ {
+ speed += move_direction.crossProduct(v3f(0,-1,0));
+ }
+ if(control.jump)
+ {
+ if(touching_ground){
+ v3f speed = getSpeed();
+ speed.Y = 6.5*BS;
+ setSpeed(speed);
+ }
+ }
+ // The speed of the player (Y is ignored)
+ if(superspeed)
+ speed = speed.normalize() * walkspeed_max * 5;
+ else
+ speed = speed.normalize() * walkspeed_max;
+ f32 inc = walk_acceleration * BS * dtime;
+ // Accelerate to target speed with maximum increment
+ accelerate(speed, inc);