path: root/src/unittest
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authorPaul Ouellette <oue.paul18@gmail.com>2019-02-07 16:26:06 -0500
committerParamat <paramat@users.noreply.github.com>2019-02-07 21:26:06 +0000
commitd5456da69de6d74206a8513fc53db38c7dd4bd22 (patch)
treee0586b970acf83833c54166caaa00a9b8820bc05 /src/unittest
parentfc566e2e1074e501283d4be70a654d6b79ef07ff (diff)
Use true pitch/yaw/roll rotations without loss of precision by pgimeno (#8019)
Store the rotation in the node as a 4x4 transformation matrix internally (through IDummyTransformationSceneNode), which allows more manipulations without losing precision or having gimbal lock issues. Network rotation is still transmitted as Eulers, though, not as matrix. But it will stay this way in 5.0.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/unittest')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/unittest/test_utilities.cpp b/src/unittest/test_utilities.cpp
index 234f622d5..8e8958d18 100644
--- a/src/unittest/test_utilities.cpp
+++ b/src/unittest/test_utilities.cpp
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ public:
void testIsPowerOfTwo();
void testMyround();
void testStringJoin();
+ void testEulerConversion();
static TestUtilities g_test_instance;
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ void TestUtilities::runTests(IGameDef *gamedef)
+ TEST(testEulerConversion);
@@ -394,3 +396,115 @@ void TestUtilities::testStringJoin()
UASSERT(str_join(input, " and ") == "one and two and three");
+static bool within(const f32 value1, const f32 value2, const f32 precision)
+ return std::fabs(value1 - value2) <= precision;
+static bool within(const v3f &v1, const v3f &v2, const f32 precision)
+ return within(v1.X, v2.X, precision) && within(v1.Y, v2.Y, precision)
+ && within(v1.Z, v2.Z, precision);
+static bool within(const core::matrix4 &m1, const core::matrix4 &m2,
+ const f32 precision)
+ const f32 *M1 = m1.pointer();
+ const f32 *M2 = m2.pointer();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ if (! within(M1[i], M2[i], precision))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+static bool roundTripsDeg(const v3f &v, const f32 precision)
+ core::matrix4 m;
+ setPitchYawRoll(m, v);
+ return within(v, getPitchYawRoll(m), precision);
+void TestUtilities::testEulerConversion()
+ // This test may fail on non-IEEE systems.
+ // Low tolerance is 4 ulp(1.0) for binary floats with 24 bit mantissa.
+ // (ulp = unit in the last place; ulp(1.0) = 2^-23).
+ const f32 tolL = 4.76837158203125e-7f;
+ // High tolerance is 2 ulp(180.0), needed for numbers in degrees.
+ // ulp(180.0) = 2^-16
+ const f32 tolH = 3.0517578125e-5f;
+ v3f v1, v2;
+ core::matrix4 m1, m2;
+ const f32 *M1 = m1.pointer();
+ const f32 *M2 = m2.pointer();
+ // Check that the radians version and the degrees version
+ // produce the same results. Check also that the conversion
+ // works both ways for these values.
+ v1 = v3f(M_PI/3.0, M_PI/5.0, M_PI/4.0);
+ v2 = v3f(60.0f, 36.0f, 45.0f);
+ setPitchYawRollRad(m1, v1);
+ setPitchYawRoll(m2, v2);
+ UASSERT(within(m1, m2, tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(getPitchYawRollRad(m1), v1, tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(getPitchYawRoll(m2), v2, tolH));
+ // Check the rotation matrix produced.
+ UASSERT(within(M1[0], 0.932004869f, tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[1], 0.353553385f, tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[2], 0.0797927827f, tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[4], -0.21211791f, tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[5], 0.353553355f, tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[6], 0.911046684f, tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[8], 0.293892622f, tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[9], -0.866025448f, tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[10], 0.404508471f, tolL));
+ // Check that the matrix is still homogeneous with no translation
+ UASSERT(M1[3] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M1[7] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M1[11] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M1[12] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M1[13] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M1[14] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M1[15] == 1.0f);
+ UASSERT(M2[3] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M2[7] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M2[11] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M2[12] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M2[13] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M2[14] == 0.0f);
+ UASSERT(M2[15] == 1.0f);
+ // Compare to Irrlicht's results. To be comparable, the
+ // angles must come in a different order and the matrix
+ // elements to compare are different too.
+ m2.setRotationRadians(v3f(v1.Z, v1.X, v1.Y));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[0], M2[5], tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[1], M2[6], tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[2], M2[4], tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[4], M2[9], tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[5], M2[10], tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[6], M2[8], tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[8], M2[1], tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[9], M2[2], tolL));
+ UASSERT(within(M1[10], M2[0], tolL));
+ // Check that Eulers that produce near gimbal-lock still round-trip
+ UASSERT(roundTripsDeg(v3f(89.9999f, 17.f, 0.f), tolH));
+ UASSERT(roundTripsDeg(v3f(89.9999f, 0.f, 19.f), tolH));
+ UASSERT(roundTripsDeg(v3f(89.9999f, 17.f, 19.f), tolH));
+ // Check that Eulers at an angle > 90 degrees may not round-trip...
+ v1 = v3f(90.00001f, 1.f, 1.f);
+ setPitchYawRoll(m1, v1);
+ v2 = getPitchYawRoll(m1);
+ //UASSERT(within(v1, v2, tolL)); // this is typically false
+ // ... however the rotation matrix is the same for both
+ setPitchYawRoll(m2, v2);
+ UASSERT(within(m1, m2, tolL));