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3 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/builtin/builtin.lua b/builtin/builtin.lua
index 13c1c09d4..bd5adf9e7 100644
--- a/builtin/builtin.lua
+++ b/builtin/builtin.lua
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ print = minetest.debug
-- Load other files
diff --git a/builtin/serialize.lua b/builtin/serialize.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecb2438e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/serialize.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+-- Minetest: builtin/serialize.lua
+-- https://github.com/fab13n/metalua/blob/no-dll/src/lib/serialize.lua
+-- Copyright (c) 2006-2997 Fabien Fleutot <metalua@gmail.com>
+-- License: MIT
+-- Serialize an object into a source code string. This string, when passed as
+-- an argument to deserialize(), returns an object structurally identical
+-- to the original one. The following are currently supported:
+-- * strings, numbers, booleans, nil
+-- * tables thereof. Tables can have shared part, but can't be recursive yet.
+-- Caveat: metatables and environments aren't saved.
+local no_identity = { number=1, boolean=1, string=1, ['nil']=1 }
+function minetest.serialize(x)
+ local gensym_max = 0 -- index of the gensym() symbol generator
+ local seen_once = { } -- element->true set of elements seen exactly once in the table
+ local multiple = { } -- element->varname set of elements seen more than once
+ local nested = { } -- transient, set of elements currently being traversed
+ local nest_points = { }
+ local nest_patches = { }
+ local function gensym()
+ gensym_max = gensym_max + 1 ; return gensym_max
+ end
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- nest_points are places where a table appears within itself, directly or not.
+ -- for instance, all of these chunks create nest points in table x:
+ -- "x = { }; x[x] = 1", "x = { }; x[1] = x", "x = { }; x[1] = { y = { x } }".
+ -- To handle those, two tables are created by mark_nest_point:
+ -- * nest_points [parent] associates all keys and values in table parent which
+ -- create a nest_point with boolean `true'
+ -- * nest_patches contain a list of { parent, key, value } tuples creating
+ -- a nest point. They're all dumped after all the other table operations
+ -- have been performed.
+ --
+ -- mark_nest_point (p, k, v) fills tables nest_points and nest_patches with
+ -- informations required to remember that key/value (k,v) create a nest point
+ -- in table parent. It also marks `parent' as occuring multiple times, since
+ -- several references to it will be required in order to patch the nest
+ -- points.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ local function mark_nest_point (parent, k, v)
+ local nk, nv = nested[k], nested[v]
+ assert (not nk or seen_once[k] or multiple[k])
+ assert (not nv or seen_once[v] or multiple[v])
+ local mode = (nk and nv and "kv") or (nk and "k") or ("v")
+ local parent_np = nest_points [parent]
+ local pair = { k, v }
+ if not parent_np then parent_np = { }; nest_points [parent] = parent_np end
+ parent_np [k], parent_np [v] = nk, nv
+ table.insert (nest_patches, { parent, k, v })
+ seen_once [parent], multiple [parent] = nil, true
+ end
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- First pass, list the tables and functions which appear more than once in x
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ local function mark_multiple_occurences (x)
+ if no_identity [type(x)] then return end
+ if seen_once [x] then seen_once [x], multiple [x] = nil, true
+ elseif multiple [x] then -- pass
+ else seen_once [x] = true end
+ if type (x) == 'table' then
+ nested [x] = true
+ for k, v in pairs (x) do
+ if nested[k] or nested[v] then mark_nest_point (x, k, v) else
+ mark_multiple_occurences (k)
+ mark_multiple_occurences (v)
+ end
+ end
+ nested [x] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ local dumped = { } -- multiply occuring values already dumped in localdefs
+ local localdefs = { } -- already dumped local definitions as source code lines
+ -- mutually recursive functions:
+ local dump_val, dump_or_ref_val
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- if x occurs multiple times, dump the local var rather than the
+ -- value. If it's the first time it's dumped, also dump the content
+ -- in localdefs.
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function dump_or_ref_val (x)
+ if nested[x] then return 'false' end -- placeholder for recursive reference
+ if not multiple[x] then return dump_val (x) end
+ local var = dumped [x]
+ if var then return "_[" .. var .. "]" end -- already referenced
+ local val = dump_val(x) -- first occurence, create and register reference
+ var = gensym()
+ table.insert(localdefs, "_["..var.."]="..val)
+ dumped [x] = var
+ return "_[" .. var .. "]"
+ end
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Second pass, dump the object; subparts occuring multiple times are dumped
+ -- in local variables which can be referenced multiple times;
+ -- care is taken to dump locla vars in asensible order.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function dump_val(x)
+ local t = type(x)
+ if x==nil then return 'nil'
+ elseif t=="number" then return tostring(x)
+ elseif t=="string" then return string.format("%q", x)
+ elseif t=="boolean" then return x and "true" or "false"
+ elseif t=="table" then
+ local acc = { }
+ local idx_dumped = { }
+ local np = nest_points [x]
+ for i, v in ipairs(x) do
+ if np and np[v] then
+ table.insert (acc, 'false') -- placeholder
+ else
+ table.insert (acc, dump_or_ref_val(v))
+ end
+ idx_dumped[i] = true
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(x) do
+ if np and (np[k] or np[v]) then
+ --check_multiple(k); check_multiple(v) -- force dumps in localdefs
+ elseif not idx_dumped[k] then
+ table.insert (acc, "[" .. dump_or_ref_val(k) .. "] = " .. dump_or_ref_val(v))
+ end
+ end
+ return "{ "..table.concat(acc,", ").." }"
+ else
+ error ("Can't serialize data of type "..t)
+ end
+ end
+ local function dump_nest_patches()
+ for _, entry in ipairs(nest_patches) do
+ local p, k, v = unpack (entry)
+ assert (multiple[p])
+ local set = dump_or_ref_val (p) .. "[" .. dump_or_ref_val (k) .. "] = " ..
+ dump_or_ref_val (v) .. " -- rec "
+ table.insert (localdefs, set)
+ end
+ end
+ mark_multiple_occurences (x)
+ local toplevel = dump_or_ref_val (x)
+ dump_nest_patches()
+ if next (localdefs) then
+ return "local _={ }\n" ..
+ table.concat (localdefs, "\n") ..
+ "\nreturn " .. toplevel
+ else
+ return "return " .. toplevel
+ end
+-- Deserialization.
+-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5958818/loading-serialized-data-into-a-table
+local function stringtotable(sdata)
+ if sdata:byte(1) == 27 then return nil, "binary bytecode prohibited" end
+ local f, message = assert(loadstring(sdata))
+ if not f then return nil, message end
+ setfenv(f, table)
+ return f()
+function minetest.deserialize(sdata)
+ local table = {}
+ local okay,results = pcall(stringtotable, sdata)
+ if okay then
+ return results
+ end
+ print('error:'.. results)
+ return nil
+-- Run some unit tests
+local function unit_test()
+ function unitTest(name, success)
+ if not success then
+ error(name .. ': failed')
+ end
+ end
+ unittest_input = {cat={sound="nyan", speed=400}, dog={sound="woof"}}
+ unittest_output = minetest.deserialize(minetest.serialize(unittest_input))
+ unitTest("test 1a", unittest_input.cat.sound == unittest_output.cat.sound)
+ unitTest("test 1b", unittest_input.cat.speed == unittest_output.cat.speed)
+ unitTest("test 1c", unittest_input.dog.sound == unittest_output.dog.sound)
+ unittest_input = {escapechars="\n\r\t\v\\\"\'\[\]", noneuropean="θשׁ٩∂"}
+ unittest_output = minetest.deserialize(minetest.serialize(unittest_input))
+ unitTest("test 3a", unittest_input.escapechars == unittest_output.escapechars)
+ unitTest("test 3b", unittest_input.noneuropean == unittest_output.noneuropean)
+unit_test() -- Run it
+unit_test = nil -- Hide it
diff --git a/doc/lua_api.txt b/doc/lua_api.txt
index 16587144d..61bc8e1c2 100644
--- a/doc/lua_api.txt
+++ b/doc/lua_api.txt
@@ -805,6 +805,17 @@ minetest.get_item_group(name, group) -> rating
^ Get rating of a group of an item. (0 = not in group)
minetest.get_node_group(name, group) -> rating
^ Deprecated: An alias for the former.
+minetest.serialize(table) -> string
+^ Convert a table containing tables, strings, numbers, booleans and nils
+ into string form readable by minetest.deserialize
+^ Example: serialize({foo='bar'}) -> 'return { ["foo"] = "bar" }'
+minetest.deserialize(string) -> table
+^ Convert a string returned by minetest.deserialize into a table
+^ String is loaded in an empty sandbox environment.
+^ Will load functions, but they cannot access the global environment.
+^ Example: deserialize('return { ["foo"] = "bar" }') -> {foo='bar'}
+^ Example: deserialize('print("foo")') -> nil (function call fails)
+ ^ error:[string "print("foo")"]:1: attempt to call global 'print' (a nil value)
Global objects:
minetest.env - EnvRef of the server environment and world.