path: root/builtin/game
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'builtin/game')
3 files changed, 10 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/builtin/game/chatcommands.lua b/builtin/game/chatcommands.lua
index 22755386b..24792bc8a 100644
--- a/builtin/game/chatcommands.lua
+++ b/builtin/game/chatcommands.lua
@@ -14,19 +14,6 @@ function core.register_chatcommand(cmd, def)
core.chatcommands[cmd] = def
-if core.setting_getbool("mod_profiling") then
- local tracefct = profiling_print_log
- profiling_print_log = nil
- core.register_chatcommand("save_mod_profile",
- {
- params = "",
- description = "save mod profiling data to logfile " ..
- "(depends on default loglevel)",
- func = tracefct,
- privs = { server=true }
- })
core.register_on_chat_message(function(name, message)
local cmd, param = string.match(message, "^/([^ ]+) *(.*)")
if not param then
@@ -51,6 +38,12 @@ core.register_on_chat_message(function(name, message)
return true -- Handled chat message
+if core.setting_getbool("profiler.load") then
+ -- Run after register_chatcommand and its register_on_chat_message
+ -- Before any chattcommands that should be profiled
+ profiler.init_chatcommand()
-- Parses a "range" string in the format of "here (number)" or
-- "(x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2)", returning two position vectors
local function parse_range_str(player_name, str)
diff --git a/builtin/game/init.lua b/builtin/game/init.lua
index a6cfa3bf8..2f9f90315 100644
--- a/builtin/game/init.lua
+++ b/builtin/game/init.lua
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ dofile(gamepath.."constants.lua")
-if core.setting_getbool("mod_profiling") then
- dofile(gamepath.."mod_profiling.lua")
+if core.setting_getbool("profiler.load") then
+ profiler = dofile(scriptpath.."profiler"..DIR_DELIM.."init.lua")
@@ -26,3 +26,5 @@ dofile(gamepath.."features.lua")
+profiler = nil
diff --git a/builtin/game/mod_profiling.lua b/builtin/game/mod_profiling.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index df2d10221..000000000
--- a/builtin/game/mod_profiling.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
--- Minetest: builtin/game/mod_profiling.lua
-local mod_statistics = {}
-mod_statistics.step_total = 0 = {}
-mod_statistics.stats = {}
-mod_statistics.stats["total"] = {
- min_us = math.huge,
- max_us = 0,
- avg_us = 0,
- min_per = 100,
- max_per = 100,
- avg_per = 100
-local replacement_table = {
- "register_globalstep",
- "register_on_placenode",
- "register_on_dignode",
- "register_on_punchnode",
- "register_on_generated",
- "register_on_newplayer",
- "register_on_dieplayer",
- "register_on_respawnplayer",
- "register_on_prejoinplayer",
- "register_on_joinplayer",
- "register_on_leaveplayer",
- "register_on_cheat",
- "register_on_chat_message",
- "register_on_player_receive_fields",
- "register_on_mapgen_init",
- "register_on_craft",
- "register_craft_predict",
- "register_on_item_eat"
-function mod_statistics.log_time(type, modname, time_in_us)
- if modname == nil then
- modname = "builtin"
- end
- if[modname] == nil then
-[modname] = {}
- end
- if[modname][type] == nil then
-[modname][type] = 0
- end
-[modname][type] =
-[modname][type] + time_in_us
- mod_statistics.step_total = mod_statistics.step_total + time_in_us
-function mod_statistics.update_statistics(dtime)
- for modname,types in pairs( do
- if mod_statistics.stats[modname] == nil then
- mod_statistics.stats[modname] = {
- min_us = math.huge,
- max_us = 0,
- avg_us = 0,
- min_per = 100,
- max_per = 0,
- avg_per = 0
- }
- end
- local modtime = 0
- for type,time in pairs(types) do
- modtime = modtime + time
- if mod_statistics.stats[modname].types == nil then
- mod_statistics.stats[modname].types = {}
- end
- if mod_statistics.stats[modname].types[type] == nil then
- mod_statistics.stats[modname].types[type] = {
- min_us = math.huge,
- max_us = 0,
- avg_us = 0,
- min_per = 100,
- max_per = 0,
- avg_per = 0
- }
- end
- local toupdate = mod_statistics.stats[modname].types[type]
- --update us values
- toupdate.min_us = math.min(time, toupdate.min_us)
- toupdate.max_us = math.max(time, toupdate.max_us)
- --TODO find better algorithm
- toupdate.avg_us = toupdate.avg_us * 0.99 + modtime * 0.01
- --update percentage values
- local cur_per = (time/mod_statistics.step_total) * 100
- toupdate.min_per = math.min(toupdate.min_per, cur_per)
- toupdate.max_per = math.max(toupdate.max_per, cur_per)
- --TODO find better algorithm
- toupdate.avg_per = toupdate.avg_per * 0.99 + cur_per * 0.01
-[modname][type] = 0
- end
- --per mod statistics
- --update us values
- mod_statistics.stats[modname].min_us =
- math.min(modtime, mod_statistics.stats[modname].min_us)
- mod_statistics.stats[modname].max_us =
- math.max(modtime, mod_statistics.stats[modname].max_us)
- --TODO find better algorithm
- mod_statistics.stats[modname].avg_us =
- mod_statistics.stats[modname].avg_us * 0.99 + modtime * 0.01
- --update percentage values
- local cur_per = (modtime/mod_statistics.step_total) * 100
- mod_statistics.stats[modname].min_per =
- math.min(mod_statistics.stats[modname].min_per, cur_per)
- mod_statistics.stats[modname].max_per =
- math.max(mod_statistics.stats[modname].max_per, cur_per)
- --TODO find better algorithm
- mod_statistics.stats[modname].avg_per =
- mod_statistics.stats[modname].avg_per * 0.99 + cur_per * 0.01
- end
- --update "total"
- mod_statistics.stats["total"].min_us =
- math.min(mod_statistics.step_total, mod_statistics.stats["total"].min_us)
- mod_statistics.stats["total"].max_us =
- math.max(mod_statistics.step_total, mod_statistics.stats["total"].max_us)
- --TODO find better algorithm
- mod_statistics.stats["total"].avg_us =
- mod_statistics.stats["total"].avg_us * 0.99 +
- mod_statistics.step_total * 0.01
- mod_statistics.step_total = 0
-local function build_callback(log_id, fct)
- return function( toregister )
- local modname = core.get_current_modname()
- fct(function(...)
- local starttime = core.get_us_time()
- -- note maximum 10 return values are supported unless someone finds
- -- a way to store a variable lenght return value list
- local r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9 = toregister(...)
- local delta = core.get_us_time() - starttime
- mod_statistics.log_time(log_id, modname, delta)
- return r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9
- end
- )
- end
-function profiling_print_log(cmd, filter)
- print("Filter:" .. dump(filter))
- core.log("action", "Values below show times/percentages per server step.")
- core.log("action", "Following suffixes are used for entities:")
- core.log("action", "\t#oa := on_activate, #os := on_step, #op := on_punch, #or := on_rightclick, #gs := get_staticdata")
- core.log("action",
- string.format("%16s | %25s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %9s | %9s | %9s",
- "modname", "type" , "min µs", "max µs", "avg µs", "min %", "max %", "avg %")
- )
- core.log("action",
- "-----------------+---------------------------+-----------+" ..
- "-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------")
- for modname,statistics in pairs(mod_statistics.stats) do
- if modname ~= "total" then
- if (filter == "") or (modname == filter) then
- if modname:len() > 16 then
- modname = "..." .. modname:sub(-13)
- end
- core.log("action",
- string.format("%16s | %25s | %9d | %9d | %9d | %9d | %9d | %9d",
- modname,
- " ",
- statistics.min_us,
- statistics.max_us,
- statistics.avg_us,
- statistics.min_per,
- statistics.max_per,
- statistics.avg_per)
- )
- if core.setting_getbool("detailed_profiling") then
- if statistics.types ~= nil then
- for type,typestats in pairs(statistics.types) do
- if type:len() > 25 then
- type = "..." .. type:sub(-22)
- end
- core.log("action",
- string.format(
- "%16s | %25s | %9d | %9d | %9d | %9d | %9d | %9d",
- " ",
- type,
- typestats.min_us,
- typestats.max_us,
- typestats.avg_us,
- typestats.min_per,
- typestats.max_per,
- typestats.avg_per)
- )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- core.log("action",
- "-----------------+---------------------------+-----------+" ..
- "-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------")
- if filter == "" then
- core.log("action",
- string.format("%16s | %25s | %9d | %9d | %9d | %9d | %9d | %9d",
- "total",
- " ",
- mod_statistics.stats["total"].min_us,
- mod_statistics.stats["total"].max_us,
- mod_statistics.stats["total"].avg_us,
- mod_statistics.stats["total"].min_per,
- mod_statistics.stats["total"].max_per,
- mod_statistics.stats["total"].avg_per)
- )
- end
- core.log("action", " ")
- return true
-local function initialize_profiling()
- core.log("action", "Initialize tracing")
- mod_statistics.entity_callbacks = {}
- -- first register our own globalstep handler
- core.register_globalstep(mod_statistics.update_statistics)
- local rp_register_entity = core.register_entity
- core.register_entity = function(name, prototype)
- local modname = core.get_current_modname()
- local new_on_activate = nil
- local new_on_step = nil
- local new_on_punch = nil
- local new_rightclick = nil
- local new_get_staticdata = nil
- if prototype.on_activate ~= nil then
- local cbid = name .. "#oa"
- mod_statistics.entity_callbacks[cbid] = prototype.on_activate
- new_on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s)
- local starttime = core.get_us_time()
- mod_statistics.entity_callbacks[cbid](self, staticdata, dtime_s)
- local delta = core.get_us_time() -starttime
- mod_statistics.log_time(cbid, modname, delta)
- end
- end
- if prototype.on_step ~= nil then
- local cbid = name .. "#os"
- mod_statistics.entity_callbacks[cbid] = prototype.on_step
- new_on_step = function(self, dtime)
- local starttime = core.get_us_time()
- mod_statistics.entity_callbacks[cbid](self, dtime)
- local delta = core.get_us_time() -starttime
- mod_statistics.log_time(cbid, modname, delta)
- end
- end
- if prototype.on_punch ~= nil then
- local cbid = name .. "#op"
- mod_statistics.entity_callbacks[cbid] = prototype.on_punch
- new_on_punch = function(self, hitter)
- local starttime = core.get_us_time()
- mod_statistics.entity_callbacks[cbid](self, hitter)
- local delta = core.get_us_time() -starttime
- mod_statistics.log_time(cbid, modname, delta)
- end
- end
- if prototype.rightclick ~= nil then
- local cbid = name .. "#rc"
- mod_statistics.entity_callbacks[cbid] = prototype.rightclick
- new_rightclick = function(self, clicker)
- local starttime = core.get_us_time()
- mod_statistics.entity_callbacks[cbid](self, clicker)
- local delta = core.get_us_time() -starttime
- mod_statistics.log_time(cbid, modname, delta)
- end
- end
- if prototype.get_staticdata ~= nil then
- local cbid = name .. "#gs"
- mod_statistics.entity_callbacks[cbid] = prototype.get_staticdata
- new_get_staticdata = function(self)
- local starttime = core.get_us_time()
- local retval = mod_statistics.entity_callbacks[cbid](self)
- local delta = core.get_us_time() -starttime
- mod_statistics.log_time(cbid, modname, delta)
- return retval
- end
- end
- prototype.on_activate = new_on_activate
- prototype.on_step = new_on_step
- prototype.on_punch = new_on_punch
- prototype.rightclick = new_rightclick
- prototype.get_staticdata = new_get_staticdata
- rp_register_entity(name,prototype)
- end
- for i,v in ipairs(replacement_table) do
- local to_replace = core[v]
- core[v] = build_callback(v, to_replace)
- end
- local rp_register_abm = core.register_abm
- core.register_abm = function(spec)
- local modname = core.get_current_modname()
- local replacement_spec = {
- nodenames = spec.nodenames,
- neighbors = spec.neighbors,
- interval = spec.interval,
- chance = spec.chance,
- action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
- local starttime = core.get_us_time()
- spec.action(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
- local delta = core.get_us_time() - starttime
- mod_statistics.log_time("abm", modname, delta)
- end
- }
- rp_register_abm(replacement_spec)
- end
- core.log("action", "Mod profiling initialized")