path: root/builtin/profiler/reporter.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'builtin/profiler/reporter.lua')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/builtin/profiler/reporter.lua b/builtin/profiler/reporter.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b38ed4df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/profiler/reporter.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+--Copyright (C) 2016 T4im
+--This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+--it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+--the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+--(at your option) any later version.
+--This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+--but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+--GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+--You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+--with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+--51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+local table, unpack, string, pairs, io, os = table, unpack, string, pairs, io, os
+local rep, sprintf, tonumber = string.rep, string.format, tonumber
+local core, setting_get = core, core.setting_get
+local reporter = {}
+-- Shorten a string. End on an ellipsis if shortened.
+local function shorten(str, length)
+ if str and str:len() > length then
+ return "..." .. str:sub(-(length-3))
+ end
+ return str
+local function filter_matches(filter, text)
+ return not filter or string.match(text, filter)
+local function format_number(number, fmt)
+ number = tonumber(number)
+ if not number then
+ return "N/A"
+ end
+ return sprintf(fmt or "%d", number)
+local Formatter = {
+ new = function(self, object)
+ object = object or {}
+ object.out = {} -- output buffer
+ self.__index = self
+ return setmetatable(object, self)
+ end,
+ __tostring = function (self)
+ return table.concat(self.out, LINE_DELIM)
+ end,
+ print = function(self, text, ...)
+ if (...) then
+ text = sprintf(text, ...)
+ end
+ if text then
+ -- Avoid format unicode issues.
+ text = text:gsub("Ms", "µs")
+ end
+ table.insert(self.out, text or LINE_DELIM)
+ end,
+ flush = function(self)
+ table.insert(self.out, LINE_DELIM)
+ local text = table.concat(self.out, LINE_DELIM)
+ self.out = {}
+ return text
+ end
+local widths = { 55, 9, 9, 9, 5, 5, 5 }
+local txt_row_format = sprintf(" %%-%ds | %%%ds | %%%ds | %%%ds | %%%ds | %%%ds | %%%ds", unpack(widths))
+local HR = {}
+for i=1, #widths do
+ HR[i]= rep("-", widths[i])
+-- ' | ' should break less with github than '-+-', when people are pasting there
+HR = sprintf("-%s-", table.concat(HR, " | "))
+local TxtFormatter = Formatter:new {
+ format_row = function(self, modname, instrument_name, statistics)
+ local label
+ if instrument_name then
+ label = shorten(instrument_name, widths[1] - 5)
+ label = sprintf(" - %s %s", label, rep(".", widths[1] - 5 - label:len()))
+ else -- Print mod_stats
+ label = shorten(modname, widths[1] - 2) .. ":"
+ end
+ self:print(txt_row_format, label,
+ format_number(statistics.time_min),
+ format_number(statistics.time_max),
+ format_number(statistics:get_time_avg()),
+ format_number(statistics.part_min, "%.1f"),
+ format_number(statistics.part_max, "%.1f"),
+ format_number(statistics:get_part_avg(), "%.1f")
+ )
+ end,
+ format = function(self, filter)
+ local profile = self.profile
+ self:print("Values below show absolute/relative times spend per server step by the instrumented function.")
+ self:print("A total of %d samples were taken", profile.stats_total.samples)
+ if filter then
+ self:print("The output is limited to '%s'", filter)
+ end
+ self:print()
+ self:print(
+ txt_row_format,
+ "instrumentation", "min Ms", "max Ms", "avg Ms", "min %", "max %", "avg %"
+ )
+ self:print(HR)
+ for modname,mod_stats in pairs(profile.stats) do
+ if filter_matches(filter, modname) then
+ self:format_row(modname, nil, mod_stats)
+ if mod_stats.instruments ~= nil then
+ for instrument_name, instrument_stats in pairs(mod_stats.instruments) do
+ self:format_row(nil, instrument_name, instrument_stats)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self:print(HR)
+ if not filter then
+ self:format_row("total", nil, profile.stats_total)
+ end
+ end
+local CsvFormatter = Formatter:new {
+ format_row = function(self, modname, instrument_name, statistics)
+ self:print(
+ "%q,%q,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%f,%f,%f",
+ modname, instrument_name,
+ statistics.samples,
+ statistics.time_min,
+ statistics.time_max,
+ statistics:get_time_avg(),
+ statistics.time_all,
+ statistics.part_min,
+ statistics.part_max,
+ statistics:get_part_avg()
+ )
+ end,
+ format = function(self, filter)
+ self:print(
+ "%q,%q,%q,%q,%q,%q,%q,%q,%q,%q",
+ "modname", "instrumentation",
+ "samples",
+ "time min µs",
+ "time max µs",
+ "time avg µs",
+ "time all µs",
+ "part min %",
+ "part max %",
+ "part avg %"
+ )
+ for modname, mod_stats in pairs(self.profile.stats) do
+ if filter_matches(filter, modname) then
+ self:format_row(modname, "*", mod_stats)
+ if mod_stats.instruments ~= nil then
+ for instrument_name, instrument_stats in pairs(mod_stats.instruments) do
+ self:format_row(modname, instrument_name, instrument_stats)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function format_statistics(profile, format, filter)
+ local formatter
+ if format == "csv" then
+ formatter = CsvFormatter:new {
+ profile = profile
+ }
+ else
+ formatter = TxtFormatter:new {
+ profile = profile
+ }
+ end
+ formatter:format(filter)
+ return formatter:flush()
+-- Format the profile ready for display and
+-- @return string to be printed to the console
+function reporter.print(profile, filter)
+ if filter == "" then filter = nil end
+ return format_statistics(profile, "txt", filter)
+-- Serialize the profile data and
+-- @return serialized data to be saved to a file
+local function serialize_profile(profile, format, filter)
+ if format == "lua" or format == "json" or format == "json_pretty" then
+ local stats = filter and {} or profile.stats
+ if filter then
+ for modname, mod_stats in pairs(profile.stats) do
+ if filter_matches(filter, modname) then
+ stats[modname] = mod_stats
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if format == "lua" then
+ return core.serialize(stats)
+ elseif format == "json" then
+ return core.write_json(stats)
+ elseif format == "json_pretty" then
+ return core.write_json(stats, true)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Fall back to textual formats.
+ return format_statistics(profile, format, filter)
+local worldpath = core.get_worldpath()
+local function get_save_path(format, filter)
+ local report_path = setting_get("profiler.report_path") or ""
+ if report_path ~= "" then
+ core.mkdir(sprintf("%s%s%s", worldpath, DIR_DELIM, report_path))
+ end
+ return (sprintf(
+ "%s/%s/profile-%s%s.%s",
+ worldpath,
+ report_path,
+ filter and ("-" .. filter) or "",
+ format
+ ):gsub("[/\\]+", DIR_DELIM))-- Clean up delims
+-- Save the profile to the world path.
+-- @return success, log message
+function, format, filter)
+ if not format or format == "" then
+ format = setting_get("profiler.default_report_format") or "txt"
+ end
+ if filter == "" then
+ filter = nil
+ end
+ local path = get_save_path(format, filter)
+ local output, io_err =, "w")
+ if not output then
+ return false, "Saving of profile failed with: " .. io_err
+ end
+ local content, err = serialize_profile(profile, format, filter)
+ if not content then
+ output:close()
+ return false, "Saving of profile failed with: " .. err
+ end
+ output:write(content)
+ output:close()
+ local logmessage = "Profile saved to " .. path
+ core.log("action", logmessage)
+ return true, logmessage
+return reporter