path: root/builtin
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Diffstat (limited to 'builtin')
3 files changed, 385 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua
index bc942c472..b784a295e 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ local CHAR_CLASSES = {
FLAGS = "[%w_%-%.,]",
+local function flags_to_table(flags)
+ return flags:gsub("%s+", ""):split(",", true) -- Remove all spaces and split
-- returns error message, or nil
local function parse_setting_line(settings, line, read_all, base_level, allow_secure)
-- comment
@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ local function parse_setting_line(settings, line, read_all, base_level, allow_se
- if setting_type == "string" or setting_type == "noise_params"
+ if setting_type == "string"
or setting_type == "key" or setting_type == "v3f" then
local default = remaining_line:match("^(.*)$")
@@ -133,6 +137,60 @@ local function parse_setting_line(settings, line, read_all, base_level, allow_se
+ if setting_type == "noise_params_2d"
+ or setting_type == "noise_params_3d" then
+ local default = remaining_line:match("^(.*)$")
+ if not default then
+ return "Invalid string setting"
+ end
+ local values = {}
+ local ti = 1
+ local index = 1
+ for line in default:gmatch("[+-]?[%d.-e]+") do -- All numeric characters
+ index = default:find("[+-]?[%d.-e]+", index) + line:len()
+ table.insert(values, line)
+ ti = ti + 1
+ if ti > 9 then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ index = default:find("[^, ]", index)
+ local flags = ""
+ if index then
+ flags = default:sub(index)
+ default = default:sub(1, index - 3) -- Make sure no flags in single-line format
+ end
+ table.insert(values, flags)
+ table.insert(settings, {
+ name = name,
+ readable_name = readable_name,
+ type = setting_type,
+ default = default,
+ default_table = {
+ offset = values[1],
+ scale = values[2],
+ spread = {
+ x = values[3],
+ y = values[4],
+ z = values[5]
+ },
+ seed = values[6],
+ octaves = values[7],
+ persistence = values[8],
+ lacunarity = values[9],
+ flags = values[10]
+ },
+ values = values,
+ comment = current_comment,
+ noise_params = true,
+ flags = flags_to_table("defaults,eased,absvalue")
+ })
+ return
+ end
if setting_type == "bool" then
if remaining_line ~= "false" and remaining_line ~= "true" then
return "Invalid boolean setting"
@@ -236,7 +294,7 @@ local function parse_setting_line(settings, line, read_all, base_level, allow_se
readable_name = readable_name,
type = "flags",
default = default,
- possible = possible,
+ possible = flags_to_table(possible),
comment = current_comment,
@@ -430,11 +488,61 @@ local function get_current_value(setting)
return value
+local function get_current_np_group(setting)
+ local value = core.settings:get_np_group(setting.name)
+ local t = {}
+ if value == nil then
+ t = setting.values
+ else
+ table.insert(t, value.offset)
+ table.insert(t, value.scale)
+ table.insert(t, value.spread.x)
+ table.insert(t, value.spread.y)
+ table.insert(t, value.spread.z)
+ table.insert(t, value.seed)
+ table.insert(t, value.octaves)
+ table.insert(t, value.persistence)
+ table.insert(t, value.lacunarity)
+ table.insert(t, value.flags)
+ end
+ return t
+local function get_current_np_group_as_string(setting)
+ local value = core.settings:get_np_group(setting.name)
+ local t
+ if value == nil then
+ t = setting.default
+ else
+ t = value.offset .. ", " ..
+ value.scale .. ", (" ..
+ value.spread.x .. ", " ..
+ value.spread.y .. ", " ..
+ value.spread.z .. "), " ..
+ value.seed .. ", " ..
+ value.octaves .. ", " ..
+ value.persistence .. ", " ..
+ value.lacunarity .. ", " ..
+ value.flags
+ end
+ return t
+local checkboxes = {} -- handle checkboxes events
local function create_change_setting_formspec(dialogdata)
local setting = settings[selected_setting]
- local formspec = "size[10,5.2,true]" ..
- "button[5,4.5;2,1;btn_done;" .. fgettext("Save") .. "]" ..
- "button[3,4.5;2,1;btn_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]" ..
+ local height = 5.2
+ if setting.type == "noise_params_2d" or setting.type == "noise_params_3d" then
+ -- Three flags, checkboxes on 2 columns, with a vertical space of 1/2 unit
+ height = 8.7
+ elseif setting.type == "flags" then
+ -- Checkboxes on 2 columns, with a vertical space of 1/2 unit
+ height = 5.2 + math.ceil(#setting.possible / 2) / 2
+ end
+ local formspec = "size[10," .. height .. ",true]" ..
+ "button[5," .. height - 0.7 .. ";2,1;btn_done;" .. fgettext("Save") .. "]" ..
+ "button[3," .. height - 0.7 .. ";2,1;btn_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]" ..
"tablecolumns[color;text]" ..
"tableoptions[background=#00000000;highlight=#00000000;border=false]" ..
@@ -459,21 +567,6 @@ local function create_change_setting_formspec(dialogdata)
formspec = formspec .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(comment_line) .. ","
- if setting.type == "flags" then
- formspec = formspec .. ",,"
- .. "," .. fgettext("Please enter a comma seperated list of flags.") .. ","
- .. "," .. fgettext("Possible values are: ")
- .. core.formspec_escape(setting.possible:gsub(",", ", ")) .. ","
- elseif setting.type == "noise_params" then
- formspec = formspec .. ",,"
- .. "," .. fgettext("Format:") .. ","
- .. "," .. fgettext("<offset>, <scale>, (<spreadX>, <spreadY>, <spreadZ>),") .. ","
- .. "," .. fgettext("<seed>, <octaves>, <persistence>, <lacunarity>") .. ","
- elseif setting.type == "v3f" then
- formspec = formspec .. ",,"
- .. "," .. fgettext_ne("Format is 3 numbers separated by commas and inside brackets.") .. ","
- end
formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- remove trailing comma
formspec = formspec .. ";1]"
@@ -514,8 +607,91 @@ local function create_change_setting_formspec(dialogdata)
.. core.formspec_escape(current_value) .. "]"
.. "button[8,3.75;2,1;btn_browser_" .. setting.type .. ";" .. fgettext("Browse") .. "]"
+ elseif setting.type == "noise_params_2d" or setting.type == "noise_params_3d" then
+ local t = get_current_np_group(setting)
+ local dimension = 3
+ if setting.type == "noise_params_2d" then
+ dimension = 2
+ end
+ formspec = formspec
+ .. "label[0,2.5;(" .. dimension .. "D Noise)]"
+ .. "field[0.5,4;3.3,1;te_offset;Offset;" -- Offset
+ .. core.formspec_escape(t[1] or "") .. "]"
+ .. "field[3.8,4;3.3,1;te_scale;Scale;" -- Scale
+ .. core.formspec_escape(t[2] or "") .. "]"
+ .. "field[7.1,4;3.3,1;te_seed;Seed;" -- Seed
+ .. core.formspec_escape(t[6] or "") .. "]"
+ .. "label[0.5,4.7;Spread]" -- Spread
+ .. "field[2.0,5;2.8,1;te_spreadx;X;"
+ .. core.formspec_escape(t[3] or "") .. "]"
+ .. "field[4.8,5;2.8,1;te_spready;Y;"
+ .. core.formspec_escape(t[4] or "") .. "]"
+ .. "field[7.6,5;2.8,1;te_spreadz;Z;"
+ .. core.formspec_escape(t[5] or "") .. "]"
+ .. "field[0.5,6;3.3,1;te_octaves;Octaves;" -- Octaves
+ .. core.formspec_escape(t[7] or "") .. "]"
+ .. "field[3.8,6;3.3,1;te_persist;Persistance;" -- Persistance
+ .. core.formspec_escape(t[8] or "") .. "]"
+ .. "field[7.1,6;3.3,1;te_lacun;Lacunarity;" -- Lacunarity
+ .. core.formspec_escape(t[9] or "") .. "]"
+ local enabled_flags = flags_to_table(t[10])
+ local flags = {}
+ for _, name in ipairs(enabled_flags) do
+ -- Index by name, to avoid iterating over all enabled_flags for every possible flag.
+ flags[name] = true
+ end
+ -- Flags
+ formspec = formspec
+ .. "checkbox[0.5,6.5;cb_defaults;defaults;" -- defaults
+ .. tostring(flags["defaults"] == true) .. "]" -- to get false if nil
+ .. "checkbox[5,6.5;cb_eased;eased;" -- eased
+ .. tostring(flags["eased"] == true) .. "]"
+ .. "checkbox[5,7.0;cb_absvalue;absvalue;" -- absvalue
+ .. tostring(flags["absvalue"] == true) .. "]"
+ elseif setting.type == "v3f" then
+ local val = get_current_value(setting)
+ local v3f = {}
+ for line in val:gmatch("[+-]?[%d.-e]+") do -- All numeric characters
+ table.insert(v3f, line)
+ end
+ formspec = formspec
+ .. "field[0.5,4;3.3,1;te_x;X;" -- X
+ .. core.formspec_escape(v3f[1] or "") .. "]"
+ .. "field[3.8,4;3.3,1;te_y;Y;" -- Y
+ .. core.formspec_escape(v3f[2] or "") .. "]"
+ .. "field[7.1,4;3.3,1;te_z;Z;" -- Z
+ .. core.formspec_escape(v3f[3] or "") .. "]"
+ elseif setting.type == "flags" then
+ local enabled_flags = flags_to_table(get_current_value(setting))
+ local flags = {}
+ for _, name in ipairs(enabled_flags) do
+ -- Index by name, to avoid iterating over all enabled_flags for every possible flag.
+ flags[name] = true
+ end
+ local flags_count = #setting.possible
+ for i, name in ipairs(setting.possible) do
+ local x = 0.5
+ local y = 3.5 + i / 2
+ if i - 1 >= flags_count / 2 then -- 2nd column
+ x = 5
+ y = y - flags_count / 4
+ end
+ local checkbox_name = "cb_" .. name
+ local is_enabled = flags[name] == true -- to get false if nil
+ checkboxes[checkbox_name] = is_enabled
+ formspec = formspec .. "checkbox["
+ .. x .. "," .. y
+ .. ";" .. checkbox_name .. ";"
+ .. name .. ";" .. tostring(is_enabled) .. "]"
+ end
- -- TODO: fancy input for float, int, flags, noise_params, v3f
+ -- TODO: fancy input for float, int
local width = 10
local text = get_current_value(setting)
if dialogdata.error_message then
@@ -535,8 +711,8 @@ local function create_change_setting_formspec(dialogdata)
local function handle_change_setting_buttons(this, fields)
+ local setting = settings[selected_setting]
if fields["btn_done"] or fields["key_enter"] then
- local setting = settings[selected_setting]
if setting.type == "bool" then
local new_value = fields["dd_setting_value"]
-- Note: new_value is the actual (translated) value shown in the dropdown
@@ -579,17 +755,49 @@ local function handle_change_setting_buttons(this, fields)
core.settings:set(setting.name, new_value)
elseif setting.type == "flags" then
- local new_value = fields["te_setting_value"]
- for _,value in ipairs(new_value:split(",", true)) do
- value = value:trim()
- local possible = "," .. setting.possible .. ","
- if not possible:find("," .. value .. ",", 0, true) then
- this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("\"$1\" is not a valid flag.", value)
- this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
- core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
- return true
+ local values = {}
+ for _, name in ipairs(setting.possible) do
+ if checkboxes["cb_" .. name] then
+ table.insert(values, name)
+ end
+ end
+ checkboxes = {}
+ local new_value = table.concat(values, ", ")
+ core.settings:set(setting.name, new_value)
+ elseif setting.type == "noise_params_2d" or setting.type == "noise_params_3d" then
+ local np_flags = {}
+ for _, name in ipairs(setting.flags) do
+ if checkboxes["cb_" .. name] then
+ table.insert(np_flags, name)
+ checkboxes = {}
+ local new_value = {
+ offset = fields["te_offset"],
+ scale = fields["te_scale"],
+ spread = {
+ x = fields["te_spreadx"],
+ y = fields["te_spready"],
+ z = fields["te_spreadz"]
+ },
+ seed = fields["te_seed"],
+ octaves = fields["te_octaves"],
+ persistence = fields["te_persist"],
+ lacunarity = fields["te_lacun"],
+ flags = table.concat(np_flags, ", ")
+ }
+ core.settings:set_np_group(setting.name, new_value)
+ elseif setting.type == "v3f" then
+ local new_value = "("
+ .. fields["te_x"] .. ", "
+ .. fields["te_y"] .. ", "
+ .. fields["te_z"] .. ")"
core.settings:set(setting.name, new_value)
@@ -621,6 +829,16 @@ local function handle_change_setting_buttons(this, fields)
+ if setting.type == "flags"
+ or setting.type == "noise_params_2d"
+ or setting.type == "noise_params_3d" then
+ for name, value in pairs(fields) do
+ if name:sub(1, 3) == "cb_" then
+ checkboxes[name] = value == "true"
+ end
+ end
+ end
return false
@@ -659,6 +877,10 @@ local function create_settings_formspec(tabview, name, tabdata)
elseif entry.type == "key" then
-- ignore key settings, since we have a special dialog for them
+ elseif entry.type == "noise_params_2d" or entry.type == "noise_params_3d" then
+ formspec = formspec .. "," .. (current_level + 1) .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(name) .. ","
+ .. core.formspec_escape(get_current_np_group_as_string(entry)) .. ","
formspec = formspec .. "," .. (current_level + 1) .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(name) .. ","
.. core.formspec_escape(get_current_value(entry)) .. ","
@@ -743,7 +965,12 @@ local function handle_settings_buttons(this, fields, tabname, tabdata)
if fields["btn_restore"] then
local setting = settings[selected_setting]
if setting and setting.type ~= "category" then
- core.settings:set(setting.name, setting.default)
+ if setting.type == "noise_params_2d"
+ or setting.type == "noise_params_3d" then
+ core.settings:set_np_group(setting.name, setting.default_table)
+ else
+ core.settings:set(setting.name, setting.default)
+ end
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/generate_from_settingtypes.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/generate_from_settingtypes.lua
index 6c9ba27fb..9b36843e1 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/generate_from_settingtypes.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/generate_from_settingtypes.lua
@@ -22,6 +22,20 @@ local minetest_example_header = [[
+local group_format_template = [[
+# %s = {
+# offset = %s,
+# scale = %s,
+# spread = (%s, %s, %s),
+# seed = %s,
+# octaves = %s,
+# persistence = %s,
+# lacunarity = %s,
+# flags = "%s"
+# }
local function create_minetest_conf_example()
local result = { minetest_example_header }
for _, entry in ipairs(settings) do
@@ -33,6 +47,12 @@ local function create_minetest_conf_example()
insert(result, "# " .. entry.name .. "\n\n")
+ local group_format = false
+ if entry.noise_params and entry.values then
+ if entry.type == "noise_params_2d" or entry.type == "noise_params_3d" then
+ group_format = true
+ end
+ end
if entry.comment ~= "" then
for _, comment_line in ipairs(entry.comment:split("\n", true)) do
insert(result, "# " .. comment_line .. "\n")
@@ -45,18 +65,25 @@ local function create_minetest_conf_example()
if entry.max then
insert(result, " max: " .. entry.max)
- if entry.values then
+ if entry.values and entry.noise_params == nil then
insert(result, " values: " .. concat(entry.values, ", "))
if entry.possible then
- insert(result, " possible values: " .. entry.possible:gsub(",", ", "))
+ insert(result, " possible values: " .. concat(entry.possible, ", "))
insert(result, "\n")
- local append
- if entry.default ~= "" then
- append = " " .. entry.default
+ if group_format == true then
+ insert(result, sprintf(group_format_template, entry.name, entry.values[1],
+ entry.values[2], entry.values[3], entry.values[4], entry.values[5],
+ entry.values[6], entry.values[7], entry.values[8], entry.values[9],
+ entry.values[10]))
+ else
+ local append
+ if entry.default ~= "" then
+ append = " " .. entry.default
+ end
+ insert(result, sprintf("# %s =%s\n\n", entry.name, append or ""))
- insert(result, sprintf("# %s =%s\n\n", entry.name, append or ""))
return concat(result)
diff --git a/builtin/settingtypes.txt b/builtin/settingtypes.txt
index 7ebee9424..ad88b97d0 100644
--- a/builtin/settingtypes.txt
+++ b/builtin/settingtypes.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
# - filepath
# - key (will be ignored in GUI, since a special key change dialog exists)
# - flags
-# - noise_params
+# - noise_params_2d
+# - noise_params_3d
+# - v3f
# `type_args` can be:
# * int:
@@ -39,8 +41,15 @@
# * flags:
# Flags are always separated by comma without spaces.
# - default possible_flags
-# * noise_params:
-# TODO: these are currently treated like strings
+# * noise_params_2d:
+# Format is <offset>, <scale>, (<spreadX>, <spreadY>, <spreadZ>), <seed>, <octaves>, <persistance>, <lacunarity>[, <default flags>]
+# - default
+# * noise_params_3d:
+# Format is <offset>, <scale>, (<spreadX>, <spreadY>, <spreadZ>), <seed>, <octaves>, <persistance>, <lacunarity>[, <default flags>]
+# - default
+# * v3f:
+# Format is (<X>, <Y>, <Z>)
+# - default
# Comments directly above a setting are bound to this setting.
# All other comments are ignored.
@@ -1239,7 +1248,7 @@ mapgen_limit (Map generation limit) int 31000 0 31000
# Global map generation attributes.
# In Mapgen v6 the 'decorations' flag controls all decorations except trees
# and junglegrass, in all other mapgens this flag controls all decorations.
-# Flags that are not specified in the flag string are not modified from the default.
+# Flags that are not enabled are not modified from the default.
# Flags starting with 'no' are used to explicitly disable them.
mg_flags (Mapgen flags) flags caves,dungeons,light,decorations caves,dungeons,light,decorations,nocaves,nodungeons,nolight,nodecorations
@@ -1249,21 +1258,21 @@ projecting_dungeons (Projecting dungeons) bool true
[*Biome API temperature and humidity noise parameters]
# Temperature variation for biomes.
-mg_biome_np_heat (Heat noise) noise_params 50, 50, (1000, 1000, 1000), 5349, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mg_biome_np_heat (Heat noise) noise_params_2d 50, 50, (1000, 1000, 1000), 5349, 3, 0.5, 2.0, eased
# Small-scale temperature variation for blending biomes on borders.
-mg_biome_np_heat_blend (Heat blend noise) noise_params 0, 1.5, (8, 8, 8), 13, 2, 1.0, 2.0
+mg_biome_np_heat_blend (Heat blend noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1.5, (8, 8, 8), 13, 2, 1.0, 2.0, eased
# Humidity variation for biomes.
-mg_biome_np_humidity (Humidity noise) noise_params 50, 50, (1000, 1000, 1000), 842, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mg_biome_np_humidity (Humidity noise) noise_params_2d 50, 50, (1000, 1000, 1000), 842, 3, 0.5, 2.0, eased
# Small-scale humidity variation for blending biomes on borders.
-mg_biome_np_humidity_blend (Humidity blend noise) noise_params 0, 1.5, (8, 8, 8), 90003, 2, 1.0, 2.0
+mg_biome_np_humidity_blend (Humidity blend noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1.5, (8, 8, 8), 90003, 2, 1.0, 2.0, eased
[*Mapgen V5]
# Map generation attributes specific to Mapgen v5.
-# Flags that are not specified in the flag string are not modified from the default.
+# Flags that are not enabled are not modified from the default.
# Flags starting with 'no' are used to explicitly disable them.
mgv5_spflags (Mapgen V5 specific flags) flags caverns caverns,nocaverns
@@ -1288,39 +1297,26 @@ mgv5_cavern_threshold (Cavern threshold) float 0.7
# Variation of biome filler depth.
-mgv5_np_filler_depth (Filler depth noise) noise_params 0, 1, (150, 150, 150), 261, 4, 0.7, 2.0
+mgv5_np_filler_depth (Filler depth noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1, (150, 150, 150), 261, 4, 0.7, 2.0, eased
# Variation of terrain vertical scale.
# When noise is < -0.55 terrain is near-flat.
-mgv5_np_factor (Factor noise) noise_params 0, 1, (250, 250, 250), 920381, 3, 0.45, 2.0
+mgv5_np_factor (Factor noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1, (250, 250, 250), 920381, 3, 0.45, 2.0, eased
# Y-level of average terrain surface.
-mgv5_np_height (Height noise) noise_params 0, 10, (250, 250, 250), 84174, 4, 0.5, 2.0
+mgv5_np_height (Height noise) noise_params_2d 0, 10, (250, 250, 250), 84174, 4, 0.5, 2.0, eased
# First of 2 3D noises that together define tunnels.
-mgv5_np_cave1 (Cave1 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (50, 50, 50), 52534, 4, 0.5, 2.0
+mgv5_np_cave1 (Cave1 noise) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (50, 50, 50), 52534, 4, 0.5, 2.0
# Second of 2 3D noises that together define tunnels.
-mgv5_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (50, 50, 50), 10325, 4, 0.5, 2.0
+mgv5_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (50, 50, 50), 10325, 4, 0.5, 2.0
# 3D noise defining giant caverns.
-mgv5_np_cavern (Cavern noise) noise_params 0, 1, (384, 128, 384), 723, 5, 0.63, 2.0
+mgv5_np_cavern (Cavern noise) noise_params_3d 0, 1, (384, 128, 384), 723, 5, 0.63, 2.0
-# Noise parameters in group format, unsupported by advanced settings
-# menu but settable in minetest.conf.
-# See documentation of noise parameter formats in minetest.conf.example.
# 3D noise defining terrain.
-#mgv5_np_ground = {
-# offset = 0
-# scale = 40
-# spread = (80, 80, 80)
-# seed = 983240
-# octaves = 4
-# persistence = 0.55
-# lacunarity = 2.0
-# flags = "eased"
+mgv5_np_ground (Ground noise) noise_params_3d 0, 40, (80, 80, 80), 983240, 4, 0.55, 2.0, eased
[*Mapgen V6]
@@ -1328,7 +1324,7 @@ mgv5_np_cavern (Cavern noise) noise_params 0, 1, (384, 128, 384), 723, 5, 0.63,
# The 'snowbiomes' flag enables the new 5 biome system.
# When the new biome system is enabled jungles are automatically enabled and
# the 'jungles' flag is ignored.
-# Flags that are not specified in the flag string are not modified from the default.
+# Flags that are not enabled are not modified from the default.
# Flags starting with 'no' are used to explicitly disable them.
mgv6_spflags (Mapgen V6 specific flags) flags jungles,biomeblend,mudflow,snowbiomes,trees jungles,biomeblend,mudflow,snowbiomes,flat,trees,nojungles,nobiomeblend,nomudflow,nosnowbiomes,noflat,notrees
@@ -1342,43 +1338,43 @@ mgv6_freq_beach (Beach noise threshold) float 0.15
# Y-level of lower terrain and lakebeds.
-mgv6_np_terrain_base (Terrain base noise) noise_params -4, 20, (250, 250, 250), 82341, 5, 0.6, 2.0
+mgv6_np_terrain_base (Terrain base noise) noise_params_2d -4, 20, (250, 250, 250), 82341, 5, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Y-level of higher (cliff-top) terrain.
-mgv6_np_terrain_higher (Terrain higher noise) noise_params 20, 16, (500, 500, 500), 85039, 5, 0.6, 2.0
+mgv6_np_terrain_higher (Terrain higher noise) noise_params_2d 20, 16, (500, 500, 500), 85039, 5, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Varies steepness of cliffs.
-mgv6_np_steepness (Steepness noise) noise_params 0.85, 0.5, (125, 125, 125), -932, 5, 0.7, 2.0
+mgv6_np_steepness (Steepness noise) noise_params_2d 0.85, 0.5, (125, 125, 125), -932, 5, 0.7, 2.0, eased
# Defines areas of 'terrain_higher' (cliff-top terrain).
-mgv6_np_height_select (Height select noise) noise_params 0.5, 1, (250, 250, 250), 4213, 5, 0.69, 2.0
+mgv6_np_height_select (Height select noise) noise_params_2d 0.5, 1, (250, 250, 250), 4213, 5, 0.69, 2.0, eased
# Varies depth of biome surface nodes.
-mgv6_np_mud (Mud noise) noise_params 4, 2, (200, 200, 200), 91013, 3, 0.55, 2.0
+mgv6_np_mud (Mud noise) noise_params_2d 4, 2, (200, 200, 200), 91013, 3, 0.55, 2.0, eased
# Defines areas with sandy beaches.
-mgv6_np_beach (Beach noise) noise_params 0, 1, (250, 250, 250), 59420, 3, 0.50, 2.0
+mgv6_np_beach (Beach noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1, (250, 250, 250), 59420, 3, 0.50, 2.0, eased
# Temperature variation for biomes.
-mgv6_np_biome (Biome noise) noise_params 0, 1, (500, 500, 500), 9130, 3, 0.50, 2.0
+mgv6_np_biome (Biome noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1, (500, 500, 500), 9130, 3, 0.50, 2.0, eased
# Variation of number of caves.
-mgv6_np_cave (Cave noise) noise_params 6, 6, (250, 250, 250), 34329, 3, 0.50, 2.0
+mgv6_np_cave (Cave noise) noise_params_2d 6, 6, (250, 250, 250), 34329, 3, 0.50, 2.0, eased
# Humidity variation for biomes.
-mgv6_np_humidity (Humidity noise) noise_params 0.5, 0.5, (500, 500, 500), 72384, 3, 0.50, 2.0
+mgv6_np_humidity (Humidity noise) noise_params_2d 0.5, 0.5, (500, 500, 500), 72384, 3, 0.50, 2.0, eased
# Defines tree areas and tree density.
-mgv6_np_trees (Trees noise) noise_params 0, 1, (125, 125, 125), 2, 4, 0.66, 2.0
+mgv6_np_trees (Trees noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1, (125, 125, 125), 2, 4, 0.66, 2.0, eased
# Defines areas where trees have apples.
-mgv6_np_apple_trees (Apple trees noise) noise_params 0, 1, (100, 100, 100), 342902, 3, 0.45, 2.0
+mgv6_np_apple_trees (Apple trees noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1, (100, 100, 100), 342902, 3, 0.45, 2.0, eased
[*Mapgen V7]
# Map generation attributes specific to Mapgen v7.
# 'ridges' enables the rivers.
-# Flags that are not specified in the flag string are not modified from the default.
+# Flags that are not enabled are not modified from the default.
# Flags starting with 'no' are used to explicitly disable them.
mgv7_spflags (Mapgen V7 specific flags) flags mountains,ridges,nofloatlands,caverns mountains,ridges,floatlands,caverns,nomountains,noridges,nofloatlands,nocaverns
@@ -1419,54 +1415,54 @@ mgv7_cavern_threshold (Cavern threshold) float 0.7
# Y-level of higher (cliff-top) terrain.
-mgv7_np_terrain_base (Terrain base noise) noise_params 4, 70, (600, 600, 600), 82341, 5, 0.6, 2.0
+mgv7_np_terrain_base (Terrain base noise) noise_params_2d 4, 70, (600, 600, 600), 82341, 5, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Y-level of lower terrain and lakebeds.
-mgv7_np_terrain_alt (Terrain alt noise) noise_params 4, 25, (600, 600, 600), 5934, 5, 0.6, 2.0
+mgv7_np_terrain_alt (Terrain alt noise) noise_params_2d 4, 25, (600, 600, 600), 5934, 5, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Varies roughness of terrain.
# Defines the 'persistence' value for terrain_base and terrain_alt noises.
-mgv7_np_terrain_persist (Terrain persistence noise) noise_params 0.6, 0.1, (2000, 2000, 2000), 539, 3, 0.6, 2.0
+mgv7_np_terrain_persist (Terrain persistence noise) noise_params_2d 0.6, 0.1, (2000, 2000, 2000), 539, 3, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Defines areas of higher (cliff-top) terrain and affects steepness of cliffs.
-mgv7_np_height_select (Height select noise) noise_params -8, 16, (500, 500, 500), 4213, 6, 0.7, 2.0
+mgv7_np_height_select (Height select noise) noise_params_2d -8, 16, (500, 500, 500), 4213, 6, 0.7, 2.0, eased
# Variation of biome filler depth.
-mgv7_np_filler_depth (Filler depth noise) noise_params 0, 1.2, (150, 150, 150), 261, 3, 0.7, 2.0
+mgv7_np_filler_depth (Filler depth noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1.2, (150, 150, 150), 261, 3, 0.7, 2.0, eased
# Variation of maximum mountain height (in nodes).
-mgv7_np_mount_height (Mountain height noise) noise_params 256, 112, (1000, 1000, 1000), 72449, 3, 0.6, 2.0
+mgv7_np_mount_height (Mountain height noise) noise_params_2d 256, 112, (1000, 1000, 1000), 72449, 3, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Defines large-scale river channel structure.
-mgv7_np_ridge_uwater (Ridge underwater noise) noise_params 0, 1, (1000, 1000, 1000), 85039, 5, 0.6, 2.0
+mgv7_np_ridge_uwater (Ridge underwater noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1, (1000, 1000, 1000), 85039, 5, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Defines areas of floatland smooth terrain.
# Smooth floatlands occur when noise > 0.
-mgv7_np_floatland_base (Floatland base noise) noise_params -0.6, 1.5, (600, 600, 600), 114, 5, 0.6, 2.0
+mgv7_np_floatland_base (Floatland base noise) noise_params_2d -0.6, 1.5, (600, 600, 600), 114, 5, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Variation of hill height and lake depth on floatland smooth terrain.
-mgv7_np_float_base_height (Floatland base height noise) noise_params 48, 24, (300, 300, 300), 907, 4, 0.7, 2.0
+mgv7_np_float_base_height (Floatland base height noise) noise_params_2d 48, 24, (300, 300, 300), 907, 4, 0.7, 2.0, eased
# 3D noise defining mountain structure and height.
# Also defines structure of floatland mountain terrain.
-mgv7_np_mountain (Mountain noise) noise_params -0.6, 1, (250, 350, 250), 5333, 5, 0.63, 2.0
+mgv7_np_mountain (Mountain noise) noise_params_3d -0.6, 1, (250, 350, 250), 5333, 5, 0.63, 2.0
# 3D noise defining structure of river canyon walls.
-mgv7_np_ridge (Ridge noise) noise_params 0, 1, (100, 100, 100), 6467, 4, 0.75, 2.0
+mgv7_np_ridge (Ridge noise) noise_params_3d 0, 1, (100, 100, 100), 6467, 4, 0.75, 2.0
# 3D noise defining giant caverns.
-mgv7_np_cavern (Cavern noise) noise_params 0, 1, (384, 128, 384), 723, 5, 0.63, 2.0
+mgv7_np_cavern (Cavern noise) noise_params_3d 0, 1, (384, 128, 384), 723, 5, 0.63, 2.0
# First of 2 3D noises that together define tunnels.
-mgv7_np_cave1 (Cave1 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (61, 61, 61), 52534, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgv7_np_cave1 (Cave1 noise) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (61, 61, 61), 52534, 3, 0.5, 2.0
# Second of 2 3D noises that together define tunnels.
-mgv7_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgv7_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5, 2.0
[*Mapgen Carpathian]
# Map generation attributes specific to Mapgen Carpathian.
-# Flags that are not specified in the flag string are not modified from the default.
+# Flags that are not enabled are not modified from the default.
# Flags starting with 'no' are used to explicitly disable them.
mgcarpathian_spflags (Mapgen Carpathian specific flags) flags caverns caverns,nocaverns
@@ -1491,58 +1487,58 @@ mgcarpathian_cavern_threshold (Cavern threshold) float 0.7
# 2D noise that defines the base ground level.
-mgcarpathian_np_base (Base ground noise) noise_params 12, 1, (2557, 2557, 2557), 6538, 4, 0.8, 0.5
+mgcarpathian_np_base (Base ground noise) noise_params_2d 12, 1, (2557, 2557, 2557), 6538, 4, 0.8, 0.5, eased
# Variation of biome filler depth.
-mgcarpathian_np_filler_depth (Filler depth noise) noise_params 0, 1, (128, 128, 128), 261, 3, 0.7, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_filler_depth (Filler depth noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1, (128, 128, 128), 261, 3, 0.7, 2.0, eased
-# First of 4 3D noises that together define hill/mountain range height.
-mgcarpathian_np_height1 (Hilliness1 noise) noise_params 0, 5, (251, 251, 251), 9613, 5, 0.5, 2.0
+# First of 4 2D noises that together define hill/mountain range height.
+mgcarpathian_np_height1 (Hilliness1 noise) noise_params_2d 0, 5, (251, 251, 251), 9613, 5, 0.5, 2.0, eased
-# Second of 4 3D noises that together define hill/mountain range height.
-mgcarpathian_np_height2 (Hilliness2 noise) noise_params 0, 5, (383, 383, 383), 1949, 5, 0.5, 2.0
+# Second of 4 2D noises that together define hill/mountain range height.
+mgcarpathian_np_height2 (Hilliness2 noise) noise_params_2d 0, 5, (383, 383, 383), 1949, 5, 0.5, 2.0, eased
-# Third of 4 3D noises that together define hill/mountain range height.
-mgcarpathian_np_height3 (Hilliness3 noise) noise_params 0, 5, (509, 509, 509), 3211, 5, 0.5, 2.0
+# Third of 4 2D noises that together define hill/mountain range height.
+mgcarpathian_np_height3 (Hilliness3 noise) noise_params_2d 0, 5, (509, 509, 509), 3211, 5, 0.5, 2.0, eased
-# Fourth of 4 3D noises that together define hill/mountain range height.
-mgcarpathian_np_height4 (Hilliness4 noise) noise_params 0, 5, (631, 631, 631), 1583, 5, 0.5, 2.0
+# Fourth of 4 2D noises that together define hill/mountain range height.
+mgcarpathian_np_height4 (Hilliness4 noise) noise_params_2d 0, 5, (631, 631, 631), 1583, 5, 0.5, 2.0, eased
# 2D noise that controls the size/occurance of rolling hills.
-mgcarpathian_np_hills_terrain (Rolling hills spread noise) noise_params 1, 1, (1301, 1301, 1301), 1692, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_hills_terrain (Rolling hills spread noise) noise_params_2d 1, 1, (1301, 1301, 1301), 1692, 3, 0.5, 2.0, eased
# 2D noise that controls the size/occurance of ridged mountain ranges.
-mgcarpathian_np_ridge_terrain (Ridge mountain spread noise) noise_params 1, 1, (1889, 1889, 1889), 3568, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_ridge_terrain (Ridge mountain spread noise) noise_params_2d 1, 1, (1889, 1889, 1889), 3568, 3, 0.5, 2.0, eased
# 2D noise that controls the size/occurance of step mountain ranges.
-mgcarpathian_np_step_terrain (Step mountain spread noise) noise_params 1, 1, (1889, 1889, 1889), 4157, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_step_terrain (Step mountain spread noise) noise_params_2d 1, 1, (1889, 1889, 1889), 4157, 3, 0.5, 2.0, eased
# 2D noise that controls the shape/size of rolling hills.
-mgcarpathian_np_hills (Rolling hill size noise) noise_params 0, 3, (257, 257, 257), 6604, 6, 0.5, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_hills (Rolling hill size noise) noise_params_2d 0, 3, (257, 257, 257), 6604, 6, 0.5, 2.0, eased
# 2D noise that controls the shape/size of ridged mountains.
-mgcarpathian_np_ridge_mnt (Ridged mountain size noise) noise_params 0, 12, (743, 743, 743), 5520, 6, 0.7, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_ridge_mnt (Ridged mountain size noise) noise_params_2d 0, 12, (743, 743, 743), 5520, 6, 0.7, 2.0, eased
# 2D noise that controls the shape/size of step mountains.
-mgcarpathian_np_step_mnt (Step mountain size noise) noise_params 0, 8, (509, 509, 509), 2590, 6, 0.6, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_step_mnt (Step mountain size noise) noise_params_2d 0, 8, (509, 509, 509), 2590, 6, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# 3D noise for mountain overhangs, cliffs, etc. Usually small variations.
-mgcarpathian_np_mnt_var (Mountain variation noise) noise_params 0, 1, (499, 499, 499), 2490, 5, 0.55, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_mnt_var (Mountain variation noise) noise_params_3d 0, 1, (499, 499, 499), 2490, 5, 0.55, 2.0
# First of 2 3D noises that together define tunnels.
-mgcarpathian_np_cave1 (Cave1 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (61, 61, 61), 52534, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_cave1 (Cave1 noise) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (61, 61, 61), 52534, 3, 0.5, 2.0
# Second of 2 3D noises that together define tunnels.
-mgcarpathian_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5, 2.0
# 3D noise defining giant caverns.
-mgcarpathian_np_cavern (Cavern noise) noise_params 0, 1, (384, 128, 384), 723, 5, 0.63, 2.0
+mgcarpathian_np_cavern (Cavern noise) noise_params_3d 0, 1, (384, 128, 384), 723, 5, 0.63, 2.0
[*Mapgen Flat]
# Map generation attributes specific to Mapgen flat.
# Occasional lakes and hills can be added to the flat world.
-# Flags that are not specified in the flag string are not modified from the default.
+# Flags that are not enabled are not modified from the default.
# Flags starting with 'no' are used to explicitly disable them.
mgflat_spflags (Mapgen Flat specific flags) flags nolakes,nohills lakes,hills,nolakes,nohills
@@ -1577,16 +1573,16 @@ mgflat_hill_steepness (Hill steepness) float 64.0
# Defines location and terrain of optional hills and lakes.
-mgflat_np_terrain (Terrain noise) noise_params 0, 1, (600, 600, 600), 7244, 5, 0.6, 2.0
+mgflat_np_terrain (Terrain noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1, (600, 600, 600), 7244, 5, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Variation of biome filler depth.
-mgflat_np_filler_depth (Filler depth noise) noise_params 0, 1.2, (150, 150, 150), 261, 3, 0.7, 2.0
+mgflat_np_filler_depth (Filler depth noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1.2, (150, 150, 150), 261, 3, 0.7, 2.0, eased
# First of 2 3D noises that together define tunnels.
-mgflat_np_cave1 (Cave1 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (61, 61, 61), 52534, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgflat_np_cave1 (Cave1 noise) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (61, 61, 61), 52534, 3, 0.5, 2.0
# Second of 2 3D noises that together define tunnels.
-mgflat_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgflat_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5, 2.0
[*Mapgen Fractal]
@@ -1659,16 +1655,16 @@ mgfractal_julia_w (Julia w) float 0.33
# Y-level of seabed.
-mgfractal_np_seabed (Seabed noise) noise_params -14, 9, (600, 600, 600), 41900, 5, 0.6, 2.0
+mgfractal_np_seabed (Seabed noise) noise_params_2d -14, 9, (600, 600, 600), 41900, 5, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Variation of biome filler depth.
-mgfractal_np_filler_depth (Filler depth noise) noise_params 0, 1.2, (150, 150, 150), 261, 3, 0.7, 2.0
+mgfractal_np_filler_depth (Filler depth noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1.2, (150, 150, 150), 261, 3, 0.7, 2.0, eased
# First of 2 3D noises that together define tunnels.
-mgfractal_np_cave1 (Cave1 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (61, 61, 61), 52534, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgfractal_np_cave1 (Cave1 noise) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (61, 61, 61), 52534, 3, 0.5, 2.0
# Second of 2 3D noises that together define tunnels.
-mgfractal_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgfractal_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5, 2.0
[*Mapgen Valleys]
@@ -1676,7 +1672,7 @@ mgfractal_np_cave2 (Cave2 noise) noise_params 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5
# 'altitude_chill' makes higher elevations colder, which may cause biome issues.
# 'humid_rivers' modifies the humidity around rivers and in areas where water would tend to pool,
# it may interfere with delicately adjusted biomes.
-# Flags that are not specified in the flag string are not modified from the default.
+# Flags that are not enabled are not modified from the default.
# Flags starting with 'no' are used to explicitly disable them.
mg_valleys_spflags (Mapgen Valleys specific flags) flags altitude_chill,humid_rivers altitude_chill,noaltitude_chill,humid_rivers,nohumid_rivers
@@ -1709,34 +1705,34 @@ mgvalleys_cave_width (Cave width) float 0.09
# Caves and tunnels form at the intersection of the two noises
-mgvalleys_np_cave1 (Cave noise #1) noise_params 0, 12, (61, 61, 61), 52534, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgvalleys_np_cave1 (Cave noise #1) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (61, 61, 61), 52534, 3, 0.5, 2.0
# Caves and tunnels form at the intersection of the two noises
-mgvalleys_np_cave2 (Cave noise #2) noise_params 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgvalleys_np_cave2 (Cave noise #2) noise_params_3d 0, 12, (67, 67, 67), 10325, 3, 0.5, 2.0
# The depth of dirt or other filler
-mgvalleys_np_filler_depth (Filler Depth) noise_params 0, 1.2, (256, 256, 256), 1605, 3, 0.5, 2.0
+mgvalleys_np_filler_depth (Filler Depth) noise_params_2d 0, 1.2, (256, 256, 256), 1605, 3, 0.5, 2.0, eased
# Massive caves form here.
-mgvalleys_np_massive_caves (Massive cave noise) noise_params 0, 1, (768, 256, 768), 59033, 6, 0.63, 2.0
+mgvalleys_np_massive_caves (Massive cave noise) noise_params_3d 0, 1, (768, 256, 768), 59033, 6, 0.63, 2.0
# River noise -- rivers occur close to zero
-mgvalleys_np_rivers (River Noise) noise_params 0, 1, (256, 256, 256), -6050, 5, 0.6, 2.0
+mgvalleys_np_rivers (River Noise) noise_params_2d 0, 1, (256, 256, 256), -6050, 5, 0.6, 2.0, eased
# Base terrain height
-mgvalleys_np_terrain_height (Terrain Height) noise_params -10, 50, (1024, 1024, 1024), 5202, 6, 0.4, 2.0
+mgvalleys_np_terrain_height (Terrain Height) noise_params_2d -10, 50, (1024, 1024, 1024), 5202, 6, 0.4, 2.0, eased
# Raises terrain to make valleys around the rivers
-mgvalleys_np_valley_depth (Valley Depth) noise_params 5, 4, (512, 512, 512), -1914, 1, 1.0, 2.0
+mgvalleys_np_valley_depth (Valley Depth) noise_params_2d 5, 4, (512, 512, 512), -1914, 1, 1.0, 2.0, eased
# Slope and fill work together to modify the heights
-mgvalleys_np_inter_valley_fill (Valley Fill) noise_params 0, 1, (256, 512, 256), 1993, 6, 0.8, 2.0
+mgvalleys_np_inter_valley_fill (Valley Fill) noise_params_3d 0, 1, (256, 512, 256), 1993, 6, 0.8, 2.0
# Amplifies the valleys
-mgvalleys_np_valley_profile (Valley Profile) noise_params 0.6, 0.5, (512, 512, 512), 777, 1, 1.0, 2.0
+mgvalleys_np_valley_profile (Valley Profile) noise_params_2d 0.6, 0.5, (512, 512, 512), 777, 1, 1.0, 2.0, eased
# Slope and fill work together to modify the heights
-mgvalleys_np_inter_valley_slope (Valley Slope) noise_params 0.5, 0.5, (128, 128, 128), 746, 1, 1.0, 2.0
+mgvalleys_np_inter_valley_slope (Valley Slope) noise_params_2d 0.5, 0.5, (128, 128, 128), 746, 1, 1.0, 2.0, eased