path: root/src/connection.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/connection.h')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/connection.h b/src/connection.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c67aa5feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/connection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "common_irrlicht.h"
+#include "socket.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+#include "exceptions.h"
+#include "constants.h"
+namespace con
+ Exceptions
+class NotFoundException : public BaseException
+ NotFoundException(const char *s):
+ BaseException(s)
+ {}
+class PeerNotFoundException : public BaseException
+ PeerNotFoundException(const char *s):
+ BaseException(s)
+ {}
+class ConnectionException : public BaseException
+ ConnectionException(const char *s):
+ BaseException(s)
+ {}
+/*class ThrottlingException : public BaseException
+ ThrottlingException(const char *s):
+ BaseException(s)
+ {}
+class InvalidIncomingDataException : public BaseException
+ InvalidIncomingDataException(const char *s):
+ BaseException(s)
+ {}
+class InvalidOutgoingDataException : public BaseException
+ InvalidOutgoingDataException(const char *s):
+ BaseException(s)
+ {}
+class NoIncomingDataException : public BaseException
+ NoIncomingDataException(const char *s):
+ BaseException(s)
+ {}
+class ProcessedSilentlyException : public BaseException
+ ProcessedSilentlyException(const char *s):
+ BaseException(s)
+ {}
+class GotSplitPacketException
+ SharedBuffer<u8> m_data;
+ GotSplitPacketException(SharedBuffer<u8> data):
+ m_data(data)
+ {}
+ SharedBuffer<u8> getData()
+ {
+ return m_data;
+ }
+inline u16 readPeerId(u8 *packetdata)
+ return readU16(&packetdata[4]);
+inline u8 readChannel(u8 *packetdata)
+ return readU8(&packetdata[6]);
+#define SEQNUM_MAX 65535
+inline bool seqnum_higher(u16 higher, u16 lower)
+ if(lower > higher && lower - higher > SEQNUM_MAX/2){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return (higher > lower);
+struct BufferedPacket
+ BufferedPacket(u8 *a_data, u32 a_size):
+ data(a_data, a_size), time(0.0), totaltime(0.0)
+ {}
+ BufferedPacket(u32 a_size):
+ data(a_size), time(0.0), totaltime(0.0)
+ {}
+ SharedBuffer<u8> data; // Data of the packet, including headers
+ float time; // Seconds from buffering the packet or re-sending
+ float totaltime; // Seconds from buffering the packet
+ Address address; // Sender or destination
+// This adds the base headers to the data and makes a packet out of it
+BufferedPacket makePacket(Address &address, u8 *data, u32 datasize,
+ u32 protocol_id, u16 sender_peer_id, u8 channel);
+BufferedPacket makePacket(Address &address, SharedBuffer<u8> &data,
+ u32 protocol_id, u16 sender_peer_id, u8 channel);
+// Add the TYPE_ORIGINAL header to the data
+SharedBuffer<u8> makeOriginalPacket(
+ SharedBuffer<u8> data);
+// Split data in chunks and add TYPE_SPLIT headers to them
+core::list<SharedBuffer<u8> > makeSplitPacket(
+ SharedBuffer<u8> data,
+ u32 chunksize_max,
+ u16 seqnum);
+// Depending on size, make a TYPE_ORIGINAL or TYPE_SPLIT packet
+// Increments split_seqnum if a split packet is made
+core::list<SharedBuffer<u8> > makeAutoSplitPacket(
+ SharedBuffer<u8> data,
+ u32 chunksize_max,
+ u16 &split_seqnum);
+// Add the TYPE_RELIABLE header to the data
+SharedBuffer<u8> makeReliablePacket(
+ SharedBuffer<u8> data,
+ u16 seqnum);
+struct IncomingSplitPacket
+ IncomingSplitPacket()
+ {
+ time = 0.0;
+ reliable = false;
+ }
+ // Key is chunk number, value is data without headers
+ core::map<u16, SharedBuffer<u8> > chunks;
+ u32 chunk_count;
+ float time; // Seconds from adding
+ bool reliable; // If true, isn't deleted on timeout
+ bool allReceived()
+ {
+ return (chunks.size() == chunk_count);
+ }
+=== NOTES ===
+A packet is sent through a channel to a peer with a basic header:
+TODO: Should we have a receiver_peer_id also?
+ Header (7 bytes):
+ [0] u32 protocol_id
+ [4] u16 sender_peer_id
+ [6] u8 channel
+ Unique to each peer.
+ value 0 is reserved for making new connections
+ value 1 is reserved for server
+ The lower the number, the higher the priority is.
+ Only channels 0, 1 and 2 exist.
+#define PEER_ID_NEW 0
+#define PEER_ID_SERVER 1
+#define CHANNEL_COUNT 3
+Packet types:
+CONTROL: This is a packet used by the protocol.
+- When this is processed, nothing is handed to the user.
+ Header (2 byte):
+ [0] u8 type
+ [1] u8 controltype
+controltype and data description:
+ [2] u16 seqnum
+ [2] u16 peer_id_new
+ - This can be sent in a reliable packet to get a reply
+#define TYPE_CONTROL 0
+ORIGINAL: This is a plain packet with no control and no error
+checking at all.
+- When this is processed, it is directly handed to the user.
+ Header (1 byte):
+ [0] u8 type
+#define TYPE_ORIGINAL 1
+SPLIT: These are sequences of packets forming one bigger piece of
+- When processed and all the packet_nums 0...packet_count-1 are
+ present (this should be buffered), the resulting data shall be
+ directly handed to the user.
+- If the data fails to come up in a reasonable time, the buffer shall
+ be silently discarded.
+- These can be sent as-is or atop of a RELIABLE packet stream.
+ Header (7 bytes):
+ [0] u8 type
+ [1] u16 seqnum
+ [3] u16 chunk_count
+ [5] u16 chunk_num
+#define TYPE_SPLIT 2
+RELIABLE: Delivery of all RELIABLE packets shall be forced by ACKs,
+and they shall be delivered in the same order as sent. This is done
+with a buffer in the receiving and transmitting end.
+- When this is processed, the contents of each packet is recursively
+ processed as packets.
+ Header (3 bytes):
+ [0] u8 type
+ [1] u16 seqnum
+#define TYPE_RELIABLE 3
+//#define SEQNUM_INITIAL 0x10
+#define SEQNUM_INITIAL 65500
+ A buffer which stores reliable packets and sorts them internally
+ for fast access to the smallest one.
+typedef core::list<BufferedPacket>::Iterator RPBSearchResult;
+class ReliablePacketBuffer
+ void print();
+ bool empty();
+ u32 size();
+ RPBSearchResult findPacket(u16 seqnum);
+ RPBSearchResult notFound();
+ u16 getFirstSeqnum();
+ BufferedPacket popFirst();
+ BufferedPacket popSeqnum(u16 seqnum);
+ void insert(BufferedPacket &p);
+ void incrementTimeouts(float dtime);
+ void resetTimedOuts(float timeout);
+ bool anyTotaltimeReached(float timeout);
+ core::list<BufferedPacket> getTimedOuts(float timeout);
+ core::list<BufferedPacket> m_list;
+ A buffer for reconstructing split packets
+class IncomingSplitBuffer
+ ~IncomingSplitBuffer();
+ /*
+ This will throw a GotSplitPacketException when a full
+ split packet is constructed.
+ */
+ void insert(BufferedPacket &p, bool reliable);
+ void removeUnreliableTimedOuts(float dtime, float timeout);
+ // Key is seqnum
+ core::map<u16, IncomingSplitPacket*> m_buf;
+class Connection;
+struct Channel
+ Channel();
+ ~Channel();
+ /*
+ Processes a packet with the basic header stripped out.
+ Parameters:
+ packetdata: Data in packet (with no base headers)
+ con: The connection to which the channel is associated
+ (used for sending back stuff (ACKs))
+ peer_id: peer id of the sender of the packet in question
+ channelnum: channel on which the packet was sent
+ reliable: true if recursing into a reliable packet
+ */
+ SharedBuffer<u8> ProcessPacket(
+ SharedBuffer<u8> packetdata,
+ Connection *con,
+ u16 peer_id,
+ u8 channelnum,
+ bool reliable=false);
+ // Returns next data from a buffer if possible
+ // throws a NoIncomingDataException if no data is available
+ // If found, sets peer_id
+ SharedBuffer<u8> CheckIncomingBuffers(Connection *con,
+ u16 &peer_id);
+ u16 next_outgoing_seqnum;
+ u16 next_incoming_seqnum;
+ u16 next_outgoing_split_seqnum;
+ // This is for buffering the incoming packets that are coming in
+ // the wrong order
+ ReliablePacketBuffer incoming_reliables;
+ // This is for buffering the sent packets so that the sender can
+ // re-send them if no ACK is received
+ ReliablePacketBuffer outgoing_reliables;
+ IncomingSplitBuffer incoming_splits;
+class Peer;
+class PeerHandler
+ PeerHandler()
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~PeerHandler()
+ {
+ }
+ /*
+ This is called after the Peer has been inserted into the
+ Connection's peer container.
+ */
+ virtual void peerAdded(Peer *peer) = 0;
+ /*
+ This is called before the Peer has been removed from the
+ Connection's peer container.
+ */
+ virtual void deletingPeer(Peer *peer, bool timeout) = 0;
+class Peer
+ Peer(u16 a_id, Address a_address);
+ virtual ~Peer();
+ /*
+ Calculates avg_rtt and resend_timeout.
+ rtt=-1 only recalculates resend_timeout
+ */
+ void reportRTT(float rtt);
+ Channel channels[CHANNEL_COUNT];
+ // Address of the peer
+ Address address;
+ // Unique id of the peer
+ u16 id;
+ // Seconds from last receive
+ float timeout_counter;
+ // Ping timer
+ float ping_timer;
+ // This is changed dynamically
+ float resend_timeout;
+ // Updated when an ACK is received
+ float avg_rtt;
+ // This is set to true when the peer has actually sent something
+ // with the id we have given to it
+ bool has_sent_with_id;
+class Connection
+ Connection(
+ u32 protocol_id,
+ u32 max_packet_size,
+ float timeout,
+ PeerHandler *peerhandler
+ );
+ ~Connection();
+ void setTimeoutMs(int timeout){ m_socket.setTimeoutMs(timeout); }
+ // Start being a server
+ void Serve(unsigned short port);
+ // Connect to a server
+ void Connect(Address address);
+ bool Connected();
+ // Sets peer_id
+ SharedBuffer<u8> GetFromBuffers(u16 &peer_id);
+ // The peer_id of sender is stored in peer_id
+ // Return value: I guess this always throws an exception or
+ // actually gets data
+ u32 Receive(u16 &peer_id, u8 *data, u32 datasize);
+ // These will automatically package the data as an original or split
+ void SendToAll(u8 channelnum, SharedBuffer<u8> data, bool reliable);
+ void Send(u16 peer_id, u8 channelnum, SharedBuffer<u8> data, bool reliable);
+ // Send data as a packet; it will be wrapped in base header and
+ // optionally to a reliable packet.
+ void SendAsPacket(u16 peer_id, u8 channelnum,
+ SharedBuffer<u8> data, bool reliable);
+ // Sends a raw packet
+ void RawSend(const BufferedPacket &packet);
+ void RunTimeouts(float dtime);
+ // Can throw a PeerNotFoundException
+ Peer* GetPeer(u16 peer_id);
+ // returns NULL if failed
+ Peer* GetPeerNoEx(u16 peer_id);
+ core::list<Peer*> GetPeers();
+ void SetPeerID(u16 id){ m_peer_id = id; }
+ u16 GetPeerID(){ return m_peer_id; }
+ u32 GetProtocolID(){ return m_protocol_id; }
+ // For debug printing
+ void PrintInfo(std::ostream &out);
+ void PrintInfo();
+ u16 m_indentation;
+ u32 m_protocol_id;
+ float m_timeout;
+ PeerHandler *m_peerhandler;
+ core::map<u16, Peer*> m_peers;
+ u16 m_peer_id;
+ //bool m_waiting_new_peer_id;
+ u32 m_max_packet_size;
+ UDPSocket m_socket;
+} // namespace