path: root/src/script/cpp_api/s_base.h
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-- lzb.lua
-- Enforced and/or automatic train override control, providing the on_train_approach callback

Documentation of train.lzb table
train.lzb = {
	trav_index = Current index that the traverser has advanced so far
	checkpoints = table containing oncoming signals, in order of index
			pos = position of the point
			index = where this is on the path
			speed = speed allowed to pass. nil = no effect
			callback = function(pos, id, train, index, speed, lzbdata)
			-- Function that determines what to do on the train in the moment it drives over that point.
			-- When spd==0, called instead when train has stopped in front
			-- nil = no effect
			lzbdata = {}
			-- Table of custom data filled in by approach callbacks
			-- Whenever an approach callback inserts an LZB checkpoint with changed lzbdata,
			-- all consecutive approach callbacks will see these passed as lzbdata table.
			udata = arbitrary user data, no official way to retrieve (do not use)
	trav_lzbdata = currently active lzbdata table at traverser index
The LZB subsystem keeps track of "checkpoints" the train will pass in the future, and has two main tasks:
1. run approach callbacks, and run callbacks when passing LZB checkpoints
2. keep track of the permitted speed at checkpoints, and make sure that the train brakes accordingly
To perform 2, it populates the train.path_speed table which is handled along with the path subsystem.
This table is used in trainlogic.lua/train_step_b() and applied to the velocity calculations.

Note: in contrast to node enter callbacks, which are called when the train passes the .5 index mark, LZB callbacks are executed on passing the .0 index mark!
If an LZB checkpoint has speed 0, the train will still enter the node (the enter callback will be called), but will stop at the 0.9 index mark (for details, see SLOW_APPROACH in trainlogic.lua)

The start point for the LZB traverser (and thus the first node that will receive an approach callback) is floor(train.index) + 1. This means, once the LZB checkpoint callback has fired,
this path node will not receive any further approach callbacks for the same approach situation

local params = {
	AWARE_ZONE  = 50,

	ADD_STAND  =  2.5,
	ADD_SLOW   =  1.5,
	ADD_FAST   =  7,
	ZONE_ROLL  =  2,
	ZONE_HOLD  =  5, -- added on top of ZONE_ROLL
	ZONE_VSLOW =  3, -- When speed is <2, still allow accelerating

	DST_FACTOR =  1.5,
