path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
28 files changed, 1605 insertions, 511 deletions
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index c479b4e73..a753b6d87 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ set(minetest_SRCS
+ camera.cpp
@@ -188,10 +189,10 @@ if(BUILD_CLIENT)
@@ -200,9 +201,9 @@ if(BUILD_SERVER)
diff --git a/src/camera.cpp b/src/camera.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34226b90b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/camera.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+Copyright (C) 2010-2011 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+#include "camera.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "client.h"
+#include "main.h" // for g_settings
+#include "map.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "tile.h"
+#include <cmath>
+Camera::Camera(scene::ISceneManager* smgr, MapDrawControl& draw_control):
+ m_smgr(smgr),
+ m_playernode(NULL),
+ m_headnode(NULL),
+ m_cameranode(NULL),
+ m_wieldmgr(NULL),
+ m_wieldnode(NULL),
+ m_draw_control(draw_control),
+ m_viewing_range_min(5.0),
+ m_viewing_range_max(5.0),
+ m_camera_position(0,0,0),
+ m_camera_direction(0,0,0),
+ m_aspect(1.0),
+ m_fov_x(1.0),
+ m_fov_y(1.0),
+ m_wanted_frametime(0.0),
+ m_added_frametime(0),
+ m_added_frames(0),
+ m_range_old(0),
+ m_frametime_old(0),
+ m_frametime_counter(0),
+ m_time_per_range(30. / 50), // a sane default of 30ms per 50 nodes of range
+ m_view_bobbing_anim(0),
+ m_view_bobbing_state(0),
+ m_view_bobbing_speed(0),
+ m_digging_anim(0),
+ m_digging_button(-1)
+ //dstream<<__FUNCTION_NAME<<std::endl;
+ // note: making the camera node a child of the player node
+ // would lead to unexpected behaviour, so we don't do that.
+ m_playernode = smgr->addEmptySceneNode(smgr->getRootSceneNode());
+ m_headnode = smgr->addEmptySceneNode(m_playernode);
+ m_cameranode = smgr->addCameraSceneNode(smgr->getRootSceneNode());
+ m_cameranode->bindTargetAndRotation(true);
+ // This needs to be in its own scene manager. It is drawn after
+ // all other 3D scene nodes and before the GUI.
+ m_wieldmgr = smgr->createNewSceneManager();
+ m_wieldmgr->addCameraSceneNode();
+ m_wieldnode = new ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode(m_wieldmgr->getRootSceneNode(), m_wieldmgr);
+ updateSettings();
+ m_wieldmgr->drop();
+ m_wieldnode->drop();
+bool Camera::successfullyCreated(std::wstring& error_message)
+ if (m_playernode == NULL)
+ {
+ error_message = L"Failed to create the player scene node";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (m_headnode == NULL)
+ {
+ error_message = L"Failed to create the head scene node";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (m_cameranode == NULL)
+ {
+ error_message = L"Failed to create the camera scene node";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (m_wieldmgr == NULL)
+ {
+ error_message = L"Failed to create the wielded item scene manager";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (m_wieldnode == NULL)
+ {
+ error_message = L"Failed to create the wielded item scene node";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Returns the fractional part of x
+inline f32 my_modf(f32 x)
+ double dummy;
+ return modf(x, &dummy);
+void Camera::step(f32 dtime)
+ if (m_view_bobbing_state != 0)
+ {
+ //f32 offset = dtime * m_view_bobbing_speed * 0.035;
+ f32 offset = dtime * m_view_bobbing_speed * 0.030;
+ if (m_view_bobbing_state == 2)
+ {
+#if 0
+ // Animation is getting turned off
+ if (m_view_bobbing_anim < 0.5)
+ m_view_bobbing_anim -= offset;
+ else
+ m_view_bobbing_anim += offset;
+ if (m_view_bobbing_anim <= 0 || m_view_bobbing_anim >= 1)
+ {
+ m_view_bobbing_anim = 0;
+ m_view_bobbing_state = 0;
+ }
+#if 1
+ // Animation is getting turned off
+ if(m_view_bobbing_anim < 0.25){
+ m_view_bobbing_anim -= offset;
+ } else if(m_view_bobbing_anim > 0.75){
+ m_view_bobbing_anim += offset;
+ } if(m_view_bobbing_anim < 0.5){
+ m_view_bobbing_anim += offset;
+ if(m_view_bobbing_anim > 0.5)
+ m_view_bobbing_anim = 0.5;
+ } else {
+ m_view_bobbing_anim -= offset;
+ if(m_view_bobbing_anim < 0.5)
+ m_view_bobbing_anim = 0.5;
+ }
+ if(m_view_bobbing_anim <= 0 || m_view_bobbing_anim >= 1 ||
+ fabs(m_view_bobbing_anim - 0.5) < 0.01)
+ {
+ m_view_bobbing_anim = 0;
+ m_view_bobbing_state = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_view_bobbing_anim = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim + offset);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_digging_button != -1)
+ {
+ f32 offset = dtime * 3.5;
+ m_digging_anim += offset;
+ if (m_digging_anim >= 1)
+ {
+ m_digging_anim = 0;
+ m_digging_button = -1;
+ }
+ }
+void Camera::update(LocalPlayer* player, f32 frametime, v2u32 screensize)
+ // Set player node transformation
+ m_playernode->setPosition(player->getPosition());
+ m_playernode->setRotation(v3f(0, -1 * player->getYaw(), 0));
+ m_playernode->updateAbsolutePosition();
+ // Set head node transformation
+ m_headnode->setPosition(player->getEyeOffset());
+ m_headnode->setRotation(v3f(player->getPitch(), 0, 0));
+ m_headnode->updateAbsolutePosition();
+ // Compute relative camera position and target
+ v3f rel_cam_pos = v3f(0,0,0);
+ v3f rel_cam_target = v3f(0,0,1);
+ v3f rel_cam_up = v3f(0,1,0);
+ if (m_view_bobbing_anim != 0)
+ {
+ f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim * 2);
+ f32 bobdir = (m_view_bobbing_anim < 0.5) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ #if 1
+ f32 bobknob = 1.2;
+ f32 bobtmp = sin(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * PI);
+ //f32 bobtmp2 = cos(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * PI);
+ v3f bobvec = v3f(
+ 0.3 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * PI),
+ -0.28 * bobtmp * bobtmp,
+ 0.);
+ //rel_cam_pos += 0.2 * bobvec;
+ //rel_cam_target += 0.03 * bobvec;
+ //rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(0.02 * bobdir * bobtmp * PI);
+ float f = 1.0;
+ rel_cam_pos += bobvec * f;
+ //rel_cam_target += 0.995 * bobvec * f;
+ rel_cam_target += bobvec * f;
+ rel_cam_target.Z -= 0.005 * bobvec.Z * f;
+ //rel_cam_target.X -= 0.005 * bobvec.X * f;
+ //rel_cam_target.Y -= 0.005 * bobvec.Y * f;
+ rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(-0.03 * bobdir * bobtmp * PI * f);
+ #else
+ f32 angle_deg = 1 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * PI);
+ f32 angle_rad = angle_deg * PI / 180;
+ f32 r = 0.05;
+ v3f off = v3f(
+ r * sin(angle_rad),
+ r * (cos(angle_rad) - 1),
+ 0);
+ rel_cam_pos += off;
+ //rel_cam_target += off;
+ rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(angle_deg);
+ #endif
+ }
+ // Compute absolute camera position and target
+ m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().transformVect(m_camera_position, rel_cam_pos);
+ m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(m_camera_direction, rel_cam_target - rel_cam_pos);
+ v3f abs_cam_up;
+ m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(abs_cam_up, rel_cam_up);
+ // Set camera node transformation
+ m_cameranode->setPosition(m_camera_position);
+ m_cameranode->setUpVector(abs_cam_up);
+ // *100.0 helps in large map coordinates
+ m_cameranode->setTarget(m_camera_position + 100 * m_camera_direction);
+ // FOV and and aspect ratio
+ m_aspect = (f32)screensize.X / (f32) screensize.Y;
+ m_fov_x = 2 * atan(0.5 * m_aspect * tan(m_fov_y));
+ m_cameranode->setAspectRatio(m_aspect);
+ m_cameranode->setFOV(m_fov_y);
+ // Just so big a value that everything rendered is visible
+ // Some more allowance that m_viewing_range_max * BS because of active objects etc.
+ m_cameranode->setFarValue(m_viewing_range_max * BS * 10);
+ // Position the wielded item
+ v3f wield_position = v3f(45, -35, 65);
+ v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 110, -100);
+ if (m_digging_button != -1)
+ {
+ f32 digfrac = m_digging_anim;
+ wield_position.X -= 30 * sin(pow(digfrac, 0.8f) * PI);
+ wield_position.Y += 15 * sin(digfrac * 2 * PI);
+ wield_position.Z += 5 * digfrac;
+ // Euler angles are PURE EVIL, so why not use quaternions?
+ core::quaternion quat_begin(wield_rotation * core::DEGTORAD);
+ core::quaternion quat_end(v3f(90, -10, -130) * core::DEGTORAD);
+ core::quaternion quat_slerp;
+ quat_slerp.slerp(quat_begin, quat_end, sin(digfrac * PI));
+ quat_slerp.toEuler(wield_rotation);
+ wield_rotation *= core::RADTODEG;
+ }
+ else {
+ f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim);
+ wield_position.X -= sin(bobfrac*PI*2.0) * 3.0;
+ wield_position.Y += sin(my_modf(bobfrac*2.0)*PI) * 3.0;
+ }
+ m_wieldnode->setPosition(wield_position);
+ m_wieldnode->setRotation(wield_rotation);
+ m_wieldnode->updateLight(player->light);
+ // Render distance feedback loop
+ updateViewingRange(frametime);
+ // If the player seems to be walking on solid ground,
+ // view bobbing is enabled and free_move is off,
+ // start (or continue) the view bobbing animation.
+ v3f speed = player->getSpeed();
+ if ((hypot(speed.X, speed.Z) > BS) &&
+ (player->touching_ground) &&
+ (g_settings.getBool("view_bobbing") == true) &&
+ (g_settings.getBool("free_move") == false))
+ {
+ // Start animation
+ m_view_bobbing_state = 1;
+ m_view_bobbing_speed = MYMIN(speed.getLength(), 40);
+ }
+ else if (m_view_bobbing_state == 1)
+ {
+ // Stop animation
+ m_view_bobbing_state = 2;
+ m_view_bobbing_speed = 60;
+ }
+void Camera::updateViewingRange(f32 frametime_in)
+ if (m_draw_control.range_all)
+ return;
+ m_added_frametime += frametime_in;
+ m_added_frames += 1;
+ // Actually this counter kind of sucks because frametime is busytime
+ m_frametime_counter -= frametime_in;
+ if (m_frametime_counter > 0)
+ return;
+ m_frametime_counter = 0.2;
+ /*dstream<<__FUNCTION_NAME
+ <<": Collected "<<m_added_frames<<" frames, total of "
+ <<m_added_frametime<<"s."<<std::endl;
+ dstream<<"m_draw_control.blocks_drawn="
+ <<m_draw_control.blocks_drawn
+ <<", m_draw_control.blocks_would_have_drawn="
+ <<m_draw_control.blocks_would_have_drawn
+ <<std::endl;*/
+ m_draw_control.wanted_min_range = m_viewing_range_min;
+ m_draw_control.wanted_max_blocks = (1.5*m_draw_control.blocks_would_have_drawn)+1;
+ if (m_draw_control.wanted_max_blocks < 10)
+ m_draw_control.wanted_max_blocks = 10;
+ f32 block_draw_ratio = 1.0;
+ if (m_draw_control.blocks_would_have_drawn != 0)
+ {
+ block_draw_ratio = (f32)m_draw_control.blocks_drawn
+ / (f32)m_draw_control.blocks_would_have_drawn;
+ }
+ // Calculate the average frametime in the case that all wanted
+ // blocks had been drawn
+ f32 frametime = m_added_frametime / m_added_frames / block_draw_ratio;
+ m_added_frametime = 0.0;
+ m_added_frames = 0;
+ f32 wanted_frametime_change = m_wanted_frametime - frametime;
+ //dstream<<"wanted_frametime_change="<<wanted_frametime_change<<std::endl;
+ // If needed frametime change is small, just return
+ if (fabs(wanted_frametime_change) < m_wanted_frametime*0.4)
+ {
+ //dstream<<"ignoring small wanted_frametime_change"<<std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ f32 range = m_draw_control.wanted_range;
+ f32 new_range = range;
+ f32 d_range = range - m_range_old;
+ f32 d_frametime = frametime - m_frametime_old;
+ if (d_range != 0)
+ {
+ m_time_per_range = d_frametime / d_range;
+ }
+ // The minimum allowed calculated frametime-range derivative:
+ // Practically this sets the maximum speed of changing the range.
+ // The lower this value, the higher the maximum changing speed.
+ // A low value here results in wobbly range (0.001)
+ // A high value here results in slow changing range (0.0025)
+ // SUGG: This could be dynamically adjusted so that when
+ // the camera is turning, this is lower
+ //f32 min_time_per_range = 0.0015;
+ f32 min_time_per_range = 0.0010;
+ //f32 min_time_per_range = 0.05 / range;
+ if(m_time_per_range < min_time_per_range)
+ {
+ m_time_per_range = min_time_per_range;
+ //dstream<<"m_time_per_range="<<m_time_per_range<<" (min)"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //dstream<<"m_time_per_range="<<m_time_per_range<<std::endl;
+ }
+ f32 wanted_range_change = wanted_frametime_change / m_time_per_range;
+ // Dampen the change a bit to kill oscillations
+ //wanted_range_change *= 0.9;
+ //wanted_range_change *= 0.75;
+ wanted_range_change *= 0.5;
+ //dstream<<"wanted_range_change="<<wanted_range_change<<std::endl;
+ // If needed range change is very small, just return
+ if(fabs(wanted_range_change) < 0.001)
+ {
+ //dstream<<"ignoring small wanted_range_change"<<std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ new_range += wanted_range_change;
+ //f32 new_range_unclamped = new_range;
+ new_range = MYMAX(new_range, m_viewing_range_min);
+ new_range = MYMIN(new_range, m_viewing_range_max);
+ /*dstream<<"new_range="<<new_range_unclamped
+ <<", clamped to "<<new_range<<std::endl;*/
+ m_draw_control.wanted_range = new_range;
+ m_range_old = new_range;
+ m_frametime_old = frametime;
+void Camera::updateSettings()
+ m_viewing_range_min = g_settings.getS16("viewing_range_nodes_min");
+ m_viewing_range_min = MYMAX(5.0, m_viewing_range_min);
+ m_viewing_range_max = g_settings.getS16("viewing_range_nodes_max");
+ m_viewing_range_max = MYMAX(m_viewing_range_min, m_viewing_range_max);
+ f32 fov_degrees = g_settings.getFloat("fov");
+ fov_degrees = MYMAX(fov_degrees, 10.0);
+ fov_degrees = MYMIN(fov_degrees, 170.0);
+ m_fov_y = fov_degrees * PI / 180.0;
+ f32 wanted_fps = g_settings.getFloat("wanted_fps");
+ wanted_fps = MYMAX(wanted_fps, 1.0);
+ m_wanted_frametime = 1.0 / wanted_fps;
+void Camera::wield(const InventoryItem* item)
+ if (item != NULL)
+ {
+ bool isCube = false;
+ // Try to make a MaterialItem cube.
+ if (std::string(item->getName()) == "MaterialItem")
+ {
+ // A block-type material
+ MaterialItem* mat_item = (MaterialItem*) item;
+ content_t content = mat_item->getMaterial();
+ if (content_features(content).solidness || content_features(content).visual_solidness)
+ {
+ m_wieldnode->setCube(content_features(content).tiles);
+ m_wieldnode->setScale(v3f(30));
+ isCube = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // If that failed, make an extruded sprite.
+ if (!isCube)
+ {
+ m_wieldnode->setSprite(item->getImageRaw());
+ m_wieldnode->setScale(v3f(40));
+ }
+ m_wieldnode->setVisible(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Bare hands
+ m_wieldnode->setVisible(false);
+ }
+void Camera::setDigging(s32 button)
+ if (m_digging_button == -1)
+ m_digging_button = button;
+void Camera::drawWieldedTool()
+ m_wieldmgr->getVideoDriver()->clearZBuffer();
+ scene::ICameraSceneNode* cam = m_wieldmgr->getActiveCamera();
+ cam->setAspectRatio(m_cameranode->getAspectRatio());
+ cam->setFOV(m_cameranode->getFOV());
+ cam->setNearValue(0.1);
+ cam->setFarValue(100);
+ m_wieldmgr->drawAll();
+ scene::ISceneNode* parent,
+ scene::ISceneManager* mgr,
+ s32 id,
+ const v3f& position,
+ const v3f& rotation,
+ const v3f& scale
+ ISceneNode(parent, mgr, id, position, rotation, scale)
+ m_meshnode = mgr->addMeshSceneNode(NULL, this, -1, v3f(0,0,0), v3f(0,0,0), v3f(1,1,1), true);
+ m_thickness = 0.1;
+ m_cubemesh = NULL;
+ m_is_cube = false;
+ m_light = LIGHT_MAX;
+ removeChild(m_meshnode);
+ if (m_cubemesh)
+ m_cubemesh->drop();
+void ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::setSprite(video::ITexture* texture)
+ if (texture == NULL)
+ {
+ m_meshnode->setVisible(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ io::path name = getExtrudedName(texture);
+ scene::IMeshCache* cache = SceneManager->getMeshCache();
+ scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh = cache->getMeshByName(name);
+ if (mesh != NULL)
+ {
+ // Extruded texture has been found in cache.
+ m_meshnode->setMesh(mesh);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Texture was not yet extruded, do it now and save in cache
+ mesh = extrude(texture);
+ if (mesh == NULL)
+ {
+ dstream << "Warning: failed to extrude sprite" << std::endl;
+ m_meshnode->setVisible(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ cache->addMesh(name, mesh);
+ m_meshnode->setMesh(mesh);
+ mesh->drop();
+ }
+ m_meshnode->setScale(v3f(1, 1, m_thickness));
+ m_meshnode->getMaterial(0).setTexture(0, texture);
+ m_meshnode->getMaterial(0).setFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
+ m_meshnode->getMaterial(0).setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false);
+ m_meshnode->getMaterial(0).MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF;
+ m_meshnode->setVisible(true);
+ m_is_cube = false;
+ updateLight(m_light);
+void ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::setCube(const TileSpec tiles[6])
+ if (m_cubemesh == NULL)
+ m_cubemesh = createCubeMesh();
+ m_meshnode->setMesh(m_cubemesh);
+ m_meshnode->setScale(v3f(1));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+ {
+ // Get the tile texture and atlas transformation
+ video::ITexture* atlas = tiles[i].texture.atlas;
+ v2f pos = tiles[i].texture.pos;
+ v2f size = tiles[i].texture.size;
+ // Set material flags and texture
+ video::SMaterial& material = m_meshnode->getMaterial(i);
+ material.setFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
+ material.setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false);
+ tiles[i].applyMaterialOptions(material);
+ material.setTexture(0, atlas);
+ material.getTextureMatrix(0).setTextureTranslate(pos.X, pos.Y);
+ material.getTextureMatrix(0).setTextureScale(size.X, size.Y);
+ }
+ m_meshnode->setVisible(true);
+ m_is_cube = true;
+ updateLight(m_light);
+void ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::updateLight(u8 light)
+ m_light = light;
+ u8 li = decode_light(light);
+ // Set brightness one lower than incoming light
+ diminish_light(li);
+ video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
+ setMeshVerticesColor(m_meshnode->getMesh(), color);
+void ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::removeSpriteFromCache(video::ITexture* texture)
+ scene::IMeshCache* cache = SceneManager->getMeshCache();
+ scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh = cache->getMeshByName(getExtrudedName(texture));
+ if (mesh != NULL)
+ cache->removeMesh(mesh);
+void ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::setSpriteThickness(f32 thickness)
+ m_thickness = thickness;
+ if (!m_is_cube)
+ m_meshnode->setScale(v3f(1, 1, thickness));
+const core::aabbox3d<f32>& ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::getBoundingBox() const
+ return m_meshnode->getBoundingBox();
+void ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode()
+ if (IsVisible)
+ SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this);
+ ISceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode();
+void ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::render()
+ // do nothing
+io::path ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::getExtrudedName(video::ITexture* texture)
+ io::path path = texture->getName();
+ path.append("/[extruded]");
+ return path;
+scene::IAnimatedMesh* ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::extrudeARGB(u32 width, u32 height, u8* data)
+ const s32 argb_wstep = 4 * width;
+ const s32 alpha_threshold = 1;
+ scene::IMeshBuffer* buf = new scene::SMeshBuffer();
+ video::SColor c(255,255,255,255);
+ // Front and back
+ {
+ video::S3DVertex vertices[8] =
+ {
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0,0,-1, c, 0,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,+0.5,-0.5, 0,0,-1, c, 0,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,+0.5,-0.5, 0,0,-1, c, 1,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0,0,-1, c, 1,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,-0.5,+0.5, 0,0,+1, c, 1,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,+0.5,+0.5, 0,0,+1, c, 1,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,+0.5,+0.5, 0,0,+1, c, 0,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,-0.5,+0.5, 0,0,+1, c, 0,1),
+ };
+ u16 indices[12] = {0,1,2,2,3,0,4,5,6,6,7,4};
+ buf->append(vertices, 8, indices, 12);
+ }
+ // "Interior"
+ // (add faces where a solid pixel is next to a transparent one)
+ u8* solidity = new u8[(width+2) * (height+2)];
+ u32 wstep = width + 2;
+ for (u32 y = 0; y < height + 2; ++y)
+ {
+ u8* scanline = solidity + y * wstep;
+ if (y == 0 || y == height + 1)
+ {
+ for (u32 x = 0; x < width + 2; ++x)
+ scanline[x] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ scanline[0] = 0;
+ u8* argb_scanline = data + (y - 1) * argb_wstep;
+ for (u32 x = 0; x < width; ++x)
+ scanline[x+1] = (argb_scanline[x*4+3] >= alpha_threshold);
+ scanline[width + 1] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // without this, there would be occasional "holes" in the mesh
+ f32 eps = 0.01;
+ for (u32 y = 0; y <= height; ++y)
+ {
+ u8* scanline = solidity + y * wstep + 1;
+ for (u32 x = 0; x <= width; ++x)
+ {
+ if (scanline[x] && !scanline[x + wstep])
+ {
+ u32 xx = x + 1;
+ while (scanline[xx] && !scanline[xx + wstep])
+ ++xx;
+ f32 vx1 = (x - eps) / (f32) width - 0.5;
+ f32 vx2 = (xx + eps) / (f32) width - 0.5;
+ f32 vy = 0.5 - (y - eps) / (f32) height;
+ f32 tx1 = x / (f32) width;
+ f32 tx2 = xx / (f32) width;
+ f32 ty = (y - 0.5) / (f32) height;
+ video::S3DVertex vertices[8] =
+ {
+ video::S3DVertex(vx1,vy,-0.5, 0,-1,0, c, tx1,ty),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx2,vy,-0.5, 0,-1,0, c, tx2,ty),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx2,vy,+0.5, 0,-1,0, c, tx2,ty),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx1,vy,+0.5, 0,-1,0, c, tx1,ty),
+ };
+ u16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
+ buf->append(vertices, 4, indices, 6);
+ x = xx - 1;
+ }
+ if (!scanline[x] && scanline[x + wstep])
+ {
+ u32 xx = x + 1;
+ while (!scanline[xx] && scanline[xx + wstep])
+ ++xx;
+ f32 vx1 = (x - eps) / (f32) width - 0.5;
+ f32 vx2 = (xx + eps) / (f32) width - 0.5;
+ f32 vy = 0.5 - (y + eps) / (f32) height;
+ f32 tx1 = x / (f32) width;
+ f32 tx2 = xx / (f32) width;
+ f32 ty = (y + 0.5) / (f32) height;
+ video::S3DVertex vertices[8] =
+ {
+ video::S3DVertex(vx1,vy,-0.5, 0,1,0, c, tx1,ty),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx1,vy,+0.5, 0,1,0, c, tx1,ty),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx2,vy,+0.5, 0,1,0, c, tx2,ty),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx2,vy,-0.5, 0,1,0, c, tx2,ty),
+ };
+ u16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
+ buf->append(vertices, 4, indices, 6);
+ x = xx - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (u32 x = 0; x <= width; ++x)
+ {
+ u8* scancol = solidity + x + wstep;
+ for (u32 y = 0; y <= height; ++y)
+ {
+ if (scancol[y * wstep] && !scancol[y * wstep + 1])
+ {
+ u32 yy = y + 1;
+ while (scancol[yy * wstep] && !scancol[yy * wstep + 1])
+ ++yy;
+ f32 vx = (x - eps) / (f32) width - 0.5;
+ f32 vy1 = 0.5 - (y - eps) / (f32) height;
+ f32 vy2 = 0.5 - (yy + eps) / (f32) height;
+ f32 tx = (x - 0.5) / (f32) width;
+ f32 ty1 = y / (f32) height;
+ f32 ty2 = yy / (f32) height;
+ video::S3DVertex vertices[8] =
+ {
+ video::S3DVertex(vx,vy1,-0.5, 1,0,0, c, tx,ty1),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx,vy1,+0.5, 1,0,0, c, tx,ty1),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx,vy2,+0.5, 1,0,0, c, tx,ty2),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx,vy2,-0.5, 1,0,0, c, tx,ty2),
+ };
+ u16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
+ buf->append(vertices, 4, indices, 6);
+ y = yy - 1;
+ }
+ if (!scancol[y * wstep] && scancol[y * wstep + 1])
+ {
+ u32 yy = y + 1;
+ while (!scancol[yy * wstep] && scancol[yy * wstep + 1])
+ ++yy;
+ f32 vx = (x + eps) / (f32) width - 0.5;
+ f32 vy1 = 0.5 - (y - eps) / (f32) height;
+ f32 vy2 = 0.5 - (yy + eps) / (f32) height;
+ f32 tx = (x + 0.5) / (f32) width;
+ f32 ty1 = y / (f32) height;
+ f32 ty2 = yy / (f32) height;
+ video::S3DVertex vertices[8] =
+ {
+ video::S3DVertex(vx,vy1,-0.5, -1,0,0, c, tx,ty1),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx,vy2,-0.5, -1,0,0, c, tx,ty2),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx,vy2,+0.5, -1,0,0, c, tx,ty2),
+ video::S3DVertex(vx,vy1,+0.5, -1,0,0, c, tx,ty1),
+ };
+ u16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
+ buf->append(vertices, 4, indices, 6);
+ y = yy - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add to mesh
+ scene::SMesh* mesh = new scene::SMesh();
+ buf->recalculateBoundingBox();
+ mesh->addMeshBuffer(buf);
+ buf->drop();
+ mesh->recalculateBoundingBox();
+ scene::SAnimatedMesh* anim_mesh = new scene::SAnimatedMesh(mesh);
+ mesh->drop();
+ return anim_mesh;
+scene::IAnimatedMesh* ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::extrude(video::ITexture* texture)
+ scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh = NULL;
+ core::dimension2d<u32> size = texture->getSize();
+ video::ECOLOR_FORMAT format = texture->getColorFormat();
+ if (format == video::ECF_A8R8G8B8)
+ {
+ // Texture is in the correct color format, we can pass it
+ // to extrudeARGB right away.
+ void* data = texture->lock(true);
+ if (data == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ mesh = extrudeARGB(size.Width, size.Height, (u8*) data);
+ texture->unlock();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
+ video::IImage* img1 = driver->createImageFromData(format, size, texture->lock(true));
+ if (img1 == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ // img1 is in the texture's color format, convert to 8-bit ARGB
+ video::IImage* img2 = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, size);
+ if (img2 != NULL)
+ {
+ img1->copyTo(img2);
+ img1->drop();
+ mesh = extrudeARGB(size.Width, size.Height, (u8*) img2->lock());
+ img2->unlock();
+ img2->drop();
+ }
+ img1->drop();
+ }
+ return mesh;
+scene::IMesh* ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode::createCubeMesh()
+ video::SColor c(255,255,255,255);
+ video::S3DVertex vertices[24] =
+ {
+ // Up
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,+0.5,-0.5, 0,1,0, c, 0,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,+0.5,+0.5, 0,1,0, c, 0,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,+0.5,+0.5, 0,1,0, c, 1,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,+0.5,-0.5, 0,1,0, c, 1,1),
+ // Down
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0,-1,0, c, 0,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0,-1,0, c, 1,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,-0.5,+0.5, 0,-1,0, c, 1,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,-0.5,+0.5, 0,-1,0, c, 0,1),
+ // Right
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 1,0,0, c, 0,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,+0.5,-0.5, 1,0,0, c, 0,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,+0.5,+0.5, 1,0,0, c, 1,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,-0.5,+0.5, 1,0,0, c, 1,1),
+ // Left
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, -1,0,0, c, 1,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,-0.5,+0.5, -1,0,0, c, 0,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,+0.5,+0.5, -1,0,0, c, 0,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,+0.5,-0.5, -1,0,0, c, 1,0),
+ // Back
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,-0.5,+0.5, 0,0,1, c, 1,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,-0.5,+0.5, 0,0,1, c, 0,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,+0.5,+0.5, 0,0,1, c, 0,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,+0.5,+0.5, 0,0,1, c, 1,0),
+ // Front
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0,0,-1, c, 0,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(-0.5,+0.5,-0.5, 0,0,-1, c, 0,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,+0.5,-0.5, 0,0,-1, c, 1,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(+0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0,0,-1, c, 1,1),
+ };
+ u16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
+ scene::SMesh* mesh = new scene::SMesh();
+ for (u32 i=0; i<6; ++i)
+ {
+ scene::IMeshBuffer* buf = new scene::SMeshBuffer();
+ buf->append(vertices + 4 * i, 4, indices, 6);
+ buf->recalculateBoundingBox();
+ mesh->addMeshBuffer(buf);
+ buf->drop();
+ }
+ mesh->recalculateBoundingBox();
+ return mesh;
diff --git a/src/camera.h b/src/camera.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66825e372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/camera.h
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+Copyright (C) 2010-2011 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+#include "common_irrlicht.h"
+#include "inventory.h"
+#include "tile.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+class LocalPlayer;
+class MapDrawControl;
+class ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode;
+ Client camera class, manages the player and camera scene nodes, the viewing distance
+ and performs view bobbing etc. It also displays the wielded tool in front of the
+ first-person camera.
+class Camera
+ Camera(scene::ISceneManager* smgr, MapDrawControl& draw_control);
+ ~Camera();
+ // Get player scene node.
+ // This node is positioned at the player's torso (without any view bobbing),
+ // as given by Player::m_position. Yaw is applied but not pitch.
+ inline scene::ISceneNode* getPlayerNode() const
+ {
+ return m_playernode;
+ }
+ // Get head scene node.
+ // It has the eye transformation and pitch applied,
+ // but no view bobbing.
+ inline scene::ISceneNode* getHeadNode() const
+ {
+ return m_headnode;
+ }
+ // Get camera scene node.
+ // It has the eye transformation, pitch and view bobbing applied.
+ inline scene::ICameraSceneNode* getCameraNode() const
+ {
+ return m_cameranode;
+ }
+ // Get the camera position (in absolute scene coordinates).
+ // This has view bobbing applied.
+ inline v3f getPosition() const
+ {
+ return m_camera_position;
+ }
+ // Get the camera direction (in absolute camera coordinates).
+ // This has view bobbing applied.
+ inline v3f getDirection() const
+ {
+ return m_camera_direction;
+ }
+ // Horizontal field of view
+ inline f32 getFovX() const
+ {
+ return m_fov_x;
+ }
+ // Vertical field of view
+ inline f32 getFovY() const
+ {
+ return m_fov_y;
+ }
+ // Get maximum of getFovX() and getFovY()
+ inline f32 getFovMax() const
+ {
+ return MYMAX(m_fov_x, m_fov_y);
+ }
+ // Checks if the constructor was able to create the scene nodes
+ bool successfullyCreated(std::wstring& error_message);
+ // Step the camera: updates the viewing range and view bobbing.
+ void step(f32 dtime);
+ // Update the camera from the local player's position.
+ // frametime is used to adjust the viewing range.
+ void update(LocalPlayer* player, f32 frametime, v2u32 screensize);
+ // Render distance feedback loop
+ void updateViewingRange(f32 frametime_in);
+ // Update settings from g_settings
+ void updateSettings();
+ // Replace the wielded item mesh
+ void wield(const InventoryItem* item);
+ // Start digging animation
+ // Pass 0 for left click, 1 for right click
+ void setDigging(s32 button);
+ // Draw the wielded tool.
+ // This has to happen *after* the main scene is drawn.
+ // Warning: This clears the Z buffer.
+ void drawWieldedTool();
+ // Scene manager and nodes
+ scene::ISceneManager* m_smgr;
+ scene::ISceneNode* m_playernode;
+ scene::ISceneNode* m_headnode;
+ scene::ICameraSceneNode* m_cameranode;
+ scene::ISceneManager* m_wieldmgr;
+ ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode* m_wieldnode;
+ // draw control
+ MapDrawControl& m_draw_control;
+ // viewing_range_min_nodes setting
+ f32 m_viewing_range_min;
+ // viewing_range_max_nodes setting
+ f32 m_viewing_range_max;
+ // Absolute camera position
+ v3f m_camera_position;
+ // Absolute camera direction
+ v3f m_camera_direction;
+ // Field of view and aspect ratio stuff
+ f32 m_aspect;
+ f32 m_fov_x;
+ f32 m_fov_y;
+ // Stuff for viewing range calculations
+ f32 m_wanted_frametime;
+ f32 m_added_frametime;
+ s16 m_added_frames;
+ f32 m_range_old;
+ f32 m_frametime_old;
+ f32 m_frametime_counter;
+ f32 m_time_per_range;
+ // View bobbing animation frame (0 <= m_view_bobbing_anim < 1)
+ f32 m_view_bobbing_anim;
+ // If 0, view bobbing is off (e.g. player is standing).
+ // If 1, view bobbing is on (player is walking).
+ // If 2, view bobbing is getting switched off.
+ s32 m_view_bobbing_state;
+ // Speed of view bobbing animation
+ f32 m_view_bobbing_speed;
+ // Digging animation frame (0 <= m_digging_anim < 1)
+ f32 m_digging_anim;
+ // If -1, no digging animation
+ // If 0, left-click digging animation
+ // If 1, right-click digging animation
+ s32 m_digging_button;
+ A scene node that displays a 2D mesh extruded into the third dimension,
+ to add an illusion of depth.
+ Since this class was created to display the wielded tool of the local
+ player, and only tools and items are rendered like this (but not solid
+ content like stone and mud, which are shown as cubes), the option to
+ draw a textured cube instead is provided.
+ */
+class ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode: public scene::ISceneNode
+ ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode(
+ scene::ISceneNode* parent,
+ scene::ISceneManager* mgr,
+ s32 id = -1,
+ const v3f& position = v3f(0,0,0),
+ const v3f& rotation = v3f(0,0,0),
+ const v3f& scale = v3f(1,1,1));
+ ~ExtrudedSpriteSceneNode();
+ void setSprite(video::ITexture* texture);
+ void setCube(const TileSpec tiles[6]);
+ f32 getSpriteThickness() const { return m_thickness; }
+ void setSpriteThickness(f32 thickness);
+ void updateLight(u8 light);
+ void removeSpriteFromCache(video::ITexture* texture);
+ virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const;
+ virtual void OnRegisterSceneNode();
+ virtual void render();
+ scene::IMeshSceneNode* m_meshnode;
+ f32 m_thickness;
+ scene::IMesh* m_cubemesh;
+ bool m_is_cube;
+ u8 m_light;
+ // internal extrusion helper methods
+ io::path getExtrudedName(video::ITexture* texture);
+ scene::IAnimatedMesh* extrudeARGB(u32 width, u32 height, u8* data);
+ scene::IAnimatedMesh* extrude(video::ITexture* texture);
+ scene::IMesh* createCubeMesh();
diff --git a/src/client.cpp b/src/client.cpp
index fcc5a0a1e..fa600719e 100644
--- a/src/client.cpp
+++ b/src/client.cpp
@@ -189,8 +189,6 @@ Client::Client(
- camera_position(0,0,0),
- camera_direction(0,0,1),
@@ -1963,7 +1961,8 @@ void Client::addNode(v3s16 p, MapNode n)
//TimeTaker timer3("Client::addNode(): addNodeAndUpdate");
- m_env.getMap().addNodeAndUpdate(p, n, modified_blocks);
+ std::string st = std::string("");
+ m_env.getMap().addNodeAndUpdate(p, n, modified_blocks, st);
catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
@@ -1980,11 +1979,14 @@ void Client::addNode(v3s16 p, MapNode n)
-void Client::updateCamera(v3f pos, v3f dir)
+void Client::updateCamera(v3f pos, v3f dir, f32 fov)
- m_env.getClientMap().updateCamera(pos, dir);
- camera_position = pos;
- camera_direction = dir;
+ m_env.getClientMap().updateCamera(pos, dir, fov);
+void Client::renderPostFx()
+ m_env.getClientMap().renderPostFx();
MapNode Client::getNode(v3s16 p)
@@ -1998,14 +2000,9 @@ NodeMetadata* Client::getNodeMetadata(v3s16 p)
return m_env.getMap().getNodeMetadata(p);
-v3f Client::getPlayerPosition(v3f *eye_position)
+LocalPlayer* Client::getLocalPlayer()
- //JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); //bulk comment-out
- LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
- assert(player != NULL);
- if (eye_position)
- *eye_position = player->getEyePosition();
- return player->getPosition();
+ return m_env.getLocalPlayer();
void Client::setPlayerControl(PlayerControl &control)
diff --git a/src/client.h b/src/client.h
index 1a7ef924a..930987c02 100644
--- a/src/client.h
+++ b/src/client.h
@@ -199,16 +199,16 @@ public:
// locks envlock
void addNode(v3s16 p, MapNode n);
- void updateCamera(v3f pos, v3f dir);
+ void updateCamera(v3f pos, v3f dir, f32 fov);
+ void renderPostFx();
// Returns InvalidPositionException if not found
MapNode getNode(v3s16 p);
// Wrapper to Map
NodeMetadata* getNodeMetadata(v3s16 p);
- // Get the player position, and optionally put the
- // eye position in *eye_position
- v3f getPlayerPosition(v3f *eye_position=NULL);
+ LocalPlayer* getLocalPlayer();
void setPlayerControl(PlayerControl &control);
@@ -302,15 +302,6 @@ public:
return m_access_denied_reason;
- /*
- This should only be used for calling the special drawing stuff in
- ClientEnvironment
- */
- ClientEnvironment * getEnv()
- {
- return &m_env;
- }
@@ -342,9 +333,6 @@ private:
IrrlichtDevice *m_device;
- v3f camera_position;
- v3f camera_direction;
// Server serialization version
u8 m_server_ser_ver;
diff --git a/src/constants.h b/src/constants.h
index 1af5f1f1b..9ba10b51c 100644
--- a/src/constants.h
+++ b/src/constants.h
@@ -44,9 +44,6 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#define PI 3.14159
-// This is the same as in minecraft and everything else
-#define FOV_ANGLE (PI/2.5)
// The absolute working limit is (2^15 - viewing_range).
// I really don't want to make every algorithm to check if it's
// going near the limit or not, so this is lower.
diff --git a/src/content_cao.cpp b/src/content_cao.cpp
index dfeaea85a..b6543061a 100644
--- a/src/content_cao.cpp
+++ b/src/content_cao.cpp
@@ -224,22 +224,7 @@ void ItemCAO::updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
- if(mesh == NULL)
- return;
- u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
- for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
- {
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
- video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
- u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
- for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
- {
- vertices[i].Color = color;
- }
- }
+ setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
v3s16 ItemCAO::getLightPosition()
@@ -430,22 +415,7 @@ void RatCAO::updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
- if(mesh == NULL)
- return;
- u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
- for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
- {
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
- video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
- u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
- for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
- {
- vertices[i].Color = color;
- }
- }
+ setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
v3s16 RatCAO::getLightPosition()
@@ -601,22 +571,7 @@ void Oerkki1CAO::updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
- if(mesh == NULL)
- return;
- u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
- for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
- {
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
- video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
- u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
- for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
- {
- vertices[i].Color = color;
- }
- }
+ setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
v3s16 Oerkki1CAO::getLightPosition()
@@ -833,22 +788,7 @@ void FireflyCAO::updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
u8 li = 255;
video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
- if(mesh == NULL)
- return;
- u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
- for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
- {
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
- video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
- u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
- for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
- {
- vertices[i].Color = color;
- }
- }
+ setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
v3s16 FireflyCAO::getLightPosition()
diff --git a/src/content_craft.cpp b/src/content_craft.cpp
index 8e8b17a9b..866c1e532 100644
--- a/src/content_craft.cpp
+++ b/src/content_craft.cpp
@@ -297,6 +297,24 @@ InventoryItem *craft_get_result(InventoryItem **items)
+ // Locking Chest
+ {
+ ItemSpec specs[9];
+ specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD);
+ specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD);
+ specs[2] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD);
+ specs[3] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD);
+ specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot");
+ specs[5] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD);
+ specs[6] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD);
+ specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD);
+ specs[8] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD);
+ if(checkItemCombination(items, specs))
+ {
+ return new MaterialItem(CONTENT_LOCKABLE_CHEST, 1);
+ }
+ }
// Furnace
ItemSpec specs[9];
diff --git a/src/content_mapnode.cpp b/src/content_mapnode.cpp
index 09a84156a..a573ca141 100644
--- a/src/content_mapnode.cpp
+++ b/src/content_mapnode.cpp
@@ -236,6 +236,8 @@ void content_mapnode_init()
f->solidness = 0; // drawn separately, makes no faces
+ f->visual_solidness = 1;
+ f->setAllTextures("leaves.png");
f->setInventoryTextureCube("leaves.png", "leaves.png", "leaves.png");
@@ -287,6 +289,8 @@ void content_mapnode_init()
f->is_ground_content = true;
f->dug_item = std::string("MaterialItem2 ")+itos(i)+" 1";
f->solidness = 0; // drawn separately, makes no faces
+ f->visual_solidness = 1;
+ f->setAllTextures("glass.png");
f->setInventoryTextureCube("glass.png", "glass.png", "glass.png");
setWoodLikeDiggingProperties(f->digging_properties, 0.15);
@@ -385,6 +389,7 @@ void content_mapnode_init()
f->liquid_alternative_source = CONTENT_WATERSOURCE;
f->liquid_viscosity = WATER_VISC;
f->vertex_alpha = WATER_ALPHA;
+ f->post_effect_color = video::SColor(64, 100, 100, 200);
if(f->special_material == NULL && g_texturesource)
// Flowing water material
@@ -433,6 +438,7 @@ void content_mapnode_init()
f->liquid_alternative_source = CONTENT_WATERSOURCE;
f->liquid_viscosity = WATER_VISC;
f->vertex_alpha = WATER_ALPHA;
+ f->post_effect_color = video::SColor(64, 100, 100, 200);
if(f->special_material == NULL && g_texturesource)
// Flowing water material
@@ -465,6 +471,7 @@ void content_mapnode_init()
f->liquid_alternative_source = CONTENT_LAVASOURCE;
f->liquid_viscosity = LAVA_VISC;
f->damage_per_second = 4*2;
+ f->post_effect_color = video::SColor(192, 255, 64, 0);
if(f->special_material == NULL && g_texturesource)
// Flowing lava material
@@ -514,6 +521,7 @@ void content_mapnode_init()
f->liquid_alternative_source = CONTENT_LAVASOURCE;
f->liquid_viscosity = LAVA_VISC;
f->damage_per_second = 4*2;
+ f->post_effect_color = video::SColor(192, 255, 64, 0);
if(f->special_material == NULL && g_texturesource)
// Flowing lava material
@@ -573,6 +581,20 @@ void content_mapnode_init()
f->initial_metadata = new ChestNodeMetadata();
setWoodLikeDiggingProperties(f->digging_properties, 1.0);
+ f = &content_features(i);
+ f->param_type = CPT_FACEDIR_SIMPLE;
+ f->setAllTextures("chest_side.png");
+ f->setTexture(0, "chest_top.png");
+ f->setTexture(1, "chest_top.png");
+ f->setTexture(5, "chest_lock.png"); // Z-
+ f->setInventoryTexture("chest_lock.png");
+ //f->setInventoryTextureCube("chest_top.png", "chest_side.png", "chest_side.png");
+ f->dug_item = std::string("MaterialItem2 ")+itos(i)+" 1";
+ if(f->initial_metadata == NULL)
+ f->initial_metadata = new LockingChestNodeMetadata();
+ setWoodLikeDiggingProperties(f->digging_properties, 1.0);
f = &content_features(i);
f->param_type = CPT_FACEDIR_SIMPLE;
diff --git a/src/content_mapnode.h b/src/content_mapnode.h
index 35dcc20ec..366c9b1a0 100644
--- a/src/content_mapnode.h
+++ b/src/content_mapnode.h
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ MapNode mapnode_translate_to_internal(MapNode n_from, u8 version);
#define CONTENT_CHEST 15
#define CONTENT_FENCE 21
diff --git a/src/content_nodemeta.cpp b/src/content_nodemeta.cpp
index 1552c8e15..e79ff6d54 100644
--- a/src/content_nodemeta.cpp
+++ b/src/content_nodemeta.cpp
@@ -118,6 +118,70 @@ std::string ChestNodeMetadata::getInventoryDrawSpecString()
+ LockingChestNodeMetadata
+// Prototype
+LockingChestNodeMetadata proto_LockingChestNodeMetadata;
+ NodeMetadata::registerType(typeId(), create);
+ m_inventory = new Inventory();
+ m_inventory->addList("0", 8*4);
+ delete m_inventory;
+u16 LockingChestNodeMetadata::typeId() const
+NodeMetadata* LockingChestNodeMetadata::create(std::istream &is)
+ LockingChestNodeMetadata *d = new LockingChestNodeMetadata();
+ d->setOwner(deSerializeString(is));
+ d->m_inventory->deSerialize(is);
+ return d;
+NodeMetadata* LockingChestNodeMetadata::clone()
+ LockingChestNodeMetadata *d = new LockingChestNodeMetadata();
+ *d->m_inventory = *m_inventory;
+ return d;
+void LockingChestNodeMetadata::serializeBody(std::ostream &os)
+ os<<serializeString(m_text);
+ m_inventory->serialize(os);
+std::string LockingChestNodeMetadata::infoText()
+ return "Locking Chest";
+bool LockingChestNodeMetadata::nodeRemovalDisabled()
+ /*
+ Disable removal if chest contains something
+ */
+ InventoryList *list = m_inventory->getList("0");
+ if(list == NULL)
+ return false;
+ if(list->getUsedSlots() == 0)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+std::string LockingChestNodeMetadata::getInventoryDrawSpecString()
+ return
+ "invsize[8,9;]"
+ "list[current_name;0;0,0;8,4;]"
+ "list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;]";
diff --git a/src/content_nodemeta.h b/src/content_nodemeta.h
index 50decd910..e20334312 100644
--- a/src/content_nodemeta.h
+++ b/src/content_nodemeta.h
@@ -62,6 +62,29 @@ private:
Inventory *m_inventory;
+class LockingChestNodeMetadata : public NodeMetadata
+ LockingChestNodeMetadata();
+ ~LockingChestNodeMetadata();
+ virtual u16 typeId() const;
+ static NodeMetadata* create(std::istream &is);
+ virtual NodeMetadata* clone();
+ virtual void serializeBody(std::ostream &os);
+ virtual std::string infoText();
+ virtual Inventory* getInventory() {return m_inventory;}
+ virtual bool nodeRemovalDisabled();
+ virtual std::string getInventoryDrawSpecString();
+ virtual std::string getOwner(){ return m_text; }
+ virtual void setOwner(std::string t){ m_text = t; }
+ Inventory *m_inventory;
+ std::string m_text;
class FurnaceNodeMetadata : public NodeMetadata
diff --git a/src/defaultsettings.cpp b/src/defaultsettings.cpp
index 1e17f2f3a..dec7f17bd 100644
--- a/src/defaultsettings.cpp
+++ b/src/defaultsettings.cpp
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ void set_default_settings()
g_settings.setDefault("random_input", "false");
g_settings.setDefault("client_unload_unused_data_timeout", "600");
g_settings.setDefault("enable_fog", "true");
+ g_settings.setDefault("fov", "72");
+ g_settings.setDefault("view_bobbing", "true");
g_settings.setDefault("new_style_water", "false");
g_settings.setDefault("new_style_leaves", "true");
g_settings.setDefault("smooth_lighting", "true");
@@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ void set_default_settings()
// Server stuff
g_settings.setDefault("motd", "");
+ g_settings.setDefault("max_users", "20");
g_settings.setDefault("enable_experimental", "false");
g_settings.setDefault("creative_mode", "false");
g_settings.setDefault("enable_damage", "true");
diff --git a/src/environment.cpp b/src/environment.cpp
index 8103b7110..ff570554d 100644
--- a/src/environment.cpp
+++ b/src/environment.cpp
@@ -1345,8 +1345,6 @@ void ServerEnvironment::deactivateFarObjects(bool force_delete)
i.atEnd()==false; i++)
ServerActiveObject* obj = i.getNode()->getValue();
- u16 id = i.getNode()->getKey();
- v3f objectpos = obj->getBasePosition();
// This shouldn't happen but check it
if(obj == NULL)
@@ -1357,9 +1355,12 @@ void ServerEnvironment::deactivateFarObjects(bool force_delete)
+ u16 id = i.getNode()->getKey();
+ v3f objectpos = obj->getBasePosition();
// The block in which the object resides in
v3s16 blockpos_o = getNodeBlockPos(floatToInt(objectpos, BS));
// If block is active, don't remove
@@ -1686,18 +1687,19 @@ void ClientEnvironment::step(float dtime)
// Move
player->move(dtime, *m_map, 100*BS);
- // Update lighting on remote players on client
- u8 light = LIGHT_MAX;
- try{
- // Get node at head
- v3s16 p = player->getLightPosition();
- MapNode n = m_map->getNode(p);
- light = n.getLightBlend(getDayNightRatio());
- }
- catch(InvalidPositionException &e) {}
- player->updateLight(light);
+ // Update lighting on all players on client
+ u8 light = LIGHT_MAX;
+ try{
+ // Get node at head
+ v3s16 p = player->getLightPosition();
+ MapNode n = m_map->getNode(p);
+ light = n.getLightBlend(getDayNightRatio());
+ }
+ catch(InvalidPositionException &e) {}
+ player->updateLight(light);
Add footsteps to grass
@@ -1940,29 +1942,6 @@ ClientEnvEvent ClientEnvironment::getClientEvent()
return m_client_event_queue.pop_front();
-void ClientEnvironment::drawPostFx(video::IVideoDriver* driver, v3f camera_pos)
- /*LocalPlayer *player = getLocalPlayer();
- assert(player);
- v3f pos_f = player->getPosition() + v3f(0,BS*1.625,0);*/
- v3f pos_f = camera_pos;
- v3s16 p_nodes = floatToInt(pos_f, BS);
- MapNode n = m_map->getNodeNoEx(p_nodes);
- if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_WATER || n.getContent() == CONTENT_WATERSOURCE)
- {
- v2u32 ss = driver->getScreenSize();
- core::rect<s32> rect(0,0, ss.X, ss.Y);
- driver->draw2DRectangle(video::SColor(64, 100, 100, 200), rect);
- }
- else if(content_features(n).solidness == 2 &&
- g_settings.getBool("free_move") == false)
- {
- v2u32 ss = driver->getScreenSize();
- core::rect<s32> rect(0,0, ss.X, ss.Y);
- driver->draw2DRectangle(video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0), rect);
- }
#endif // #ifndef SERVER
diff --git a/src/environment.h b/src/environment.h
index d9248d2ad..055e2b1f6 100644
--- a/src/environment.h
+++ b/src/environment.h
@@ -406,9 +406,6 @@ public:
// Get event from queue. CEE_NONE is returned if queue is empty.
ClientEnvEvent getClientEvent();
- // Post effects
- void drawPostFx(video::IVideoDriver* driver, v3f camera_pos);
ClientMap *m_map;
diff --git a/src/game.cpp b/src/game.cpp
index dc3ed2456..13b06db6c 100644
--- a/src/game.cpp
+++ b/src/game.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include "materials.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "clouds.h"
+#include "camera.h"
#include "farmesh.h"
#include "mapblock.h"
@@ -49,8 +50,6 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-MapDrawControl draw_control;
// Chat data
struct ChatLine
@@ -144,144 +143,6 @@ struct TextDestSignNode : public TextDest
- Render distance feedback loop
-void updateViewingRange(f32 frametime_in, Client *client)
- if(draw_control.range_all == true)
- return;
- static f32 added_frametime = 0;
- static s16 added_frames = 0;
- added_frametime += frametime_in;
- added_frames += 1;
- // Actually this counter kind of sucks because frametime is busytime
- static f32 counter = 0;
- counter -= frametime_in;
- if(counter > 0)
- return;
- //counter = 0.1;
- counter = 0.2;
- /*dstream<<__FUNCTION_NAME
- <<": Collected "<<added_frames<<" frames, total of "
- <<added_frametime<<"s."<<std::endl;*/
- /*dstream<<"draw_control.blocks_drawn="
- <<draw_control.blocks_drawn
- <<", draw_control.blocks_would_have_drawn="
- <<draw_control.blocks_would_have_drawn
- <<std::endl;*/
- float range_min = g_settings.getS16("viewing_range_nodes_min");
- float range_max = g_settings.getS16("viewing_range_nodes_max");
- // Limit minimum to keep the feedback loop stable
- if(range_min < 5)
- range_min = 5;
- draw_control.wanted_min_range = range_min;
- //draw_control.wanted_max_blocks = (1.5*draw_control.blocks_drawn)+1;
- draw_control.wanted_max_blocks = (1.5*draw_control.blocks_would_have_drawn)+1;
- if(draw_control.wanted_max_blocks < 10)
- draw_control.wanted_max_blocks = 10;
- float block_draw_ratio = 1.0;
- if(draw_control.blocks_would_have_drawn != 0)
- {
- block_draw_ratio = (float)draw_control.blocks_drawn
- / (float)draw_control.blocks_would_have_drawn;
- }
- // Calculate the average frametime in the case that all wanted
- // blocks had been drawn
- f32 frametime = added_frametime / added_frames / block_draw_ratio;
- added_frametime = 0.0;
- added_frames = 0;
- float wanted_fps = g_settings.getFloat("wanted_fps");
- float wanted_frametime = 1.0 / wanted_fps;
- f32 wanted_frametime_change = wanted_frametime - frametime;
- //dstream<<"wanted_frametime_change="<<wanted_frametime_change<<std::endl;
- // If needed frametime change is small, just return
- if(fabs(wanted_frametime_change) < wanted_frametime*0.4)
- {
- //dstream<<"ignoring small wanted_frametime_change"<<std::endl;
- return;
- }
- float range = draw_control.wanted_range;
- float new_range = range;
- static s16 range_old = 0;
- static f32 frametime_old = 0;
- float d_range = range - range_old;
- f32 d_frametime = frametime - frametime_old;
- // A sane default of 30ms per 50 nodes of range
- static f32 time_per_range = 30. / 50;
- if(d_range != 0)
- {
- time_per_range = d_frametime / d_range;
- }
- // The minimum allowed calculated frametime-range derivative:
- // Practically this sets the maximum speed of changing the range.
- // The lower this value, the higher the maximum changing speed.
- // A low value here results in wobbly range (0.001)
- // A high value here results in slow changing range (0.0025)
- // SUGG: This could be dynamically adjusted so that when
- // the camera is turning, this is lower
- //float min_time_per_range = 0.0015;
- float min_time_per_range = 0.0010;
- //float min_time_per_range = 0.05 / range;
- if(time_per_range < min_time_per_range)
- {
- time_per_range = min_time_per_range;
- //dstream<<"time_per_range="<<time_per_range<<" (min)"<<std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- //dstream<<"time_per_range="<<time_per_range<<std::endl;
- }
- f32 wanted_range_change = wanted_frametime_change / time_per_range;
- // Dampen the change a bit to kill oscillations
- //wanted_range_change *= 0.9;
- //wanted_range_change *= 0.75;
- wanted_range_change *= 0.5;
- //dstream<<"wanted_range_change="<<wanted_range_change<<std::endl;
- // If needed range change is very small, just return
- if(fabs(wanted_range_change) < 0.001)
- {
- //dstream<<"ignoring small wanted_range_change"<<std::endl;
- return;
- }
- new_range += wanted_range_change;
- //float new_range_unclamped = new_range;
- if(new_range < range_min)
- new_range = range_min;
- if(new_range > range_max)
- new_range = range_max;
- /*dstream<<"new_range="<<new_range_unclamped
- <<", clamped to "<<new_range<<std::endl;*/
- draw_control.wanted_range = new_range;
- range_old = new_range;
- frametime_old = frametime;
Hotbar draw routine
void draw_hotbar(video::IVideoDriver *driver, gui::IGUIFont *font,
@@ -847,6 +708,7 @@ void the_game(
draw_load_screen(L"Creating client...", driver, font);
std::cout<<DTIME<<"Creating client"<<std::endl;
+ MapDrawControl draw_control;
Client client(device, playername.c_str(), password, draw_control);
draw_load_screen(L"Resolving address...", driver, font);
@@ -950,25 +812,10 @@ void the_game(
Create the camera node
- scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = smgr->addCameraSceneNode(
- 0, // Camera parent
- v3f(BS*100, BS*2, BS*100), // Look from
- v3f(BS*100+1, BS*2, BS*100), // Look to
- -1 // Camera ID
- );
- if(camera == NULL)
- {
- error_message = L"Failed to create the camera node";
+ Camera camera(smgr, draw_control);
+ if (!camera.successfullyCreated(error_message))
- }
- camera->setFOV(FOV_ANGLE);
- // Just so big a value that everything rendered is visible
- camera->setFarValue(100000*BS);
f32 camera_yaw = 0; // "right/left"
f32 camera_pitch = 0; // "up/down"
@@ -1169,12 +1016,6 @@ void the_game(
- Viewing range
- */
- updateViewingRange(busytime, &client);
- /*
FPS limiter
@@ -1496,6 +1337,57 @@ void the_game(
+ Mouse and camera control
+ NOTE: Do this before client.setPlayerControl() to not cause a camera lag of one frame
+ */
+ if((device->isWindowActive() && noMenuActive()) || random_input)
+ {
+ if(!random_input)
+ {
+ // Mac OSX gets upset if this is set every frame
+ if(device->getCursorControl()->isVisible())
+ device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(false);
+ }
+ if(first_loop_after_window_activation){
+ //std::cout<<"window active, first loop"<<std::endl;
+ first_loop_after_window_activation = false;
+ }
+ else{
+ s32 dx = input->getMousePos().X - displaycenter.X;
+ s32 dy = input->getMousePos().Y - displaycenter.Y;
+ if(invert_mouse)
+ dy = -dy;
+ //std::cout<<"window active, pos difference "<<dx<<","<<dy<<std::endl;
+ /*const float keyspeed = 500;
+ if(input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_UP))
+ dy -= dtime * keyspeed;
+ if(input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_DOWN))
+ dy += dtime * keyspeed;
+ if(input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_LEFT))
+ dx -= dtime * keyspeed;
+ if(input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_RIGHT))
+ dx += dtime * keyspeed;*/
+ camera_yaw -= dx*0.2;
+ camera_pitch += dy*0.2;
+ if(camera_pitch < -89.5) camera_pitch = -89.5;
+ if(camera_pitch > 89.5) camera_pitch = 89.5;
+ }
+ input->setMousePos(displaycenter.X, displaycenter.Y);
+ }
+ else{
+ // Mac OSX gets upset if this is set every frame
+ if(device->getCursorControl()->isVisible() == false)
+ device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(true);
+ //std::cout<<"window inactive"<<std::endl;
+ first_loop_after_window_activation = true;
+ }
+ /*
Player speed control
TODO: Cache the keycodes from getKeySetting
@@ -1565,81 +1457,27 @@ void the_game(
- // Get player position
- v3f camera_position;
- v3f player_position = client.getPlayerPosition(&camera_position);
//TimeTaker //timer2("//timer2");
- /*
- Mouse and camera control
- */
- if((device->isWindowActive() && noMenuActive()) || random_input)
- {
- if(!random_input)
- {
- // Mac OSX gets upset if this is set every frame
- if(device->getCursorControl()->isVisible())
- device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(false);
- }
+ LocalPlayer* player = client.getLocalPlayer();
+ camera.update(player, busytime, screensize);
+ camera.step(dtime);
- if(first_loop_after_window_activation){
- //std::cout<<"window active, first loop"<<std::endl;
- first_loop_after_window_activation = false;
- }
- else{
- s32 dx = input->getMousePos().X - displaycenter.X;
- s32 dy = input->getMousePos().Y - displaycenter.Y;
- if(invert_mouse)
- dy = -dy;
- //std::cout<<"window active, pos difference "<<dx<<","<<dy<<std::endl;
- /*const float keyspeed = 500;
- if(input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_UP))
- dy -= dtime * keyspeed;
- if(input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_DOWN))
- dy += dtime * keyspeed;
- if(input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_LEFT))
- dx -= dtime * keyspeed;
- if(input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_RIGHT))
- dx += dtime * keyspeed;*/
+ v3f player_position = player->getPosition();
+ v3f camera_position = camera.getPosition();
+ v3f camera_direction = camera.getDirection();
+ f32 camera_fov = camera.getFovMax();
- camera_yaw -= dx*0.2;
- camera_pitch += dy*0.2;
- if(camera_pitch < -89.5) camera_pitch = -89.5;
- if(camera_pitch > 89.5) camera_pitch = 89.5;
- }
- input->setMousePos(displaycenter.X, displaycenter.Y);
+ {
+ client.updateCamera(v3f(0,0,0), v3f(0,0,1), camera_fov);
- else{
- // Mac OSX gets upset if this is set every frame
- if(device->getCursorControl()->isVisible() == false)
- device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(true);
- //std::cout<<"window inactive"<<std::endl;
- first_loop_after_window_activation = true;
+ else
+ {
+ client.updateCamera(camera_position,
+ camera_direction, camera_fov);
- camera_yaw = wrapDegrees(camera_yaw);
- camera_pitch = wrapDegrees(camera_pitch);
- v3f camera_direction = v3f(0,0,1);
- camera_direction.rotateYZBy(camera_pitch);
- camera_direction.rotateXZBy(camera_yaw);
- camera->setPosition(camera_position);
- // *100.0 helps in large map coordinates
- camera->setTarget(camera_position + camera_direction * 100.0);
- client.updateCamera(v3f(0,0,0), v3f(0,0,1));
- }
- else{
- //TimeTaker timer("client.updateCamera");
- client.updateCamera(camera_position, camera_direction);
- }
//TimeTaker //timer3("//timer3");
@@ -1917,9 +1755,12 @@ void the_game(
dig_time += dtime;
+ camera.setDigging(0); // left click animation
std::cout<<DTIME<<"Ground right-clicked"<<std::endl;
@@ -1978,16 +1819,20 @@ void the_game(
client.groundAction(1, nodepos, neighbourpos, g_selected_item);
+ camera.setDigging(1); // right click animation
nodepos_old = nodepos;
- else{
- }
} // selected_object == NULL
+ if(input->getLeftClicked())
+ {
+ camera.setDigging(0); // left click animation
+ }
@@ -2010,8 +1855,6 @@ void the_game(
Calculate stuff for drawing
- camera->setAspectRatio((f32)screensize.X / (f32)screensize.Y);
u32 daynight_ratio = client.getDayNightRatio();
u8 l = decode_light((daynight_ratio * LIGHT_SUN) / 1000);
video::SColor bgcolor = video::SColor(
@@ -2032,7 +1875,7 @@ void the_game(
update_skybox(driver, smgr, skybox, brightness);
- Update coulds
+ Update clouds
@@ -2103,7 +1946,6 @@ void the_game(
Update gui stuff (0ms)
@@ -2249,6 +2091,13 @@ void the_game(
old_selected_item = g_selected_item;
//std::cout<<"Updating local inventory"<<std::endl;
+ // Update wielded tool
+ InventoryList *mlist = local_inventory.getList("main");
+ InventoryItem *item = NULL;
+ if(mlist != NULL)
+ item = mlist->getItem(g_selected_item);
+ camera.wield(item);
@@ -2314,6 +2163,21 @@ void the_game(
+ Wielded tool
+ */
+ {
+ // Warning: This clears the Z buffer.
+ camera.drawWieldedTool();
+ }
+ /*
+ Post effects
+ */
+ {
+ client.renderPostFx();
+ }
+ /*
Frametime log
if(g_settings.getBool("frametime_graph") == true)
@@ -2353,13 +2217,6 @@ void the_game(
- Environment post fx
- */
- {
- client.getEnv()->drawPostFx(driver, camera_position);
- }
- /*
Draw hotbar
diff --git a/src/inventory.cpp b/src/inventory.cpp
index f31e19f77..a3e35c92c 100644
--- a/src/inventory.cpp
+++ b/src/inventory.cpp
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ InventoryItem *MaterialItem::createCookResult() const
#ifndef SERVER
-video::ITexture * CraftItem::getImage()
+video::ITexture * CraftItem::getImage() const
if(g_texturesource == NULL)
return NULL;
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ bool CraftItem::use(ServerEnvironment *env, Player *player)
TODO: Remove
#ifndef SERVER
-video::ITexture * MapBlockObjectItem::getImage()
+video::ITexture * MapBlockObjectItem::getImage() const
if(m_inventorystring.substr(0,3) == "Rat")
return g_texturesource->getTextureRaw("rat.png");
diff --git a/src/inventory.h b/src/inventory.h
index 44ba6a5ad..3e05015ef 100644
--- a/src/inventory.h
+++ b/src/inventory.h
@@ -53,8 +53,12 @@ public:
// Shall make an exact clone of the item
virtual InventoryItem* clone() = 0;
#ifndef SERVER
- // Shall return an image to show in the GUI (or NULL)
- virtual video::ITexture * getImage() { return NULL; }
+ // Return the name of the image for this item
+ virtual std::string getBasename() const { return ""; }
+ // Shall return an image of the item (or NULL)
+ virtual video::ITexture * getImage() const { return NULL; }
+ // Shall return an image of the item without embellishments (or NULL)
+ virtual video::ITexture * getImageRaw() const { return getImage(); }
// Shall return a text to show in the GUI
virtual std::string getText() { return ""; }
@@ -149,10 +153,9 @@ public:
return new MaterialItem(m_content, m_count);
#ifndef SERVER
- video::ITexture * getImage()
+ video::ITexture * getImage() const
return content_features(m_content).inventory_texture;
- return NULL;
std::string getText()
@@ -225,7 +228,7 @@ public:
#ifndef SERVER
- video::ITexture * getImage();
+ video::ITexture * getImage() const;
std::string getText();
@@ -276,7 +279,7 @@ public:
return new CraftItem(m_subname, m_count);
#ifndef SERVER
- video::ITexture * getImage();
+ video::ITexture * getImage() const;
std::string getText()
@@ -353,40 +356,43 @@ public:
return new ToolItem(m_toolname, m_wear);
#ifndef SERVER
- video::ITexture * getImage()
- {
- if(g_texturesource == NULL)
- return NULL;
- std::string basename;
+ std::string getBasename() const {
if(m_toolname == "WPick")
- basename = "tool_woodpick.png";
+ return "tool_woodpick.png";
else if(m_toolname == "STPick")
- basename = "tool_stonepick.png";
+ return "tool_stonepick.png";
else if(m_toolname == "SteelPick")
- basename = "tool_steelpick.png";
+ return "tool_steelpick.png";
else if(m_toolname == "MesePick")
- basename = "tool_mesepick.png";
+ return "tool_mesepick.png";
else if(m_toolname == "WShovel")
- basename = "tool_woodshovel.png";
+ return "tool_woodshovel.png";
else if(m_toolname == "STShovel")
- basename = "tool_stoneshovel.png";
+ return "tool_stoneshovel.png";
else if(m_toolname == "SteelShovel")
- basename = "tool_steelshovel.png";
+ return "tool_steelshovel.png";
else if(m_toolname == "WAxe")
- basename = "tool_woodaxe.png";
+ return "tool_woodaxe.png";
else if(m_toolname == "STAxe")
- basename = "tool_stoneaxe.png";
+ return "tool_stoneaxe.png";
else if(m_toolname == "SteelAxe")
- basename = "tool_steelaxe.png";
+ return "tool_steelaxe.png";
else if(m_toolname == "WSword")
- basename = "tool_woodsword.png";
+ return "tool_woodsword.png";
else if(m_toolname == "STSword")
- basename = "tool_stonesword.png";
+ return "tool_stonesword.png";
else if(m_toolname == "SteelSword")
- basename = "tool_steelsword.png";
+ return "tool_steelsword.png";
- basename = "cloud.png";
+ return "cloud.png";
+ video::ITexture * getImage() const
+ {
+ if(g_texturesource == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ std::string basename = getBasename();
Calculate a progress value with sane amount of
@@ -401,6 +407,14 @@ public:
return g_texturesource->getTextureRaw(os.str());
+ video::ITexture * getImageRaw() const
+ {
+ if(g_texturesource == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return g_texturesource->getTextureRaw(getBasename());
+ }
std::string getText()
diff --git a/src/map.cpp b/src/map.cpp
index 7de79c75d..eb55d3a57 100644
--- a/src/map.cpp
+++ b/src/map.cpp
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ void Map::updateLighting(core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> & a_blocks,
void Map::addNodeAndUpdate(v3s16 p, MapNode n,
- core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> &modified_blocks)
+ core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> &modified_blocks, std::string &player_name)
m_dout<<DTIME<<"Map::addNodeAndUpdate(): p=("
@@ -1014,6 +1014,7 @@ void Map::addNodeAndUpdate(v3s16 p, MapNode n,
NodeMetadata *meta = meta_proto->clone();
+ meta->setOwner(player_name);
setNodeMetadata(p, meta);
@@ -1290,7 +1291,8 @@ bool Map::addNodeWithEvent(v3s16 p, MapNode n)
bool succeeded = true;
core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> modified_blocks;
- addNodeAndUpdate(p, n, modified_blocks);
+ std::string st = std::string("");
+ addNodeAndUpdate(p, n, modified_blocks, st);
// Copy modified_blocks to event
for(core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::Iterator
@@ -3604,7 +3606,8 @@ ClientMap::ClientMap(
- m_camera_direction(0,0,1)
+ m_camera_direction(0,0,1),
+ m_camera_fov(PI)
@@ -3713,6 +3716,7 @@ void ClientMap::renderMap(video::IVideoDriver* driver, s32 pass)
v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
+ f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;
@@ -3805,7 +3809,8 @@ void ClientMap::renderMap(video::IVideoDriver* driver, s32 pass)
float d = 0.0;
if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
- camera_direction, range, &d) == false)
+ camera_direction, camera_fov,
+ range, &d) == false)
@@ -3925,6 +3930,35 @@ void ClientMap::renderMap(video::IVideoDriver* driver, s32 pass)
<<", rendered "<<vertex_count<<" vertices."<<std::endl;*/
+void ClientMap::renderPostFx()
+ // Sadly ISceneManager has no "post effects" render pass, in that case we
+ // could just register for that and handle it in renderMap().
+ m_camera_mutex.Lock();
+ v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
+ m_camera_mutex.Unlock();
+ MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(floatToInt(camera_position, BS));
+ // - If the player is in a solid node, make everything black.
+ // - If the player is in liquid, draw a semi-transparent overlay.
+ ContentFeatures& features = content_features(n);
+ video::SColor post_effect_color = features.post_effect_color;
+ if(features.solidness == 2 && g_settings.getBool("free_move") == false)
+ {
+ post_effect_color = video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (post_effect_color.getAlpha() != 0)
+ {
+ // Draw a full-screen rectangle
+ video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
+ v2u32 ss = driver->getScreenSize();
+ core::rect<s32> rect(0,0, ss.X, ss.Y);
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(post_effect_color, rect);
+ }
bool ClientMap::setTempMod(v3s16 p, NodeMod mod,
core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> *affected_blocks)
diff --git a/src/map.h b/src/map.h
index e0b67eb6e..b58ba047b 100644
--- a/src/map.h
+++ b/src/map.h
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public:
These handle lighting but not faces.
void addNodeAndUpdate(v3s16 p, MapNode n,
- core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> &modified_blocks);
+ core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> &modified_blocks, std::string &player_name);
void removeNodeAndUpdate(v3s16 p,
core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> &modified_blocks);
@@ -518,11 +518,12 @@ public:
- void updateCamera(v3f pos, v3f dir)
+ void updateCamera(v3f pos, v3f dir, f32 fov)
JMutexAutoLock lock(m_camera_mutex);
m_camera_position = pos;
m_camera_direction = dir;
+ m_camera_fov = fov;
@@ -552,6 +553,8 @@ public:
void renderMap(video::IVideoDriver* driver, s32 pass);
+ void renderPostFx();
Methods for setting temporary modifications to nodes for
@@ -601,6 +604,7 @@ private:
v3f m_camera_position;
v3f m_camera_direction;
+ f32 m_camera_fov;
JMutex m_camera_mutex;
core::map<v2s16, bool> m_last_drawn_sectors;
diff --git a/src/mapblockobject.h b/src/mapblockobject.h
index 804494715..b852812e2 100644
--- a/src/mapblockobject.h
+++ b/src/mapblockobject.h
@@ -484,20 +484,7 @@ public:
u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
- u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
- for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
- {
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
- video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
- u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
- for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
- {
- vertices[i].Color = color;
- }
- }
+ setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
@@ -676,20 +663,7 @@ public:
u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
- u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
- for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
- {
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
- video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
- u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
- for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
- {
- vertices[i].Color = color;
- }
- }
+ setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
@@ -836,20 +810,7 @@ public:
u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
- u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
- for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
- {
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
- video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
- u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
- for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
- {
- vertices[i].Color = color;
- }
- }
+ setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
@@ -982,20 +943,7 @@ public:
u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
- u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
- for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
- {
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
- video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
- u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
- for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
- {
- vertices[i].Color = color;
- }
- }
+ setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
diff --git a/src/mapnode.h b/src/mapnode.h
index 3ad67aaf6..19dfb2802 100644
--- a/src/mapnode.h
+++ b/src/mapnode.h
@@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ struct ContentFeatures
u8 liquid_viscosity;
// Used currently for flowing liquids
u8 vertex_alpha;
+ // Post effect color, drawn when the camera is inside the node.
+ video::SColor post_effect_color;
// Special irrlicht material, used sometimes
video::SMaterial *special_material;
AtlasPointer *special_atlas;
@@ -197,6 +199,7 @@ struct ContentFeatures
liquid_alternative_source = CONTENT_IGNORE;
liquid_viscosity = 0;
vertex_alpha = 255;
+ post_effect_color = video::SColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
special_material = NULL;
special_atlas = NULL;
light_source = 0;
diff --git a/src/nodemetadata.h b/src/nodemetadata.h
index de682f9b6..d81ade96c 100644
--- a/src/nodemetadata.h
+++ b/src/nodemetadata.h
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ public:
// Used to make custom inventory menus.
// See format in guiInventoryMenu.cpp.
virtual std::string getInventoryDrawSpecString(){return "";}
+ // primarily used for locking chests, but others can play too
+ virtual std::string getOwner(){ return std::string(""); }
+ virtual void setOwner(std::string t){ }
static void registerType(u16 id, Factory f);
diff --git a/src/player.h b/src/player.h
index 13cffa205..ce1001992 100644
--- a/src/player.h
+++ b/src/player.h
@@ -67,12 +67,17 @@ public:
return floatToInt(m_position + v3f(0,BS+BS/2,0), BS);
- v3f getEyePosition()
+ v3f getEyeOffset()
// This is at the height of the eyes of the current figure
- // return m_position + v3f(0, BS+BS/2, 0);
+ // return v3f(0, BS+BS/2, 0);
// This is more like in minecraft
- return m_position + v3f(0,BS+(5*BS)/8,0);
+ return v3f(0,BS+(5*BS)/8,0);
+ }
+ v3f getEyePosition()
+ {
+ return m_position + getEyeOffset();
virtual void setPosition(const v3f &position)
@@ -121,7 +126,10 @@ public:
virtual bool isLocal() const = 0;
- virtual void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos) {};
+ virtual void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
+ {
+ light = light_at_pos;
+ }
// NOTE: Use peer_id == 0 for disconnected
/*virtual bool isClientConnected() { return false; }
@@ -144,6 +152,8 @@ public:
bool swimming_up;
bool is_frozen;
+ u8 light;
Inventory inventory;
// Actual inventory is backed up here when creative mode is used
Inventory *inventory_backup;
@@ -261,25 +271,14 @@ public:
virtual void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
+ Player::updateLight(light_at_pos);
if(m_node == NULL)
u8 li = decode_light(light_at_pos);
video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
- scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
- u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
- for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
- {
- scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
- video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
- u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
- for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
- {
- vertices[i].Color = color;
- }
- }
+ setMeshVerticesColor(m_node->getMesh(), color);
void move(f32 dtime, Map &map, f32 pos_max_d);
@@ -356,7 +355,7 @@ public:
return true;
void move(f32 dtime, Map &map, f32 pos_max_d,
core::list<CollisionInfo> *collision_info);
void move(f32 dtime, Map &map, f32 pos_max_d);
diff --git a/src/server.cpp b/src/server.cpp
index a04417074..5395d7618 100644
--- a/src/server.cpp
+++ b/src/server.cpp
@@ -582,9 +582,12 @@ void RemoteClient::GetNextBlocks(Server *server, float dtime,
Don't generate or send if not in sight
+ FIXME This only works if the client uses a small enough
+ FOV setting. The default of 72 degrees is fine.
- if(isBlockInSight(p, camera_pos, camera_dir, 10000*BS) == false)
+ float camera_fov = (72.0*PI/180) * 4./3.;
+ if(isBlockInSight(p, camera_pos, camera_dir, camera_fov, 10000*BS) == false)
@@ -2096,11 +2099,21 @@ void Server::ProcessData(u8 *data, u32 datasize, u16 peer_id)
+ // Enforce user limit.
+ // Don't enforce for users that have some admin right
+ if(m_clients.size() >= g_settings.getU16("max_users") &&
+ (m_authmanager.getPrivs(playername)
+ playername != g_settings.get("name"))
+ {
+ SendAccessDenied(m_con, peer_id, L"Too many users.");
+ return;
+ }
// Get player
Player *player = emergePlayer(playername, password, peer_id);
// DEBUG: Test serialization
std::ostringstream test_os;
@@ -2881,7 +2894,8 @@ void Server::ProcessData(u8 *data, u32 datasize, u16 peer_id)
MapEditEventIgnorer ign(&m_ignore_map_edit_events);
- m_env.getMap().addNodeAndUpdate(p_over, n, modified_blocks);
+ std::string p_name = std::string(player->getName());
+ m_env.getMap().addNodeAndUpdate(p_over, n, modified_blocks, p_name);
Set blocks not sent to far players
@@ -3208,7 +3222,46 @@ void Server::ProcessData(u8 *data, u32 datasize, u16 peer_id)
// Disallow moving items if not allowed to build
else if((getPlayerPrivs(player) & PRIV_BUILD) == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ // if it's a locking chest, only allow the owner or server admins to move items
+ else if (ma->from_inv != "current_player" && (getPlayerPrivs(player) & PRIV_SERVER) == 0)
+ {
+ Strfnd fn(ma->from_inv);
+ std::string id0 = fn.next(":");
+ if(id0 == "nodemeta")
+ {
+ v3s16 p;
+ p.X = stoi(fn.next(","));
+ p.Y = stoi(fn.next(","));
+ p.Z = stoi(fn.next(","));
+ NodeMetadata *meta = m_env.getMap().getNodeMetadata(p);
+ if(meta && meta->typeId() == CONTENT_LOCKABLE_CHEST) {
+ LockingChestNodeMetadata *lcm = (LockingChestNodeMetadata*)meta;
+ if (lcm->getOwner() != player->getName())
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ma->to_inv != "current_player" && (getPlayerPrivs(player) & PRIV_SERVER) == 0)
+ {
+ Strfnd fn(ma->to_inv);
+ std::string id0 = fn.next(":");
+ if(id0 == "nodemeta")
+ {
+ v3s16 p;
+ p.X = stoi(fn.next(","));
+ p.Y = stoi(fn.next(","));
+ p.Z = stoi(fn.next(","));
+ NodeMetadata *meta = m_env.getMap().getNodeMetadata(p);
+ if(meta && meta->typeId() == CONTENT_LOCKABLE_CHEST) {
+ LockingChestNodeMetadata *lcm = (LockingChestNodeMetadata*)meta;
+ if (lcm->getOwner() != player->getName())
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if(disable_action == false)
@@ -4109,7 +4162,7 @@ void Server::UpdateCrafting(u16 peer_id)
InventoryList *clist = player->inventory.getList("craft");
InventoryList *rlist = player->inventory.getList("craftresult");
- if(rlist->getUsedSlots() == 0)
+ if(rlist && rlist->getUsedSlots() == 0)
player->craftresult_is_preview = true;
if(rlist && player->craftresult_is_preview)
@@ -4386,16 +4439,16 @@ void Server::handlePeerChange(PeerChange &c)
// Collect information about leaving in chat
std::wstring message;
- std::wstring name = L"unknown";
Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(c.peer_id);
if(player != NULL)
- name = narrow_to_wide(player->getName());
- message += L"*** ";
- message += name;
- message += L" left game";
- if(c.timeout)
- message += L" (timed out)";
+ {
+ std::wstring name = narrow_to_wide(player->getName());
+ message += L"*** ";
+ message += name;
+ message += L" left game";
+ if(c.timeout)
+ message += L" (timed out)";
+ }
/*// Delete player
diff --git a/src/tile.h b/src/tile.h
index 216d76508..5cebb0eaa 100644
--- a/src/tile.h
+++ b/src/tile.h
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ struct TileSpec
// Sets everything else except the texture in the material
- void applyMaterialOptions(video::SMaterial &material)
+ void applyMaterialOptions(video::SMaterial &material) const
if(alpha != 255 && material_type != MATERIAL_ALPHA_VERTEX)
dstream<<"WARNING: TileSpec: alpha != 255 "
diff --git a/src/utility.cpp b/src/utility.cpp
index 0721100cb..3c6c2f286 100644
--- a/src/utility.cpp
+++ b/src/utility.cpp
@@ -156,14 +156,33 @@ void mysrand(unsigned seed)
next = seed;
+// Sets the color of all vertices in the mesh
+void setMeshVerticesColor(scene::IMesh* mesh, video::SColor& color)
+ if(mesh == NULL)
+ return;
+ u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
+ for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
+ {
+ scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
+ video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
+ u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
+ for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
+ {
+ vertices[i].Color = color;
+ }
+ }
blockpos: position of block in block coordinates
camera_pos: position of camera in nodes
camera_dir: an unit vector pointing to camera direction
range: viewing range
-bool isBlockInSight(v3s16 blockpos_b, v3f camera_pos, v3f camera_dir, f32 range,
- f32 *distance_ptr)
+bool isBlockInSight(v3s16 blockpos_b, v3f camera_pos, v3f camera_dir,
+ f32 camera_fov, f32 range, f32 *distance_ptr)
v3s16 blockpos_nodes = blockpos_b * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
@@ -211,8 +230,7 @@ bool isBlockInSight(v3s16 blockpos_b, v3f camera_pos, v3f camera_dir, f32 range,
cosangle += block_max_radius / dforward;
// If block is not in the field of view, skip it
- //if(cosangle < cos(FOV_ANGLE/2))
- if(cosangle < cos(FOV_ANGLE/2. * 4./3.))
+ if(cosangle < cos(camera_fov / 2))
return false;
diff --git a/src/utility.h b/src/utility.h
index ea7c11846..2fefd8667 100644
--- a/src/utility.h
+++ b/src/utility.h
@@ -553,6 +553,9 @@ private:
u32 *m_result;
+// Sets the color of all vertices in the mesh
+void setMeshVerticesColor(scene::IMesh* mesh, video::SColor& color);
// Calculates the borders of a "d-radius" cube
inline void getFacePositions(core::list<v3s16> &list, u16 d)
@@ -1765,8 +1768,8 @@ inline int myrand_range(int min, int max)
Miscellaneous functions
-bool isBlockInSight(v3s16 blockpos_b, v3f camera_pos, v3f camera_dir, f32 range,
- f32 *distance_ptr=NULL);
+bool isBlockInSight(v3s16 blockpos_b, v3f camera_pos, v3f camera_dir,
+ f32 camera_fov, f32 range, f32 *distance_ptr=NULL);
Queue with unique values with fast checking of value existence