path: root/textures/base/pack/fast_btn.png
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Diffstat (limited to 'textures/base/pack/fast_btn.png')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
pan class="hl kwa">function(message) if message:sub(1,2) == ".." then return false end local first_char = message:sub(1,1) if first_char == "/" or first_char == "." then core.display_chat_message(core.gettext("Issued command: ") .. message) end if first_char ~= "." then return false end local cmd, param = string.match(message, "^%.([^ ]+) *(.*)") param = param or "" if not cmd then core.display_chat_message("-!- " .. core.gettext("Empty command.")) return true end -- Run core.registered_on_chatcommand callbacks. if core.run_callbacks(core.registered_on_chatcommand, 5, cmd, param) then return true end local cmd_def = core.registered_chatcommands[cmd] if cmd_def then core.set_last_run_mod(cmd_def.mod_origin) local _, result = cmd_def.func(param) if result then core.display_chat_message(result) end else core.display_chat_message("-!- " .. core.gettext("Invalid command: ") .. cmd) end return true end) core.register_chatcommand("list_players", { description = core.gettext("List online players"), func = function(param) local player_names = core.get_player_names() if not player_names then return false, core.gettext("This command is disabled by server.") end local players = table.concat(player_names, ", ") return true, core.gettext("Online players: ") .. players end }) core.register_chatcommand("disconnect", { description = core.gettext("Exit to main menu"), func = function(param) core.disconnect() end, }) core.register_chatcommand("clear_chat_queue", { description = core.gettext("Clear the out chat queue"), func = function(param) core.clear_out_chat_queue() return true, core.gettext("The out chat queue is now empty.") end, }) function core.run_server_chatcommand(cmd, param) core.send_chat_message("/" .. cmd .. " " .. param) end