path: root/util/master
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/master')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 564 deletions
diff --git a/util/master/ b/util/master/
deleted file mode 100644
index 411fff3e9..000000000
--- a/util/master/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Minetest server list
-Setting up the webpage
-You will have to install node.js, doT.js and their dependencies to compile
-the serverlist webpage template.
-First install node.js, eg:
- # apt-get install nodejs
- # pacman -S nodejs
- # emerge nodejs
-Then install doT.js and its dependencies:
- $ cd ~/code
- $ git clone
- $ cd doT
- $ npm install
-Or with npm:
- $ npm install dot commander mkdirp
-And finally compile the template:
- $ cd ~/minetest/util/master
- $ ~/code/doT/bin/dot-packer -s . -d .
- $ ~/node_modules/dot/bin/dot-packer -s . -d .
-Embedding to any page
- <script>
- var master = {
- root: '',
- limit: 10,
- clients_min: 1,
- no_flags: 1,
- no_ping: 1,
- no_uptime: 1
- };
- </script>
- <script src=""></script>
diff --git a/util/master/index.html b/util/master/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 48a973eac..000000000
--- a/util/master/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Minetest server list</title>
- <div id="server_list"></div>
-<script src="list.js"></script>
diff --git a/util/master/list.js b/util/master/list.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 251cba0ca..000000000
--- a/util/master/list.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-var master;
-if (!master) master = {};
-if (typeof(master.root)=='undefined') master.root = "";
-if (!master.output) master.output = '#server_list';
-if (!master.list) master.list = "list";
-if (!master.list_root) master.list_root = master.root;
-if (!master.list_url) master.list_url = master.list_root + master.list;
-function humanTime(seconds) {
- if (!seconds) return '?';
- var conv = {
- y: 31536000,
- d: 86400,
- h: 3600,
- m: 60
- }
- for (var i in conv) {
- if (seconds >= conv[i]) {
- return (seconds / conv[i]).toFixed(1) + i;
- }
- }
- return seconds + 's';
-function escapeHTML(str) {
- if(!str) return str;
- return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
-function addressString(server) {
- var isIPv6 = server.address.indexOf(":") != -1;
- var addrStr = (isIPv6 ? '[' : '') +
- escapeHTML(server.address) +
- (isIPv6 ? ']' : '');
- var shortStr = addrStr;
- addrStr += ':' + server.port;
- var str = '<span'
- if (shortStr.length > 25) {
- shortStr = shortStr.substr(0, 23) + "&hellip;";
- str += ' class="mts_tooltip" title="' + addrStr + '"'
- }
- if (server.port != 30000)
- shortStr += ':' + server.port;
- return str + '>' + shortStr + '</span>';
-function tooltipString(str, maxLen) {
- str = escapeHTML(str);
- var shortStr = str;
- var ret = '<span';
- if (shortStr.length > maxLen) {
- shortStr = shortStr.substr(0, maxLen - 2) + "&hellip;";
- ret += ' class="mts_tooltip" title="' + str + '"';
- }
- return ret + '>' + shortStr + '</span>';
-function hoverList(name, list) {
- if (!list || list.length == 0) return '';
- var str = '<div class="mts_hover_list">'
- str += name + '(' + list.length + ')<br />';
- for (var i in list) {
- str += escapeHTML(list[i]) + '<br />';
- }
- return str + '</div>';
-function hoverString(name, string) {
- if (!string) return '';
- return '<div class="mts_hover_list">'
- + name + ':<br />'
- + escapeHTML(string) + '<br />'
- + '</div>';
-function draw(json) {
- html = window.render.servers(json);
- jQuery(master.output).html(html);
-function get() {
- jQuery.getJSON(master.list_url, draw);
-function loaded(){
- if (!master.no_refresh) {
- setInterval(get, 60 * 1000);
- }
- get();
-this.toast=function(){var e=document,t=e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=this.setTimeout,r="createElement",i="appendChild",s="addEventListener",o="onreadystatechange",u="styleSheet",a=10,f=0,l=function(){--f},c,h=function(e,r,i,s){if(!t)n(function(){h(e)},a);else if(e.length){c=-1;while(i=e[++c]){if((s=typeof i)=="function"){r=function(){return i(),!0};break}if(s=="string")p(i);else if(i.pop){p(i[0]),r=i[1];break}}d(r,,c+1))}},p=function(n,s){++f,/\.css$/.test(n)?(s=e[r]("link"),s.rel=u,s.href=n,t[i](s),v(s)):(s=e[r]("script"),s.src=n,t[i](s),s[o]===null?s[o]=m:s.onload=l)},d=function(e,t){if(!f)if(!e||e()){h(t);return}n(function(){d(e,t)},a)},v=function(e){if(e.sheet||e[u]){l();return}n(function(){v(e)},a)},m=function(){/ded|co/.test(this.readyState)&&l()};h(arguments)};
-toast(master.root+'style.css', master.root+'servers.js', function() {
- if (typeof(jQuery)!='undefined')
- loaded();
- else
- toast('//', loaded);
diff --git a/util/master/master.cgi b/util/master/master.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index f48816c5d..000000000
--- a/util/master/master.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
- cpan JSON JSON::XS
- touch list_full list log.log
- chmod a+rw list_full list log.log
- www/fcgiwrap www/nginx
- location / {
- index index.html;
- add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
- }
- location /announce {
- fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap/fcgiwrap.sock;
- fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/master.cgi;
- include fastcgi_params;
- }
-apache .htaccess:
- AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
- DirectoryIndex index.html
- Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks
- Order allow,deny
- <FilesMatch (\.(html?|cgi|fcgi|css|js|gif|png|jpe?g|ico)|(^)|\w+)$>
- Allow from all
- </FilesMatch>
- Deny from all
- <ifModule mod_headers.c>
- Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
- </ifModule>
-use strict;
-no strict qw(refs);
-use warnings "NONFATAL" => "all";
-no warnings qw(uninitialized);
-no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
-use utf8;
-use Socket;
- if ($Socket::VERSION ge '2.008') {
- eval qq{use Socket qw(getaddrinfo getnameinfo NI_NUMERICHOST NIx_NOSERV)}; # >5.16
- } else {
- eval qq{use Socket6 qw(getaddrinfo getnameinfo NI_NUMERICHOST NIx_NOSERV)}; # <5.16
- }
-use Time::HiRes qw(time sleep);
-use IO::Socket::IP;
-use JSON;
-use Net::Ping;
-#use Data::Dumper;
-our $root_path;
-($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'} || $0) =~ m|^(.+)[/\\].+?$|; #v0w
-$root_path = $1 . '/' if $1;
-$root_path =~ s|\\|/|g;
-our %config = (
- #debug => 1,
- list_full => $root_path . 'list_full',
- list_pub => $root_path . 'list',
- log => $root_path . 'log.log',
- time_purge => 86400 * 1,
- time_alive => 650,
- source_check => 1,
- ping_timeout => 3,
- ping => 1,
- mineping => 1,
- pingable => 1,
- trusted => [qw( )], #masterserver self ip - if server on same ip with masterserver doesnt announced
- #blacklist => [], # [qw(, '', qr/^10\.20\.30\./, ], # list, or quoted, ips, or regex
-do($root_path . '');
-our $ping = Net::Ping->new("udp", $config{ping_timeout});
-sub get_params_one(@) {
- local %_ = %{ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {}};
- for (@_) {
- tr/+/ /, s/%([a-f\d]{2})/pack 'H*', $1/gei for my ($k, $v) = /^([^=]+=?)=(.+)$/ ? ($1, $2) : (/^([^=]*)=?$/, /^-/);
- $_{$k} = $v;
- }
- wantarray ? %_ : \%_;
-sub get_params(;$$) { #v7
- my ($string, $delim) = @_;
- $delim ||= '&';
- read(STDIN, local $_ = '', $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) if !$string and $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'};
- local %_ =
- $string
- ? get_params_one split $delim, $string
- : (get_params_one(@ARGV), map { get_params_one split $delim, $_ } split(/;\s*/, $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'}), $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}, $_);
- wantarray ? %_ : \%_;
-sub get_params_utf8(;$$) {
- local $_ = &get_params;
- utf8::decode $_ for %$_;
- wantarray ? %$_ : $_;
-sub file_rewrite(;$@) {
- local $_ = shift;
- return unless open my $fh, '>', $_;
- print $fh @_;
-sub printlog(;@) {
- #local $_ = shift;
- return unless open my $fh, '>>', $config{log};
- print $fh (join ' ', @_), "\n";
-sub file_read ($) {
- open my $f, '<', $_[0] or return;
- local $/ = undef;
- my $ret = <$f>;
- close $f;
- return \$ret;
-sub read_json {
- my $ret = {};
- eval { $ret = JSON->new->utf8->relaxed(1)->decode(${ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : file_read($_[0]) or \''} || '{}'); }; #'mc
- printlog "json error [$@] on [", ${ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : \$_[0]}, "]" if $@;
- $ret;
-sub printu (@) {
- for (@_) {
- print($_), next unless utf8::is_utf8($_);
- my $s = $_;
- utf8::encode($s);
- print($s);
- }
-sub float {
- return ($_[0] < 8 and $_[0] - int($_[0]))
- ? sprintf('%.' . ($_[0] < 1 ? 3 : ($_[0] < 3 ? 2 : 1)) . 'f', $_[0])
- : int($_[0]);
-sub mineping ($$) {
- my ($addr, $port) = @_;
- printlog "mineping($addr, $port)" if $config{debug};
- my $data;
- my $time = time;
- eval {
- my $socket = IO::Socket::IP->new(
- 'PeerAddr' => $addr,
- 'PeerPort' => $port,
- 'Proto' => 'udp',
- 'Timeout' => $config{ping_timeout},
- );
- $socket->send("\x4f\x45\x74\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01");
- local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm time out"; };
- alarm $config{ping_timeout};
- $socket->recv($data, POSIX::BUFSIZ) or die "recv: $!";
- alarm 0;
- 1; # return value from eval on normalcy
- } or return 0;
- return 0 unless length $data;
- $time = float(time - $time);
- printlog "recvd: ", length $data, " [$time]" if $config{debug};
- return $time;
-sub request (;$) {
- my ($r) = @_;
- $r ||= \%ENV;
- my $param = get_params_utf8;
- my $after = sub {
- if ($param->{json}) {
- my $j = {};
- eval { $j = JSON->new->decode($param->{json}) || {} };
- $param->{$_} = $j->{$_} for keys %$j;
- delete $param->{json};
- }
- #printlog 'recv', Dumper $param;
- if (%$param) {
- s/^false$// for values %$param;
- $param->{ip} = $r->{REMOTE_ADDR};
- $param->{ip} =~ s/^::ffff://;
- for (@{$config{blacklist}}) {
- #printlog("blacklist", $param->{ip} ~~ $_) if $config{debug};
- return if $param->{ip} ~~ $_;
- }
- $param->{address} ||= $param->{ip};
- if ($config{source_check}) {
- (my $err, local @_) = getaddrinfo($param->{address});
- my $addrs = [ map{(getnameinfo($_->{addr}, NI_NUMERICHOST, NIx_NOSERV))[1]} @_];
- if (!($param->{ip} ~~ $addrs) and !($param->{ip} ~~ $config{trusted})) {
- printlog("bad address (", @$addrs, ")[$param->{address}] ne [$param->{ip}] [$err]") if $config{debug};
- return;
- }
- }
- $param->{port} ||= 30000;
- $param->{key} = "$param->{ip}:$param->{port}";
- $param->{off} = time if $param->{action} ~~ 'delete';
- if ($config{ping} and $param->{action} ne 'delete') {
- if ($config{mineping}) {
- $param->{ping} = mineping($param->{ip}, $param->{port});
- } else {
- $ping->port_number($param->{port});
- $ping->service_check(0);
- my ($pingret, $duration, $ip) = $ping->ping($param->{address});
- if ($ip ne $param->{ip} and !($param->{ip} ~~ $config{trusted})) {
- printlog "strange ping ip [$ip] != [$param->{ip}]" if $config{debug};
- return if $config{source_check} and !($param->{ip} ~~ $config{trusted});
- }
- $param->{ping} = $duration if $pingret;
- printlog " PING t=$config{ping_timeout}, $param->{address}:$param->{port} = ( $pingret, $duration, $ip )" if $config{debug};
- }
- return if !$param->{ping};
- }
- my $list = read_json($config{list_full}) || {};
- printlog "readed[$config{list_full}] list size=", scalar @{$list->{list}} if $config{debug};
- my $listk = {map { $_->{key} => $_ } @{$list->{list}}};
- my $old = $listk->{$param->{key}};
- $param->{time} = $old->{time} if $param->{off};
- $param->{time} ||= int time;
- $param->{start} = $param->{action} ~~ 'start' ? $param->{time} : $old->{start} || $param->{time};
- delete $param->{start} if $param->{off};
- $param->{clients} ||= scalar @{$param->{clients_list}} if ref $param->{clients_list} eq 'ARRAY';
- $param->{first} ||= $old->{first} || $old->{time} || $param->{time};
- $param->{clients_top} = $old->{clients_top} if $old->{clients_top} > $param->{clients};
- $param->{clients_top} ||= $param->{clients} || 0;
- # params reported once on start, must be same as src/serverlist.cpp:~221 if(server["action"] == "start") { ...
- for (qw(dedicated rollback liquid_finite mapgen mods privs)) {
- $param->{$_} ||= $old->{$_} if $old->{$_} and !($param->{action} ~~ 'start');
- }
- $param->{pop_n} = $old->{pop_n} + 1;
- $param->{pop_c} = $old->{pop_c} + $param->{clients};
- $param->{pop_v} = $param->{pop_c} / $param->{pop_n};
- delete $param->{action};
- $listk->{$param->{key}} = $param;
- #printlog 'write', Dumper $param if $config{debug};
- my $list_full = [grep { $_->{time} > time - $config{time_purge} } values %$listk];
- $list->{list} = [
- sort { $b->{clients} <=> $a->{clients} || $a->{start} <=> $b->{start} }
- grep { $_->{time} > time - $config{time_alive} and !$_->{off} and (!$config{ping} or !$config{pingable} or $_->{ping}) }
- @{$list_full}
- ];
- $list->{total} = {clients => 0, servers => 0};
- for (@{$list->{list}}) {
- $list->{total}{clients} += $_->{clients};
- ++$list->{total}{servers};
- }
- $list->{total_max}{clients} = $list->{total}{clients} if $list->{total_max}{clients} < $list->{total}{clients};
- $list->{total_max}{servers} = $list->{total}{servers} if $list->{total_max}{servers} < $list->{total}{servers};
- file_rewrite($config{list_pub}, JSON->new->encode($list));
- printlog "writed[$config{list_pub}] list size=", scalar @{$list->{list}} if $config{debug};
- $list->{list} = $list_full;
- file_rewrite($config{list_full}, JSON->new->encode($list));
- printlog "writed[$config{list_full}] list size=", scalar @{$list->{list}} if $config{debug};
- }
- };
- return [200, ["Content-type", "application/json"], [JSON->new->encode({})]], $after;
-sub request_cgi {
- my ($p, $after) = request(@_);
- shift @$p;
- printu join "\n", map { join ': ', @$_ } shift @$p;
- printu "\n\n";
- printu join '', map { join '', @$_ } @$p;
- if (fork) {
- unless ($config{debug}) {
- close STDOUT;
- close STDERR;
- }
- } else {
- $after->() if ref $after ~~ 'CODE';
- }
-request_cgi() unless caller;
diff --git a/util/master/servers.jst b/util/master/servers.jst
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a8a90a77..000000000
--- a/util/master/servers.jst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-{{? !master.no_total}}
-<div class="total">
- {{? it.total_max && it.total_max.clients > 0}}Players: {{}}/{{=it.total_max.clients}}&nbsp;{{?}}
- {{? it.total_max && it.total_max.servers > 0}}Servers: {{}}/{{=it.total_max.servers}}{{?}}
- <tr>
- {{? !master.no_address}}<th>IP[:Port]</th>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_clients}}<th>Players/Max{{? !master.no_avgtop}}<br/>Avg/Top{{?}}</th>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_version}}<th>Version, Gameid, MapGen</th>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_name}}<th>Name</th>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_description}}<th>Description</th>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_flags}}<th>Flags</th>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_uptime}}<th>Uptime, Age</th>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_ping}}<th>Ping, Lag</th>{{?}}
- </tr>
- {{~it.list :server:index}}
- {{ if (master.limit && index + 1 > master.limit) break;}}
- {{ if (master.min_clients && server.clients < master.min_clients) continue;}}
- <tr>
- {{? !master.no_address}}
- <td class ="address">
- {{=addressString(server)}}
- </td>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_clients}}
- <td class="clients{{? server.clients_list && server.clients_list.length > 0}} mts_hover_list_text{{?}}">
- {{=server.clients}}/{{=server.clients_max}}{{? !master.no_avgtop}} &nbsp;&nbsp;{{=Math.floor(server.pop_v)}}/{{=server.clients_top}}{{?}}
- {{=hoverList("Clients", server.clients_list)}}
- </td>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_version}}
- <td class="version{{? server.mods && server.mods.length > 0}} mts_hover_list_text{{?}}">
- {{=escapeHTML(server.version)}}, {{=escapeHTML(server.gameid)}},&nbsp;
- {{=escapeHTML(server.mapgen || '?')}}
- {{=hoverList("Mods", server.mods)}}
- </td>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_name}}
- <td class="name">
- {{? server.url}}
- <a href="{{=escapeHTML(server.url)}}">{{=tooltipString(, 25)}}</a>
- {{??}}
- {{=tooltipString(, 25)}}
- {{?}}
- </td>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_description}}
- <td class="description">
- {{=tooltipString(server.description, 50)}}
- </td>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_flags}}
- <td class="flags {{? server.privs}} mts_hover_list_text{{?}}">
- {{=hoverString("Privs", server.privs)}}
- {{=server.creative ? 'Cre ' : ''}}
- {{=server.dedicated ? 'Ded ' : ''}}
- {{=server.damage ? 'Dmg ' : ''}}
- {{=server.liquid_finite ? 'Liq ' : ''}}
- {{=server.pvp ? 'PvP ' : ''}}
- {{=server.password ? 'Pwd ' : ''}}
- {{=server.rollback ? 'Rol ' : ''}}
- {{=server.can_see_far_names ? 'Far ' : ''}}
- </td>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_uptime}}
- <td class="uptime">
- {{=humanTime(server.uptime)}}, {{=humanTime(server.game_time)}}
- </td>{{?}}
- {{? !master.no_ping}}
- <td class="ping">
- {{=Math.floor( * 1000)}}{{? server.lag}}, {{= Math.floor(server.lag * 1000)}}{{?}}
- </td>{{?}}
- </tr>
- {{~}}
-{{? master.min_clients || master.limit}}
- <a class="clickable" onclick="delete master.min_clients; delete master.limit; get();">More...</a>
diff --git a/util/master/style.css b/util/master/style.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 13bcf2979..000000000
--- a/util/master/style.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#server_list table {
- max-width: 100%;
- width: 100%;
- background-color: transparent;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0;
- font-size: small;
-#server_list td, #server_list th {
- border: 1px solid gray;
- visibility: hidden;
- border: gray solid 1px;
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 100;
- background-color: white;
- padding: 0.5em;
-td:hover .mts_hover_list {
- visibility: visible;
-.mts_hover_list_text, .mts_tooltip {
- text-decoration: underline;
- text-decoration-style: dashed;
-.clickable {
- text-decoration: underline;
- cursor: pointer;
-} \ No newline at end of file