path: root/src/logoutputbuffer.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Update Copyright YearsSfan52013-02-24
* Change Minetest-c55 to MinetestPilzAdam2013-02-24
* Switch the license to be LGPLv2/later, with small parts still remaining as GP...Perttu Ahola2012-06-05
* Print errors from local log to chatPerttu Ahola2011-11-29
/a> 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
0 128 128 128   # CONTENT_STONE
2 39 66 106     # CONTENT_WATER
3 255 255 0     # CONTENT_TORCH
9 39 66 106     # CONTENT_WATERSOURCE
e 117 86 41     # CONTENT_SIGN_WALL
f 128 79 0      # CONTENT_CHEST
10 118 118 118  # CONTENT_FURNACE
15 103 78 42    # CONTENT_FENCE
1e 162 119 53   # CONTENT_RAIL
1f 154 110 40   # CONTENT_LADDER
20 255 100 0    # CONTENT_LAVA
21 255 100 0    # CONTENT_LAVASOURCE
800 107 134 51  # CONTENT_GRASS
801 86 58 31    # CONTENT_TREE
802 48 95 8     # CONTENT_LEAVES
804 178 178 0   # CONTENT_MESE
805 101 84 36   # CONTENT_MUD
808 104 78 42   # CONTENT_WOOD
809 210 194 156 # CONTENT_SAND
80a 123 123 123 # CONTENT_COBBLE
80b 199 199 199 # CONTENT_STEEL
80c 183 183 222 # CONTENT_GLASS
80d 219 202 178 # CONTENT_MOSSYCOBBLE
80e 70 70 70    # CONTENT_GRAVEL
80f 204 0 0     # CONTENT_SANDSTONE
810 0 215 0     # CONTENT_CACTUS
811 170 50 25   # CONTENT_BRICK
812 104 78 42   # CONTENT_CLAY
813 58 105 18   # CONTENT_PAPYRUS
814 196 160 0   # CONTENT_BOOKSHELF
815 205 190 121 # CONTENT_JUNGLETREE
816 62 101 25   # CONTENT_JUNGLEGRASS
817 255 153 255 # CONTENT_NC
818 102 50 255  # CONTENT_NC_RB
819 200 0 0     # CONTENT_APPLE

default:stone 128 128 128
default:stone_with_coal 50 50 50
default:water_flowing 39 66 106
default:torch 255 255 0
default:water_source 39 66 106
default:sign_wall 117 86 41
default:chest 128 79 0
default:furnace 118 118 118
default:fence_wood 103 78 42
default:rail 162 119 53
default:ladder 154 110 40
default:lava_flowing 255 100 0
default:lava_source 255 100 0
default:dirt_with_grass 107 134 51
default:tree 86 58 31
default:leaves 48 95 8
default:dirt_with_grass_and_footsteps 102 129 38
default:mese 178 178 0
default:dirt 101 84 36
default:wood 104 78 42
default:sand 210 194 156
default:cobble 123 123 123
default:steelblock 199 199 199
default:glass 183 183 222
default:mossycobble 219 202 178
default:gravel 70 70 70
default:sandstone 204 0 0
default:cactus 0 215 0
default:brick 170 50 25
default:clay 104 78 42
default:papyrus 58 105 18
default:bookshelf 196 160 0
default:jungletree 205 190 121
default:junglegrass 62 101 25
default:nyancat 255 153 255
default:nyancat_rainbow 102 50 255
default:apple 200 0 0
default:desert_sand 210 180 50
default:desert_stone 150 100 30
default:dry_shrub 100 80 40