From 8c7e214875c811b8e7ff8473b020498af4fbbafe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Wuzzy Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 15:59:28 +0200 Subject: Update builtin locale files --- builtin/locale/ | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------ builtin/locale/ | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- builtin/locale/template.txt | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++----- 3 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/builtin/locale/ b/builtin/locale/ index eaadf611b..963ab8477 100644 --- a/builtin/locale/ +++ b/builtin/locale/ @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ Empty command.=Leerer Befehl. Invalid command: @1=Ungültiger Befehl: @1 Invalid command usage.=Ungültige Befehlsverwendung. + (@1 s)= +Command execution took @1 s= You don't have permission to run this command (missing privileges: @1).=Sie haben keine Erlaubnis, diesen Befehl auszuführen (fehlende Privilegien: @1). Unable to get position of player @1.=Konnte Position vom Spieler @1 nicht ermitteln. Incorrect area format. Expected: (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2)=Ungültiges Gebietsformat. Erwartet: (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2) @@ -10,24 +12,30 @@ Show chat action (e.g., '/me orders a pizza' displays ' orders a pi Show the name of the server owner=Den Namen des Servereigentümers zeigen The administrator of this server is @1.=Der Administrator dieses Servers ist @1. There's no administrator named in the config file.=In der Konfigurationsdatei wurde kein Administrator angegeben. +@1 does not have any privileges.= +Privileges of @1: @2=Privilegien von @1: @2 []=[] Show privileges of yourself or another player=Ihre eigenen Privilegien oder die eines anderen Spielers anzeigen Player @1 does not exist.=Spieler @1 existiert nicht. -Privileges of @1: @2=Privilegien von @1: @2 = Return list of all online players with privilege=Liste aller Spieler mit einem Privileg ausgeben Invalid parameters (see /help haspriv).=Ungültige Parameter (siehe „/help haspriv“). Unknown privilege!=Unbekanntes Privileg! Players online with the "@1" privilege: @2=Derzeit online spielende Spieler mit dem „@1“-Privileg: @2 Your privileges are insufficient.=Ihre Privilegien sind unzureichend. +Your privileges are insufficient. '@1' only allows you to grant: @2= Unknown privilege: @1=Unbekanntes Privileg: @1 @1 granted you privileges: @2=@1 gewährte Ihnen Privilegien: @2 - ( | all)= ( | all) + ( [, [<...>]] | all)= Give privileges to player=Privileg an Spieler vergeben Invalid parameters (see /help grant).=Ungültige Parameter (siehe „/help grant“). - | all= | all + [, [<...>]] | all= Grant privileges to yourself=Privilegien an Ihnen selbst vergeben Invalid parameters (see /help grantme).=Ungültige Parameter (siehe „/help grantme“). +Your privileges are insufficient. '@1' only allows you to revoke: @2= +Note: Cannot revoke in singleplayer: @1= +Note: Cannot revoke from admin: @1= +No privileges were revoked.= @1 revoked privileges from you: @2=@1 entfernte Privilegien von Ihnen: @2 Remove privileges from player=Privilegien von Spieler entfernen Invalid parameters (see /help revoke).=Ungültige Parameter (siehe „/help revoke“). @@ -156,7 +164,6 @@ Kicked @1.=@1 hinausgeworfen. Clear all objects in world=Alle Objekte in der Welt löschen Invalid usage, see /help clearobjects.=Ungültige Verwendung, siehe /help clearobjects. Clearing all objects. This may take a long time. You may experience a timeout. (by @1)=Lösche alle Objekte. Dies kann eine lange Zeit dauern. Eine Netzwerkzeitüberschreitung könnte für Sie auftreten. (von @1) -Objects cleared.=Objekte gelöscht. Cleared all objects.=Alle Objekte gelöscht. = Send a direct message to a player=Eine Direktnachricht an einen Spieler senden @@ -184,7 +191,6 @@ Available commands:=Verfügbare Befehle: Command not available: @1=Befehl nicht verfügbar: @1 [all | privs | ]=[all | privs | ] Get help for commands or list privileges=Hilfe für Befehle erhalten oder Privilegien auflisten -Available privileges:=Verfügbare Privilegien: Command=Befehl Parameters=Parameter For more information, click on any entry in the list.=Für mehr Informationen klicken Sie auf einen beliebigen Eintrag in der Liste. @@ -194,16 +200,20 @@ Available commands: (see also: /help )=Verfügbare Befehle: (siehe auch: /h Close=Schließen Privilege=Privileg Description=Beschreibung +Available privileges:=Verfügbare Privilegien: print [] | dump [] | save [ []] | reset=print [] | dump [] | save [ []] Handle the profiler and profiling data=Den Profiler und Profilingdaten verwalten Statistics written to action log.=Statistiken zum Aktionsprotokoll geschrieben. Statistics were reset.=Statistiken wurden zurückgesetzt. Usage: @1=Verwendung: @1 Format can be one of txt, csv, lua, json, json_pretty (structures may be subject to change).=Format kann entweder „txt“, „csv“, „lua“, „json“ oder „json_pretty“ sein (die Struktur kann sich in Zukunft ändern). +@1 joined the game.= +@1 left the game.= +@1 left the game (timed out).= (no description)=(keine Beschreibung) Can interact with things and modify the world=Kann mit Dingen interagieren und die Welt verändern Can speak in chat=Kann im Chat sprechen -Can modify 'shout' and 'interact' privileges=Kann die „shout“- und „interact“-Privilegien anpassen +Can modify basic privileges (@1)= Can modify privileges=Kann Privilegien anpassen Can teleport self=Kann sich selbst teleportieren Can teleport other players=Kann andere Spieler teleportieren @@ -223,3 +233,16 @@ Unknown Item=Unbekannter Gegenstand Air=Luft Ignore=Ignorieren You can't place 'ignore' nodes!=Sie können keine „ignore“-Blöcke platzieren! +Values below show absolute/relative times spend per server step by the instrumented function.= +A total of @1 sample(s) were taken.= +The output is limited to '@1'.= +Saving of profile failed: @1= +Profile saved to @1= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + + ( | all)= ( | all) + | all= | all +Objects cleared.=Objekte gelöscht. +Can modify 'shout' and 'interact' privileges=Kann die „shout“- und „interact“-Privilegien anpassen diff --git a/builtin/locale/ b/builtin/locale/ index 94bc870c8..8bce1d0d2 100644 --- a/builtin/locale/ +++ b/builtin/locale/ @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ Empty command.=Comando vuoto. Invalid command: @1=Comando non valido: @1 Invalid command usage.=Utilizzo del comando non valido. + (@1 s)= +Command execution took @1 s= You don't have permission to run this command (missing privileges: @1).=Non hai il permesso di eseguire questo comando (privilegi mancanti: @1). Unable to get position of player @1.=Impossibile ottenere la posizione del giocatore @1. Incorrect area format. Expected: (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2)=Formato dell'area non corretto. Richiesto: (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2) @@ -10,24 +12,30 @@ Show chat action (e.g., '/me orders a pizza' displays ' orders a pi Show the name of the server owner=Mostra il nome del proprietario del server The administrator of this server is @1.=L'amministratore di questo server è @1. There's no administrator named in the config file.=Non c'è nessun amministratore nel file di configurazione. +@1 does not have any privileges.= +Privileges of @1: @2=Privilegi di @1: @2 []=[] Show privileges of yourself or another player=Mostra i privilegi propri o di un altro giocatore Player @1 does not exist.=Il giocatore @1 non esiste. -Privileges of @1: @2=Privilegi di @1: @2 = Return list of all online players with privilege=Ritorna una lista di tutti i giocatori connessi col tale privilegio Invalid parameters (see /help haspriv).=Parametri non validi (vedi /help haspriv). Unknown privilege!=Privilegio sconosciuto! Players online with the "@1" privilege: @2=Giocatori connessi con il privilegio "@1": @2 Your privileges are insufficient.=I tuoi privilegi sono insufficienti. +Your privileges are insufficient. '@1' only allows you to grant: @2= Unknown privilege: @1=Privilegio sconosciuto: @1 @1 granted you privileges: @2=@1 ti ha assegnato i seguenti privilegi: @2 - ( | all)= ( | all) + ( [, [<...>]] | all)= Give privileges to player=Dà privilegi al giocatore Invalid parameters (see /help grant).=Parametri non validi (vedi /help grant). - | all= | all + [, [<...>]] | all= Grant privileges to yourself=Assegna dei privilegi a te stessǝ Invalid parameters (see /help grantme).=Parametri non validi (vedi /help grantme). +Your privileges are insufficient. '@1' only allows you to revoke: @2= +Note: Cannot revoke in singleplayer: @1= +Note: Cannot revoke from admin: @1= +No privileges were revoked.= @1 revoked privileges from you: @2=@1 ti ha revocato i seguenti privilegi: @2 Remove privileges from player=Rimuove privilegi dal giocatore Invalid parameters (see /help revoke).=Parametri non validi (vedi /help revoke). @@ -183,7 +191,6 @@ Available commands:=Comandi disponibili: Command not available: @1=Comando non disponibile: @1 [all | privs | ]=[all | privs | ] Get help for commands or list privileges=Richiama la finestra d'aiuto dei comandi o dei privilegi -Available privileges:=Privilegi disponibili: Command=Comando Parameters=Parametri For more information, click on any entry in the list.=Per più informazioni, clicca su una qualsiasi voce dell'elenco. @@ -193,16 +200,20 @@ Available commands: (see also: /help )=Comandi disponibili: (vedi anche /he Close=Chiudi Privilege=Privilegio Description=Descrizione +Available privileges:=Privilegi disponibili: print [] | dump [] | save [ []] | reset=print [] | dump [] | save [ []] | reset Handle the profiler and profiling data=Gestisce il profiler e i dati da esso elaborati Statistics written to action log.=Statistiche scritte nel log delle azioni. Statistics were reset.=Le statistiche sono state resettate. Usage: @1=Utilizzo: @1 Format can be one of txt, csv, lua, json, json_pretty (structures may be subject to change).=I formati supportati sono txt, csv, lua, json e json_pretty (le strutture potrebbero essere soggetti a cambiamenti). +@1 joined the game.= +@1 left the game.= +@1 left the game (timed out).= (no description)=(nessuna descrizione) Can interact with things and modify the world=Si può interagire con le cose e modificare il mondo Can speak in chat=Si può parlare in chat -Can modify 'shout' and 'interact' privileges=Si possono modificare i privilegi 'shout' e 'interact' +Can modify basic privileges (@1)= Can modify privileges=Si possono modificare i privilegi Can teleport self=Si può teletrasportare se stessз Can teleport other players=Si possono teletrasportare gli altri giocatori @@ -222,3 +233,15 @@ Unknown Item=Oggetto sconosciuto Air=Aria Ignore=Ignora You can't place 'ignore' nodes!=Non puoi piazzare nodi 'ignore'! +Values below show absolute/relative times spend per server step by the instrumented function.= +A total of @1 sample(s) were taken.= +The output is limited to '@1'.= +Saving of profile failed: @1= +Profile saved to @1= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + + ( | all)= ( | all) + | all= | all +Can modify 'shout' and 'interact' privileges=Si possono modificare i privilegi 'shout' e 'interact' diff --git a/builtin/locale/template.txt b/builtin/locale/template.txt index c5ace1a2f..db0ee07b8 100644 --- a/builtin/locale/template.txt +++ b/builtin/locale/template.txt @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ Empty command.= Invalid command: @1= Invalid command usage.= + (@1 s)= +Command execution took @1 s= You don't have permission to run this command (missing privileges: @1).= Unable to get position of player @1.= Incorrect area format. Expected: (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2)= @@ -10,24 +12,30 @@ Show chat action (e.g., '/me orders a pizza' displays ' orders a pi Show the name of the server owner= The administrator of this server is @1.= There's no administrator named in the config file.= +@1 does not have any privileges.= +Privileges of @1: @2= []= Show privileges of yourself or another player= Player @1 does not exist.= -Privileges of @1: @2= = Return list of all online players with privilege= Invalid parameters (see /help haspriv).= Unknown privilege!= Players online with the "@1" privilege: @2= Your privileges are insufficient.= +Your privileges are insufficient. '@1' only allows you to grant: @2= Unknown privilege: @1= @1 granted you privileges: @2= - ( | all)= + ( [, [<...>]] | all)= Give privileges to player= Invalid parameters (see /help grant).= - | all= + [, [<...>]] | all= Grant privileges to yourself= Invalid parameters (see /help grantme).= +Your privileges are insufficient. '@1' only allows you to revoke: @2= +Note: Cannot revoke in singleplayer: @1= +Note: Cannot revoke from admin: @1= +No privileges were revoked.= @1 revoked privileges from you: @2= Remove privileges from player= Invalid parameters (see /help revoke).= @@ -183,7 +191,6 @@ Available commands:= Command not available: @1= [all | privs | ]= Get help for commands or list privileges= -Available privileges:= Command= Parameters= For more information, click on any entry in the list.= @@ -193,16 +200,20 @@ Available commands: (see also: /help )= Close= Privilege= Description= +Available privileges:= print [] | dump [] | save [ []] | reset= Handle the profiler and profiling data= Statistics written to action log.= Statistics were reset.= Usage: @1= Format can be one of txt, csv, lua, json, json_pretty (structures may be subject to change).= +@1 joined the game.= +@1 left the game.= +@1 left the game (timed out).= (no description)= Can interact with things and modify the world= Can speak in chat= -Can modify 'shout' and 'interact' privileges= +Can modify basic privileges (@1)= Can modify privileges= Can teleport self= Can teleport other players= @@ -222,3 +233,8 @@ Unknown Item= Air= Ignore= You can't place 'ignore' nodes!= +Values below show absolute/relative times spend per server step by the instrumented function.= +A total of @1 sample(s) were taken.= +The output is limited to '@1'.= +Saving of profile failed: @1= +Profile saved to @1= -- cgit v1.2.3