-- Always warn when creating a global variable, even outside of a function. -- This ignores mod namespaces (variables with the same name as the current mod). local WARN_INIT = false function core.global_exists(name) return rawget(_G, name) ~= nil end local function warn(message) print(os.date("%H:%M:%S: WARNING: ")..message) end local meta = {} local declared = {} -- Key is source file, line, and variable name; seperated by NULs local warned = {} function meta:__newindex(name, value) local info = debug.getinfo(2, "Sl") local desc = ("%s:%d"):format(info.short_src, info.currentline) if not declared[name] then local warn_key = ("%s\0%d\0%s"):format(info.source, info.currentline, name) if not warned[warn_key] and info.what ~= "main" and info.what ~= "C" then warn(("Assignment to undeclared ".. "global %q inside a function at %s.") :format(name, desc)) warned[warn_key] = true end declared[name] = true end -- Ignore mod namespaces if WARN_INIT and (not core.get_current_modname or name ~= core.get_current_modname()) then warn(("Global variable %q created at %s.") :format(name, desc)) end rawset(self, name, value) end function meta:__index(name) local info = debug.getinfo(2, "Sl") local warn_key = ("%s\0%d\0%s"):format(info.source, info.currentline, name) if not declared[name] and not warned[warn_key] and info.what ~= "C" then warn(("Undeclared global variable %q accessed at %s:%s") :format(name, info.short_src, info.currentline)) warned[warn_key] = true end return rawget(self, name) end setmetatable(_G, meta)