-- Minetest: builtin/misc.lua -- -- Misc. API functions -- core.timers_to_add = {} core.timers = {} core.register_globalstep(function(dtime) for _, timer in ipairs(core.timers_to_add) do table.insert(core.timers, timer) end core.timers_to_add = {} local index = 1 while index <= #core.timers do local timer = core.timers[index] timer.time = timer.time - dtime if timer.time <= 0 then timer.func(unpack(timer.args or {})) table.remove(core.timers,index) else index = index + 1 end end end) function core.after(time, func, ...) assert(tonumber(time) and type(func) == "function", "Invalid core.after invocation") table.insert(core.timers_to_add, {time=time, func=func, args={...}}) end function core.check_player_privs(name, privs) local player_privs = core.get_player_privs(name) local missing_privileges = {} for priv, val in pairs(privs) do if val then if not player_privs[priv] then table.insert(missing_privileges, priv) end end end if #missing_privileges > 0 then return false, missing_privileges end return true, "" end local player_list = {} core.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) player_list[player:get_player_name()] = player end) core.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) player_list[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) function core.get_connected_players() local temp_table = {} for index, value in pairs(player_list) do if value:is_player_connected() then table.insert(temp_table, value) end end return temp_table end function core.hash_node_position(pos) return (pos.z+32768)*65536*65536 + (pos.y+32768)*65536 + pos.x+32768 end function core.get_position_from_hash(hash) local pos = {} pos.x = (hash%65536) - 32768 hash = math.floor(hash/65536) pos.y = (hash%65536) - 32768 hash = math.floor(hash/65536) pos.z = (hash%65536) - 32768 return pos end function core.get_item_group(name, group) if not core.registered_items[name] or not core.registered_items[name].groups[group] then return 0 end return core.registered_items[name].groups[group] end function core.get_node_group(name, group) core.log("deprecated", "Deprecated usage of get_node_group, use get_item_group instead") return core.get_item_group(name, group) end function core.string_to_pos(value) local p = {} p.x, p.y, p.z = string.match(value, "^([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+)$") if p.x and p.y and p.z then p.x = tonumber(p.x) p.y = tonumber(p.y) p.z = tonumber(p.z) return p end local p = {} p.x, p.y, p.z = string.match(value, "^%( *([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+) *%)$") if p.x and p.y and p.z then p.x = tonumber(p.x) p.y = tonumber(p.y) p.z = tonumber(p.z) return p end return nil end assert(core.string_to_pos("10.0, 5, -2").x == 10) assert(core.string_to_pos("( 10.0, 5, -2)").z == -2) assert(core.string_to_pos("asd, 5, -2)") == nil) function core.setting_get_pos(name) local value = core.setting_get(name) if not value then return nil end return core.string_to_pos(value) end -- To be overriden by protection mods function core.is_protected(pos, name) return false end function core.record_protection_violation(pos, name) for _, func in pairs(core.registered_on_protection_violation) do func(pos, name) end end