--Minetest --Copyright (C) 2013 sapier -- --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. gamemgr = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.dialog_new_game() local retval = "label[2,2;Game Name]".. "field[4.5,2.4;6,0.5;te_game_name;;]" .. "button[5,4.2;2.6,0.5;new_game_confirm;Create]" .. "button[7.5,4.2;2.8,0.5;new_game_cancel;Cancel]" return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.handle_games_buttons(fields) if fields["gamelist"] ~= nil then local event = explode_textlist_event(fields["gamelist"]) gamemgr.selected_game = event.index end if fields["btn_game_mgr_edit_game"] ~= nil then return { is_dialog = true, show_buttons = false, current_tab = "dialog_edit_game" } end if fields["btn_game_mgr_new_game"] ~= nil then return { is_dialog = true, show_buttons = false, current_tab = "dialog_new_game" } end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.handle_new_game_buttons(fields) if fields["new_game_confirm"] and fields["te_game_name"] ~= nil and fields["te_game_name"] ~= "" then local gamepath = engine.get_gamepath() if gamepath ~= nil and gamepath ~= "" then local gamefolder = cleanup_path(fields["te_game_name"]) --TODO check for already existing first engine.create_dir(gamepath .. DIR_DELIM .. gamefolder) engine.create_dir(gamepath .. DIR_DELIM .. gamefolder .. DIR_DELIM .. "mods") engine.create_dir(gamepath .. DIR_DELIM .. gamefolder .. DIR_DELIM .. "menu") local gameconf = io.open(gamepath .. DIR_DELIM .. gamefolder .. DIR_DELIM .. "game.conf","w") if gameconf then gameconf:write("name = " .. fields["te_game_name"]) gameconf:close() end end end return { is_dialog = false, show_buttons = true, current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab") } end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.handle_edit_game_buttons(fields) local current_game = gamemgr.get_game(gamemgr.selected_game) if fields["btn_close_edit_game"] ~= nil or current_game == nil then return { is_dialog = false, show_buttons = true, current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab") } end if fields["btn_remove_mod_from_game"] ~= nil then gamemgr.delete_mod(current_game,engine.get_textlist_index("mods_current")) end if fields["btn_add_mod_to_game"] ~= nil then local modindex = engine.get_textlist_index("mods_available") local mod = modmgr.get_global_mod(modindex) if mod ~= nil then local sourcepath = mod.path if not gamemgr.add_mod(current_game,sourcepath) then gamedata.errormessage = "Gamemgr: Unable to copy mod: " .. mod.name .. " to game: " .. current_game.id end end end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.add_mod(gamespec,sourcepath) if gamespec.gamemods_path ~= nil and gamespec.gamemods_path ~= "" then local modname = get_last_folder(sourcepath) return engine.copy_dir(sourcepath,gamespec.gamemods_path .. DIR_DELIM .. modname); end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.delete_mod(gamespec,modindex) if gamespec.gamemods_path ~= nil and gamespec.gamemods_path ~= "" then local game_mods = {} get_mods(gamespec.gamemods_path,game_mods) if modindex > 0 and #game_mods >= modindex then if game_mods[modindex].path:sub(0,gamespec.gamemods_path:len()) == gamespec.gamemods_path then engine.delete_dir(game_mods[modindex].path) end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.get_game_mods(gamespec) local retval = "" if gamespec.gamemods_path ~= nil and gamespec.gamemods_path ~= "" then local game_mods = {} get_mods(gamespec.gamemods_path,game_mods) for i=1,#game_mods,1 do if retval ~= "" then retval = retval.."," end retval = retval .. game_mods[i].name end end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.gettab(name) local retval = "" if name == "dialog_edit_game" then retval = retval .. gamemgr.dialog_edit_game() end if name == "dialog_new_game" then retval = retval .. gamemgr.dialog_new_game() end if name == "game_mgr" then retval = retval .. gamemgr.tab() end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.tab() if gamemgr.selected_game == nil then gamemgr.selected_game = 1 end local retval = "vertlabel[0,-0.25;GAMES]" .. "label[1,-0.25;Games:]" .. "textlist[1,0.25;4.5,4.4;gamelist;" .. gamemgr.gamelist() .. ";" .. gamemgr.selected_game .. "]" local current_game = gamemgr.get_game(gamemgr.selected_game) if current_game ~= nil then if current_game.menuicon_path ~= nil and current_game.menuicon_path ~= "" then retval = retval .. "image[5.8,-0.25;2,2;" .. current_game.menuicon_path .. "]" end retval = retval .. "field[8,-0.25;6,2;;" .. current_game.name .. ";]".. "label[6,1.4;Mods:]" .. "button[9.7,1.5;2,0.2;btn_game_mgr_edit_game;edit game]" .. "textlist[6,2;5.5,3.3;game_mgr_modlist;" .. gamemgr.get_game_mods(current_game) ..";0]" .. "button[1,4.75;3.2,0.5;btn_game_mgr_new_game;new game]" end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.dialog_edit_game() local current_game = gamemgr.get_game(gamemgr.selected_game) if current_game ~= nil then local retval = "vertlabel[0,-0.25;EDIT GAME]" .. "label[0,-0.25;" .. current_game.name .. "]" .. "button[11.55,-0.2;0.75,0.5;btn_close_edit_game;x]" if current_game.menuicon_path ~= nil and current_game.menuicon_path ~= "" then retval = retval .. "image[5.25,0;2,2;" .. current_game.menuicon_path .. "]" end retval = retval .. "textlist[0.5,0.5;4.5,4.3;mods_current;" .. gamemgr.get_game_mods(current_game) ..";0]" retval = retval .. "textlist[7,0.5;4.5,4.3;mods_available;" .. modmgr.render_modlist() .. ";0]" retval = retval .. "button[0.55,4.95;4.7,0.5;btn_remove_mod_from_game;Remove selected mod]" retval = retval .. "button[7.05,4.95;4.7,0.5;btn_add_mod_to_game;<<-- Add mod]" return retval end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.handle_buttons(tab,fields) local retval = nil if tab == "dialog_edit_game" then retval = gamemgr.handle_edit_game_buttons(fields) end if tab == "dialog_new_game" then retval = gamemgr.handle_new_game_buttons(fields) end if tab == "game_mgr" then retval = gamemgr.handle_games_buttons(fields) end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.get_game(index) if index > 0 and index <= #gamemgr.games then return gamemgr.games[index] end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.update_gamelist() gamemgr.games = engine.get_games() end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gamemgr.gamelist() local retval = "" if #gamemgr.games > 0 then retval = retval .. gamemgr.games[1].id for i=2,#gamemgr.games,1 do retval = retval .. "," .. gamemgr.games[i].name end end return retval end