--Minetest --Copyright (C) 2015 PilzAdam -- --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. local FILENAME = "settingtypes.txt" local CHAR_CLASSES = { SPACE = "[%s]", VARIABLE = "[%w_%-%.]", INTEGER = "[+-]?[%d]", FLOAT = "[+-]?[%d%.]", FLAGS = "[%w_%-%.,]", } -- returns error message, or nil local function parse_setting_line(settings, line, read_all, base_level, allow_secure) -- comment local comment = line:match("^#" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*(.*)$") if comment then if settings.current_comment == "" then settings.current_comment = comment else settings.current_comment = settings.current_comment .. "\n" .. comment end return end -- clear current_comment so only comments directly above a setting are bound to it -- but keep a local reference to it for variables in the current line local current_comment = settings.current_comment settings.current_comment = "" -- empty lines if line:match("^" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*$") then return end -- category local stars, category = line:match("^%[([%*]*)([^%]]+)%]$") if category then table.insert(settings, { name = category, level = stars:len() + base_level, type = "category", }) return end -- settings local first_part, name, readable_name, setting_type = line:match("^" -- this first capture group matches the whole first part, -- so we can later strip it from the rest of the line .. "(" .. "([" .. CHAR_CLASSES.VARIABLE .. "+)" -- variable name .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*" .. "%(([^%)]*)%)" -- readable name .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*" .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.VARIABLE .. "+)" -- type .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*" .. ")") if not first_part then return "Invalid line" end if name:match("secure%.[.]*") and not allow_secure then return "Tried to add \"secure.\" setting" end if readable_name == "" then readable_name = nil end local remaining_line = line:sub(first_part:len() + 1) if setting_type == "int" then local default, min, max = remaining_line:match("^" -- first int is required, the last 2 are optional .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.INTEGER .. "+)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*" .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.INTEGER .. "*)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*" .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.INTEGER .. "*)" .. "$") if not default or not tonumber(default) then return "Invalid integer setting" end min = tonumber(min) max = tonumber(max) table.insert(settings, { name = name, readable_name = readable_name, type = "int", default = default, min = min, max = max, comment = current_comment, }) return end if setting_type == "string" or setting_type == "noise_params" or setting_type == "key" or setting_type == "v3f" then local default = remaining_line:match("^(.*)$") if not default then return "Invalid string setting" end if setting_type == "key" and not read_all then -- ignore key type if read_all is false return end table.insert(settings, { name = name, readable_name = readable_name, type = setting_type, default = default, comment = current_comment, }) return end if setting_type == "bool" then if remaining_line ~= "false" and remaining_line ~= "true" then return "Invalid boolean setting" end table.insert(settings, { name = name, readable_name = readable_name, type = "bool", default = remaining_line, comment = current_comment, }) return end if setting_type == "float" then local default, min, max = remaining_line:match("^" -- first float is required, the last 2 are optional .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLOAT .. "+)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*" .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLOAT .. "*)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*" .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLOAT .. "*)" .."$") if not default or not tonumber(default) then return "Invalid float setting" end min = tonumber(min) max = tonumber(max) table.insert(settings, { name = name, readable_name = readable_name, type = "float", default = default, min = min, max = max, comment = current_comment, }) return end if setting_type == "enum" then local default, values = remaining_line:match("^" -- first value (default) may be empty (i.e. is optional) .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.VARIABLE .. "*)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*" .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLAGS .. "+)" .. "$") if not default or values == "" then return "Invalid enum setting" end table.insert(settings, { name = name, readable_name = readable_name, type = "enum", default = default, values = values:split(",", true), comment = current_comment, }) return end if setting_type == "path" or setting_type == "filepath" then local default = remaining_line:match("^(.*)$") if not default then return "Invalid path setting" end table.insert(settings, { name = name, readable_name = readable_name, type = setting_type, default = default, comment = current_comment, }) return end if setting_type == "flags" then local default, possible = remaining_line:match("^" -- first value (default) may be empty (i.e. is optional) -- this is implemented by making the last value optional, and -- swapping them around if it turns out empty. .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLAGS .. "+)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*" .. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLAGS .. "*)" .. "$") if not default or not possible then return "Invalid flags setting" end if possible == "" then possible = default default = "" end table.insert(settings, { name = name, readable_name = readable_name, type = "flags", default = default, possible = possible, comment = current_comment, }) return end return "Invalid setting type \"" .. setting_type .. "\"" end local function parse_single_file(file, filepath, read_all, result, base_level, allow_secure) -- store this helper variable in the table so it's easier to pass to parse_setting_line() result.current_comment = "" local line = file:read("*line") while line do local error_msg = parse_setting_line(result, line, read_all, base_level, allow_secure) if error_msg then core.log("error", error_msg .. " in " .. filepath .. " \"" .. line .. "\"") end line = file:read("*line") end result.current_comment = nil end -- read_all: whether to ignore certain setting types for GUI or not -- parse_mods: whether to parse settingtypes.txt in mods and games local function parse_config_file(read_all, parse_mods) local builtin_path = core.get_builtin_path() .. FILENAME local file = io.open(builtin_path, "r") local settings = {} if not file then core.log("error", "Can't load " .. FILENAME) return settings end parse_single_file(file, builtin_path, read_all, settings, 0, true) file:close() if parse_mods then -- Parse games local games_category_initialized = false local index = 1 local game = gamemgr.get_game(index) while game do local path = game.path .. DIR_DELIM .. FILENAME local file = io.open(path, "r") if file then if not games_category_initialized then local translation = fgettext_ne("Games"), -- not used, but needed for xgettext table.insert(settings, { name = "Games", level = 0, type = "category", }) games_category_initialized = true end table.insert(settings, { name = game.name, level = 1, type = "category", }) parse_single_file(file, path, read_all, settings, 2, false) file:close() end index = index + 1 game = gamemgr.get_game(index) end -- Parse mods local mods_category_initialized = false local mods = {} get_mods(core.get_modpath(), mods) for _, mod in ipairs(mods) do local path = mod.path .. DIR_DELIM .. FILENAME local file = io.open(path, "r") if file then if not mods_category_initialized then local translation = fgettext_ne("Mods"), -- not used, but needed for xgettext table.insert(settings, { name = "Mods", level = 0, type = "category", }) mods_category_initialized = true end table.insert(settings, { name = mod.name, level = 1, type = "category", }) parse_single_file(file, path, read_all, settings, 2, false) file:close() end end end return settings end local function filter_settings(settings, searchstring) if not searchstring or searchstring == "" then return settings, -1 end -- Setup the keyword list local keywords = {} for word in searchstring:lower():gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(keywords, word) end local result = {} local category_stack = {} local current_level = 0 local best_setting = nil for _, entry in pairs(settings) do if entry.type == "category" then -- Remove all settingless categories while #category_stack > 0 and entry.level <= current_level do table.remove(category_stack, #category_stack) if #category_stack > 0 then current_level = category_stack[#category_stack].level else current_level = 0 end end -- Push category onto stack category_stack[#category_stack + 1] = entry current_level = entry.level else -- See if setting matches keywords local setting_score = 0 for k = 1, #keywords do local keyword = keywords[k] if string.find(entry.name:lower(), keyword, 1, true) then setting_score = setting_score + 1 end if entry.readable_name and string.find(fgettext(entry.readable_name):lower(), keyword, 1, true) then setting_score = setting_score + 1 end if entry.comment and string.find(fgettext_ne(entry.comment):lower(), keyword, 1, true) then setting_score = setting_score + 1 end end -- Add setting to results if match if setting_score > 0 then -- Add parent categories for _, category in pairs(category_stack) do result[#result + 1] = category end category_stack = {} -- Add setting result[#result + 1] = entry entry.score = setting_score if not best_setting or setting_score > result[best_setting].score then best_setting = #result end end end end return result, best_setting or -1 end local full_settings = parse_config_file(false, true) local search_string = "" local settings = full_settings local selected_setting = 1 local function get_current_value(setting) local value = core.settings:get(setting.name) if value == nil then value = setting.default end return value end local function create_change_setting_formspec(dialogdata) local setting = settings[selected_setting] local formspec = "size[10,5.2,true]" .. "button[5,4.5;2,1;btn_done;" .. fgettext("Save") .. "]" .. "button[3,4.5;2,1;btn_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]" .. "tablecolumns[color;text]" .. "tableoptions[background=#00000000;highlight=#00000000;border=false]" .. "table[0,0;10,3;info;" if setting.readable_name then formspec = formspec .. "#FFFF00," .. fgettext(setting.readable_name) .. " (" .. core.formspec_escape(setting.name) .. ")," else formspec = formspec .. "#FFFF00," .. core.formspec_escape(setting.name) .. "," end formspec = formspec .. ",," local comment_text = "" if setting.comment == "" then comment_text = fgettext_ne("(No description of setting given)") else comment_text = fgettext_ne(setting.comment) end for _, comment_line in ipairs(comment_text:split("\n", true)) do formspec = formspec .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(comment_line) .. "," end if setting.type == "flags" then formspec = formspec .. ",," .. "," .. fgettext("Please enter a comma seperated list of flags.") .. "," .. "," .. fgettext("Possible values are: ") .. core.formspec_escape(setting.possible:gsub(",", ", ")) .. "," elseif setting.type == "noise_params" then formspec = formspec .. ",," .. "," .. fgettext("Format:") .. "," .. "," .. fgettext("<offset>, <scale>, (<spreadX>, <spreadY>, <spreadZ>),") .. "," .. "," .. fgettext("<seed>, <octaves>, <persistence>, <lacunarity>") .. "," elseif setting.type == "v3f" then formspec = formspec .. ",," .. "," .. fgettext_ne("Format is 3 numbers separated by commas and inside brackets.") .. "," end formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- remove trailing comma formspec = formspec .. ";1]" if setting.type == "bool" then local selected_index if core.is_yes(get_current_value(setting)) then selected_index = 2 else selected_index = 1 end formspec = formspec .. "dropdown[0.5,3.5;3,1;dd_setting_value;" .. fgettext("Disabled") .. "," .. fgettext("Enabled") .. ";" .. selected_index .. "]" elseif setting.type == "enum" then local selected_index = 0 formspec = formspec .. "dropdown[0.5,3.5;3,1;dd_setting_value;" for index, value in ipairs(setting.values) do -- translating value is not possible, since it's the value -- that we set the setting to formspec = formspec .. core.formspec_escape(value) .. "," if get_current_value(setting) == value then selected_index = index end end if #setting.values > 0 then formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- remove trailing comma end formspec = formspec .. ";" .. selected_index .. "]" elseif setting.type == "path" or setting.type == "filepath" then local current_value = dialogdata.selected_path if not current_value then current_value = get_current_value(setting) end formspec = formspec .. "field[0.5,4;7.5,1;te_setting_value;;" .. core.formspec_escape(current_value) .. "]" .. "button[8,3.75;2,1;btn_browser_" .. setting.type .. ";" .. fgettext("Browse") .. "]" else -- TODO: fancy input for float, int, flags, noise_params, v3f local width = 10 local text = get_current_value(setting) if dialogdata.error_message then formspec = formspec .. "tablecolumns[color;text]" .. "tableoptions[background=#00000000;highlight=#00000000;border=false]" .. "table[5,3.9;5,0.6;error_message;#FF0000," .. core.formspec_escape(dialogdata.error_message) .. ";0]" width = 5 if dialogdata.entered_text then text = dialogdata.entered_text end end formspec = formspec .. "field[0.5,4;" .. width .. ",1;te_setting_value;;" .. core.formspec_escape(text) .. "]" end return formspec end local function handle_change_setting_buttons(this, fields) if fields["btn_done"] or fields["key_enter"] then local setting = settings[selected_setting] if setting.type == "bool" then local new_value = fields["dd_setting_value"] -- Note: new_value is the actual (translated) value shown in the dropdown core.settings:set_bool(setting.name, new_value == fgettext("Enabled")) elseif setting.type == "enum" then local new_value = fields["dd_setting_value"] core.settings:set(setting.name, new_value) elseif setting.type == "int" then local new_value = tonumber(fields["te_setting_value"]) if not new_value or math.floor(new_value) ~= new_value then this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("Please enter a valid integer.") this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"] core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec()) return true end if setting.min and new_value < setting.min then this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("The value must be at least $1.", setting.min) this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"] core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec()) return true end if setting.max and new_value > setting.max then this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("The value must not be larger than $1.", setting.max) this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"] core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec()) return true end core.settings:set(setting.name, new_value) elseif setting.type == "float" then local new_value = tonumber(fields["te_setting_value"]) if not new_value then this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("Please enter a valid number.") this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"] core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec()) return true end core.settings:set(setting.name, new_value) elseif setting.type == "flags" then local new_value = fields["te_setting_value"] for _,value in ipairs(new_value:split(",", true)) do value = value:trim() local possible = "," .. setting.possible .. "," if not possible:find("," .. value .. ",", 0, true) then this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("\"$1\" is not a valid flag.", value) this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"] core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec()) return true end end core.settings:set(setting.name, new_value) else local new_value = fields["te_setting_value"] core.settings:set(setting.name, new_value) end core.settings:write() this:delete() return true end if fields["btn_cancel"] then this:delete() return true end if fields["btn_browser_path"] then core.show_path_select_dialog("dlg_browse_path", fgettext_ne("Select directory"), false) end if fields["btn_browser_filepath"] then core.show_path_select_dialog("dlg_browse_path", fgettext_ne("Select file"), true) end if fields["dlg_browse_path_accepted"] then this.data.selected_path = fields["dlg_browse_path_accepted"] core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec()) end return false end local function create_settings_formspec(tabview, name, tabdata) local formspec = "size[12,6.5;true]" .. "tablecolumns[color;tree;text,width=32;text]" .. "tableoptions[background=#00000000;border=false]" .. "field[0.3,0.1;10.2,1;search_string;;" .. core.formspec_escape(search_string) .. "]" .. "field_close_on_enter[search_string;false]" .. "button[10.2,-0.2;2,1;search;" .. fgettext("Search") .. "]" .. "table[0,0.8;12,4.5;list_settings;" local current_level = 0 for _, entry in ipairs(settings) do local name if not core.settings:get_bool("main_menu_technical_settings") and entry.readable_name then name = fgettext_ne(entry.readable_name) else name = entry.name end if entry.type == "category" then current_level = entry.level formspec = formspec .. "#FFFF00," .. current_level .. "," .. fgettext(name) .. ",," elseif entry.type == "bool" then local value = get_current_value(entry) if core.is_yes(value) then value = fgettext("Enabled") else value = fgettext("Disabled") end formspec = formspec .. "," .. (current_level + 1) .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(name) .. "," .. value .. "," elseif entry.type == "key" then -- ignore key settings, since we have a special dialog for them else formspec = formspec .. "," .. (current_level + 1) .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(name) .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(get_current_value(entry)) .. "," end end if #settings > 0 then formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- remove trailing comma end formspec = formspec .. ";" .. selected_setting .. "]" .. "button[0,6;4,1;btn_back;".. fgettext("< Back to Settings page") .. "]" .. "button[10,6;2,1;btn_edit;" .. fgettext("Edit") .. "]" .. "button[7,6;3,1;btn_restore;" .. fgettext("Restore Default") .. "]" .. "checkbox[0,5.3;cb_tech_settings;" .. fgettext("Show technical names") .. ";" .. dump(core.settings:get_bool("main_menu_technical_settings")) .. "]" return formspec end local function handle_settings_buttons(this, fields, tabname, tabdata) local list_enter = false if fields["list_settings"] then selected_setting = core.get_table_index("list_settings") if core.explode_table_event(fields["list_settings"]).type == "DCL" then -- Directly toggle booleans local setting = settings[selected_setting] if setting and setting.type == "bool" then local current_value = get_current_value(setting) core.settings:set_bool(setting.name, not core.is_yes(current_value)) core.settings:write() return true else list_enter = true end else return true end end if fields.search or fields.key_enter_field == "search_string" then if search_string == fields.search_string then if selected_setting > 0 then -- Go to next result on enter press local i = selected_setting + 1 local looped = false while i > #settings or settings[i].type == "category" do i = i + 1 if i > #settings then -- Stop infinte looping if looped then return false end i = 1 looped = true end end selected_setting = i core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec()) return true end else -- Search for setting search_string = fields.search_string settings, selected_setting = filter_settings(full_settings, search_string) core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec()) end return true end if fields["btn_edit"] or list_enter then local setting = settings[selected_setting] if setting and setting.type ~= "category" then local edit_dialog = dialog_create("change_setting", create_change_setting_formspec, handle_change_setting_buttons) edit_dialog:set_parent(this) this:hide() edit_dialog:show() end return true end if fields["btn_restore"] then local setting = settings[selected_setting] if setting and setting.type ~= "category" then core.settings:set(setting.name, setting.default) core.settings:write() core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec()) end return true end if fields["btn_back"] then this:delete() return true end if fields["cb_tech_settings"] then core.settings:set("main_menu_technical_settings", fields["cb_tech_settings"]) core.settings:write() core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec()) return true end return false end function create_adv_settings_dlg() local dlg = dialog_create("settings_advanced", create_settings_formspec, handle_settings_buttons, nil) return dlg end -- Uncomment to generate minetest.conf.example and settings_translation_file.cpp -- For RUN_IN_PLACE the generated files may appear in the bin folder --assert(loadfile(core.get_builtin_path().."mainmenu"..DIR_DELIM.."generate_from_settingtypes.lua"))(parse_config_file(true, false))