--Minetest --Copyright (C) 2014 sapier -- --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. mt_color_grey = "#AAAAAA" mt_color_blue = "#0000DD" mt_color_green = "#00DD00" mt_color_dark_green = "#003300" --for all other colors ask sfan5 to complete his work! local menupath = core.get_mainmenu_path() local basepath = core.get_builtin_path() defaulttexturedir = core.get_texturepath_share() .. DIR_DELIM .. "base" .. DIR_DELIM .. "pack" .. DIR_DELIM dofile(basepath .. DIR_DELIM .. "common" .. DIR_DELIM .. "async_event.lua") dofile(basepath .. DIR_DELIM .. "common" .. DIR_DELIM .. "filterlist.lua") dofile(basepath .. DIR_DELIM .. "fstk" .. DIR_DELIM .. "buttonbar.lua") dofile(basepath .. DIR_DELIM .. "fstk" .. DIR_DELIM .. "dialog.lua") dofile(basepath .. DIR_DELIM .. "fstk" .. DIR_DELIM .. "tabview.lua") dofile(basepath .. DIR_DELIM .. "fstk" .. DIR_DELIM .. "ui.lua") dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "common.lua") dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "gamemgr.lua") dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "modmgr.lua") dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "store.lua") dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "textures.lua") dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_config_world.lua") dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_settings_advanced.lua") if PLATFORM ~= "Android" then dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_create_world.lua") dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_delete_mod.lua") dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_delete_world.lua") dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_rename_modpack.lua") end local tabs = {} tabs.settings = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_settings.lua") tabs.mods = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_mods.lua") tabs.credits = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_credits.lua") if PLATFORM == "Android" then tabs.simple_main = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_simple_main.lua") else tabs.singleplayer = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_singleplayer.lua") tabs.multiplayer = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_multiplayer.lua") tabs.server = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_server.lua") tabs.texturepacks = dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_texturepacks.lua") end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function main_event_handler(tabview, event) if event == "MenuQuit" then core.close() end return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function init_globals() -- Init gamedata gamedata.worldindex = 0 if PLATFORM == "Android" then local world_list = core.get_worlds() local world_index = table.indexof(world_list, "singleplayerworld") if world_index == -1 then core.create_world("singleplayerworld", 1) world_list = core.get_worlds() world_index = table.indexof(world_list, "singleplayerworld") end gamedata.worldindex = world_index else menudata.worldlist = filterlist.create( core.get_worlds, compare_worlds, -- Unique id comparison function function(element, uid) return element.name == uid end, -- Filter function function(element, gameid) return element.gameid == gameid end ) menudata.worldlist:add_sort_mechanism("alphabetic", sort_worlds_alphabetic) menudata.worldlist:set_sortmode("alphabetic") if not core.setting_get("menu_last_game") then local default_game = core.setting_get("default_game") or "minetest" core.setting_set("menu_last_game", default_game) end mm_texture.init() end -- Create main tabview local tv_main = tabview_create("maintab", {x = 12, y = 5.2}, {x = 0, y = 0}) if PLATFORM == "Android" then tv_main:add(tabs.simple_main) tv_main:add(tabs.settings) else tv_main:set_autosave_tab(true) tv_main:add(tabs.singleplayer) tv_main:add(tabs.multiplayer) tv_main:add(tabs.server) tv_main:add(tabs.settings) tv_main:add(tabs.texturepacks) end tv_main:add(tabs.mods) tv_main:add(tabs.credits) tv_main:set_global_event_handler(main_event_handler) tv_main:set_fixed_size(false) if PLATFORM ~= "Android" then tv_main:set_tab(core.setting_get("maintab_LAST")) end ui.set_default("maintab") tv_main:show() -- Create modstore ui if PLATFORM == "Android" then modstore.init({x = 12, y = 6}, 3, 2) else modstore.init({x = 12, y = 8}, 4, 3) end ui.update() core.sound_play("main_menu", true) end init_globals()