--Minetest --Copyright (C) 2013 sapier -- --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_last_folder(text,count) local parts = text:split(DIR_DELIM) if count == nil then return parts[#parts] end local retval = "" for i=1,count,1 do retval = retval .. parts[#parts - (count-i)] .. DIR_DELIM end return retval end local function cleanup_path(temppath) local parts = temppath:split("-") temppath = "" for i=1,#parts,1 do if temppath ~= "" then temppath = temppath .. "_" end temppath = temppath .. parts[i] end parts = temppath:split(".") temppath = "" for i=1,#parts,1 do if temppath ~= "" then temppath = temppath .. "_" end temppath = temppath .. parts[i] end parts = temppath:split("'") temppath = "" for i=1,#parts,1 do if temppath ~= "" then temppath = temppath .. "" end temppath = temppath .. parts[i] end parts = temppath:split(" ") temppath = "" for i=1,#parts,1 do if temppath ~= "" then temppath = temppath end temppath = temppath .. parts[i] end return temppath end local function load_texture_packs(txtpath, retval) local list = core.get_dir_list(txtpath, true) local current_texture_path = core.settings:get("texture_path") for _, item in ipairs(list) do if item ~= "base" then local name = item local path = txtpath .. DIR_DELIM .. item .. DIR_DELIM if path == current_texture_path then name = fgettext("$1 (Enabled)", name) end local conf = Settings(path .. "texture_pack.conf") retval[#retval + 1] = { name = item, author = conf:get("author"), release = tonumber(conf:get("release")) or 0, list_name = name, type = "txp", path = path, enabled = path == current_texture_path, } end end end function get_mods(path,retval,modpack) local mods = core.get_dir_list(path, true) for _, name in ipairs(mods) do if name:sub(1, 1) ~= "." then local prefix = path .. DIR_DELIM .. name local toadd = { dir_name = name, parent_dir = path, } retval[#retval + 1] = toadd -- Get config file local mod_conf local modpack_conf = io.open(prefix .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.conf") if modpack_conf then toadd.is_modpack = true modpack_conf:close() mod_conf = Settings(prefix .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.conf"):to_table() if mod_conf.name then name = mod_conf.name toadd.is_name_explicit = true end else mod_conf = Settings(prefix .. DIR_DELIM .. "mod.conf"):to_table() if mod_conf.name then name = mod_conf.name toadd.is_name_explicit = true end end -- Read from config toadd.name = name toadd.author = mod_conf.author toadd.release = tonumber(mod_conf.release) or 0 toadd.path = prefix toadd.type = "mod" -- Check modpack.txt -- Note: modpack.conf is already checked above local modpackfile = io.open(prefix .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.txt") if modpackfile then modpackfile:close() toadd.is_modpack = true end -- Deal with modpack contents if modpack and modpack ~= "" then toadd.modpack = modpack elseif toadd.is_modpack then toadd.type = "modpack" toadd.is_modpack = true get_mods(prefix, retval, name) end end end end --modmanager implementation pkgmgr = {} function pkgmgr.get_texture_packs() local txtpath = core.get_texturepath() local txtpath_system = core.get_texturepath_share() local retval = {} load_texture_packs(txtpath, retval) -- on portable versions these two paths coincide. It avoids loading the path twice if txtpath ~= txtpath_system then load_texture_packs(txtpath_system, retval) end table.sort(retval, function(a, b) return a.name > b.name end) return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.get_folder_type(path) local testfile = io.open(path .. DIR_DELIM .. "init.lua","r") if testfile ~= nil then testfile:close() return { type = "mod", path = path } end testfile = io.open(path .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.conf","r") if testfile ~= nil then testfile:close() return { type = "modpack", path = path } end testfile = io.open(path .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.txt","r") if testfile ~= nil then testfile:close() return { type = "modpack", path = path } end testfile = io.open(path .. DIR_DELIM .. "game.conf","r") if testfile ~= nil then testfile:close() return { type = "game", path = path } end testfile = io.open(path .. DIR_DELIM .. "texture_pack.conf","r") if testfile ~= nil then testfile:close() return { type = "txp", path = path } end return nil end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.get_base_folder(temppath) if temppath == nil then return { type = "invalid", path = "" } end local ret = pkgmgr.get_folder_type(temppath) if ret then return ret end local subdirs = core.get_dir_list(temppath, true) if #subdirs == 1 then ret = pkgmgr.get_folder_type(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1]) if ret then return ret else return { type = "invalid", path = temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1] } end end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.isValidModname(modpath) if modpath:find("-") ~= nil then return false end return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.parse_register_line(line) local pos1 = line:find("\"") local pos2 = nil if pos1 ~= nil then pos2 = line:find("\"",pos1+1) end if pos1 ~= nil and pos2 ~= nil then local item = line:sub(pos1+1,pos2-1) if item ~= nil and item ~= "" then local pos3 = item:find(":") if pos3 ~= nil then local retval = item:sub(1,pos3-1) if retval ~= nil and retval ~= "" then return retval end end end end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line) local pos1 = line:find("\"") local pos2 = nil if pos1 ~= nil then pos2 = line:find("\"",pos1+1) end if pos1 ~= nil and pos2 ~= nil then local filename = line:sub(pos1+1,pos2-1) if filename ~= nil and filename ~= "" and filename:find(".lua") then return pkgmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename) end end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename) local testfile = io.open(modpath .. DIR_DELIM .. filename,"r") if testfile ~= nil then local line = testfile:read() while line~= nil do local modname = nil if line:find("minetest.register_tool") then modname = pkgmgr.parse_register_line(line) end if line:find("minetest.register_craftitem") then modname = pkgmgr.parse_register_line(line) end if line:find("minetest.register_node") then modname = pkgmgr.parse_register_line(line) end if line:find("dofile") then modname = pkgmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line) end if modname ~= nil then testfile:close() return modname end line = testfile:read() end testfile:close() end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.render_packagelist(render_list) if not render_list then if not pkgmgr.global_mods then pkgmgr.refresh_globals() end render_list = pkgmgr.global_mods end local list = render_list:get_list() local retval = {} for i, v in ipairs(list) do local color = "" if v.is_modpack then local rawlist = render_list:get_raw_list() color = mt_color_dark_green for j = 1, #rawlist, 1 do if rawlist[j].modpack == list[i].name and not rawlist[j].enabled then -- Modpack not entirely enabled so showing as grey color = mt_color_grey break end end elseif v.is_game_content or v.type == "game" then color = mt_color_blue elseif v.enabled or v.type == "txp" then color = mt_color_green end retval[#retval + 1] = color if v.modpack ~= nil or v.loc == "game" then retval[#retval + 1] = "1" else retval[#retval + 1] = "0" end retval[#retval + 1] = core.formspec_escape(v.list_name or v.name) end return table.concat(retval, ",") end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.get_dependencies(path) if path == nil then return {}, {} end local info = core.get_content_info(path) return info.depends or {}, info.optional_depends or {} end ----------- tests whether all of the mods in the modpack are enabled ----------- function pkgmgr.is_modpack_entirely_enabled(data, name) local rawlist = data.list:get_raw_list() for j = 1, #rawlist do if rawlist[j].modpack == name and not rawlist[j].enabled then return false end end return true end ---------- toggles or en/disables a mod or modpack and its dependencies -------- local function toggle_mod_or_modpack(list, toggled_mods, enabled_mods, toset, mod) if not mod.is_modpack then -- Toggle or en/disable the mod if toset == nil then toset = not mod.enabled end if mod.enabled ~= toset then mod.enabled = toset toggled_mods[#toggled_mods+1] = mod.name end if toset then -- Mark this mod for recursive dependency traversal enabled_mods[mod.name] = true end else -- Toggle or en/disable every mod in the modpack, -- interleaved unsupported for i = 1, #list do if list[i].modpack == mod.name then toggle_mod_or_modpack(list, toggled_mods, enabled_mods, toset, list[i]) end end end end function pkgmgr.enable_mod(this, toset) local list = this.data.list:get_list() local mod = list[this.data.selected_mod] -- Game mods can't be enabled or disabled if mod.is_game_content then return end local toggled_mods = {} local enabled_mods = {} toggle_mod_or_modpack(list, toggled_mods, enabled_mods, toset, mod) if next(enabled_mods) == nil then -- Mod(s) were disabled, so no dependencies need to be enabled table.sort(toggled_mods) core.log("info", "Following mods were disabled: " .. table.concat(toggled_mods, ", ")) return end -- Enable mods' depends after activation -- Make a list of mod ids indexed by their names. Among mods with the -- same name, enabled mods take precedence, after which game mods take -- precedence, being last in the mod list. local mod_ids = {} for id, mod2 in pairs(list) do if mod2.type == "mod" and not mod2.is_modpack then local prev_id = mod_ids[mod2.name] if not prev_id or not list[prev_id].enabled then mod_ids[mod2.name] = id end end end -- to_enable is used as a DFS stack with sp as stack pointer local to_enable = {} local sp = 0 for name in pairs(enabled_mods) do local depends = pkgmgr.get_dependencies(list[mod_ids[name]].path) for i = 1, #depends do local dependency_name = depends[i] if not enabled_mods[dependency_name] then sp = sp+1 to_enable[sp] = dependency_name end end end -- If sp is 0, every dependency is already activated while sp > 0 do local name = to_enable[sp] sp = sp-1 if not enabled_mods[name] then enabled_mods[name] = true local mod_to_enable = list[mod_ids[name]] if not mod_to_enable then core.log("warning", "Mod dependency \"" .. name .. "\" not found!") else if mod_to_enable.enabled == false then mod_to_enable.enabled = true toggled_mods[#toggled_mods+1] = mod_to_enable.name end -- Push the dependencies of the dependency onto the stack local depends = pkgmgr.get_dependencies(mod_to_enable.path) for i = 1, #depends do if not enabled_mods[depends[i]] then sp = sp+1 to_enable[sp] = depends[i] end end end end end -- Log the list of enabled mods table.sort(toggled_mods) core.log("info", "Following mods were enabled: " .. table.concat(toggled_mods, ", ")) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.get_worldconfig(worldpath) local filename = worldpath .. DIR_DELIM .. "world.mt" local worldfile = Settings(filename) local worldconfig = {} worldconfig.global_mods = {} worldconfig.game_mods = {} for key,value in pairs(worldfile:to_table()) do if key == "gameid" then worldconfig.id = value elseif key:sub(0, 9) == "load_mod_" then -- Compatibility: Check against "nil" which was erroneously used -- as value for fresh configured worlds worldconfig.global_mods[key] = value ~= "false" and value ~= "nil" and value else worldconfig[key] = value end end --read gamemods local gamespec = pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(worldconfig.id) pkgmgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, worldconfig.game_mods) return worldconfig end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.install_dir(type, path, basename, targetpath) local basefolder = pkgmgr.get_base_folder(path) -- There's no good way to detect a texture pack, so let's just assume -- it's correct for now. if type == "txp" then if basefolder and basefolder.type ~= "invalid" and basefolder.type ~= "txp" then return nil, fgettext("Unable to install a $1 as a texture pack", basefolder.type) end local from = basefolder and basefolder.path or path if targetpath then core.delete_dir(targetpath) else targetpath = core.get_texturepath() .. DIR_DELIM .. basename end if not core.copy_dir(from, targetpath, false) then return nil, fgettext("Failed to install $1 to $2", basename, targetpath) end return targetpath, nil elseif not basefolder then return nil, fgettext("Unable to find a valid mod or modpack") end -- -- Get destination -- if basefolder.type == "modpack" then if type ~= "mod" then return nil, fgettext("Unable to install a modpack as a $1", type) end -- Get destination name for modpack if targetpath then core.delete_dir(targetpath) else local clean_path = nil if basename ~= nil then clean_path = basename end if not clean_path then clean_path = get_last_folder(cleanup_path(basefolder.path)) end if clean_path then targetpath = core.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. clean_path else return nil, fgettext("Install Mod: Unable to find suitable folder name for modpack $1", path) end end elseif basefolder.type == "mod" then if type ~= "mod" then return nil, fgettext("Unable to install a mod as a $1", type) end if targetpath then core.delete_dir(targetpath) else local targetfolder = basename if targetfolder == nil then targetfolder = pkgmgr.identify_modname(basefolder.path, "init.lua") end -- If heuristic failed try to use current foldername if targetfolder == nil then targetfolder = get_last_folder(basefolder.path) end if targetfolder ~= nil and pkgmgr.isValidModname(targetfolder) then targetpath = core.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. targetfolder else return nil, fgettext("Install Mod: Unable to find real mod name for: $1", path) end end elseif basefolder.type == "game" then if type ~= "game" then return nil, fgettext("Unable to install a game as a $1", type) end if targetpath then core.delete_dir(targetpath) else targetpath = core.get_gamepath() .. DIR_DELIM .. basename end end -- Copy it if not core.copy_dir(basefolder.path, targetpath, false) then return nil, fgettext("Failed to install $1 to $2", basename, targetpath) end if basefolder.type == "game" then pkgmgr.update_gamelist() else pkgmgr.refresh_globals() end return targetpath, nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.preparemodlist(data) local retval = {} local global_mods = {} local game_mods = {} --read global mods local modpaths = core.get_modpaths() for _, modpath in ipairs(modpaths) do get_mods(modpath, global_mods) end for i=1,#global_mods,1 do global_mods[i].type = "mod" global_mods[i].loc = "global" retval[#retval + 1] = global_mods[i] end --read game mods local gamespec = pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(data.gameid) pkgmgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, game_mods) if #game_mods > 0 then -- Add title retval[#retval + 1] = { type = "game", is_game_content = true, name = fgettext("$1 mods", gamespec.name), path = gamespec.path } end for i=1,#game_mods,1 do game_mods[i].type = "mod" game_mods[i].loc = "game" game_mods[i].is_game_content = true retval[#retval + 1] = game_mods[i] end if data.worldpath == nil then return retval end --read world mod configuration local filename = data.worldpath .. DIR_DELIM .. "world.mt" local worldfile = Settings(filename) for key,value in pairs(worldfile:to_table()) do if key:sub(1, 9) == "load_mod_" then key = key:sub(10) local element = nil for i=1,#retval,1 do if retval[i].name == key and not retval[i].is_modpack then element = retval[i] break end end if element ~= nil then element.enabled = value ~= "false" and value ~= "nil" and value else core.log("info", "Mod: " .. key .. " " .. dump(value) .. " but not found") end end end return retval end function pkgmgr.compare_package(a, b) return a and b and a.name == b.name and a.path == b.path end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.comparemod(elem1,elem2) if elem1 == nil or elem2 == nil then return false end if elem1.name ~= elem2.name then return false end if elem1.is_modpack ~= elem2.is_modpack then return false end if elem1.type ~= elem2.type then return false end if elem1.modpack ~= elem2.modpack then return false end if elem1.path ~= elem2.path then return false end return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.mod_exists(basename) if pkgmgr.global_mods == nil then pkgmgr.refresh_globals() end if pkgmgr.global_mods:raw_index_by_uid(basename) > 0 then return true end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.get_global_mod(idx) if pkgmgr.global_mods == nil then return nil end if idx == nil or idx < 1 or idx > pkgmgr.global_mods:size() then return nil end return pkgmgr.global_mods:get_list()[idx] end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.refresh_globals() local function is_equal(element,uid) --uid match if element.name == uid then return true end end pkgmgr.global_mods = filterlist.create(pkgmgr.preparemodlist, pkgmgr.comparemod, is_equal, nil, {}) pkgmgr.global_mods:add_sort_mechanism("alphabetic", sort_mod_list) pkgmgr.global_mods:set_sortmode("alphabetic") end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(gameid) for i=1,#pkgmgr.games,1 do if pkgmgr.games[i].id == gameid then return pkgmgr.games[i], i end end return nil, nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, retval) if gamespec ~= nil and gamespec.gamemods_path ~= nil and gamespec.gamemods_path ~= "" then get_mods(gamespec.gamemods_path, retval) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.get_game_modlist(gamespec) local retval = "" local game_mods = {} pkgmgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, game_mods) for i=1,#game_mods,1 do if retval ~= "" then retval = retval.."," end retval = retval .. game_mods[i].name end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.get_game(index) if index > 0 and index <= #pkgmgr.games then return pkgmgr.games[index] end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.update_gamelist() pkgmgr.games = core.get_games() end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pkgmgr.gamelist() local retval = "" if #pkgmgr.games > 0 then retval = retval .. core.formspec_escape(pkgmgr.games[1].name) for i=2,#pkgmgr.games,1 do retval = retval .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(pkgmgr.games[i].name) end end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- read initial data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pkgmgr.update_gamelist()