--Minetest --Copyright (C) 2013 sapier -- --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_mods(path,retval,modpack) local mods = engine.get_dirlist(path,true) for i=1,#mods,1 do local toadd = {} local modpackfile = nil toadd.name = mods[i] toadd.path = path .. DIR_DELIM .. mods[i] .. DIR_DELIM if modpack ~= nil and modpack ~= "" then toadd.modpack = modpack else local filename = path .. DIR_DELIM .. mods[i] .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.txt" local error = nil modpackfile,error = io.open(filename,"r") end if modpackfile ~= nil then modpackfile:close() toadd.is_modpack = true table.insert(retval,toadd) get_mods(path .. DIR_DELIM .. mods[i],retval,mods[i]) else table.insert(retval,toadd) end end end --modmanager implementation modmgr = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.extract(modfile) if modfile.type == "zip" then local tempfolder = os.tempfolder() if tempfolder ~= nil and tempfodler ~= "" then engine.create_dir(tempfolder) engine.extract_zip(modfile.name,tempfolder) return tempfolder end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.getbasefolder(temppath) if temppath == nil then return { type = "invalid", path = "" } end local testfile = io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. "init.lua","r") if testfile ~= nil then testfile:close() return { type="mod", path=temppath } end testfile = io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.txt","r") if testfile ~= nil then testfile:close() return { type="modpack", path=temppath } end local subdirs = engine.get_dirlist(temppath,true) --only single mod or modpack allowed if #subdirs ~= 1 then return { type = "invalid", path = "" } end testfile = io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1] ..DIR_DELIM .."init.lua","r") if testfile ~= nil then testfile:close() return { type="mod", path= temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1] } end testfile = io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1] ..DIR_DELIM .."modpack.txt","r") if testfile ~= nil then testfile:close() return { type="modpack", path=temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1] } end return { type = "invalid", path = "" } end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.isValidModname(modpath) if modpath:find("-") ~= nil then return false end return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.parse_register_line(line) local pos1 = line:find("\"") local pos2 = nil if pos1 ~= nil then pos2 = line:find("\"",pos1+1) end if pos1 ~= nil and pos2 ~= nil then local item = line:sub(pos1+1,pos2-1) if item ~= nil and item ~= "" then local pos3 = item:find(":") if pos3 ~= nil then local retval = item:sub(1,pos3-1) if retval ~= nil and retval ~= "" then return retval end end end end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line) local pos1 = line:find("\"") local pos2 = nil if pos1 ~= nil then pos2 = line:find("\"",pos1+1) end if pos1 ~= nil and pos2 ~= nil then local filename = line:sub(pos1+1,pos2-1) if filename ~= nil and filename ~= "" and filename:find(".lua") then return modmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename) end end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename) local testfile = io.open(modpath .. DIR_DELIM .. filename,"r") if testfile ~= nil then local line = testfile:read() while line~= nil do local modname = nil if line:find("minetest.register_tool") then modname = modmgr.parse_register_line(line) end if line:find("minetest.register_craftitem") then modname = modmgr.parse_register_line(line) end if line:find("minetest.register_node") then modname = modmgr.parse_register_line(line) end if line:find("dofile") then modname = modmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line) end if modname ~= nil then testfile:close() return modname end line = testfile:read() end testfile:close() end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.tab() if modmgr.global_mods == nil then modmgr.refresh_globals() end if modmgr.selected_mod == nil then modmgr.selected_mod = 1 end local retval = "vertlabel[0,-0.25;".. fgettext("MODS") .. "]" .. "label[0.8,-0.25;".. fgettext("Installed Mods:") .. "]" .. "textlist[0.75,0.25;4.5,4;modlist;" .. modmgr.render_modlist(modmgr.global_mods) .. ";" .. modmgr.selected_mod .. "]" retval = retval .. "label[0.8,4.2;" .. fgettext("Add mod:") .. "]" .. "button[0.75,4.85;1.8,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_install_local;".. fgettext("Local install") .. "]" .. "button[2.45,4.85;3.05,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_download;".. fgettext("Online mod repository") .. "]" local selected_mod = nil if filterlist.size(modmgr.global_mods) >= modmgr.selected_mod then selected_mod = filterlist.get_list(modmgr.global_mods)[modmgr.selected_mod] end if selected_mod ~= nil then local modscreenshot = nil --check for screenshot beeing available local screenshotfilename = selected_mod.path .. DIR_DELIM .. "screenshot.png" local error = nil screenshotfile,error = io.open(screenshotfilename,"r") if error == nil then screenshotfile:close() modscreenshot = screenshotfilename end if modscreenshot == nil then modscreenshot = modstore.basetexturedir .. "no_screenshot.png" end retval = retval .. "image[5.5,0;3,2;" .. modscreenshot .. "]" .. "label[8.25,0.6;" .. selected_mod.name .. "]" local descriptionlines = nil error = nil local descriptionfilename = selected_mod.path .. "description.txt" descriptionfile,error = io.open(descriptionfilename,"r") if error == nil then descriptiontext = descriptionfile:read("*all") descriptionlines = engine.splittext(descriptiontext,42) descriptionfile:close() else descriptionlines = {} table.insert(descriptionlines,fgettext("No mod description available")) end retval = retval .. "label[5.5,1.7;".. fgettext("Mod information:") .. "]" .. "textlist[5.5,2.2;6.2,2.4;description;" for i=1,#descriptionlines,1 do retval = retval .. engine.formspec_escape(descriptionlines[i]) .. "," end if selected_mod.is_modpack then retval = retval .. ";0]" .. "button[10,4.85;2,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack;" .. fgettext("Rename") .. "]" retval = retval .. "button[5.5,4.85;4.5,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod;" .. fgettext("Uninstall selected modpack") .. "]" else --show dependencies retval = retval .. ",Depends:," toadd = modmgr.get_dependencies(selected_mod.path) retval = retval .. toadd .. ";0]" retval = retval .. "button[5.5,4.85;4.5,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod;" .. fgettext("Uninstall selected mod") .. "]" end end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.dialog_rename_modpack() local mod = filterlist.get_list(modmgr.modlist)[modmgr.selected_mod] local retval = "label[1.75,1;".. fgettext("Rename Modpack:") .. "]".. "field[4.5,1.4;6,0.5;te_modpack_name;;" .. mod.name .. "]" .. "button[5,4.2;2.6,0.5;dlg_rename_modpack_confirm;".. fgettext("Accept") .. "]" .. "button[7.5,4.2;2.8,0.5;dlg_rename_modpack_cancel;".. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]" return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.precheck() if modmgr.world_config_selected_world == nil then modmgr.world_config_selected_world = 1 end if modmgr.world_config_selected_mod == nil then modmgr.world_config_selected_mod = 1 end if modmgr.hide_gamemods == nil then modmgr.hide_gamemods = true end if modmgr.hide_modpackcontents == nil then modmgr.hide_modpackcontents = true end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.render_modlist(render_list) local retval = "" if render_list == nil then if modmgr.global_mods == nil then modmgr.refresh_globals() end render_list = modmgr.global_mods end local list = filterlist.get_list(render_list) local last_modpack = nil for i,v in ipairs(list) do if retval ~= "" then retval = retval .."," end local color = "" if v.is_modpack then local rawlist = filterlist.get_raw_list(render_list) local all_enabled = true for j=1,#rawlist,1 do if rawlist[j].modpack == list[i].name and rawlist[j].enabled ~= true then all_enabled = false break end end if all_enabled == false then color = mt_color_grey else color = mt_color_dark_green end end if v.typ == "game_mod" then color = mt_color_blue else if v.enabled then color = mt_color_green end end retval = retval .. color if v.modpack ~= nil then retval = retval .. " " end retval = retval .. v.name end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.dialog_configure_world() modmgr.precheck() local worldspec = engine.get_worlds()[modmgr.world_config_selected_world] local mod = filterlist.get_list(modmgr.modlist)[modmgr.world_config_selected_mod] local retval = "size[11,6.5]" .. "label[0.5,-0.25;" .. fgettext("World:") .. "]" .. "label[1.75,-0.25;" .. worldspec.name .. "]" if modmgr.hide_gamemods then retval = retval .. "checkbox[0,5.75;cb_hide_gamemods;" .. fgettext("Hide Game") .. ";true]" else retval = retval .. "checkbox[0,5.75;cb_hide_gamemods;" .. fgettext("Hide Game") .. ";false]" end if modmgr.hide_modpackcontents then retval = retval .. "checkbox[2,5.75;cb_hide_mpcontent;" .. fgettext("Hide mp content") .. ";true]" else retval = retval .. "checkbox[2,5.75;cb_hide_mpcontent;" .. fgettext("Hide mp content") .. ";false]" end if mod == nil then mod = {name=""} end retval = retval .. "label[0,0.45;" .. fgettext("Mod:") .. "]" .. "label[0.75,0.45;" .. mod.name .. "]" .. "label[0,1;" .. fgettext("Depends:") .. "]" .. "textlist[0,1.5;5,4.25;world_config_depends;" .. modmgr.get_dependencies(mod.path) .. ";0]" .. "button[9.25,6.35;2,0.5;btn_config_world_save;" .. fgettext("Save") .. "]" .. "button[7.4,6.35;2,0.5;btn_config_world_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]" if mod ~= nil and mod.name ~= "" and mod.typ ~= "game_mod" then if mod.is_modpack then local rawlist = filterlist.get_raw_list(modmgr.modlist) local all_enabled = true for j=1,#rawlist,1 do if rawlist[j].modpack == mod.name and rawlist[j].enabled ~= true then all_enabled = false break end end if all_enabled == false then retval = retval .. "button[5.5,-0.125;2,0.5;btn_mp_enable;" .. fgettext("Enable MP") .. "]" else retval = retval .. "button[5.5,-0.125;2,0.5;btn_mp_disable;" .. fgettext("Disable MP") .. "]" end else if mod.enabled then retval = retval .. "checkbox[5.5,-0.375;cb_mod_enable;" .. fgettext("enabled") .. ";true]" else retval = retval .. "checkbox[5.5,-0.375;cb_mod_enable;" .. fgettext("enabled") .. ";false]" end end end retval = retval .. "button[8.5,-0.125;2.5,0.5;btn_all_mods;" .. fgettext("Enable all") .. "]" .. "textlist[5.5,0.5;5.5,5.75;world_config_modlist;" retval = retval .. modmgr.render_modlist(modmgr.modlist) retval = retval .. ";" .. modmgr.world_config_selected_mod .."]" return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.handle_buttons(tab,fields) local retval = nil if tab == "mod_mgr" then retval = modmgr.handle_modmgr_buttons(fields) end if tab == "dialog_rename_modpack" then retval = modmgr.handle_rename_modpack_buttons(fields) end if tab == "dialog_delete_mod" then retval = modmgr.handle_delete_mod_buttons(fields) end if tab == "dialog_configure_world" then retval = modmgr.handle_configure_world_buttons(fields) end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.get_dependencies(modfolder) local toadd = "" if modfolder ~= nil then local filename = modfolder .. DIR_DELIM .. "depends.txt" local dependencyfile = io.open(filename,"r") if dependencyfile then local dependency = dependencyfile:read("*l") while dependency do if toadd ~= "" then toadd = toadd .. "," end toadd = toadd .. dependency dependency = dependencyfile:read() end dependencyfile:close() end end return toadd end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.get_worldconfig(worldpath) local filename = worldpath .. DIR_DELIM .. "world.mt" local worldfile = Settings(filename) local worldconfig = {} worldconfig.global_mods = {} worldconfig.game_mods = {} for key,value in pairs(worldfile:to_table()) do if key == "gameid" then worldconfig.id = value else worldconfig.global_mods[key] = engine.is_yes(value) end end --read gamemods local gamespec = gamemgr.find_by_gameid(worldconfig.id) gamemgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, worldconfig.game_mods) return worldconfig end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.handle_modmgr_buttons(fields) local retval = { tab = nil, is_dialog = nil, show_buttons = nil, } if fields["modlist"] ~= nil then local event = explode_textlist_event(fields["modlist"]) modmgr.selected_mod = event.index end if fields["btn_mod_mgr_install_local"] ~= nil then engine.show_file_open_dialog("mod_mgt_open_dlg",fgettext("Select Mod File:")) end if fields["btn_mod_mgr_download"] ~= nil then modstore.update_modlist() retval.current_tab = "dialog_modstore_unsorted" retval.is_dialog = true retval.show_buttons = false return retval end if fields["btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack"] ~= nil then retval.current_tab = "dialog_rename_modpack" retval.is_dialog = true retval.show_buttons = false return retval end if fields["btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod"] ~= nil then retval.current_tab = "dialog_delete_mod" retval.is_dialog = true retval.show_buttons = false return retval end if fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"] ~= nil and fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"] ~= "" then modmgr.installmod(fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"],nil) end return nil; end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.installmod(modfilename,basename) local modfile = modmgr.identify_filetype(modfilename) local modpath = modmgr.extract(modfile) if modpath == nil then gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Install Mod: file: \"$1\"", modfile.name) .. fgettext("\nInstall Mod: unsupported filetype \"$1\"", modfile.type) return end local basefolder = modmgr.getbasefolder(modpath) if basefolder.type == "modpack" then local clean_path = nil if basename ~= nil then clean_path = "mp_" .. basename end if clean_path == nil then clean_path = get_last_folder(cleanup_path(basefolder.path)) end if clean_path ~= nil then local targetpath = engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. clean_path if not engine.copy_dir(basefolder.path,targetpath) then gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Failed to install $1 to $2", basename, targetpath) end else gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Install Mod: unable to find suitable foldername for modpack $1", modfilename) end end if basefolder.type == "mod" then local targetfolder = basename if targetfolder == nil then targetfolder = modmgr.identify_modname(basefolder.path,"init.lua") end --if heuristic failed try to use current foldername if targetfolder == nil then targetfolder = get_last_folder(basefolder.path) end if targetfolder ~= nil and modmgr.isValidModname(targetfolder) then local targetpath = engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. targetfolder engine.copy_dir(basefolder.path,targetpath) else gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Install Mod: unable to find real modname for: $1", modfilename) end end engine.delete_dir(modpath) modmgr.refresh_globals() end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.handle_rename_modpack_buttons(fields) if fields["dlg_rename_modpack_confirm"] ~= nil then local mod = filterlist.get_list(modmgr.modlist)[modmgr.selected_mod] local oldpath = engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. mod.name local targetpath = engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. fields["te_modpack_name"] engine.copy_dir(oldpath,targetpath,false) end return { is_dialog = false, show_buttons = true, current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab") } end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.handle_configure_world_buttons(fields) if fields["world_config_modlist"] ~= nil then local event = explode_textlist_event(fields["world_config_modlist"]) modmgr.world_config_selected_mod = event.index if event.typ == "DCL" then modmgr.world_config_enable_mod(nil) end end if fields["key_enter"] ~= nil then modmgr.world_config_enable_mod(nil) end if fields["cb_mod_enable"] ~= nil then local toset = engine.is_yes(fields["cb_mod_enable"]) modmgr.world_config_enable_mod(toset) end if fields["btn_mp_enable"] ~= nil or fields["btn_mp_disable"] then local toset = (fields["btn_mp_enable"] ~= nil) modmgr.world_config_enable_mod(toset) end if fields["cb_hide_gamemods"] ~= nil then local current = filterlist.get_filtercriteria(modmgr.modlist) if current == nil then current = {} end if engine.is_yes(fields["cb_hide_gamemods"]) then current.hide_game = true modmgr.hide_gamemods = true else current.hide_game = false modmgr.hide_gamemods = false end filterlist.set_filtercriteria(modmgr.modlist,current) end if fields["cb_hide_mpcontent"] ~= nil then local current = filterlist.get_filtercriteria(modmgr.modlist) if current == nil then current = {} end if engine.is_yes(fields["cb_hide_mpcontent"]) then current.hide_modpackcontents = true modmgr.hide_modpackcontents = true else current.hide_modpackcontents = false modmgr.hide_modpackcontents = false end filterlist.set_filtercriteria(modmgr.modlist,current) end if fields["btn_config_world_save"] then local worldspec = engine.get_worlds()[modmgr.world_config_selected_world] local filename = worldspec.path .. DIR_DELIM .. "world.mt" local worldfile = Settings(filename) local mods = worldfile:to_table() local rawlist = filterlist.get_raw_list(modmgr.modlist) local i,mod for i,mod in ipairs(rawlist) do if not mod.is_modpack and mod.typ ~= "game_mod" then if mod.enabled then worldfile:set("load_mod_"..mod.name, "true") else worldfile:set("load_mod_"..mod.name, "false") end mods["load_mod_"..mod.name] = nil end end -- Remove mods that are not present anymore for key,value in pairs(mods) do if key:sub(1,9) == "load_mod_" then worldfile:remove(key) end end if not worldfile:write() then minetest.log("error", "Failed to write world config file") end modmgr.modlist = nil modmgr.worldconfig = nil return { is_dialog = false, show_buttons = true, current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab") } end if fields["btn_config_world_cancel"] then modmgr.worldconfig = nil return { is_dialog = false, show_buttons = true, current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab") } end if fields["btn_all_mods"] then local list = filterlist.get_raw_list(modmgr.modlist) for i=1,#list,1 do if list[i].typ ~= "game_mod" and not list[i].is_modpack then list[i].enabled = true end end end return nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.world_config_enable_mod(toset) local mod = filterlist.get_list(modmgr.modlist) [engine.get_textlist_index("world_config_modlist")] if mod.typ == "game_mod" then -- game mods can't be enabled or disabled elseif not mod.is_modpack then if toset == nil then mod.enabled = not mod.enabled else mod.enabled = toset end else local list = filterlist.get_raw_list(modmgr.modlist) for i=1,#list,1 do if list[i].modpack == mod.name then if toset == nil then toset = not list[i].enabled end list[i].enabled = toset end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.handle_delete_mod_buttons(fields) local mod = filterlist.get_list(modmgr.global_mods)[modmgr.selected_mod] if fields["dlg_delete_mod_confirm"] ~= nil then if mod.path ~= nil and mod.path ~= "" and mod.path ~= engine.get_modpath() then if not engine.delete_dir(mod.path) then gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Modmgr: failed to delete \"$1\"", mod.path) end modmgr.refresh_globals() else gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("Modmgr: invalid modpath \"$1\"", mod.path) end end return { is_dialog = false, show_buttons = true, current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab") } end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.dialog_delete_mod() local mod = filterlist.get_list(modmgr.global_mods)[modmgr.selected_mod] local retval = "field[1.75,1;10,3;;" .. fgettext("Are you sure you want to delete \"$1\"?", mod.name) .. ";]".. "button[4,4.2;1,0.5;dlg_delete_mod_confirm;" .. fgettext("Yes") .. "]" .. "button[6.5,4.2;3,0.5;dlg_delete_mod_cancel;" .. fgettext("No of course not!") .. "]" return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.preparemodlist(data) local retval = {} local global_mods = {} local game_mods = {} --read global mods local modpath = engine.get_modpath() if modpath ~= nil and modpath ~= "" then get_mods(modpath,global_mods) end for i=1,#global_mods,1 do global_mods[i].typ = "global_mod" table.insert(retval,global_mods[i]) end --read game mods local gamespec = gamemgr.find_by_gameid(data.gameid) gamemgr.get_game_mods(gamespec, game_mods) for i=1,#game_mods,1 do game_mods[i].typ = "game_mod" table.insert(retval,game_mods[i]) end if data.worldpath == nil then return retval end --read world mod configuration local filename = data.worldpath .. DIR_DELIM .. "world.mt" local worldfile = Settings(filename) for key,value in pairs(worldfile:to_table()) do if key:sub(1, 9) == "load_mod_" then key = key:sub(10) local element = nil for i=1,#retval,1 do if retval[i].name == key then element = retval[i] break end end if element ~= nil then element.enabled = engine.is_yes(value) else minetest.log("info", "Mod: " .. key .. " " .. dump(value) .. " but not found") end end end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.init_worldconfig() modmgr.precheck() local worldspec = engine.get_worlds()[modmgr.world_config_selected_world] if worldspec ~= nil then --read worldconfig modmgr.worldconfig = modmgr.get_worldconfig(worldspec.path) if modmgr.worldconfig.id == nil or modmgr.worldconfig.id == "" then modmgr.worldconfig = nil return false end modmgr.modlist = filterlist.create( modmgr.preparemodlist, --refresh modmgr.comparemod, --compare function(element,uid) --uid match if element.name == uid then return true end end, function(element,criteria) if criteria.hide_game and element.typ == "game_mod" then return false end if criteria.hide_modpackcontents and element.modpack ~= nil then return false end return true end, --filter { worldpath= worldspec.path, gameid = worldspec.gameid } ) filterlist.set_filtercriteria(modmgr.modlist, { hide_game=modmgr.hide_gamemods, hide_modpackcontents= modmgr.hide_modpackcontents }) filterlist.add_sort_mechanism(modmgr.modlist, "alphabetic", sort_mod_list) filterlist.set_sortmode(modmgr.modlist, "alphabetic") return true end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.comparemod(elem1,elem2) if elem1 == nil or elem2 == nil then return false end if elem1.name ~= elem2.name then return false end if elem1.is_modpack ~= elem2.is_modpack then return false end if elem1.typ ~= elem2.typ then return false end if elem1.modpack ~= elem2.modpack then return false end if elem1.path ~= elem2.path then return false end return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.gettab(name) local retval = "" if name == "mod_mgr" then retval = retval .. modmgr.tab() end if name == "dialog_rename_modpack" then retval = retval .. modmgr.dialog_rename_modpack() end if name == "dialog_delete_mod" then retval = retval .. modmgr.dialog_delete_mod() end if name == "dialog_configure_world" then retval = retval .. modmgr.dialog_configure_world() end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.mod_exists(basename) if modmgr.global_mods == nil then modmgr.refresh_globals() end if filterlist.raw_index_by_uid(modmgr.global_mods,basename) > 0 then return true end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.get_global_mod(idx) if modmgr.global_mods == nil then return nil end if idx < 1 or idx > filterlist.size(modmgr.global_mods) then return nil end return filterlist.get_list(modmgr.global_mods)[idx] end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.refresh_globals() modmgr.global_mods = filterlist.create( modmgr.preparemodlist, --refresh modmgr.comparemod, --compare function(element,uid) --uid match if element.name == uid then return true end end, nil, --filter {} ) filterlist.add_sort_mechanism(modmgr.global_mods, "alphabetic", sort_mod_list) filterlist.set_sortmode(modmgr.global_mods, "alphabetic") end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function modmgr.identify_filetype(name) if name:sub(-3):lower() == "zip" then return { name = name, type = "zip" } end if name:sub(-6):lower() == "tar.gz" or name:sub(-3):lower() == "tgz"then return { name = name, type = "tgz" } end if name:sub(-6):lower() == "tar.bz2" then return { name = name, type = "tbz" } end if name:sub(-2):lower() == "7z" then return { name = name, type = "7z" } end return { name = name, type = "ukn" } end