local modname = core.get_current_modname() or "??" local modstorage = core.get_mod_storage() -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_shutdown(function() print("[PREVIEW] shutdown client") end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_receiving_chat_messages(function(message) print("[PREVIEW] Received message " .. message) return false end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_sending_chat_messages(function(message) print("[PREVIEW] Sending message " .. message) return false end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_hp_modification(function(hp) print("[PREVIEW] HP modified " .. hp) end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_damage_taken(function(hp) print("[PREVIEW] Damage taken " .. hp) end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_globalstep(function(dtime) -- print("[PREVIEW] globalstep " .. dtime) end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_chatcommand("dump", { func = function(param) return true, dump(_G) end, }) core.register_chatcommand("colorize_test", { func = function(param) return true, core.colorize("red", param) end, }) core.register_chatcommand("test_node", { func = function(param) core.display_chat_message(dump(core.get_node({x=0, y=0, z=0}))) core.display_chat_message(dump(core.get_node_or_nil({x=0, y=0, z=0}))) end, }) local function preview_minimap() local minimap = core.ui.minimap minimap:set_mode(4) minimap:show() minimap:set_pos({x=5, y=50, z=5}) minimap:toggle_shape() print("[PREVIEW] Minimap: mode => " .. dump(minimap:get_mode()) .. " position => " .. dump(minimap:get_pos()) .. " angle => " .. dump(minimap:get_angle())) end core.after(2, function() print("[PREVIEW] loaded " .. modname .. " mod") modstorage:set_string("current_mod", modname) print(modstorage:get_string("current_mod")) preview_minimap() end) core.after(5, function() core.ui.minimap:show() print("[PREVIEW] Day count: " .. core.get_day_count() .. " time of day " .. core.get_timeofday()) print("[PREVIEW] Node level: " .. core.get_node_level({x=0, y=20, z=0}) .. " max level " .. core.get_node_max_level({x=0, y=20, z=0})) print("[PREVIEW] Find node near: " .. dump(core.find_node_near({x=0, y=20, z=0}, 10, {"group:tree", "default:dirt", "default:stone"}))) end) core.register_on_dignode(function(pos, node) print("The local player dug a node!") print("pos:" .. dump(pos)) print("node:" .. dump(node)) return false end) core.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node) print("The local player punched a node!") local itemstack = core.get_wielded_item() --[[ -- getters print(dump(itemstack:is_empty())) print(dump(itemstack:get_name())) print(dump(itemstack:get_count())) print(dump(itemstack:get_wear())) print(dump(itemstack:get_meta())) print(dump(itemstack:get_metadata() print(dump(itemstack:is_known())) --print(dump(itemstack:get_definition())) print(dump(itemstack:get_tool_capabilities())) print(dump(itemstack:to_string())) print(dump(itemstack:to_table())) -- setters print(dump(itemstack:set_name("default:dirt"))) print(dump(itemstack:set_count("95"))) print(dump(itemstack:set_wear(934))) print(dump(itemstack:get_meta())) print(dump(itemstack:get_metadata())) --]] print(dump(itemstack:to_table())) print("pos:" .. dump(pos)) print("node:" .. dump(node)) return false end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_chatcommand("list_players", { func = function(param) core.display_chat_message(dump(core.get_player_names())) end })