mark_as_advanced(IRRLICHT_LIBRARY IRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR IRRLICHT_DLL) # Find include directory and libraries if(TRUE) find_path(IRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES irrlicht.h DOC "Path to the directory with Irrlicht includes" PATHS /usr/local/include/irrlicht /usr/include/irrlicht /system/develop/headers/irrlicht #Haiku PATH_SUFFIXES "include/irrlicht" ) find_library(IRRLICHT_LIBRARY NAMES libIrrlicht Irrlicht DOC "Path to the Irrlicht library file" PATHS /usr/local/lib /usr/lib /system/develop/lib # Haiku ) endif() # Users will likely need to edit these mark_as_advanced(CLEAR IRRLICHT_LIBRARY IRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR) # On Windows, find the DLL for installation if(WIN32) # If VCPKG_APPLOCAL_DEPS is ON, dll's are automatically handled by VCPKG if(NOT VCPKG_APPLOCAL_DEPS) find_file(IRRLICHT_DLL NAMES Irrlicht.dll DOC "Path of the Irrlicht dll (for installation)" ) endif() endif(WIN32) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(Irrlicht DEFAULT_MSG IRRLICHT_LIBRARY IRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR)