function basic_dump2(o) if type(o) == "number" then return tostring(o) elseif type(o) == "string" then return string.format("%q", o) elseif type(o) == "boolean" then return tostring(o) elseif type(o) == "function" then return "" elseif type(o) == "userdata" then return "" elseif type(o) == "nil" then return "nil" else error("cannot dump a " .. type(o)) return nil end end function dump2(o, name, dumped) name = name or "_" dumped = dumped or {} io.write(name, " = ") if type(o) == "number" or type(o) == "string" or type(o) == "boolean" or type(o) == "function" or type(o) == "nil" or type(o) == "userdata" then io.write(basic_dump2(o), "\n") elseif type(o) == "table" then if dumped[o] then io.write(dumped[o], "\n") else dumped[o] = name io.write("{}\n") -- new table for k,v in pairs(o) do local fieldname = string.format("%s[%s]", name, basic_dump2(k)) dump2(v, fieldname, dumped) end end else error("cannot dump a " .. type(o)) return nil end end function dump(o, dumped) dumped = dumped or {} if type(o) == "number" then return tostring(o) elseif type(o) == "string" then return string.format("%q", o) elseif type(o) == "table" then if dumped[o] then return "" end dumped[o] = true local t = {} for k,v in pairs(o) do t[#t+1] = "" .. k .. " = " .. dump(v, dumped) end return "{" .. table.concat(t, ", ") .. "}" elseif type(o) == "boolean" then return tostring(o) elseif type(o) == "function" then return "" elseif type(o) == "userdata" then return "" elseif type(o) == "nil" then return "nil" else error("cannot dump a " .. type(o)) return nil end end -- Textures: -- Mods should prefix their textures with modname_, eg. given the mod -- name "foomod", a texture could be called "foomod_superfurnace.png" -- -- Global functions: -- minetest.register_entity(name, prototype_table) -- minetest.register_tool(name, {lots of stuff}) -- minetest.register_node(name, {lots of stuff}) -- minetest.register_craft({output=item, recipe={...}) -- minetest.register_globalstep(func) -- minetest.register_on_placenode(func(pos, newnode, placer)) -- minetest.register_on_dignode(func(pos, oldnode, digger)) -- minetest.register_on_punchnode(func(pos, node, puncher)) -- -- Global objects: -- minetest.env - environment reference -- -- Global tables: -- minetest.registered_entities -- ^ List of registered entity prototypes, indexed by name -- minetest.object_refs -- ^ List of object references, indexed by active object id -- minetest.luaentities -- ^ List of lua entities, indexed by active object id -- -- EnvRef is basically ServerEnvironment and ServerMap combined. -- EnvRef methods: -- - add_node(pos, node) -- - remove_node(pos) -- - get_node(pos) -- - add_luaentity(pos, name) -- -- ObjectRef is basically ServerActiveObject. -- ObjectRef methods: -- - remove(): remove object (after returning from Lua) -- - getpos(): returns {x=num, y=num, z=num} -- - setpos(pos); pos={x=num, y=num, z=num} -- - moveto(pos, continuous=false): interpolated move -- - add_to_inventory(itemstring): add an item to object inventory -- -- Registered entities: -- - Functions receive a "luaentity" as self: -- - It has the member .object, which is an ObjectRef pointing to the object -- - The original prototype stuff is visible directly via a metatable -- - Callbacks: -- - on_activate(self, staticdata) -- - on_step(self, dtime) -- - on_punch(self, hitter) -- - on_rightclick(self, clicker) -- - get_staticdata(self): return string -- -- MapNode representation: -- {name="name", param1=num, param2=num} -- -- Position representation: -- {x=num, y=num, z=num} -- -- print("minetest dump: "..dump(minetest)) -- -- Tool definition -- minetest.register_tool("WPick", { image = "tool_woodpick.png", basetime = 2.0, dt_weight = 0, dt_crackiness = -0.5, dt_crumbliness = 2, dt_cuttability = 0, basedurability = 30, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("STPick", { image = "tool_stonepick.png", basetime = 1.5, dt_weight = 0, dt_crackiness = -0.5, dt_crumbliness = 2, dt_cuttability = 0, basedurability = 100, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("SteelPick", { image = "tool_steelpick.png", basetime = 1.0, dt_weight = 0, dt_crackiness = -0.5, dt_crumbliness = 2, dt_cuttability = 0, basedurability = 333, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("MesePick", { image = "tool_mesepick.png", basetime = 0, dt_weight = 0, dt_crackiness = 0, dt_crumbliness = 0, dt_cuttability = 0, basedurability = 1337, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("WShovel", { image = "tool_woodshovel.png", basetime = 2.0, dt_weight = 0.5, dt_crackiness = 2, dt_crumbliness = -1.5, dt_cuttability = 0.3, basedurability = 30, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("STShovel", { image = "tool_stoneshovel.png", basetime = 1.5, dt_weight = 0.5, dt_crackiness = 2, dt_crumbliness = -1.5, dt_cuttability = 0.1, basedurability = 100, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("SteelShovel", { image = "tool_steelshovel.png", basetime = 1.0, dt_weight = 0.5, dt_crackiness = 2, dt_crumbliness = -1.5, dt_cuttability = 0.0, basedurability = 330, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("WAxe", { image = "tool_woodaxe.png", basetime = 2.0, dt_weight = 0.5, dt_crackiness = -0.2, dt_crumbliness = 1, dt_cuttability = -0.5, basedurability = 30, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("STAxe", { image = "tool_stoneaxe.png", basetime = 1.5, dt_weight = 0.5, dt_crackiness = -0.2, dt_crumbliness = 1, dt_cuttability = -0.5, basedurability = 100, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("SteelAxe", { image = "tool_steelaxe.png", basetime = 1.0, dt_weight = 0.5, dt_crackiness = -0.2, dt_crumbliness = 1, dt_cuttability = -0.5, basedurability = 330, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("WSword", { image = "tool_woodsword.png", basetime = 3.0, dt_weight = 3, dt_crackiness = 0, dt_crumbliness = 1, dt_cuttability = -1, basedurability = 30, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("STSword", { image = "tool_stonesword.png", basetime = 2.5, dt_weight = 3, dt_crackiness = 0, dt_crumbliness = 1, dt_cuttability = -1, basedurability = 100, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("SteelSword", { image = "tool_steelsword.png", basetime = 2.0, dt_weight = 3, dt_crackiness = 0, dt_crumbliness = 1, dt_cuttability = -1, basedurability = 330, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) minetest.register_tool("", { image = "", basetime = 0.5, dt_weight = 1, dt_crackiness = 0, dt_crumbliness = -1, dt_cuttability = 0, basedurability = 50, dd_weight = 0, dd_crackiness = 0, dd_crumbliness = 0, dd_cuttability = 0, }) --[[ minetest.register_tool("horribletool", { image = "lava.png", basetime = 2.0 dt_weight = 0.2 dt_crackiness = 0.2 dt_crumbliness = 0.2 dt_cuttability = 0.2 basedurability = 50 dd_weight = -5 dd_crackiness = -5 dd_crumbliness = -5 dd_cuttability = -5 }) --]] -- -- Crafting definition -- minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "wood" 4', recipe = { {'NodeItem "tree"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'CraftItem "Stick" 4', recipe = { {'NodeItem "wood"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "wooden_fence" 2', recipe = { {'CraftItem "Stick"', 'CraftItem "Stick"', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"', 'CraftItem "Stick"', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "sign_wall" 1', recipe = { {'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "torch" 4', recipe = { {'CraftItem "lump_of_coal"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "WPick"', recipe = { {'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"', ''}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "STPick"', recipe = { {'NodeItem "cobble"', 'NodeItem "cobble"', 'NodeItem "cobble"'}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"', ''}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "SteelPick"', recipe = { {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"', ''}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "MesePick"', recipe = { {'NodeItem "mese"', 'NodeItem "mese"', 'NodeItem "mese"'}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"', ''}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "WShovel"', recipe = { {'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "STShovel"', recipe = { {'NodeItem "cobble"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "SteelShovel"', recipe = { {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "WAxe"', recipe = { {'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'NodeItem "wood"', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "STAxe"', recipe = { {'NodeItem "cobble"', 'NodeItem "cobble"'}, {'NodeItem "cobble"', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "SteelAxe"', recipe = { {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, {'', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "WSword"', recipe = { {'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "STSword"', recipe = { {'NodeItem "cobble"'}, {'NodeItem "cobble"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'ToolItem "SteelSword"', recipe = { {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "rail" 15', recipe = { {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', '', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "Stick"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', '', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "chest" 1', recipe = { {'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'NodeItem "wood"', '', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "locked_chest" 1', recipe = { {'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'NodeItem "wood"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "furnace" 1', recipe = { {'NodeItem "cobble"', 'NodeItem "cobble"', 'NodeItem "cobble"'}, {'NodeItem "cobble"', '', 'NodeItem "cobble"'}, {'NodeItem "cobble"', 'NodeItem "cobble"', 'NodeItem "cobble"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "steelblock" 1', recipe = { {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "sandstone" 1', recipe = { {'NodeItem "sand"', 'NodeItem "sand"'}, {'NodeItem "sand"', 'NodeItem "sand"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "clay" 1', recipe = { {'CraftItem "lump_of_clay"', 'CraftItem "lump_of_clay"'}, {'CraftItem "lump_of_clay"', 'CraftItem "lump_of_clay"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "brick" 1', recipe = { {'CraftItem "clay_brick"', 'CraftItem "clay_brick"'}, {'CraftItem "clay_brick"', 'CraftItem "clay_brick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'CraftItem "paper" 1', recipe = { {'NodeItem "papyrus"', 'NodeItem "papyrus"', 'NodeItem "papyrus"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'CraftItem "book" 1', recipe = { {'CraftItem "paper"'}, {'CraftItem "paper"'}, {'CraftItem "paper"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "bookshelf" 1', recipe = { {'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, {'CraftItem "book"', 'CraftItem "book"', 'CraftItem "book"'}, {'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"', 'NodeItem "wood"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "ladder" 1', recipe = { {'CraftItem "Stick"', '', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"', 'CraftItem "Stick"', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, {'CraftItem "Stick"', '', 'CraftItem "Stick"'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'CraftItem "apple_iron" 1', recipe = { {'', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', ''}, {'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', 'CraftItem "apple"', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"'}, {'', 'CraftItem "steel_ingot"', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "TNT" 4', recipe = { {'NodeItem "wood" 1'}, {'CraftItem "lump_of_coal" 1'}, {'NodeItem "wood" 1'} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'NodeItem "somenode" 4', recipe = { {'CraftItem "Stick" 1'}, } }) -- -- Node definitions -- function digprop_constanttime(time) return { diggability = "constant", constant_time = time, } end function digprop_stonelike(toughness) return { diggablity = "normal", weight = toughness * 5, crackiness = 1, crumbliness = -0.1, cuttability = -0.2, } end function digprop_dirtlike(toughness) return { diggablity = "normal", weight = toughness * 1.2, crackiness = 0, crumbliness = 1.2, cuttability = -0.4, } end function digprop_gravellike(toughness) return { diggablity = "normal", weight = toughness * 2, crackiness = 0.2, crumbliness = 1.5, cuttability = -1.0, } end function digprop_woodlike(toughness) return { diggablity = "normal", weight = toughness * 1.0, crackiness = 0.75, crumbliness = -1.0, cuttability = 1.5, } end function digprop_leaveslike(toughness) return { diggablity = "normal", weight = toughness * (-0.5), crackiness = 0, crumbliness = 0, cuttability = 2.0, } end function digprop_glasslike(toughness) return { diggablity = "normal", weight = toughness * 0.1, crackiness = 2.0, crumbliness = -1.0, cuttability = -1.0, } end function inventorycube(img1, img2, img3) img2 = img2 or img1 img3 = img3 or img1 return "[inventorycube" .. "{" .. img1:gsub("^", "&") .. "{" .. img2:gsub("^", "&") .. "{" .. img3:gsub("^", "&") end -- Legacy nodes minetest.register_node("stone", { tile_images = {"stone.png"}, inventory_image = inventorycube("stone.png"), paramtype = "mineral", is_ground_content = true, often_contains_mineral = true, -- Texture atlas hint material = digprop_stonelike(1.0), }) minetest.register_node("dirt_with_grass", { tile_images = {"grass.png", "mud.png", "mud.png^grass_side.png"}, inventory_image = inventorycube("mud.png^grass_side.png"), is_ground_content = true, material = digprop_dirtlike(1.0), }) minetest.register_node("dirt_with_grass_footsteps", { tile_images = {"grass_footsteps.png", "mud.png", "mud.png^grass_side.png"}, inventory_image = "grass_footsteps.png", is_ground_content = true, material = digprop_dirtlike(1.0), }) minetest.register_node("dirt", { tile_images = {"mud.png"}, inventory_image = inventorycube("mud.png"), is_ground_content = true, material = digprop_dirtlike(1.0), }) -- New nodes minetest.register_node("somenode", { tile_images = {"lava.png", "mese.png", "stone.png", "grass.png", "cobble.png", "tree_top.png"}, inventory_image = "treeprop.png", material = { diggability = "normal", weight = 0, crackiness = 0, crumbliness = 0, cuttability = 0, flammability = 0 }, metadata_name = "chest", }) minetest.register_node("TNT", { tile_images = {"tnt_top.png", "tnt_bottom.png", "tnt_side.png", "tnt_side.png", "tnt_side.png", "tnt_side.png"}, inventory_image = "tnt_side.png", dug_item = '', -- Get nothing material = { diggability = "not", }, }) -- -- Some common functions -- function nodeupdate_single(p) n = minetest.env:get_node(p) if == "sand" or == "gravel" then p_bottom = {x=p.x, y=p.y-1, z=p.z} n_bottom = minetest.env:get_node(p_bottom) if == "air" then minetest.env:remove_node(p) minetest.env:add_luaentity(p, "falling_" nodeupdate(p) end end end function nodeupdate(p) for x = -1,1 do for y = -1,1 do for z = -1,1 do p2 = {x=p.x+x, y=p.y+y, z=p.z+z} nodeupdate_single(p2) end end end end -- -- TNT (not functional) -- local TNT = { -- Static definition physical = true, -- Collides with things -- weight = 5, collisionbox = {-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5,0.5}, visual = "cube", textures = {"tnt_top.png","tnt_bottom.png","tnt_side.png","tnt_side.png","tnt_side.png","tnt_side.png"}, --visual = "single_sprite", --textures = {"mese.png^[forcesingle"}, -- Initial value for our timer timer = 0, -- Number of punches required to defuse health = 1, } -- Called when a TNT object is created function TNT:on_activate(staticdata) print("TNT:on_activate()") self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=2, z=0}) self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0}) end -- Called periodically function TNT:on_step(dtime) --print("TNT:on_step()") end -- Called when object is punched function TNT:on_punch(hitter) print("TNT:on_punch()") = - 1 if <= 0 then self.object:remove() hitter:add_to_inventory("NodeItem TNT 1") end end -- Called when object is right-clicked function TNT:on_rightclick(clicker) --pos = self.object:getpos() --pos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+0.1, z=pos.z} --self.object:moveto(pos, false) end print("TNT dump: "..dump(TNT)) print("Registering TNT"); minetest.register_entity("TNT", TNT) -- -- Falling stuff -- function register_falling_node(nodename, texture) minetest.register_entity("falling_"..nodename, { -- Static definition physical = true, collisionbox = {-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5,0.5}, visual = "cube", textures = {texture,texture,texture,texture,texture,texture}, -- State -- Methods on_step = function(self, dtime) -- Set gravity self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0}) -- Turn to actual sand when collides to ground or just move local pos = self.object:getpos() local bcp = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-0.7, z=pos.z} -- Position of bottom center point local bcn = minetest.env:get_node(bcp) if ~= "air" then -- Turn to a sand node local np = {x=bcp.x, y=bcp.y+1, z=bcp.z} minetest.env:add_node(np, {name=nodename}) self.object:remove() else -- Do nothing end end }) end register_falling_node("sand", "sand.png") register_falling_node("gravel", "gravel.png") --[[ minetest.register_entity("falling_sand", { -- Definition collisionbox = {-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5,0.5}, visual = "cube", textures = {"sand.png","sand.png","sand.png","sand.png","sand.png","sand.png"}, -- State fallspeed = 0, -- Methods on_step = function(self, dtime) -- Apply gravity self.fallspeed = self.fallspeed + dtime * 5 fp = self.object:getpos() fp.y = fp.y - self.fallspeed * dtime self.object:moveto(fp) -- Turn to actual sand when collides to ground or just move bcp = {x=fp.x, y=fp.y-0.5, z=fp.z} -- Position of bottom center point bcn = minetest.env:get_node(bcp) if ~= "air" then -- Turn to a sand node np = {x=bcp.x, y=bcp.y+1, z=bcp.z} minetest.env:add_node(np, {name="sand"}) self.object:remove() else -- Do nothing end end }) --]] -- -- Global callbacks -- -- Global environment step function function on_step(dtime) -- print("on_step") end minetest.register_globalstep(on_step) function on_placenode(p, node) print("on_placenode") nodeupdate(p) end minetest.register_on_placenode(on_placenode) function on_dignode(p, node) print("on_dignode") nodeupdate(p) end minetest.register_on_dignode(on_dignode) function on_punchnode(p, node) print("on_punchnode") if == "TNT" then minetest.env:remove_node(p) minetest.env:add_luaentity(p, "TNT") nodeupdate(p) end end minetest.register_on_punchnode(on_punchnode) -- -- Done, print some random stuff -- print("minetest.registered_entities:") dump2(minetest.registered_entities) -- -- Some random pre-implementation planning and drafting -- --[[ function TNT:on_rightclick(clicker) print("TNT:on_rightclick()") print("self: "..dump(self)) print("getmetatable(self): "..dump(getmetatable(self))) print("getmetatable(getmetatable(self)): "..dump(getmetatable(getmetatable(self)))) pos = self.object:getpos() print("TNT:on_rightclick(): object position: "..dump(pos)) pos = {x=pos.x+0.5+1, y=pos.y+0.5, z=pos.z+0.5} --minetest.env:add_node(pos, {name="stone") end --]] --[=[ register_block(0, { textures = "stone.png", makefacetype = 0, get_dig_duration = function(env, pos, digger) -- Check stuff like digger.current_tool return 1.5 end, on_dig = function(env, pos, digger) env:remove_node(pos) digger.inventory.put("MaterialItem2 0"); end, }) register_block(1, { textures = {"grass.png","mud.png","mud_grass_side.png","mud_grass_side.png","mud_grass_side.png","mud_grass_side.png"}, makefacetype = 0, get_dig_duration = function(env, pos, digger) -- Check stuff like digger.current_tool return 0.5 end, on_dig = function(env, pos, digger) env:remove_node(pos) digger.inventory.put("MaterialItem2 1"); end, }) -- Consider the "miscellaneous block namespace" to be 0xc00...0xfff = 3072...4095 register_block(3072, { textures = {"tnt_top.png","tnt_bottom.png","tnt_side.png","tnt_side.png","tnt_side.png","tnt_side.png"}, makefacetype = 0, get_dig_duration = function(env, pos, digger) -- Cannot be dug return nil end, -- on_dig = function(env, pos, digger) end, -- Not implemented on_hit = function(env, pos, hitter) -- Replace with TNT object, which will explode after timer, follow gravity, blink and stuff env:add_object("tnt", pos) env:remove_node(pos) end, }) --]=]