Minetest Lua Client Modding API Reference 5.1.0 ================================================ * More information at * Developer Wiki: Introduction ------------ ** WARNING: The client API is currently unstable, and may break/change without warning. ** Content and functionality can be added to Minetest 0.4.15-dev+ by using Lua scripting in run-time loaded mods. A mod is a self-contained bunch of scripts, textures and other related things that is loaded by and interfaces with Minetest. Transferring client-sided mods from the server to the client is planned, but not implemented yet. If you see a deficiency in the API, feel free to attempt to add the functionality in the engine and API. You can send such improvements as source code patches on GitHub (https://github.com/minetest/minetest). Programming in Lua ------------------ If you have any difficulty in understanding this, please read [Programming in Lua](http://www.lua.org/pil/). Startup ------- Mods are loaded during client startup from the mod load paths by running the `init.lua` scripts in a shared environment. In order to load client-side mods in a world, the following conditions need to be satisfied: 1) `$path_user/minetest.conf` contains the setting `enable_client_modding = true` 2) The client-side mod located in `$path_user/clientmods/` is added to `$path_user/clientmods/mods.conf` as `load_mod_ = true`. Note: Depending on the remote server's settings, client-side mods might not be loaded or have limited functionality. See setting `csm_restriction_flags` for reference. Paths ----- * `RUN_IN_PLACE=1` (Windows release, local build) * `$path_user`: * Linux: `` * Windows: `` * `$path_share` * Linux: `` * Windows: `` * `RUN_IN_PLACE=0`: (Linux release) * `$path_share` * Linux: `/usr/share/minetest` * Windows: `/minetest-0.4.x` * `$path_user`: * Linux: `$HOME/.minetest` * Windows: `C:/users//AppData/minetest` (maybe) Mod load path ------------- Generic: * `$path_share/clientmods/` * `$path_user/clientmods/` (User-installed mods) In a run-in-place version (e.g. the distributed windows version): * `minetest-0.4.x/clientmods/` (User-installed mods) On an installed version on Linux: * `/usr/share/minetest/clientmods/` * `$HOME/.minetest/clientmods/` (User-installed mods) Modpack support ---------------- **NOTE: Not implemented yet.** Mods can be put in a subdirectory, if the parent directory, which otherwise should be a mod, contains a file named `modpack.conf`. The file is a key-value store of modpack details. * `name`: The modpack name. * `description`: Description of mod to be shown in the Mods tab of the main menu. Mod directory structure ------------------------ clientmods ├── modname | ├── depends.txt | ├── init.lua └── another ### modname The location of this directory. ### depends.txt List of mods that have to be loaded before loading this mod. A single line contains a single modname. Optional dependencies can be defined by appending a question mark to a single modname. Their meaning is that if the specified mod is missing, that does not prevent this mod from being loaded. ### init.lua The main Lua script. Running this script should register everything it wants to register. Subsequent execution depends on minetest calling the registered callbacks. `minetest.setting_get(name)` and `minetest.setting_getbool(name)` can be used to read custom or existing settings at load time, if necessary. ### `sounds` Media files (sounds) that will be transferred to the client and will be available for use by the mod. Naming convention for registered textual names ---------------------------------------------- Registered names should generally be in this format: "modname:" ( can have characters a-zA-Z0-9_) This is to prevent conflicting names from corrupting maps and is enforced by the mod loader. ### Example In the mod `experimental`, there is the ideal item/node/entity name `tnt`. So the name should be `experimental:tnt`. Enforcement can be overridden by prefixing the name with `:`. This can be used for overriding the registrations of some other mod. Example: Any mod can redefine `experimental:tnt` by using the name :experimental:tnt when registering it. (also that mod is required to have `experimental` as a dependency) The `:` prefix can also be used for maintaining backwards compatibility. Sounds ------ **NOTE: max_hear_distance and connecting to objects is not implemented.** Only Ogg Vorbis files are supported. For positional playing of sounds, only single-channel (mono) files are supported. Otherwise OpenAL will play them non-positionally. Mods should generally prefix their sounds with `modname_`, e.g. given the mod name "`foomod`", a sound could be called: foomod_foosound.ogg Sounds are referred to by their name with a dot, a single digit and the file extension stripped out. When a sound is played, the actual sound file is chosen randomly from the matching sounds. When playing the sound `foomod_foosound`, the sound is chosen randomly from the available ones of the following files: * `foomod_foosound.ogg` * `foomod_foosound.0.ogg` * `foomod_foosound.1.ogg` * (...) * `foomod_foosound.9.ogg` Examples of sound parameter tables: -- Play locationless { gain = 1.0, -- default } -- Play locationless, looped { gain = 1.0, -- default loop = true, } -- Play in a location { pos = {x = 1, y = 2, z = 3}, gain = 1.0, -- default max_hear_distance = 32, -- default, uses an euclidean metric } -- Play connected to an object, looped { object = , gain = 1.0, -- default max_hear_distance = 32, -- default, uses an euclidean metric loop = true, } Looped sounds must either be connected to an object or played locationless. ### SimpleSoundSpec * e.g. `""` * e.g. `"default_place_node"` * e.g. `{}` * e.g. `{name = "default_place_node"}` * e.g. `{name = "default_place_node", gain = 1.0}` Representations of simple things -------------------------------- ### Position/vector {x=num, y=num, z=num} For helper functions see "Vector helpers". ### pointed_thing * `{type="nothing"}` * `{type="node", under=pos, above=pos}` * `{type="object", id=ObjectID}` Flag Specifier Format --------------------- Flags using the standardized flag specifier format can be specified in either of two ways, by string or table. The string format is a comma-delimited set of flag names; whitespace and unrecognized flag fields are ignored. Specifying a flag in the string sets the flag, and specifying a flag prefixed by the string `"no"` explicitly clears the flag from whatever the default may be. In addition to the standard string flag format, the schematic flags field can also be a table of flag names to boolean values representing whether or not the flag is set. Additionally, if a field with the flag name prefixed with `"no"` is present, mapped to a boolean of any value, the specified flag is unset. E.g. A flag field of value {place_center_x = true, place_center_y=false, place_center_z=true} is equivalent to {place_center_x = true, noplace_center_y=true, place_center_z=true} which is equivalent to "place_center_x, noplace_center_y, place_center_z" or even "place_center_x, place_center_z" since, by default, no schematic attributes are set. Formspec -------- Formspec defines a menu. It is a string, with a somewhat strange format. Spaces and newlines can be inserted between the blocks, as is used in the examples. ### Examples #### Chest size[8,9] list[context;main;0,0;8,4;] list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;] #### Furnace size[8,9] list[context;fuel;2,3;1,1;] list[context;src;2,1;1,1;] list[context;dst;5,1;2,2;] list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;] #### Minecraft-like player inventory size[8,7.5] image[1,0.6;1,2;player.png] list[current_player;main;0,3.5;8,4;] list[current_player;craft;3,0;3,3;] list[current_player;craftpreview;7,1;1,1;] ### Elements #### `size[,,]` * Define the size of the menu in inventory slots * `fixed_size`: `true`/`false` (optional) * deprecated: `invsize[,;]` #### `container[,]` * Start of a container block, moves all physical elements in the container by (X, Y) * Must have matching container_end * Containers can be nested, in which case the offsets are added (child containers are relative to parent containers) #### `container_end[]` * End of a container, following elements are no longer relative to this container #### `list[;;,;,;]` * Show an inventory list #### `list[;;,;,;]` * Show an inventory list #### `listring[;]` * Allows to create a ring of inventory lists * Shift-clicking on items in one element of the ring will send them to the next inventory list inside the ring * The first occurrence of an element inside the ring will determine the inventory where items will be sent to #### `listring[]` * Shorthand for doing `listring[;]` for the last two inventory lists added by list[...] #### `listcolors[;]` * Sets background color of slots as `ColorString` * Sets background color of slots on mouse hovering #### `listcolors[;;]` * Sets background color of slots as `ColorString` * Sets background color of slots on mouse hovering * Sets color of slots border #### `listcolors[;;;;]` * Sets background color of slots as `ColorString` * Sets background color of slots on mouse hovering * Sets color of slots border * Sets default background color of tooltips * Sets default font color of tooltips #### `tooltip[;;,]` * Adds tooltip for an element * `` tooltip background color as `ColorString` (optional) * `` tooltip font color as `ColorString` (optional) #### `image[,;,;]` * Show an image * Position and size units are inventory slots #### `item_image[,;,;]` * Show an inventory image of registered item/node * Position and size units are inventory slots #### `bgcolor[;]` * Sets background color of formspec as `ColorString` * If `true`, the background color is drawn fullscreen (does not effect the size of the formspec) #### `background[,;,;]` * Use a background. Inventory rectangles are not drawn then. * Position and size units are inventory slots * Example for formspec 8x4 in 16x resolution: image shall be sized 8 times 16px times 4 times 16px. #### `background[,;,;;]` * Use a background. Inventory rectangles are not drawn then. * Position and size units are inventory slots * Example for formspec 8x4 in 16x resolution: image shall be sized 8 times 16px times 4 times 16px * If `true` the background is clipped to formspec size (`x` and `y` are used as offset values, `w` and `h` are ignored) #### `pwdfield[,;,;;