.\" Minetestserver man page .TH minetestserver 6 "29 January 2012" "" "" .SH NAME minetestserver \- Minetest server .SH SYNOPSIS .B minetestserver [ OPTION ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B Minetest is one of the first InfiniMiner/Minecraft(/whatever) inspired games (started October 2010), with a goal of taking the survival multiplayer gameplay to a slightly different direction. .PP The main design philosophy is to keep it technically simple, stable and portable. It will be kept lightweight enough to run on fairly old hardware. .SH OPTIONS .TP \-\-config <value> Load configuration from specified file .TP \-\-disable\-unittests Disable unit tests .TP \-\-enable\-unittests Enable unit tests .TP \-\-help Show allowed options .TP \-\-info\-on\-stderr Print debug information to console .TP \-\-map\-dir <value> Map directory (where everything in the world is stored) .TP \-\-port <value> Set network port (UDP) to use .SH BUGS Please report all bugs to Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>. .SH AUTHOR .PP Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> and contributors. .PP This man page was written by Juhani Numminen <juhaninumminen0@gmail.com>. .SH WWW http://c55.me/minetest/ .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR minetest(6)