/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef CLIENT_HEADER #define CLIENT_HEADER #include "network/connection.h" #include "clientenvironment.h" #include "irrlichttypes_extrabloated.h" #include <ostream> #include <map> #include <set> #include <vector> #include <unordered_set> #include "clientobject.h" #include "gamedef.h" #include "inventorymanager.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "hud.h" #include "particles.h" #include "mapnode.h" #include "tileanimation.h" #include "mesh_generator_thread.h" #include <fstream> #include "filesys.h" #define CLIENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_LIMIT_PER_10S 10.0f struct MeshMakeData; struct ChatMessage; class MapBlockMesh; class IWritableTextureSource; class IWritableShaderSource; class IWritableItemDefManager; class IWritableNodeDefManager; //class IWritableCraftDefManager; class ClientMediaDownloader; struct MapDrawControl; class MtEventManager; struct PointedThing; class MapDatabase; class Minimap; struct MinimapMapblock; class Camera; class NetworkPacket; enum LocalClientState { LC_Created, LC_Init, LC_Ready }; enum ClientEventType { CE_NONE, CE_PLAYER_DAMAGE, CE_PLAYER_FORCE_MOVE, CE_DEATHSCREEN, CE_SHOW_FORMSPEC, CE_SHOW_LOCAL_FORMSPEC, CE_SPAWN_PARTICLE, CE_ADD_PARTICLESPAWNER, CE_DELETE_PARTICLESPAWNER, CE_HUDADD, CE_HUDRM, CE_HUDCHANGE, CE_SET_SKY, CE_OVERRIDE_DAY_NIGHT_RATIO, CE_CLOUD_PARAMS, }; struct ClientEvent { ClientEventType type; union{ //struct{ //} none; struct{ u8 amount; } player_damage; struct{ f32 pitch; f32 yaw; } player_force_move; struct{ bool set_camera_point_target; f32 camera_point_target_x; f32 camera_point_target_y; f32 camera_point_target_z; } deathscreen; struct{ std::string *formspec; std::string *formname; } show_formspec; //struct{ //} textures_updated; struct{ v3f *pos; v3f *vel; v3f *acc; f32 expirationtime; f32 size; bool collisiondetection; bool collision_removal; bool vertical; std::string *texture; struct TileAnimationParams animation; u8 glow; } spawn_particle; struct{ u16 amount; f32 spawntime; v3f *minpos; v3f *maxpos; v3f *minvel; v3f *maxvel; v3f *minacc; v3f *maxacc; f32 minexptime; f32 maxexptime; f32 minsize; f32 maxsize; bool collisiondetection; bool collision_removal; u16 attached_id; bool vertical; std::string *texture; u32 id; struct TileAnimationParams animation; u8 glow; } add_particlespawner; struct{ u32 id; } delete_particlespawner; struct{ u32 id; u8 type; v2f *pos; std::string *name; v2f *scale; std::string *text; u32 number; u32 item; u32 dir; v2f *align; v2f *offset; v3f *world_pos; v2s32 * size; } hudadd; struct{ u32 id; } hudrm; struct{ u32 id; HudElementStat stat; v2f *v2fdata; std::string *sdata; u32 data; v3f *v3fdata; v2s32 * v2s32data; } hudchange; struct{ video::SColor *bgcolor; std::string *type; std::vector<std::string> *params; bool clouds; } set_sky; struct{ bool do_override; float ratio_f; } override_day_night_ratio; struct { f32 density; u32 color_bright; u32 color_ambient; f32 height; f32 thickness; f32 speed_x; f32 speed_y; } cloud_params; }; }; /* Packet counter */ class PacketCounter { public: PacketCounter() { } void add(u16 command) { std::map<u16, u16>::iterator n = m_packets.find(command); if(n == m_packets.end()) { m_packets[command] = 1; } else { n->second++; } } void clear() { for(std::map<u16, u16>::iterator i = m_packets.begin(); i != m_packets.end(); ++i) { i->second = 0; } } void print(std::ostream &o) { for(std::map<u16, u16>::iterator i = m_packets.begin(); i != m_packets.end(); ++i) { o<<"cmd "<<i->first <<" count "<<i->second <<std::endl; } } private: // command, count std::map<u16, u16> m_packets; }; class ClientScripting; struct GameUIFlags; class Client : public con::PeerHandler, public InventoryManager, public IGameDef { public: /* NOTE: Nothing is thread-safe here. */ Client( const char *playername, const std::string &password, const std::string &address_name, MapDrawControl &control, IWritableTextureSource *tsrc, IWritableShaderSource *shsrc, IWritableItemDefManager *itemdef, IWritableNodeDefManager *nodedef, ISoundManager *sound, MtEventManager *event, bool ipv6, GameUIFlags *game_ui_flags ); ~Client(); DISABLE_CLASS_COPY(Client); // Load local mods into memory void loadMods(); void scanModSubfolder(const std::string &mod_name, const std::string &mod_path, std::string mod_subpath); inline void scanModIntoMemory(const std::string &mod_name, const std::string &mod_path) { scanModSubfolder(mod_name, mod_path, ""); } // Initizle the mods void initMods(); /* request all threads managed by client to be stopped */ void Stop(); bool isShutdown(); /* The name of the local player should already be set when calling this, as it is sent in the initialization. */ void connect(Address address, bool is_local_server); /* Stuff that references the environment is valid only as long as this is not called. (eg. Players) If this throws a PeerNotFoundException, the connection has timed out. */ void step(float dtime); /* * Command Handlers */ void handleCommand(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_Null(NetworkPacket* pkt) {}; void handleCommand_Deprecated(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_Hello(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_AuthAccept(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_AcceptSudoMode(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_DenySudoMode(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_InitLegacy(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_AccessDenied(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_RemoveNode(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_AddNode(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_BlockData(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_Inventory(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_TimeOfDay(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_ChatMessageOld(NetworkPacket *pkt); void handleCommand_ChatMessage(NetworkPacket *pkt); void handleCommand_ActiveObjectRemoveAdd(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_ActiveObjectMessages(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_Movement(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_HP(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_Breath(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_MovePlayer(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_DeathScreen(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_AnnounceMedia(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_Media(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_NodeDef(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_ItemDef(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_PlaySound(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_StopSound(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_FadeSound(NetworkPacket *pkt); void handleCommand_Privileges(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_InventoryFormSpec(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_DetachedInventory(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_ShowFormSpec(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_SpawnParticle(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_AddParticleSpawner(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_DeleteParticleSpawner(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_HudAdd(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_HudRemove(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_HudChange(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_HudSetFlags(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_HudSetParam(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_HudSetSky(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_CloudParams(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_OverrideDayNightRatio(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_LocalPlayerAnimations(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_EyeOffset(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_UpdatePlayerList(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_SrpBytesSandB(NetworkPacket* pkt); void handleCommand_CSMFlavourLimits(NetworkPacket *pkt); void ProcessData(NetworkPacket *pkt); void Send(NetworkPacket* pkt); void interact(u8 action, const PointedThing& pointed); void sendNodemetaFields(v3s16 p, const std::string &formname, const StringMap &fields); void sendInventoryFields(const std::string &formname, const StringMap &fields); void sendInventoryAction(InventoryAction *a); void sendChatMessage(const std::wstring &message); void clearOutChatQueue(); void sendChangePassword(const std::string &oldpassword, const std::string &newpassword); void sendDamage(u8 damage); void sendBreath(u16 breath); void sendRespawn(); void sendReady(); ClientEnvironment& getEnv() { return m_env; } ITextureSource *tsrc() { return getTextureSource(); } ISoundManager *sound() { return getSoundManager(); } static const std::string &getBuiltinLuaPath(); static const std::string &getClientModsLuaPath(); virtual const std::vector<ModSpec> &getMods() const; virtual const ModSpec* getModSpec(const std::string &modname) const; // Causes urgent mesh updates (unlike Map::add/removeNodeWithEvent) void removeNode(v3s16 p); /** * Helper function for Client Side Modding * Flavour is applied there, this should not be used for core engine * @param p * @param is_valid_position * @return */ MapNode getNode(v3s16 p, bool *is_valid_position); void addNode(v3s16 p, MapNode n, bool remove_metadata = true); void setPlayerControl(PlayerControl &control); void selectPlayerItem(u16 item); u16 getPlayerItem() const { return m_playeritem; } // Returns true if the inventory of the local player has been // updated from the server. If it is true, it is set to false. bool getLocalInventoryUpdated(); // Copies the inventory of the local player to parameter void getLocalInventory(Inventory &dst); /* InventoryManager interface */ Inventory* getInventory(const InventoryLocation &loc); void inventoryAction(InventoryAction *a); const std::list<std::string> &getConnectedPlayerNames() { return m_env.getPlayerNames(); } float getAnimationTime(); int getCrackLevel(); v3s16 getCrackPos(); void setCrack(int level, v3s16 pos); u16 getHP(); bool checkPrivilege(const std::string &priv) const { return (m_privileges.count(priv) != 0); } const std::unordered_set<std::string> &getPrivilegeList() const { return m_privileges; } bool getChatMessage(std::wstring &message); void typeChatMessage(const std::wstring& message); u64 getMapSeed(){ return m_map_seed; } void addUpdateMeshTask(v3s16 blockpos, bool ack_to_server=false, bool urgent=false); // Including blocks at appropriate edges void addUpdateMeshTaskWithEdge(v3s16 blockpos, bool ack_to_server=false, bool urgent=false); void addUpdateMeshTaskForNode(v3s16 nodepos, bool ack_to_server=false, bool urgent=false); void updateCameraOffset(v3s16 camera_offset) { m_mesh_update_thread.m_camera_offset = camera_offset; } bool hasClientEvents() const { return !m_client_event_queue.empty(); } // Get event from queue. If queue is empty, it triggers an assertion failure. ClientEvent getClientEvent(); bool accessDenied() const { return m_access_denied; } bool reconnectRequested() const { return m_access_denied_reconnect; } void setFatalError(const std::string &reason) { m_access_denied = true; m_access_denied_reason = reason; } // Renaming accessDeniedReason to better name could be good as it's used to // disconnect client when CSM failed. const std::string &accessDeniedReason() const { return m_access_denied_reason; } bool itemdefReceived() { return m_itemdef_received; } bool nodedefReceived() { return m_nodedef_received; } bool mediaReceived() { return !m_media_downloader; } u8 getProtoVersion() { return m_proto_ver; } bool connectedToServer() { return m_con.Connected(); } float mediaReceiveProgress(); void afterContentReceived(); float getRTT(); float getCurRate(); Minimap* getMinimap() { return m_minimap; } void setCamera(Camera* camera) { m_camera = camera; } Camera* getCamera () { return m_camera; } bool shouldShowMinimap() const; // IGameDef interface virtual IItemDefManager* getItemDefManager(); virtual INodeDefManager* getNodeDefManager(); virtual ICraftDefManager* getCraftDefManager(); ITextureSource* getTextureSource(); virtual IShaderSource* getShaderSource(); IShaderSource *shsrc() { return getShaderSource(); } virtual u16 allocateUnknownNodeId(const std::string &name); virtual ISoundManager* getSoundManager(); virtual MtEventManager* getEventManager(); virtual ParticleManager* getParticleManager(); bool checkLocalPrivilege(const std::string &priv) { return checkPrivilege(priv); } virtual scene::IAnimatedMesh* getMesh(const std::string &filename); const std::string* getModFile(const std::string &filename); virtual std::string getModStoragePath() const; virtual bool registerModStorage(ModMetadata *meta); virtual void unregisterModStorage(const std::string &name); // The following set of functions is used by ClientMediaDownloader // Insert a media file appropriately into the appropriate manager bool loadMedia(const std::string &data, const std::string &filename); // Send a request for conventional media transfer void request_media(const std::vector<std::string> &file_requests); LocalClientState getState() { return m_state; } void makeScreenshot(); inline void pushToChatQueue(ChatMessage *cec) { m_chat_queue.push(cec); } ClientScripting *getScript() { return m_script; } const bool moddingEnabled() const { return m_modding_enabled; } inline void pushToEventQueue(const ClientEvent &event) { m_client_event_queue.push(event); } void showGameChat(const bool show = true); void showGameHud(const bool show = true); void showMinimap(const bool show = true); void showProfiler(const bool show = true); void showGameFog(const bool show = true); void showGameDebug(const bool show = true); const Address getServerAddress() { return m_con.GetPeerAddress(PEER_ID_SERVER); } const std::string &getAddressName() const { return m_address_name; } inline bool checkCSMFlavourLimit(CSMFlavourLimit flag) const { return m_csm_flavour_limits & flag; } u32 getCSMNodeRangeLimit() const { return m_csm_noderange_limit; } private: // Virtual methods from con::PeerHandler void peerAdded(con::Peer *peer); void deletingPeer(con::Peer *peer, bool timeout); void initLocalMapSaving(const Address &address, const std::string &hostname, bool is_local_server); void ReceiveAll(); void Receive(); void sendPlayerPos(); // Send the item number 'item' as player item to the server void sendPlayerItem(u16 item); void deleteAuthData(); // helper method shared with clientpackethandler static AuthMechanism choseAuthMech(const u32 mechs); void sendLegacyInit(const char* playerName, const char* playerPassword); void sendInit(const std::string &playerName); void startAuth(AuthMechanism chosen_auth_mechanism); void sendDeletedBlocks(std::vector<v3s16> &blocks); void sendGotBlocks(v3s16 block); void sendRemovedSounds(std::vector<s32> &soundList); // Helper function inline std::string getPlayerName() { return m_env.getLocalPlayer()->getName(); } bool canSendChatMessage() const; float m_packetcounter_timer = 0.0f; float m_connection_reinit_timer = 0.1f; float m_avg_rtt_timer = 0.0f; float m_playerpos_send_timer = 0.0f; float m_ignore_damage_timer = 0.0f; // Used after server moves player IntervalLimiter m_map_timer_and_unload_interval; IWritableTextureSource *m_tsrc; IWritableShaderSource *m_shsrc; IWritableItemDefManager *m_itemdef; IWritableNodeDefManager *m_nodedef; ISoundManager *m_sound; MtEventManager *m_event; MeshUpdateThread m_mesh_update_thread; ClientEnvironment m_env; ParticleManager m_particle_manager; con::Connection m_con; std::string m_address_name; Camera *m_camera = nullptr; Minimap *m_minimap = nullptr; bool m_minimap_disabled_by_server = false; // Server serialization version u8 m_server_ser_ver; // Used version of the protocol with server // Values smaller than 25 only mean they are smaller than 25, // and aren't accurate. We simply just don't know, because // the server didn't send the version back then. // If 0, server init hasn't been received yet. u8 m_proto_ver = 0; u16 m_playeritem = 0; bool m_inventory_updated = false; Inventory *m_inventory_from_server = nullptr; float m_inventory_from_server_age = 0.0f; PacketCounter m_packetcounter; // Block mesh animation parameters float m_animation_time = 0.0f; int m_crack_level = -1; v3s16 m_crack_pos; // 0 <= m_daynight_i < DAYNIGHT_CACHE_COUNT //s32 m_daynight_i; //u32 m_daynight_ratio; std::queue<std::wstring> m_out_chat_queue; u32 m_last_chat_message_sent; float m_chat_message_allowance = 5.0f; std::queue<ChatMessage *> m_chat_queue; // The authentication methods we can use to enter sudo mode (=change password) u32 m_sudo_auth_methods; // The seed returned by the server in TOCLIENT_INIT is stored here u64 m_map_seed = 0; // Auth data std::string m_playername; std::string m_password; // If set, this will be sent (and cleared) upon a TOCLIENT_ACCEPT_SUDO_MODE std::string m_new_password; // Usable by auth mechanisms. AuthMechanism m_chosen_auth_mech; void *m_auth_data = nullptr; bool m_access_denied = false; bool m_access_denied_reconnect = false; std::string m_access_denied_reason = ""; std::queue<ClientEvent> m_client_event_queue; bool m_itemdef_received = false; bool m_nodedef_received = false; ClientMediaDownloader *m_media_downloader; // time_of_day speed approximation for old protocol bool m_time_of_day_set = false; float m_last_time_of_day_f = -1.0f; float m_time_of_day_update_timer = 0.0f; // An interval for generally sending object positions and stuff float m_recommended_send_interval = 0.1f; // Sounds float m_removed_sounds_check_timer = 0.0f; // Mapping from server sound ids to our sound ids std::unordered_map<s32, int> m_sounds_server_to_client; // And the other way! std::unordered_map<int, s32> m_sounds_client_to_server; // And relations to objects std::unordered_map<int, u16> m_sounds_to_objects; // Privileges std::unordered_set<std::string> m_privileges; // Detached inventories // key = name std::unordered_map<std::string, Inventory*> m_detached_inventories; // Storage for mesh data for creating multiple instances of the same mesh StringMap m_mesh_data; StringMap m_mod_files; // own state LocalClientState m_state; // Used for saving server map to disk client-side MapDatabase *m_localdb = nullptr; IntervalLimiter m_localdb_save_interval; u16 m_cache_save_interval; ClientScripting *m_script = nullptr; bool m_modding_enabled; std::unordered_map<std::string, ModMetadata *> m_mod_storages; float m_mod_storage_save_timer = 10.0f; std::vector<ModSpec> m_mods; GameUIFlags *m_game_ui_flags; bool m_shutdown = false; // CSM flavour limits byteflag u64 m_csm_flavour_limits = CSMFlavourLimit::CSM_FL_NONE; u32 m_csm_noderange_limit = 8; }; #endif // !CLIENT_HEADER