/* Minetest-c55 Copyright (C) 2010 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "connection.h" #include "main.h" #include "serialization.h" namespace con { BufferedPacket makePacket(Address &address, u8 *data, u32 datasize, u32 protocol_id, u16 sender_peer_id, u8 channel) { u32 packet_size = datasize + BASE_HEADER_SIZE; BufferedPacket p(packet_size); p.address = address; writeU32(&p.data[0], protocol_id); writeU16(&p.data[4], sender_peer_id); writeU8(&p.data[6], channel); memcpy(&p.data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE], data, datasize); return p; } BufferedPacket makePacket(Address &address, SharedBuffer<u8> &data, u32 protocol_id, u16 sender_peer_id, u8 channel) { return makePacket(address, *data, data.getSize(), protocol_id, sender_peer_id, channel); } SharedBuffer<u8> makeOriginalPacket( SharedBuffer<u8> data) { u32 header_size = 1; u32 packet_size = data.getSize() + header_size; SharedBuffer<u8> b(packet_size); writeU8(&b[0], TYPE_ORIGINAL); memcpy(&b[header_size], *data, data.getSize()); return b; } core::list<SharedBuffer<u8> > makeSplitPacket( SharedBuffer<u8> data, u32 chunksize_max, u16 seqnum) { // Chunk packets, containing the TYPE_SPLIT header core::list<SharedBuffer<u8> > chunks; u32 chunk_header_size = 7; u32 maximum_data_size = chunksize_max - chunk_header_size; u32 start = 0; u32 end = 0; u32 chunk_num = 0; do{ end = start + maximum_data_size - 1; if(end > data.getSize() - 1) end = data.getSize() - 1; u32 payload_size = end - start + 1; u32 packet_size = chunk_header_size + payload_size; SharedBuffer<u8> chunk(packet_size); writeU8(&chunk[0], TYPE_SPLIT); writeU16(&chunk[1], seqnum); // [3] u16 chunk_count is written at next stage writeU16(&chunk[5], chunk_num); memcpy(&chunk[chunk_header_size], &data[start], payload_size); chunks.push_back(chunk); start = end + 1; chunk_num++; } while(end != data.getSize() - 1); u16 chunk_count = chunks.getSize(); core::list<SharedBuffer<u8> >::Iterator i = chunks.begin(); for(; i != chunks.end(); i++) { // Write chunk_count writeU16(&((*i)[3]), chunk_count); } return chunks; } core::list<SharedBuffer<u8> > makeAutoSplitPacket( SharedBuffer<u8> data, u32 chunksize_max, u16 &split_seqnum) { u32 original_header_size = 1; core::list<SharedBuffer<u8> > list; if(data.getSize() + original_header_size > chunksize_max) { list = makeSplitPacket(data, chunksize_max, split_seqnum); split_seqnum++; return list; } else { list.push_back(makeOriginalPacket(data)); } return list; } SharedBuffer<u8> makeReliablePacket( SharedBuffer<u8> data, u16 seqnum) { /*dstream<<"BEGIN SharedBuffer<u8> makeReliablePacket()"<<std::endl; dstream<<"data.getSize()="<<data.getSize()<<", data[0]=" <<((unsigned int)data[0]&0xff)<<std::endl;*/ u32 header_size = 3; u32 packet_size = data.getSize() + header_size; SharedBuffer<u8> b(packet_size); writeU8(&b[0], TYPE_RELIABLE); writeU16(&b[1], seqnum); memcpy(&b[header_size], *data, data.getSize()); /*dstream<<"data.getSize()="<<data.getSize()<<", data[0]=" <<((unsigned int)data[0]&0xff)<<std::endl;*/ //dstream<<"END SharedBuffer<u8> makeReliablePacket()"<<std::endl; return b; } /* ReliablePacketBuffer */ void ReliablePacketBuffer::print() { core::list<BufferedPacket>::Iterator i; i = m_list.begin(); for(; i != m_list.end(); i++) { u16 s = readU16(&(i->data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+1])); dout_con<<s<<" "; } } bool ReliablePacketBuffer::empty() { return m_list.empty(); } u32 ReliablePacketBuffer::size() { return m_list.getSize(); } RPBSearchResult ReliablePacketBuffer::findPacket(u16 seqnum) { core::list<BufferedPacket>::Iterator i; i = m_list.begin(); for(; i != m_list.end(); i++) { u16 s = readU16(&(i->data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+1])); /*dout_con<<"findPacket(): finding seqnum="<<seqnum <<", comparing to s="<<s<<std::endl;*/ if(s == seqnum) break; } return i; } RPBSearchResult ReliablePacketBuffer::notFound() { return m_list.end(); } u16 ReliablePacketBuffer::getFirstSeqnum() { if(empty()) throw NotFoundException("Buffer is empty"); BufferedPacket p = *m_list.begin(); return readU16(&p.data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+1]); } BufferedPacket ReliablePacketBuffer::popFirst() { if(empty()) throw NotFoundException("Buffer is empty"); BufferedPacket p = *m_list.begin(); core::list<BufferedPacket>::Iterator i = m_list.begin(); m_list.erase(i); return p; } BufferedPacket ReliablePacketBuffer::popSeqnum(u16 seqnum) { RPBSearchResult r = findPacket(seqnum); if(r == notFound()){ dout_con<<"Not found"<<std::endl; throw NotFoundException("seqnum not found in buffer"); } BufferedPacket p = *r; m_list.erase(r); return p; } void ReliablePacketBuffer::insert(BufferedPacket &p) { assert(p.data.getSize() >= BASE_HEADER_SIZE+3); u8 type = readU8(&p.data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+0]); assert(type == TYPE_RELIABLE); u16 seqnum = readU16(&p.data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+1]); // Find the right place for the packet and insert it there // If list is empty, just add it if(m_list.empty()) { m_list.push_back(p); // Done. return; } // Otherwise find the right place core::list<BufferedPacket>::Iterator i; i = m_list.begin(); // Find the first packet in the list which has a higher seqnum for(; i != m_list.end(); i++){ u16 s = readU16(&(i->data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+1])); if(s == seqnum){ throw AlreadyExistsException("Same seqnum in list"); } if(seqnum_higher(s, seqnum)){ break; } } // If we're at the end of the list, add the packet to the // end of the list if(i == m_list.end()) { m_list.push_back(p); // Done. return; } // Insert before i m_list.insert_before(i, p); } void ReliablePacketBuffer::incrementTimeouts(float dtime) { core::list<BufferedPacket>::Iterator i; i = m_list.begin(); for(; i != m_list.end(); i++){ i->time += dtime; i->totaltime += dtime; } } void ReliablePacketBuffer::resetTimedOuts(float timeout) { core::list<BufferedPacket>::Iterator i; i = m_list.begin(); for(; i != m_list.end(); i++){ if(i->time >= timeout) i->time = 0.0; } } bool ReliablePacketBuffer::anyTotaltimeReached(float timeout) { core::list<BufferedPacket>::Iterator i; i = m_list.begin(); for(; i != m_list.end(); i++){ if(i->totaltime >= timeout) return true; } return false; } core::list<BufferedPacket> ReliablePacketBuffer::getTimedOuts(float timeout) { core::list<BufferedPacket> timed_outs; core::list<BufferedPacket>::Iterator i; i = m_list.begin(); for(; i != m_list.end(); i++) { if(i->time >= timeout) timed_outs.push_back(*i); } return timed_outs; } /* IncomingSplitBuffer */ IncomingSplitBuffer::~IncomingSplitBuffer() { core::map<u16, IncomingSplitPacket*>::Iterator i; i = m_buf.getIterator(); for(; i.atEnd() == false; i++) { delete i.getNode()->getValue(); } } /* This will throw a GotSplitPacketException when a full split packet is constructed. */ SharedBuffer<u8> IncomingSplitBuffer::insert(BufferedPacket &p, bool reliable) { u32 headersize = BASE_HEADER_SIZE + 7; assert(p.data.getSize() >= headersize); u8 type = readU8(&p.data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+0]); assert(type == TYPE_SPLIT); u16 seqnum = readU16(&p.data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+1]); u16 chunk_count = readU16(&p.data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+3]); u16 chunk_num = readU16(&p.data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+5]); // Add if doesn't exist if(m_buf.find(seqnum) == NULL) { IncomingSplitPacket *sp = new IncomingSplitPacket(); sp->chunk_count = chunk_count; sp->reliable = reliable; m_buf[seqnum] = sp; } IncomingSplitPacket *sp = m_buf[seqnum]; // TODO: These errors should be thrown or something? Dunno. if(chunk_count != sp->chunk_count) derr_con<<"Connection: WARNING: chunk_count="<<chunk_count <<" != sp->chunk_count="<<sp->chunk_count <<std::endl; if(reliable != sp->reliable) derr_con<<"Connection: WARNING: reliable="<<reliable <<" != sp->reliable="<<sp->reliable <<std::endl; // If chunk already exists, cancel if(sp->chunks.find(chunk_num) != NULL) throw AlreadyExistsException("Chunk already in buffer"); // Cut chunk data out of packet u32 chunkdatasize = p.data.getSize() - headersize; SharedBuffer<u8> chunkdata(chunkdatasize); memcpy(*chunkdata, &(p.data[headersize]), chunkdatasize); // Set chunk data in buffer sp->chunks[chunk_num] = chunkdata; // If not all chunks are received, return empty buffer if(sp->allReceived() == false) return SharedBuffer<u8>(); // Calculate total size u32 totalsize = 0; core::map<u16, SharedBuffer<u8> >::Iterator i; i = sp->chunks.getIterator(); for(; i.atEnd() == false; i++) { totalsize += i.getNode()->getValue().getSize(); } SharedBuffer<u8> fulldata(totalsize); // Copy chunks to data buffer u32 start = 0; for(u32 chunk_i=0; chunk_i<sp->chunk_count; chunk_i++) { SharedBuffer<u8> buf = sp->chunks[chunk_i]; u16 chunkdatasize = buf.getSize(); memcpy(&fulldata[start], *buf, chunkdatasize); start += chunkdatasize;; } // Remove sp from buffer m_buf.remove(seqnum); delete sp; return fulldata; } void IncomingSplitBuffer::removeUnreliableTimedOuts(float dtime, float timeout) { core::list<u16> remove_queue; core::map<u16, IncomingSplitPacket*>::Iterator i; i = m_buf.getIterator(); for(; i.atEnd() == false; i++) { IncomingSplitPacket *p = i.getNode()->getValue(); // Reliable ones are not removed by timeout if(p->reliable == true) continue; p->time += dtime; if(p->time >= timeout) remove_queue.push_back(i.getNode()->getKey()); } core::list<u16>::Iterator j; j = remove_queue.begin(); for(; j != remove_queue.end(); j++) { dout_con<<"NOTE: Removing timed out unreliable split packet" <<std::endl; delete m_buf[*j]; m_buf.remove(*j); } } /* Channel */ Channel::Channel() { next_outgoing_seqnum = SEQNUM_INITIAL; next_incoming_seqnum = SEQNUM_INITIAL; next_outgoing_split_seqnum = SEQNUM_INITIAL; } Channel::~Channel() { } /* Peer */ Peer::Peer(u16 a_id, Address a_address) { id = a_id; address = a_address; timeout_counter = 0.0; //resend_timeout = RESEND_TIMEOUT_MINIMUM; ping_timer = 0.0; resend_timeout = 0.5; avg_rtt = -1.0; has_sent_with_id = false; } Peer::~Peer() { } void Peer::reportRTT(float rtt) { if(rtt < -0.999) {} else if(avg_rtt < 0.0) avg_rtt = rtt; else avg_rtt = rtt * 0.1 + avg_rtt * 0.9; // Calculate resend_timeout /*int reliable_count = 0; for(int i=0; i<CHANNEL_COUNT; i++) { reliable_count += channels[i].outgoing_reliables.size(); } float timeout = avg_rtt * RESEND_TIMEOUT_FACTOR * ((float)reliable_count * 1);*/ float timeout = avg_rtt * RESEND_TIMEOUT_FACTOR; if(timeout < RESEND_TIMEOUT_MIN) timeout = RESEND_TIMEOUT_MIN; if(timeout > RESEND_TIMEOUT_MAX) timeout = RESEND_TIMEOUT_MAX; resend_timeout = timeout; } /* Connection */ Connection::Connection( u32 protocol_id, u32 max_packet_size, float timeout, PeerHandler *peerhandler ) { assert(peerhandler != NULL); m_protocol_id = protocol_id; m_max_packet_size = max_packet_size; m_timeout = timeout; m_peer_id = PEER_ID_INEXISTENT; //m_waiting_new_peer_id = false; m_indentation = 0; m_peerhandler = peerhandler; } Connection::~Connection() { // Clear peers core::map<u16, Peer*>::Iterator j; j = m_peers.getIterator(); for(; j.atEnd() == false; j++) { Peer *peer = j.getNode()->getValue(); delete peer; } } void Connection::Serve(unsigned short port) { m_socket.Bind(port); m_peer_id = PEER_ID_SERVER; } void Connection::Connect(Address address) { core::map<u16, Peer*>::Node *node = m_peers.find(PEER_ID_SERVER); if(node != NULL){ throw ConnectionException("Already connected to a server"); } Peer *peer = new Peer(PEER_ID_SERVER, address); m_peers.insert(peer->id, peer); m_peerhandler->peerAdded(peer); m_socket.Bind(0); // Send a dummy packet to server with peer_id = PEER_ID_INEXISTENT m_peer_id = PEER_ID_INEXISTENT; SharedBuffer<u8> data(0); Send(PEER_ID_SERVER, 0, data, true); //m_waiting_new_peer_id = true; } void Connection::Disconnect() { // Create and send DISCO packet SharedBuffer<u8> data(2); writeU8(&data[0], TYPE_CONTROL); writeU8(&data[1], CONTROLTYPE_DISCO); // Send to all core::map<u16, Peer*>::Iterator j; j = m_peers.getIterator(); for(; j.atEnd() == false; j++) { Peer *peer = j.getNode()->getValue(); SendAsPacket(peer->id, 0, data, false); } } bool Connection::Connected() { if(m_peers.size() != 1) return false; core::map<u16, Peer*>::Node *node = m_peers.find(PEER_ID_SERVER); if(node == NULL) return false; if(m_peer_id == PEER_ID_INEXISTENT) return false; return true; } SharedBuffer<u8> Channel::ProcessPacket( SharedBuffer<u8> packetdata, Connection *con, u16 peer_id, u8 channelnum, bool reliable) { IndentationRaiser iraiser(&(con->m_indentation)); if(packetdata.getSize() < 1) throw InvalidIncomingDataException("packetdata.getSize() < 1"); u8 type = readU8(&packetdata[0]); if(type == TYPE_CONTROL) { if(packetdata.getSize() < 2) throw InvalidIncomingDataException("packetdata.getSize() < 2"); u8 controltype = readU8(&packetdata[1]); if(controltype == CONTROLTYPE_ACK) { if(packetdata.getSize() < 4) throw InvalidIncomingDataException ("packetdata.getSize() < 4 (ACK header size)"); u16 seqnum = readU16(&packetdata[2]); con->PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"Got CONTROLTYPE_ACK: channelnum=" <<((int)channelnum&0xff)<<", peer_id="<<peer_id <<", seqnum="<<seqnum<<std::endl; try{ BufferedPacket p = outgoing_reliables.popSeqnum(seqnum); // Get round trip time float rtt = p.totaltime; // Let peer calculate stuff according to it // (avg_rtt and resend_timeout) Peer *peer = con->GetPeer(peer_id); peer->reportRTT(rtt); //con->PrintInfo(dout_con); //dout_con<<"RTT = "<<rtt<<std::endl; /*dout_con<<"OUTGOING: "; con->PrintInfo(); outgoing_reliables.print(); dout_con<<std::endl;*/ } catch(NotFoundException &e){ con->PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"WARNING: ACKed packet not " "in outgoing queue" <<std::endl; } throw ProcessedSilentlyException("Got an ACK"); } else if(controltype == CONTROLTYPE_SET_PEER_ID) { if(packetdata.getSize() < 4) throw InvalidIncomingDataException ("packetdata.getSize() < 4 (SET_PEER_ID header size)"); u16 peer_id_new = readU16(&packetdata[2]); con->PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"Got new peer id: "<<peer_id_new<<"... "<<std::endl; if(con->GetPeerID() != PEER_ID_INEXISTENT) { con->PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"WARNING: Not changing" " existing peer id."<<std::endl; } else { dout_con<<"changing."<<std::endl; con->SetPeerID(peer_id_new); } throw ProcessedSilentlyException("Got a SET_PEER_ID"); } else if(controltype == CONTROLTYPE_PING) { // Just ignore it, the incoming data already reset // the timeout counter con->PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"PING"<<std::endl; throw ProcessedSilentlyException("Got a PING"); } else if(controltype == CONTROLTYPE_DISCO) { // Just ignore it, the incoming data already reset // the timeout counter con->PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"DISCO: Removing peer "<<(peer_id)<<std::endl; if(con->deletePeer(peer_id, false) == false) { con->PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"DISCO: Peer not found"<<std::endl; } throw ProcessedSilentlyException("Got a DISCO"); } else{ con->PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"INVALID TYPE_CONTROL: invalid controltype=" <<((int)controltype&0xff)<<std::endl; throw InvalidIncomingDataException("Invalid control type"); } } else if(type == TYPE_ORIGINAL) { if(packetdata.getSize() < ORIGINAL_HEADER_SIZE) throw InvalidIncomingDataException ("packetdata.getSize() < ORIGINAL_HEADER_SIZE"); con->PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"RETURNING TYPE_ORIGINAL to user" <<std::endl; // Get the inside packet out and return it SharedBuffer<u8> payload(packetdata.getSize() - ORIGINAL_HEADER_SIZE); memcpy(*payload, &packetdata[ORIGINAL_HEADER_SIZE], payload.getSize()); return payload; } else if(type == TYPE_SPLIT) { // We have to create a packet again for buffering // This isn't actually too bad an idea. BufferedPacket packet = makePacket( con->GetPeer(peer_id)->address, packetdata, con->GetProtocolID(), peer_id, channelnum); // Buffer the packet SharedBuffer<u8> data = incoming_splits.insert(packet, reliable); if(data.getSize() != 0) { con->PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"RETURNING TYPE_SPLIT: Constructed full data, " <<"size="<<data.getSize()<<std::endl; return data; } con->PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"BUFFERED TYPE_SPLIT"<<std::endl; throw ProcessedSilentlyException("Buffered a split packet chunk"); } else if(type == TYPE_RELIABLE) { // Recursive reliable packets not allowed assert(reliable == false); if(packetdata.getSize() < RELIABLE_HEADER_SIZE) throw InvalidIncomingDataException ("packetdata.getSize() < RELIABLE_HEADER_SIZE"); u16 seqnum = readU16(&packetdata[1]); bool is_future_packet = seqnum_higher(seqnum, next_incoming_seqnum); bool is_old_packet = seqnum_higher(next_incoming_seqnum, seqnum); con->PrintInfo(); if(is_future_packet) dout_con<<"BUFFERING"; else if(is_old_packet) dout_con<<"OLD"; else dout_con<<"RECUR"; dout_con<<" TYPE_RELIABLE seqnum="<<seqnum <<" next="<<next_incoming_seqnum; dout_con<<" [sending CONTROLTYPE_ACK" " to peer_id="<<peer_id<<"]"; dout_con<<std::endl; //DEBUG //assert(incoming_reliables.size() < 100); // Send a CONTROLTYPE_ACK SharedBuffer<u8> reply(4); writeU8(&reply[0], TYPE_CONTROL); writeU8(&reply[1], CONTROLTYPE_ACK); writeU16(&reply[2], seqnum); con->SendAsPacket(peer_id, channelnum, reply, false); //if(seqnum_higher(seqnum, next_incoming_seqnum)) if(is_future_packet) { /*con->PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"Buffering reliable packet (seqnum=" <<seqnum<<")"<<std::endl;*/ // This one comes later, buffer it. // Actually we have to make a packet to buffer one. // Well, we have all the ingredients, so just do it. BufferedPacket packet = makePacket( con->GetPeer(peer_id)->address, packetdata, con->GetProtocolID(), peer_id, channelnum); try{ incoming_reliables.insert(packet); /*con->PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"INCOMING: "; incoming_reliables.print(); dout_con<<std::endl;*/ } catch(AlreadyExistsException &e) { } throw ProcessedSilentlyException("Buffered future reliable packet"); } //else if(seqnum_higher(next_incoming_seqnum, seqnum)) else if(is_old_packet) { // An old packet, dump it throw InvalidIncomingDataException("Got an old reliable packet"); } next_incoming_seqnum++; // Get out the inside packet and re-process it SharedBuffer<u8> payload(packetdata.getSize() - RELIABLE_HEADER_SIZE); memcpy(*payload, &packetdata[RELIABLE_HEADER_SIZE], payload.getSize()); return ProcessPacket(payload, con, peer_id, channelnum, true); } else { con->PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"Got invalid type="<<((int)type&0xff)<<std::endl; throw InvalidIncomingDataException("Invalid packet type"); } // We should never get here. // If you get here, add an exception or a return to some of the // above conditionals. assert(0); throw BaseException("Error in Channel::ProcessPacket()"); } SharedBuffer<u8> Channel::CheckIncomingBuffers(Connection *con, u16 &peer_id) { u16 firstseqnum = 0; // Clear old packets from start of buffer try{ for(;;){ firstseqnum = incoming_reliables.getFirstSeqnum(); if(seqnum_higher(next_incoming_seqnum, firstseqnum)) incoming_reliables.popFirst(); else break; } // This happens if all packets are old }catch(con::NotFoundException) {} if(incoming_reliables.empty() == false) { if(firstseqnum == next_incoming_seqnum) { BufferedPacket p = incoming_reliables.popFirst(); peer_id = readPeerId(*p.data); u8 channelnum = readChannel(*p.data); u16 seqnum = readU16(&p.data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+1]); con->PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"UNBUFFERING TYPE_RELIABLE" <<" seqnum="<<seqnum <<" peer_id="<<peer_id <<" channel="<<((int)channelnum&0xff) <<std::endl; next_incoming_seqnum++; u32 headers_size = BASE_HEADER_SIZE + RELIABLE_HEADER_SIZE; // Get out the inside packet and re-process it SharedBuffer<u8> payload(p.data.getSize() - headers_size); memcpy(*payload, &p.data[headers_size], payload.getSize()); return ProcessPacket(payload, con, peer_id, channelnum, true); } } throw NoIncomingDataException("No relevant data in buffers"); } SharedBuffer<u8> Connection::GetFromBuffers(u16 &peer_id) { core::map<u16, Peer*>::Iterator j; j = m_peers.getIterator(); for(; j.atEnd() == false; j++) { Peer *peer = j.getNode()->getValue(); for(u16 i=0; i<CHANNEL_COUNT; i++) { Channel *channel = &peer->channels[i]; try{ SharedBuffer<u8> resultdata = channel->CheckIncomingBuffers (this, peer_id); return resultdata; } catch(NoIncomingDataException &e) { } catch(InvalidIncomingDataException &e) { } catch(ProcessedSilentlyException &e) { } } } throw NoIncomingDataException("No relevant data in buffers"); } u32 Connection::Receive(u16 &peer_id, u8 *data, u32 datasize) { /* Receive a packet from the network */ // TODO: We can not know how many layers of header there are. // For now, just assume there are no other than the base headers. u32 packet_maxsize = datasize + BASE_HEADER_SIZE; Buffer<u8> packetdata(packet_maxsize); for(;;) { try { /* Check if some buffer has relevant data */ try{ SharedBuffer<u8> resultdata = GetFromBuffers(peer_id); if(datasize < resultdata.getSize()) throw InvalidIncomingDataException ("Buffer too small for received data"); memcpy(data, *resultdata, resultdata.getSize()); return resultdata.getSize(); } catch(NoIncomingDataException &e) { } Address sender; s32 received_size = m_socket.Receive(sender, *packetdata, packet_maxsize); if(received_size < 0) throw NoIncomingDataException("No incoming data"); if(received_size < BASE_HEADER_SIZE) throw InvalidIncomingDataException("No full header received"); if(readU32(&packetdata[0]) != m_protocol_id) throw InvalidIncomingDataException("Invalid protocol id"); peer_id = readPeerId(*packetdata); u8 channelnum = readChannel(*packetdata); if(channelnum > CHANNEL_COUNT-1){ PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"Receive(): Invalid channel "<<channelnum<<std::endl; throw InvalidIncomingDataException("Channel doesn't exist"); } if(peer_id == PEER_ID_INEXISTENT) { /* Somebody is trying to send stuff to us with no peer id. Check if the same address and port was added to our peer list before. Allow only entries that have has_sent_with_id==false. */ core::map<u16, Peer*>::Iterator j; j = m_peers.getIterator(); for(; j.atEnd() == false; j++) { Peer *peer = j.getNode()->getValue(); if(peer->has_sent_with_id) continue; if(peer->address == sender) break; } /* If no peer was found with the same address and port, we shall assume it is a new peer and create an entry. */ if(j.atEnd()) { // Pass on to adding the peer } // Else: A peer was found. else { Peer *peer = j.getNode()->getValue(); peer_id = peer->id; PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"WARNING: Assuming unknown peer to be " <<"peer_id="<<peer_id<<std::endl; } } /* The peer was not found in our lists. Add it. */ if(peer_id == PEER_ID_INEXISTENT) { // Somebody wants to make a new connection // Get a unique peer id (2 or higher) u16 peer_id_new = 2; /* Find an unused peer id */ for(;;) { // Check if exists if(m_peers.find(peer_id_new) == NULL) break; // Check for overflow if(peer_id_new == 65535) throw ConnectionException ("Connection ran out of peer ids"); peer_id_new++; } PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"Receive(): Got a packet with peer_id=PEER_ID_INEXISTENT," " giving peer_id="<<peer_id_new<<std::endl; // Create a peer Peer *peer = new Peer(peer_id_new, sender); m_peers.insert(peer->id, peer); m_peerhandler->peerAdded(peer); // Create CONTROL packet to tell the peer id to the new peer. SharedBuffer<u8> reply(4); writeU8(&reply[0], TYPE_CONTROL); writeU8(&reply[1], CONTROLTYPE_SET_PEER_ID); writeU16(&reply[2], peer_id_new); SendAsPacket(peer_id_new, 0, reply, true); // We're now talking to a valid peer_id peer_id = peer_id_new; // Go on and process whatever it sent } core::map<u16, Peer*>::Node *node = m_peers.find(peer_id); if(node == NULL) { // Peer not found // This means that the peer id of the sender is not PEER_ID_INEXISTENT // and it is invalid. PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"Receive(): Peer not found"<<std::endl; throw InvalidIncomingDataException("Peer not found (possible timeout)"); } Peer *peer = node->getValue(); // Validate peer address if(peer->address != sender) { PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"Peer "<<peer_id<<" sending from different address." " Ignoring."<<std::endl; throw InvalidIncomingDataException ("Peer sending from different address"); /*// If there is more data, receive again if(m_socket.WaitData(0) == true) continue; throw NoIncomingDataException("No incoming data (2)");*/ } peer->timeout_counter = 0.0; Channel *channel = &(peer->channels[channelnum]); // Throw the received packet to channel->processPacket() // Make a new SharedBuffer from the data without the base headers SharedBuffer<u8> strippeddata(received_size - BASE_HEADER_SIZE); memcpy(*strippeddata, &packetdata[BASE_HEADER_SIZE], strippeddata.getSize()); try{ // Process it (the result is some data with no headers made by us) SharedBuffer<u8> resultdata = channel->ProcessPacket (strippeddata, this, peer_id, channelnum); PrintInfo(); dout_con<<"ProcessPacket returned data of size " <<resultdata.getSize()<<std::endl; if(datasize < resultdata.getSize()) throw InvalidIncomingDataException ("Buffer too small for received data"); memcpy(data, *resultdata, resultdata.getSize()); return resultdata.getSize(); } catch(ProcessedSilentlyException &e) { // If there is more data, receive again if(m_socket.WaitData(0) == true) continue; } throw NoIncomingDataException("No incoming data (2)"); } // try catch(InvalidIncomingDataException &e) { // If there is more data, receive again if(m_socket.WaitData(0) == true) continue; } } // for } void Connection::SendToAll(u8 channelnum, SharedBuffer<u8> data, bool reliable) { core::map<u16, Peer*>::Iterator j; j = m_peers.getIterator(); for(; j.atEnd() == false; j++) { Peer *peer = j.getNode()->getValue(); Send(peer->id, channelnum, data, reliable); } } void Connection::Send(u16 peer_id, u8 channelnum, SharedBuffer<u8> data, bool reliable) { assert(channelnum < CHANNEL_COUNT); Peer *peer = GetPeer(peer_id); Channel *channel = &(peer->channels[channelnum]); u32 chunksize_max = m_max_packet_size - BASE_HEADER_SIZE; if(reliable) chunksize_max -= RELIABLE_HEADER_SIZE; core::list<SharedBuffer<u8> > originals; originals = makeAutoSplitPacket(data, chunksize_max, channel->next_outgoing_split_seqnum); core::list<SharedBuffer<u8> >::Iterator i; i = originals.begin(); for(; i != originals.end(); i++) { SharedBuffer<u8> original = *i; SendAsPacket(peer_id, channelnum, original, reliable); } } void Connection::SendAsPacket(u16 peer_id, u8 channelnum, SharedBuffer<u8> data, bool reliable) { Peer *peer = GetPeer(peer_id); Channel *channel = &(peer->channels[channelnum]); if(reliable) { u16 seqnum = channel->next_outgoing_seqnum; channel->next_outgoing_seqnum++; SharedBuffer<u8> reliable = makeReliablePacket(data, seqnum); // Add base headers and make a packet BufferedPacket p = makePacket(peer->address, reliable, m_protocol_id, m_peer_id, channelnum); try{ // Buffer the packet channel->outgoing_reliables.insert(p); } catch(AlreadyExistsException &e) { PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"WARNING: Going to send a reliable packet " "seqnum="<<seqnum<<" that is already " "in outgoing buffer"<<std::endl; //assert(0); } // Send the packet RawSend(p); } else { // Add base headers and make a packet BufferedPacket p = makePacket(peer->address, data, m_protocol_id, m_peer_id, channelnum); // Send the packet RawSend(p); } } void Connection::RawSend(const BufferedPacket &packet) { m_socket.Send(packet.address, *packet.data, packet.data.getSize()); } void Connection::RunTimeouts(float dtime) { core::list<u16> timeouted_peers; core::map<u16, Peer*>::Iterator j; j = m_peers.getIterator(); for(; j.atEnd() == false; j++) { Peer *peer = j.getNode()->getValue(); /* Check peer timeout */ peer->timeout_counter += dtime; if(peer->timeout_counter > m_timeout) { PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"RunTimeouts(): Peer "<<peer->id <<" has timed out." <<" (source=peer->timeout_counter)" <<std::endl; // Add peer to the list timeouted_peers.push_back(peer->id); // Don't bother going through the buffers of this one continue; } float resend_timeout = peer->resend_timeout; for(u16 i=0; i<CHANNEL_COUNT; i++) { core::list<BufferedPacket> timed_outs; core::list<BufferedPacket>::Iterator j; Channel *channel = &peer->channels[i]; // Remove timed out incomplete unreliable split packets channel->incoming_splits.removeUnreliableTimedOuts(dtime, m_timeout); // Increment reliable packet times channel->outgoing_reliables.incrementTimeouts(dtime); // Check reliable packet total times, remove peer if // over timeout. if(channel->outgoing_reliables.anyTotaltimeReached(m_timeout)) { PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"RunTimeouts(): Peer "<<peer->id <<" has timed out." <<" (source=reliable packet totaltime)" <<std::endl; // Add peer to the to-be-removed list timeouted_peers.push_back(peer->id); goto nextpeer; } // Re-send timed out outgoing reliables timed_outs = channel-> outgoing_reliables.getTimedOuts(resend_timeout); channel->outgoing_reliables.resetTimedOuts(resend_timeout); j = timed_outs.begin(); for(; j != timed_outs.end(); j++) { u16 peer_id = readPeerId(*(j->data)); u8 channel = readChannel(*(j->data)); u16 seqnum = readU16(&(j->data[BASE_HEADER_SIZE+1])); PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to "; j->address.print(&derr_con); derr_con<<"(t/o="<<resend_timeout<<"): " <<"from_peer_id="<<peer_id <<", channel="<<((int)channel&0xff) <<", seqnum="<<seqnum <<std::endl; RawSend(*j); // Enlarge avg_rtt and resend_timeout: // The rtt will be at least the timeout. // NOTE: This won't affect the timeout of the next // checked channel because it was cached. peer->reportRTT(resend_timeout); } } /* Send pings */ peer->ping_timer += dtime; if(peer->ping_timer >= 5.0) { // Create and send PING packet SharedBuffer<u8> data(2); writeU8(&data[0], TYPE_CONTROL); writeU8(&data[1], CONTROLTYPE_PING); SendAsPacket(peer->id, 0, data, true); peer->ping_timer = 0.0; } nextpeer: continue; } // Remove timed out peers core::list<u16>::Iterator i = timeouted_peers.begin(); for(; i != timeouted_peers.end(); i++) { PrintInfo(derr_con); derr_con<<"RunTimeouts(): Removing peer "<<(*i)<<std::endl; deletePeer(*i, true); } } Peer* Connection::GetPeer(u16 peer_id) { core::map<u16, Peer*>::Node *node = m_peers.find(peer_id); if(node == NULL){ // Peer not found throw PeerNotFoundException("GetPeer: Peer not found (possible timeout)"); } // Error checking assert(node->getValue()->id == peer_id); return node->getValue(); } Peer* Connection::GetPeerNoEx(u16 peer_id) { core::map<u16, Peer*>::Node *node = m_peers.find(peer_id); if(node == NULL){ return NULL; } // Error checking assert(node->getValue()->id == peer_id); return node->getValue(); } core::list<Peer*> Connection::GetPeers() { core::list<Peer*> list; core::map<u16, Peer*>::Iterator j; j = m_peers.getIterator(); for(; j.atEnd() == false; j++) { Peer *peer = j.getNode()->getValue(); list.push_back(peer); } return list; } bool Connection::deletePeer(u16 peer_id, bool timeout) { if(m_peers.find(peer_id) == NULL) return false; m_peerhandler->deletingPeer(m_peers[peer_id], timeout); delete m_peers[peer_id]; m_peers.remove(peer_id); return true; } void Connection::PrintInfo(std::ostream &out) { out<<m_socket.GetHandle(); out<<" "; out<<"con "<<m_peer_id<<": "; for(s16 i=0; i<(s16)m_indentation-1; i++) out<<" "; } void Connection::PrintInfo() { PrintInfo(dout_con); } } // namespace