/* Minetest-c55 Copyright (C) 2010 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "debug.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* Debug output */ FILE *g_debugstreams[DEBUGSTREAM_COUNT] = {stderr, NULL}; void debugstreams_init(bool disable_stderr, const char *filename) { if(disable_stderr) g_debugstreams[0] = NULL; else g_debugstreams[0] = stderr; if(filename) g_debugstreams[1] = fopen(filename, "a"); if(g_debugstreams[1]) { fprintf(g_debugstreams[1], "\n\n-------------\n"); fprintf(g_debugstreams[1], " Separator \n"); fprintf(g_debugstreams[1], "-------------\n\n"); } DEBUGPRINT("Debug streams initialized, disable_stderr=%d\n", disable_stderr); } void debugstreams_deinit() { if(g_debugstreams[1] != NULL) fclose(g_debugstreams[1]); } Debugbuf debugbuf(false); std::ostream dstream(&debugbuf); Debugbuf debugbuf_no_stderr(true); std::ostream dstream_no_stderr(&debugbuf_no_stderr); Nullstream dummyout; /* Assert */ void assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function) { DEBUGPRINT("\nIn thread %lx:\n" "%s:%d: %s: Assertion '%s' failed.\n", (unsigned long)get_current_thread_id(), file, line, function, assertion); debug_stacks_print(); if(g_debugstreams[1]) fclose(g_debugstreams[1]); abort(); } /* DebugStack */ DebugStack::DebugStack(threadid_t id) { threadid = id; stack_i = 0; stack_max_i = 0; memset(stack, 0, DEBUG_STACK_SIZE*DEBUG_STACK_TEXT_SIZE); } void DebugStack::print(FILE *file, bool everything) { fprintf(file, "DEBUG STACK FOR THREAD %lx:\n", (unsigned long)threadid); for(int i=0; i<stack_max_i; i++) { if(i == stack_i && everything == false) break; if(i < stack_i) fprintf(file, "#%d %s\n", i, stack[i]); else fprintf(file, "(Leftover data: #%d %s)\n", i, stack[i]); } if(stack_i == DEBUG_STACK_SIZE) fprintf(file, "Probably overflown.\n"); } void DebugStack::print(std::ostream &os, bool everything) { os<<"DEBUG STACK FOR THREAD "<<(unsigned long)threadid<<": "<<std::endl; for(int i=0; i<stack_max_i; i++) { if(i == stack_i && everything == false) break; if(i < stack_i) os<<"#"<<i<<" "<<stack[i]<<std::endl; else os<<"(Leftover data: #"<<i<<" "<<stack[i]<<")"<<std::endl; } if(stack_i == DEBUG_STACK_SIZE) os<<"Probably overflown."<<std::endl; } core::map<threadid_t, DebugStack*> g_debug_stacks; JMutex g_debug_stacks_mutex; void debug_stacks_init() { g_debug_stacks_mutex.Init(); } void debug_stacks_print_to(std::ostream &os) { JMutexAutoLock lock(g_debug_stacks_mutex); os<<"Debug stacks:"<<std::endl; for(core::map<threadid_t, DebugStack*>::Iterator i = g_debug_stacks.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { DebugStack *stack = i.getNode()->getValue(); stack->print(os, false); } } void debug_stacks_print() { JMutexAutoLock lock(g_debug_stacks_mutex); DEBUGPRINT("Debug stacks:\n"); for(core::map<threadid_t, DebugStack*>::Iterator i = g_debug_stacks.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { DebugStack *stack = i.getNode()->getValue(); for(int i=0; i<DEBUGSTREAM_COUNT; i++) { if(g_debugstreams[i] != NULL) stack->print(g_debugstreams[i], true); } } } DebugStacker::DebugStacker(const char *text) { threadid_t threadid = get_current_thread_id(); JMutexAutoLock lock(g_debug_stacks_mutex); core::map<threadid_t, DebugStack*>::Node *n; n = g_debug_stacks.find(threadid); if(n != NULL) { m_stack = n->getValue(); } else { /*DEBUGPRINT("Creating new debug stack for thread %x\n", (unsigned int)threadid);*/ m_stack = new DebugStack(threadid); g_debug_stacks.insert(threadid, m_stack); } if(m_stack->stack_i >= DEBUG_STACK_SIZE) { m_overflowed = true; } else { m_overflowed = false; snprintf(m_stack->stack[m_stack->stack_i], DEBUG_STACK_TEXT_SIZE, "%s", text); m_stack->stack_i++; if(m_stack->stack_i > m_stack->stack_max_i) m_stack->stack_max_i = m_stack->stack_i; } } DebugStacker::~DebugStacker() { JMutexAutoLock lock(g_debug_stacks_mutex); if(m_overflowed == true) return; m_stack->stack_i--; if(m_stack->stack_i == 0) { threadid_t threadid = m_stack->threadid; /*DEBUGPRINT("Deleting debug stack for thread %x\n", (unsigned int)threadid);*/ delete m_stack; g_debug_stacks.remove(threadid); } } #ifdef _MSC_VER #if CATCH_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS == 1 void se_trans_func(unsigned int u, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExp) { dstream<<"In trans_func.\n"; if(u == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) { PEXCEPTION_RECORD r = pExp->ExceptionRecord; dstream<<"Access violation at "<<r->ExceptionAddress <<" write?="<<r->ExceptionInformation[0] <<" address="<<r->ExceptionInformation[1] <<std::endl; throw FatalSystemException ("Access violation"); } if(u == EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { throw FatalSystemException ("Stack overflow"); } if(u == EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION) { throw FatalSystemException ("Illegal instruction"); } } #endif #endif