// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "guiButton.h" #include "client/guiscalingfilter.h" #include "client/tile.h" #include "IGUISkin.h" #include "IGUIEnvironment.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "IGUIFont.h" #include "irrlicht_changes/static_text.h" #include "porting.h" #include "StyleSpec.h" #include "util/numeric.h" using namespace irr; using namespace gui; // Multiply with a color to get the default corresponding hovered color #define COLOR_HOVERED_MOD 1.25f // Multiply with a color to get the default corresponding pressed color #define COLOR_PRESSED_MOD 0.85f //! constructor GUIButton::GUIButton(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle, ISimpleTextureSource *tsrc, bool noclip) : IGUIButton(environment, parent, id, rectangle), SpriteBank(0), OverrideFont(0), OverrideColorEnabled(false), OverrideColor(video::SColor(101,255,255,255)), ClickTime(0), HoverTime(0), FocusTime(0), ClickShiftState(false), ClickControlState(false), IsPushButton(false), Pressed(false), UseAlphaChannel(false), DrawBorder(true), ScaleImage(false), TSrc(tsrc) { setNotClipped(noclip); // This element can be tabbed. setTabStop(true); setTabOrder(-1); // PATCH for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Colors[i] = Environment->getSkin()->getColor((EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i); } StaticText = gui::StaticText::add(Environment, Text.c_str(), core::rect<s32>(0,0,rectangle.getWidth(),rectangle.getHeight()), false, false, this, id); StaticText->setTextAlignment(EGUIA_CENTER, EGUIA_CENTER); // END PATCH } //! destructor GUIButton::~GUIButton() { if (OverrideFont) OverrideFont->drop(); if (SpriteBank) SpriteBank->drop(); } //! Sets if the images should be scaled to fit the button void GUIButton::setScaleImage(bool scaleImage) { ScaleImage = scaleImage; } //! Returns whether the button scale the used images bool GUIButton::isScalingImage() const { return ScaleImage; } //! Sets if the button should use the skin to draw its border void GUIButton::setDrawBorder(bool border) { DrawBorder = border; } void GUIButton::setSpriteBank(IGUISpriteBank* sprites) { if (sprites) sprites->grab(); if (SpriteBank) SpriteBank->drop(); SpriteBank = sprites; } void GUIButton::setSprite(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state, s32 index, video::SColor color, bool loop, bool scale) { ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Index = index; ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Color = color; ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Loop = loop; ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Scale = scale; } //! Get the sprite-index for the given state or -1 when no sprite is set s32 GUIButton::getSpriteIndex(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state) const { return ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Index; } //! Get the sprite color for the given state. Color is only used when a sprite is set. video::SColor GUIButton::getSpriteColor(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state) const { return ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Color; } //! Returns if the sprite in the given state does loop bool GUIButton::getSpriteLoop(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state) const { return ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Loop; } //! Returns if the sprite in the given state is scaled bool GUIButton::getSpriteScale(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state) const { return ButtonSprites[(u32)state].Scale; } //! called if an event happened. bool GUIButton::OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { if (!isEnabled()) return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event); switch(event.EventType) { case EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT: if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown && (event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_RETURN || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_SPACE)) { if (!IsPushButton) setPressed(true); else setPressed(!Pressed); return true; } if (Pressed && !IsPushButton && event.KeyInput.PressedDown && event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_ESCAPE) { setPressed(false); return true; } else if (!event.KeyInput.PressedDown && Pressed && (event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_RETURN || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_SPACE)) { if (!IsPushButton) setPressed(false); if (Parent) { ClickShiftState = event.KeyInput.Shift; ClickControlState = event.KeyInput.Control; SEvent newEvent; newEvent.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; newEvent.GUIEvent.Caller = this; newEvent.GUIEvent.Element = 0; newEvent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED; Parent->OnEvent(newEvent); } return true; } break; case EET_GUI_EVENT: if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == this) { if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST) { if (!IsPushButton) setPressed(false); FocusTime = (u32)porting::getTimeMs(); } else if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUSED) { FocusTime = (u32)porting::getTimeMs(); } else if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_HOVERED || event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_LEFT) { HoverTime = (u32)porting::getTimeMs(); } } break; case EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT: if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN) { // Sometimes formspec elements can receive mouse events when the // mouse is outside of the formspec. Thus, we test the position here. if ( !IsPushButton && AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside( core::position2d<s32>(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y ))) { setPressed(true); } return true; } else if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP) { bool wasPressed = Pressed; if ( !AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside( core::position2d<s32>(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y ) ) ) { if (!IsPushButton) setPressed(false); return true; } if (!IsPushButton) setPressed(false); else { setPressed(!Pressed); } if ((!IsPushButton && wasPressed && Parent) || (IsPushButton && wasPressed != Pressed)) { ClickShiftState = event.MouseInput.Shift; ClickControlState = event.MouseInput.Control; SEvent newEvent; newEvent.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; newEvent.GUIEvent.Caller = this; newEvent.GUIEvent.Element = 0; newEvent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED; Parent->OnEvent(newEvent); } return true; } break; default: break; } return Parent ? Parent->OnEvent(event) : false; } //! draws the element and its children void GUIButton::draw() { if (!IsVisible) return; // PATCH // Track hovered state, if it has changed then we need to update the style. bool hovered = isHovered(); if (hovered != WasHovered) { WasHovered = hovered; setFromState(); } GUISkin* skin = dynamic_cast<GUISkin*>(Environment->getSkin()); video::IVideoDriver* driver = Environment->getVideoDriver(); // END PATCH if (DrawBorder) { if (!Pressed) { // PATCH skin->drawColored3DButtonPaneStandard(this, AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect, Colors); // END PATCH } else { // PATCH skin->drawColored3DButtonPanePressed(this, AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect, Colors); // END PATCH } } const core::position2di buttonCenter(AbsoluteRect.getCenter()); // PATCH // The image changes based on the state, so we use the default every time. EGUI_BUTTON_IMAGE_STATE imageState = EGBIS_IMAGE_UP; // END PATCH if ( ButtonImages[(u32)imageState].Texture ) { core::position2d<s32> pos(buttonCenter); core::rect<s32> sourceRect(ButtonImages[(u32)imageState].SourceRect); if ( sourceRect.getWidth() == 0 && sourceRect.getHeight() == 0 ) sourceRect = core::rect<s32>(core::position2di(0,0), ButtonImages[(u32)imageState].Texture->getOriginalSize()); pos.X -= sourceRect.getWidth() / 2; pos.Y -= sourceRect.getHeight() / 2; if ( Pressed ) { // Create a pressed-down effect by moving the image when it looks identical to the unpressed state image EGUI_BUTTON_IMAGE_STATE unpressedState = getImageState(false); if ( unpressedState == imageState || ButtonImages[(u32)imageState] == ButtonImages[(u32)unpressedState] ) { pos.X += skin->getSize(EGDS_BUTTON_PRESSED_IMAGE_OFFSET_X); pos.Y += skin->getSize(EGDS_BUTTON_PRESSED_IMAGE_OFFSET_Y); } } // PATCH video::ITexture* texture = ButtonImages[(u32)imageState].Texture; if (BgMiddle.getArea() == 0) { driver->draw2DImage(texture, ScaleImage? AbsoluteRect : core::rect<s32>(pos, sourceRect.getSize()), sourceRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect, 0, UseAlphaChannel); } else { core::rect<s32> middle = BgMiddle; // `-x` is interpreted as `w - x` if (middle.LowerRightCorner.X < 0) middle.LowerRightCorner.X += texture->getOriginalSize().Width; if (middle.LowerRightCorner.Y < 0) middle.LowerRightCorner.Y += texture->getOriginalSize().Height; draw2DImage9Slice(driver, texture, ScaleImage ? AbsoluteRect : core::rect<s32>(pos, sourceRect.getSize()), middle, &AbsoluteClippingRect); } // END PATCH } if (SpriteBank) { core::position2di pos(buttonCenter); if (isEnabled()) { // pressed / unpressed animation EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state = Pressed ? EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN : EGBS_BUTTON_UP; drawSprite(state, ClickTime, pos); // focused / unfocused animation state = Environment->hasFocus(this) ? EGBS_BUTTON_FOCUSED : EGBS_BUTTON_NOT_FOCUSED; drawSprite(state, FocusTime, pos); // mouse over / off animation state = isHovered() ? EGBS_BUTTON_MOUSE_OVER : EGBS_BUTTON_MOUSE_OFF; drawSprite(state, HoverTime, pos); } else { // draw disabled // drawSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DISABLED, 0, pos); } } IGUIElement::draw(); } void GUIButton::drawSprite(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state, u32 startTime, const core::position2di& center) { u32 stateIdx = (u32)state; if (ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Index != -1) { if ( ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Scale ) { const video::SColor colors[] = {ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Color,ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Color,ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Color,ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Color}; SpriteBank->draw2DSprite(ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Index, AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner, &AbsoluteClippingRect, colors[0], // FIXME: remove [0] porting::getTimeMs()-startTime, ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Loop); } else { SpriteBank->draw2DSprite(ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Index, center, &AbsoluteClippingRect, ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Color, startTime, porting::getTimeMs(), ButtonSprites[stateIdx].Loop, true); } } } EGUI_BUTTON_IMAGE_STATE GUIButton::getImageState(bool pressed) const { // PATCH return getImageState(pressed, ButtonImages); // END PATCH } EGUI_BUTTON_IMAGE_STATE GUIButton::getImageState(bool pressed, const ButtonImage* images) const { // figure state we should have EGUI_BUTTON_IMAGE_STATE state = EGBIS_IMAGE_DISABLED; bool focused = Environment->hasFocus((IGUIElement*)this); bool mouseOver = isHovered(); if (isEnabled()) { if ( pressed ) { if ( focused && mouseOver ) state = EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN_FOCUSED_MOUSEOVER; else if ( focused ) state = EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN_FOCUSED; else if ( mouseOver ) state = EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN_MOUSEOVER; else state = EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN; } else // !pressed { if ( focused && mouseOver ) state = EGBIS_IMAGE_UP_FOCUSED_MOUSEOVER; else if ( focused ) state = EGBIS_IMAGE_UP_FOCUSED; else if ( mouseOver ) state = EGBIS_IMAGE_UP_MOUSEOVER; else state = EGBIS_IMAGE_UP; } } // find a compatible state that has images while ( state != EGBIS_IMAGE_UP && !images[(u32)state].Texture ) { // PATCH switch ( state ) { case EGBIS_IMAGE_UP_FOCUSED: state = EGBIS_IMAGE_UP; break; case EGBIS_IMAGE_UP_FOCUSED_MOUSEOVER: state = EGBIS_IMAGE_UP_FOCUSED; break; case EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN_MOUSEOVER: state = EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN; break; case EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN_FOCUSED: state = EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN; break; case EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN_FOCUSED_MOUSEOVER: state = EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN_FOCUSED; break; case EGBIS_IMAGE_DISABLED: if ( pressed ) state = EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN; else state = EGBIS_IMAGE_UP; break; default: state = EGBIS_IMAGE_UP; } // END PATCH } return state; } //! sets another skin independent font. if this is set to zero, the button uses the font of the skin. void GUIButton::setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font) { if (OverrideFont == font) return; if (OverrideFont) OverrideFont->drop(); OverrideFont = font; if (OverrideFont) OverrideFont->grab(); StaticText->setOverrideFont(font); } //! Gets the override font (if any) IGUIFont * GUIButton::getOverrideFont() const { return OverrideFont; } //! Get the font which is used right now for drawing IGUIFont* GUIButton::getActiveFont() const { if ( OverrideFont ) return OverrideFont; IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin(); if (skin) return skin->getFont(EGDF_BUTTON); return 0; } //! Sets another color for the text. void GUIButton::setOverrideColor(video::SColor color) { OverrideColor = color; OverrideColorEnabled = true; StaticText->setOverrideColor(color); } video::SColor GUIButton::getOverrideColor() const { return OverrideColor; } void GUIButton::enableOverrideColor(bool enable) { OverrideColorEnabled = enable; } bool GUIButton::isOverrideColorEnabled() const { return OverrideColorEnabled; } void GUIButton::setImage(EGUI_BUTTON_IMAGE_STATE state, video::ITexture* image, const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect) { if ( state >= EGBIS_COUNT ) return; if ( image ) image->grab(); u32 stateIdx = (u32)state; if ( ButtonImages[stateIdx].Texture ) ButtonImages[stateIdx].Texture->drop(); ButtonImages[stateIdx].Texture = image; ButtonImages[stateIdx].SourceRect = sourceRect; } // PATCH void GUIButton::setImage(video::ITexture* image) { setImage(gui::EGBIS_IMAGE_UP, image); } void GUIButton::setImage(video::ITexture* image, const core::rect<s32>& pos) { setImage(gui::EGBIS_IMAGE_UP, image, pos); } void GUIButton::setPressedImage(video::ITexture* image) { setImage(gui::EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN, image); } void GUIButton::setPressedImage(video::ITexture* image, const core::rect<s32>& pos) { setImage(gui::EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN, image, pos); } //! Sets the text displayed by the button void GUIButton::setText(const wchar_t* text) { StaticText->setText(text); IGUIButton::setText(text); } // END PATCH //! Sets if the button should behave like a push button. Which means it //! can be in two states: Normal or Pressed. With a click on the button, //! the user can change the state of the button. void GUIButton::setIsPushButton(bool isPushButton) { IsPushButton = isPushButton; } //! Returns if the button is currently pressed bool GUIButton::isPressed() const { return Pressed; } // PATCH //! Returns if this element (or one of its direct children) is hovered bool GUIButton::isHovered() const { IGUIElement *hovered = Environment->getHovered(); return hovered == this || (hovered != nullptr && hovered->getParent() == this); } // END PATCH //! Sets the pressed state of the button if this is a pushbutton void GUIButton::setPressed(bool pressed) { if (Pressed != pressed) { ClickTime = porting::getTimeMs(); Pressed = pressed; setFromState(); } } //! Returns whether the button is a push button bool GUIButton::isPushButton() const { return IsPushButton; } //! Sets if the alpha channel should be used for drawing images on the button (default is false) void GUIButton::setUseAlphaChannel(bool useAlphaChannel) { UseAlphaChannel = useAlphaChannel; } //! Returns if the alpha channel should be used for drawing images on the button bool GUIButton::isAlphaChannelUsed() const { return UseAlphaChannel; } bool GUIButton::isDrawingBorder() const { return DrawBorder; } //! Writes attributes of the element. void GUIButton::serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) const { IGUIButton::serializeAttributes(out,options); out->addBool ("PushButton", IsPushButton ); if (IsPushButton) out->addBool("Pressed", Pressed); for ( u32 i=0; i<(u32)EGBIS_COUNT; ++i ) { if ( ButtonImages[i].Texture ) { core::stringc name( GUIButtonImageStateNames[i] ); out->addTexture(name.c_str(), ButtonImages[i].Texture); name += "Rect"; out->addRect(name.c_str(), ButtonImages[i].SourceRect); } } out->addBool ("UseAlphaChannel", UseAlphaChannel); out->addBool ("Border", DrawBorder); out->addBool ("ScaleImage", ScaleImage); for ( u32 i=0; i<(u32)EGBS_COUNT; ++i ) { if ( ButtonSprites[i].Index >= 0 ) { core::stringc nameIndex( GUIButtonStateNames[i] ); nameIndex += "Index"; out->addInt(nameIndex.c_str(), ButtonSprites[i].Index ); core::stringc nameColor( GUIButtonStateNames[i] ); nameColor += "Color"; out->addColor(nameColor.c_str(), ButtonSprites[i].Color ); core::stringc nameLoop( GUIButtonStateNames[i] ); nameLoop += "Loop"; out->addBool(nameLoop.c_str(), ButtonSprites[i].Loop ); core::stringc nameScale( GUIButtonStateNames[i] ); nameScale += "Scale"; out->addBool(nameScale.c_str(), ButtonSprites[i].Scale ); } } // out->addString ("OverrideFont", OverrideFont); } //! Reads attributes of the element void GUIButton::deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) { IGUIButton::deserializeAttributes(in,options); IsPushButton = in->getAttributeAsBool("PushButton"); Pressed = IsPushButton ? in->getAttributeAsBool("Pressed") : false; core::rect<s32> rec = in->getAttributeAsRect("ImageRect"); if (rec.isValid()) setImage( in->getAttributeAsTexture("Image"), rec); else setImage( in->getAttributeAsTexture("Image") ); rec = in->getAttributeAsRect("PressedImageRect"); if (rec.isValid()) setPressedImage( in->getAttributeAsTexture("PressedImage"), rec); else setPressedImage( in->getAttributeAsTexture("PressedImage") ); setDrawBorder(in->getAttributeAsBool("Border")); setUseAlphaChannel(in->getAttributeAsBool("UseAlphaChannel")); setScaleImage(in->getAttributeAsBool("ScaleImage")); // setOverrideFont(in->getAttributeAsString("OverrideFont")); updateAbsolutePosition(); } // PATCH GUIButton* GUIButton::addButton(IGUIEnvironment *environment, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, ISimpleTextureSource *tsrc, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t *tooltiptext) { GUIButton* button = new GUIButton(environment, parent ? parent : environment->getRootGUIElement(), id, rectangle, tsrc); if (text) button->setText(text); if ( tooltiptext ) button->setToolTipText ( tooltiptext ); button->drop(); return button; } void GUIButton::setColor(video::SColor color) { float d = 0.65f; for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { video::SColor base = Environment->getSkin()->getColor((gui::EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i); Colors[i] = base.getInterpolated(color, d); } } //! Set element properties from a StyleSpec corresponding to the button state void GUIButton::setFromState() { StyleSpec::State state = StyleSpec::STATE_DEFAULT; if (isPressed()) state = static_cast<StyleSpec::State>(state | StyleSpec::STATE_PRESSED); if (isHovered()) state = static_cast<StyleSpec::State>(state | StyleSpec::STATE_HOVERED); setFromStyle(StyleSpec::getStyleFromStatePropagation(Styles, state)); } //! Set element properties from a StyleSpec void GUIButton::setFromStyle(const StyleSpec& style) { bool hovered = (style.getState() & StyleSpec::STATE_HOVERED) != 0; bool pressed = (style.getState() & StyleSpec::STATE_PRESSED) != 0; if (style.isNotDefault(StyleSpec::BGCOLOR)) { setColor(style.getColor(StyleSpec::BGCOLOR)); // If we have a propagated hover/press color, we need to automatically // lighten/darken it if (!Styles[style.getState()].isNotDefault(StyleSpec::BGCOLOR)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (pressed) { Colors[i] = multiplyColorValue(Colors[i], COLOR_PRESSED_MOD); } else if (hovered) { Colors[i] = multiplyColorValue(Colors[i], COLOR_HOVERED_MOD); } } } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { video::SColor base = Environment->getSkin()->getColor((gui::EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i); if (pressed) { Colors[i] = multiplyColorValue(base, COLOR_PRESSED_MOD); } else if (hovered) { Colors[i] = multiplyColorValue(base, COLOR_HOVERED_MOD); } else { Colors[i] = base; } } } if (style.isNotDefault(StyleSpec::TEXTCOLOR)) { setOverrideColor(style.getColor(StyleSpec::TEXTCOLOR)); } else { setOverrideColor(video::SColor(255,255,255,255)); OverrideColorEnabled = false; } setNotClipped(style.getBool(StyleSpec::NOCLIP, false)); setDrawBorder(style.getBool(StyleSpec::BORDER, true)); setUseAlphaChannel(style.getBool(StyleSpec::ALPHA, true)); const core::position2di buttonCenter(AbsoluteRect.getCenter()); core::position2d<s32> geom(buttonCenter); if (style.isNotDefault(StyleSpec::BGIMG)) { video::ITexture *texture = style.getTexture(StyleSpec::BGIMG, getTextureSource()); setImage(guiScalingImageButton( Environment->getVideoDriver(), texture, geom.X, geom.Y)); setScaleImage(true); } else { setImage(nullptr); } BgMiddle = style.getRect(StyleSpec::BGIMG_MIDDLE, BgMiddle); // Child padding and offset Padding = style.getRect(StyleSpec::PADDING, core::rect<s32>()); Padding = core::rect<s32>( Padding.UpperLeftCorner + BgMiddle.UpperLeftCorner, Padding.LowerRightCorner + BgMiddle.LowerRightCorner); GUISkin* skin = dynamic_cast<GUISkin*>(Environment->getSkin()); core::vector2d<s32> defaultPressOffset( skin->getSize(irr::gui::EGDS_BUTTON_PRESSED_IMAGE_OFFSET_X), skin->getSize(irr::gui::EGDS_BUTTON_PRESSED_IMAGE_OFFSET_Y)); ContentOffset = style.getVector2i(StyleSpec::CONTENT_OFFSET, isPressed() ? defaultPressOffset : core::vector2d<s32>(0)); core::rect<s32> childBounds( Padding.UpperLeftCorner.X + ContentOffset.X, Padding.UpperLeftCorner.Y + ContentOffset.Y, AbsoluteRect.getWidth() + Padding.LowerRightCorner.X + ContentOffset.X, AbsoluteRect.getHeight() + Padding.LowerRightCorner.Y + ContentOffset.Y); for (IGUIElement *child : getChildren()) { child->setRelativePosition(childBounds); } } //! Set the styles used for each state void GUIButton::setStyles(const std::array<StyleSpec, StyleSpec::NUM_STATES>& styles) { Styles = styles; setFromState(); } // END PATCH