/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef GUIINVENTORYMENU_HEADER #define GUIINVENTORYMENU_HEADER #include <utility> #include "irrlichttypes_extrabloated.h" #include "inventory.h" #include "inventorymanager.h" #include "modalMenu.h" #include "guiTable.h" #include "clientserver.h" class IGameDef; class InventoryManager; class ISimpleTextureSource; class Client; typedef enum { f_Button, f_Table, f_TabHeader, f_CheckBox, f_DropDown, f_ScrollBar, f_Unknown } FormspecFieldType; typedef enum { quit_mode_no, quit_mode_accept, quit_mode_cancel } FormspecQuitMode; struct TextDest { virtual ~TextDest() {}; // This is deprecated I guess? -celeron55 virtual void gotText(std::wstring text){} virtual void gotText(std::map<std::string, std::string> fields) = 0; virtual void setFormName(std::string formname) { m_formname = formname;}; std::string m_formname; }; class IFormSource { public: virtual ~IFormSource(){} virtual std::string getForm() = 0; // Fill in variables in field text virtual std::string resolveText(std::string str){ return str; } }; class GUIFormSpecMenu : public GUIModalMenu { struct ItemSpec { ItemSpec() { i = -1; } ItemSpec(const InventoryLocation &a_inventoryloc, const std::string &a_listname, s32 a_i) { inventoryloc = a_inventoryloc; listname = a_listname; i = a_i; } bool isValid() const { return i != -1; } InventoryLocation inventoryloc; std::string listname; s32 i; }; struct ListDrawSpec { ListDrawSpec() { } ListDrawSpec(const InventoryLocation &a_inventoryloc, const std::string &a_listname, v2s32 a_pos, v2s32 a_geom, s32 a_start_item_i): inventoryloc(a_inventoryloc), listname(a_listname), pos(a_pos), geom(a_geom), start_item_i(a_start_item_i) { } InventoryLocation inventoryloc; std::string listname; v2s32 pos; v2s32 geom; s32 start_item_i; }; struct ImageDrawSpec { ImageDrawSpec() { } ImageDrawSpec(const std::string &a_name, v2s32 a_pos, v2s32 a_geom): name(a_name), pos(a_pos), geom(a_geom) { scale = true; } ImageDrawSpec(const std::string &a_name, v2s32 a_pos): name(a_name), pos(a_pos) { scale = false; } std::string name; v2s32 pos; v2s32 geom; bool scale; }; struct FieldSpec { FieldSpec() { } FieldSpec(const std::wstring &name, const std::wstring &label, const std::wstring &fdeflt, int id) : fname(name), flabel(label), fdefault(fdeflt), fid(id) { send = false; ftype = f_Unknown; is_exit = false; } std::wstring fname; std::wstring flabel; std::wstring fdefault; int fid; bool send; FormspecFieldType ftype; bool is_exit; core::rect<s32> rect; }; struct BoxDrawSpec { BoxDrawSpec(v2s32 a_pos, v2s32 a_geom,irr::video::SColor a_color): pos(a_pos), geom(a_geom), color(a_color) { } v2s32 pos; v2s32 geom; irr::video::SColor color; }; struct TooltipSpec { TooltipSpec() { } TooltipSpec(std::string a_tooltip, irr::video::SColor a_bgcolor, irr::video::SColor a_color): tooltip(a_tooltip), bgcolor(a_bgcolor), color(a_color) { } std::string tooltip; irr::video::SColor bgcolor; irr::video::SColor color; }; public: GUIFormSpecMenu(irr::IrrlichtDevice* dev, gui::IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, IMenuManager *menumgr, InventoryManager *invmgr, IGameDef *gamedef, ISimpleTextureSource *tsrc, IFormSource* fs_src, TextDest* txt_dst, Client* client ); ~GUIFormSpecMenu(); void setFormSpec(const std::string &formspec_string, InventoryLocation current_inventory_location) { m_formspec_string = formspec_string; m_current_inventory_location = current_inventory_location; regenerateGui(m_screensize_old); } // form_src is deleted by this GUIFormSpecMenu void setFormSource(IFormSource *form_src) { if (m_form_src != NULL) { delete m_form_src; } m_form_src = form_src; } // text_dst is deleted by this GUIFormSpecMenu void setTextDest(TextDest *text_dst) { if (m_text_dst != NULL) { delete m_text_dst; } m_text_dst = text_dst; } void allowClose(bool value) { m_allowclose = value; } void lockSize(bool lock,v2u32 basescreensize=v2u32(0,0)) { m_lock = lock; m_lockscreensize = basescreensize; } void removeChildren(); void setInitialFocus(); /* Remove and re-add (or reposition) stuff */ void regenerateGui(v2u32 screensize); ItemSpec getItemAtPos(v2s32 p) const; void drawList(const ListDrawSpec &s, int phase); void drawSelectedItem(); void drawMenu(); void updateSelectedItem(); ItemStack verifySelectedItem(); void acceptInput(FormspecQuitMode quitmode); bool preprocessEvent(const SEvent& event); bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event); bool doPause; bool pausesGame() { return doPause; } GUITable* getTable(std::wstring tablename); #ifdef __ANDROID__ bool getAndroidUIInput(); #endif protected: v2s32 getBasePos() const { return padding + offset + AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner; } v2s32 padding; v2s32 spacing; v2s32 imgsize; v2s32 offset; irr::IrrlichtDevice* m_device; InventoryManager *m_invmgr; IGameDef *m_gamedef; ISimpleTextureSource *m_tsrc; Client *m_client; std::string m_formspec_string; InventoryLocation m_current_inventory_location; std::vector<ListDrawSpec> m_inventorylists; std::vector<ImageDrawSpec> m_backgrounds; std::vector<ImageDrawSpec> m_images; std::vector<ImageDrawSpec> m_itemimages; std::vector<BoxDrawSpec> m_boxes; std::vector<FieldSpec> m_fields; std::vector<std::pair<FieldSpec,GUITable*> > m_tables; std::vector<std::pair<FieldSpec,gui::IGUICheckBox*> > m_checkboxes; std::map<std::wstring, TooltipSpec> m_tooltips; std::vector<std::pair<FieldSpec,gui::IGUIScrollBar*> > m_scrollbars; ItemSpec *m_selected_item; u32 m_selected_amount; bool m_selected_dragging; // WARNING: BLACK MAGIC // Used to guess and keep up with some special things the server can do. // If name is "", no guess exists. ItemStack m_selected_content_guess; InventoryLocation m_selected_content_guess_inventory; v2s32 m_pointer; v2s32 m_old_pointer; // Mouse position after previous mouse event gui::IGUIStaticText *m_tooltip_element; u32 m_tooltip_show_delay; s32 m_hovered_time; s32 m_old_tooltip_id; std::string m_old_tooltip; bool m_rmouse_auto_place; bool m_allowclose; bool m_lock; v2u32 m_lockscreensize; bool m_bgfullscreen; bool m_slotborder; bool m_clipbackground; video::SColor m_bgcolor; video::SColor m_slotbg_n; video::SColor m_slotbg_h; video::SColor m_slotbordercolor; video::SColor m_default_tooltip_bgcolor; video::SColor m_default_tooltip_color; private: IFormSource *m_form_src; TextDest *m_text_dst; unsigned int m_formspec_version; typedef struct { bool explicit_size; v2f invsize; v2s32 size; core::rect<s32> rect; v2s32 basepos; v2u32 screensize; std::wstring focused_fieldname; GUITable::TableOptions table_options; GUITable::TableColumns table_columns; // used to restore table selection/scroll/treeview state std::map<std::wstring,GUITable::DynamicData> table_dyndata; } parserData; typedef struct { bool key_up; bool key_down; bool key_enter; bool key_escape; } fs_key_pendig; fs_key_pendig current_keys_pending; void parseElement(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseSize(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseList(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseCheckbox(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseImage(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseItemImage(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseButton(parserData* data,std::string element,std::string typ); void parseBackground(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseTableOptions(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseTableColumns(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseTable(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseTextList(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseDropDown(parserData* data,std::string element); void parsePwdField(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseField(parserData* data,std::string element,std::string type); void parseSimpleField(parserData* data,std::vector<std::string> &parts); void parseTextArea(parserData* data,std::vector<std::string>& parts, std::string type); void parseLabel(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseVertLabel(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseImageButton(parserData* data,std::string element,std::string type); void parseItemImageButton(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseTabHeader(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseBox(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseBackgroundColor(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseListColors(parserData* data,std::string element); void parseTooltip(parserData* data,std::string element); bool parseVersionDirect(std::string data); bool parseSizeDirect(parserData* data, std::string element); void parseScrollBar(parserData* data, std::string element); /** * check if event is part of a double click * @param event event to evaluate * @return true/false if a doubleclick was detected */ bool DoubleClickDetection(const SEvent event); struct clickpos { v2s32 pos; s32 time; }; clickpos m_doubleclickdetect[2]; int m_btn_height; gui::IGUIFont *m_font; std::wstring getLabelByID(s32 id); std::wstring getNameByID(s32 id); #ifdef __ANDROID__ v2s32 m_down_pos; std::wstring m_JavaDialogFieldName; #endif }; class FormspecFormSource: public IFormSource { public: FormspecFormSource(std::string formspec) { m_formspec = formspec; } ~FormspecFormSource() {} void setForm(std::string formspec) { m_formspec = FORMSPEC_VERSION_STRING + formspec; } std::string getForm() { return m_formspec; } std::string m_formspec; }; #endif