/* (c) 2010 Perttu Ahola */ #include "heightmap.h" /* ValueGenerator */ ValueGenerator* ValueGenerator::deSerialize(std::string line) { std::istringstream ss(line); //ss.imbue(std::locale("C")); std::string name; std::getline(ss, name, ' '); if(name == "constant") { f32 value; ss>>value; return new ConstantGenerator(value); } else if(name == "linear") { f32 height; v2f slope; ss>>height; ss>>slope.X; ss>>slope.Y; return new LinearGenerator(height, slope); } else if(name == "power") { f32 height; v2f slope; f32 power; ss>>height; ss>>slope.X; ss>>slope.Y; ss>>power; return new PowerGenerator(height, slope, power); } else { throw SerializationError ("Invalid heightmap generator (deSerialize)"); } } /* FixedHeightmap */ f32 FixedHeightmap::avgNeighbours(v2s16 p, s16 d) { v2s16 dirs[4] = { v2s16(1,0), v2s16(0,1), v2s16(-1,0), v2s16(0,-1) }; f32 sum = 0.0; f32 count = 0.0; for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++){ v2s16 p2 = p + dirs[i] * d; f32 n = getGroundHeightParent(p2); if(n < GROUNDHEIGHT_VALID_MINVALUE) continue; sum += n; count += 1.0; } assert(count > 0.001); return sum / count; } f32 FixedHeightmap::avgDiagNeighbours(v2s16 p, s16 d) { v2s16 dirs[4] = { v2s16(1,1), v2s16(-1,-1), v2s16(-1,1), v2s16(1,-1) }; f32 sum = 0.0; f32 count = 0.0; for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++){ v2s16 p2 = p + dirs[i] * d; f32 n = getGroundHeightParent(p2); if(n < GROUNDHEIGHT_VALID_MINVALUE) continue; sum += n; count += 1.0; } assert(count > 0.001); return sum / count; } /* Adds a point to transform into a diamond pattern center = Center of the diamond phase (center of a square) a = Side length of the existing square (2, 4, 8, ...) Adds the center points of the next squares to next_squares as dummy "true" values. */ void FixedHeightmap::makeDiamond( v2s16 center, s16 a, f32 randmax, core::map &next_squares) { /*dstream<<"makeDiamond(): center=" <<"("<getGroundHeight(npos, false); //dstream<<"h="< GROUNDHEIGHT_VALID_MINVALUE) continue; setGroundHeight(dirs[i] * a, corners[i]); } /*dstream<<"corners filled:"< colorcount-1) color = colorcount-1; /*printf("rangemin=%f, rangemax=%f, h=%f -> color=%i\n", rangemin, rangemax, h, color);*/ printf("%s", colors[color]); //printf("\x1b[31;40m"); //printf("\x1b[44;1m"); #endif } void resetcolor() { #ifndef _WIN32 printf("\x1b[0m"); #endif } /* UnlimitedHeightmap */ void UnlimitedHeightmap::print() { s16 minx = 10000; s16 miny = 10000; s16 maxx = -10000; s16 maxy = -10000; core::map::Iterator i; i = m_heightmaps.getIterator(); if(i.atEnd()){ printf("UnlimitedHeightmap::print(): empty.\n"); return; } for(; i.atEnd() == false; i++) { v2s16 p = i.getNode()->getValue()->getPosOnMaster(); if(p.X < minx) minx = p.X; if(p.Y < miny) miny = p.Y; if(p.X > maxx) maxx = p.X; if(p.Y > maxy) maxy = p.Y; } minx = minx * m_blocksize; miny = miny * m_blocksize; maxx = (maxx+1) * m_blocksize; maxy = (maxy+1) * m_blocksize; printf("UnlimitedHeightmap::print(): from (%i,%i) to (%i,%i)\n", minx, miny, maxx, maxy); // Calculate range f32 rangemin = 1e10; f32 rangemax = -1e10; for(s32 y=miny; y<=maxy; y++){ for(s32 x=minx; x<=maxx; x++){ f32 h = getGroundHeight(v2s16(x,y), false); if(h < GROUNDHEIGHT_VALID_MINVALUE) continue; if(h < rangemin) rangemin = h; if(h > rangemax) rangemax = h; } } printf(" "); for(s32 x=minx; x<=maxx; x++){ printf("% .3d ", x); } printf("\n"); for(s32 y=miny; y<=maxy; y++){ printf("% .3d ", y); for(s32 x=minx; x<=maxx; x++){ f32 n = getGroundHeight(v2s16(x,y), false); if(n < GROUNDHEIGHT_VALID_MINVALUE) printf(" - "); else { setcolor(n, rangemin, rangemax); printf("% -5.1f", getGroundHeight(v2s16(x,y), false)); resetcolor(); } } printf("\n"); } } FixedHeightmap * UnlimitedHeightmap::getHeightmap(v2s16 p_from, bool generate) { DSTACK("UnlimitedHeightmap::getHeightmap()"); /* We want to check that all neighbours of the wanted heightmap exist. This is because generating the neighboring heightmaps will modify the current one. */ if(generate) { // Go through all neighbors (corners also) and the current one // and generate every one of them. for(s16 x=p_from.X-1; x<=p_from.X+1; x++) for(s16 y=p_from.Y-1; y<=p_from.Y+1; y++) { v2s16 p(x,y); // Check if exists core::map::Node *n = m_heightmaps.find(p); if(n != NULL) continue; // Doesn't exist // Generate it FixedHeightmap *heightmap = new FixedHeightmap(this, p, m_blocksize); m_heightmaps.insert(p, heightmap); f32 corners[4] = { m_base_generator->getValue(p+v2s16(0,0)), m_base_generator->getValue(p+v2s16(1,0)), m_base_generator->getValue(p+v2s16(1,1)), m_base_generator->getValue(p+v2s16(0,1)), }; f32 randmax = m_randmax_generator->getValue(p); f32 randfactor = m_randfactor_generator->getValue(p); heightmap->generateContinued(randmax, randfactor, corners); } } core::map::Node *n = m_heightmaps.find(p_from); if(n != NULL) { return n->getValue(); } else { throw InvalidPositionException ("Something went really wrong in UnlimitedHeightmap::getHeightmap"); } } f32 UnlimitedHeightmap::getGroundHeight(v2s16 p, bool generate) { v2s16 heightmappos = getNodeHeightmapPos(p); v2s16 relpos = p - heightmappos*m_blocksize; try{ FixedHeightmap * href = getHeightmap(heightmappos, generate); f32 h = href->getGroundHeight(relpos); if(h > GROUNDHEIGHT_VALID_MINVALUE) return h; } catch(InvalidPositionException){} /* If on border or in the (0,0) corner, try to get from overlapping heightmaps */ if(relpos.X == 0){ try{ FixedHeightmap * href = getHeightmap( heightmappos-v2s16(1,0), false); f32 h = href->getGroundHeight(v2s16(m_blocksize, relpos.Y)); if(h > GROUNDHEIGHT_VALID_MINVALUE) return h; } catch(InvalidPositionException){} } if(relpos.Y == 0){ try{ FixedHeightmap * href = getHeightmap( heightmappos-v2s16(0,1), false); f32 h = href->getGroundHeight(v2s16(relpos.X, m_blocksize)); if(h > GROUNDHEIGHT_VALID_MINVALUE) return h; } catch(InvalidPositionException){} } if(relpos.X == 0 && relpos.Y == 0){ try{ FixedHeightmap * href = getHeightmap( heightmappos-v2s16(1,1), false); f32 h = href->getGroundHeight(v2s16(m_blocksize, m_blocksize)); if(h > GROUNDHEIGHT_VALID_MINVALUE) return h; } catch(InvalidPositionException){} } return GROUNDHEIGHT_NOTFOUND_SETVALUE; } void UnlimitedHeightmap::setGroundHeight(v2s16 p, f32 y, bool generate) { bool was_set = false; v2s16 heightmappos = getNodeHeightmapPos(p); v2s16 relpos = p - heightmappos*m_blocksize; /*dstream<<"UnlimitedHeightmap::setGroundHeight((" <setGroundHeight(relpos, y); was_set = true; }catch(InvalidPositionException){} // Update in neighbour heightmap if it's at border if(relpos.X == 0){ try{ FixedHeightmap * href = getHeightmap( heightmappos-v2s16(1,0), generate); href->setGroundHeight(v2s16(m_blocksize, relpos.Y), y); was_set = true; }catch(InvalidPositionException){} } if(relpos.Y == 0){ try{ FixedHeightmap * href = getHeightmap( heightmappos-v2s16(0,1), generate); href->setGroundHeight(v2s16(relpos.X, m_blocksize), y); was_set = true; }catch(InvalidPositionException){} } if(relpos.X == 0 && relpos.Y == 0){ try{ FixedHeightmap * href = getHeightmap( heightmappos-v2s16(1,1), generate); href->setGroundHeight(v2s16(m_blocksize, m_blocksize), y); was_set = true; }catch(InvalidPositionException){} } if(was_set == false) { throw InvalidPositionException ("UnlimitedHeightmap failed to set height"); } } void UnlimitedHeightmap::serialize(std::ostream &os, u8 version) { //dstream<<"UnlimitedHeightmap::serialize()"<getId() != VALUE_GENERATOR_ID_CONSTANT || m_randmax_generator->getId() != VALUE_GENERATOR_ID_CONSTANT || m_randfactor_generator->getId() != VALUE_GENERATOR_ID_CONSTANT)*/ if(std::string(m_base_generator->getName()) != "constant" || std::string(m_randmax_generator->getName()) != "constant" || std::string(m_randfactor_generator->getName()) != "constant") { throw SerializationError ("Cannot write UnlimitedHeightmap in old version: " "Generators are not ConstantGenerators."); } f32 basevalue = ((ConstantGenerator*)m_base_generator)->m_value; f32 randmax = ((ConstantGenerator*)m_randmax_generator)->m_value; f32 randfactor = ((ConstantGenerator*)m_randfactor_generator)->m_value; // Write version os.write((char*)&version, 1); /* [0] u16 blocksize [2] s32 randmax*1000 [6] s32 randfactor*1000 [10] s32 basevalue*1000 [14] u32 heightmap_count [18] X * (v2s16 pos + heightmap) */ u32 heightmap_size = FixedHeightmap::serializedLength(version, m_blocksize); u32 heightmap_count = m_heightmaps.size(); //dstream<<"heightmap_size="< data(datasize); writeU16(&data[0], m_blocksize); writeU32(&data[2], (s32)(randmax*1000.0)); writeU32(&data[6], (s32)(randfactor*1000.0)); writeU32(&data[10], (s32)(basevalue*1000.0)); writeU32(&data[14], heightmap_count); core::map::Iterator j; j = m_heightmaps.getIterator(); u32 i=0; for(; j.atEnd() == false; j++) { FixedHeightmap *hm = j.getNode()->getValue(); v2s16 pos = j.getNode()->getKey(); writeV2S16(&data[18+i*(4+heightmap_size)], pos); hm->serialize(&data[18+i*(4+heightmap_size)+4], version); i++; } os.write((char*)*data, data.getSize()); } else { // Write version os.write((char*)&version, 1); u8 buf[4]; writeU16(buf, m_blocksize); os.write((char*)buf, 2); /*m_randmax_generator->serialize(os, version); m_randfactor_generator->serialize(os, version); m_base_generator->serialize(os, version);*/ m_randmax_generator->serialize(os); m_randfactor_generator->serialize(os); m_base_generator->serialize(os); u32 heightmap_count = m_heightmaps.size(); writeU32(buf, heightmap_count); os.write((char*)buf, 4); u32 heightmap_size = FixedHeightmap::serializedLength(version, m_blocksize); SharedBuffer hmdata(heightmap_size); core::map::Iterator j; j = m_heightmaps.getIterator(); u32 i=0; for(; j.atEnd() == false; j++) { v2s16 pos = j.getNode()->getKey(); writeV2S16(buf, pos); os.write((char*)buf, 4); FixedHeightmap *hm = j.getNode()->getValue(); hm->serialize(*hmdata, version); os.write((char*)*hmdata, hmdata.getSize()); i++; } } } UnlimitedHeightmap * UnlimitedHeightmap::deSerialize(std::istream &is) { u8 version; is.read((char*)&version, 1); if(!ser_ver_supported(version)) throw VersionMismatchException("ERROR: UnlimitedHeightmap format not supported"); if(version <= 7) { /* [0] u16 blocksize [2] s32 randmax*1000 [6] s32 randfactor*1000 [10] s32 basevalue*1000 [14] u32 heightmap_count [18] X * (v2s16 pos + heightmap) */ SharedBuffer data(18); is.read((char*)*data, 18); if(is.gcount() != 18) throw SerializationError ("UnlimitedHeightmap::deSerialize: no enough input data"); s16 blocksize = readU16(&data[0]); f32 randmax = (f32)readU32(&data[2]) / 1000.0; f32 randfactor = (f32)readU32(&data[6]) / 1000.0; f32 basevalue = (f32)readU32(&data[10]) / 1000.0; u32 heightmap_count = readU32(&data[14]); /*dstream<<"UnlimitedHeightmap::deSerialize():" <<" blocksize="<deSerialize(&data[4], version); hm->m_heightmaps.insert(pos, f); } return hm; } else { u8 buf[4]; is.read((char*)buf, 2); s16 blocksize = readU16(buf); ValueGenerator *maxgen = ValueGenerator::deSerialize(is); ValueGenerator *factorgen = ValueGenerator::deSerialize(is); ValueGenerator *basegen = ValueGenerator::deSerialize(is); is.read((char*)buf, 4); u32 heightmap_count = readU32(buf); u32 heightmap_size = FixedHeightmap::serializedLength(version, blocksize); UnlimitedHeightmap *hm = new UnlimitedHeightmap (blocksize, maxgen, factorgen, basegen); for(u32 i=0; i data(heightmap_size); is.read((char*)*data, heightmap_size); if(is.gcount() != (s32)(heightmap_size)){ delete hm; throw SerializationError ("UnlimitedHeightmap::deSerialize: no enough input data"); } FixedHeightmap *f = new FixedHeightmap(hm, pos, blocksize); f->deSerialize(*data, version); hm->m_heightmaps.insert(pos, f); } return hm; } }