Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2013 Kahrl <kahrl@gmx.net>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "itemdef.h"

#include "nodedef.h"
#include "tool.h"
#include "inventory.h"
#ifndef SERVER
#include "client/mapblock_mesh.h"
#include "client/mesh.h"
#include "client/wieldmesh.h"
#include "client/tile.h"
#include "client/client.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "util/serialize.h"
#include "util/container.h"
#include "util/thread.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>

#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include <GLES/gl.h>


ItemDefinition::ItemDefinition(const ItemDefinition &def)
	*this = def;

ItemDefinition& ItemDefinition::operator=(const ItemDefinition &def)
	if(this == &def)
		return *this;


	type = def.type;
	name = def.name;
	description = def.description;
	inventory_image = def.inventory_image;
	inventory_overlay = def.inventory_overlay;
	wield_image = def.wield_image;
	wield_overlay = def.wield_overlay;
	wield_scale = def.wield_scale;
	stack_max = def.stack_max;
	usable = def.usable;
	liquids_pointable = def.liquids_pointable;
		tool_capabilities = new ToolCapabilities(
	groups = def.groups;
	node_placement_prediction = def.node_placement_prediction;
	sound_place = def.sound_place;
	sound_place_failed = def.sound_place_failed;
	range = def.range;
	palette_image = def.palette_image;
	color = def.color;
	return *this;


void ItemDefinition::resetInitial()
	// Initialize pointers to NULL so reset() does not delete undefined pointers
	tool_capabilities = NULL;

void ItemDefinition::reset()
	type = ITEM_NONE;
	name = "";
	description = "";
	inventory_image = "";
	inventory_overlay = "";
	wield_image = "";
	wield_overlay = "";
	palette_image = "";
	color = video::SColor(0xFFFFFFFF);
	wield_scale = v3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	stack_max = 99;
	usable = false;
	liquids_pointable = false;
	delete tool_capabilities;
	tool_capabilities = NULL;
	sound_place = SimpleSoundSpec();
	sound_place_failed = SimpleSoundSpec();
	range = -1;

	node_placement_prediction = "";

void ItemDefinition::serialize(std::ostream &os, u16 protocol_version) const
	// protocol_version >= 36
	u8 version = 5;
	writeU8(os, version);
	writeU8(os, type);
	os << serializeString(name);
	os << serializeString(description);
	os << serializeString(inventory_image);
	os << serializeString(wield_image);
	writeV3F1000(os, wield_scale);
	writeS16(os, stack_max);
	writeU8(os, usable);
	writeU8(os, liquids_pointable);
	std::string tool_capabilities_s;
		std::ostringstream tmp_os(std::ios::binary);
		tool_capabilities->serialize(tmp_os, protocol_version);
		tool_capabilities_s = tmp_os.str();
	os << serializeString(tool_capabilities_s);
	writeU16(os, groups.size());
	for (const auto &group : groups) {
		os << serializeString(group.first);
		writeS16(os, group.second);
	os << serializeString(node_placement_prediction);
	os << serializeString(sound_place.name);
	writeF1000(os, sound_place.gain);
	writeF1000(os, range);
	os << serializeString(sound_place_failed.name);
	writeF1000(os, sound_place_failed.gain);
	os << serializeString(palette_image);
	writeARGB8(os, color);

	writeF1000(os, sound_place.pitch);
	writeF1000(os, sound_place_failed.pitch);
	os << serializeString(inventory_overlay);
	os << serializeString(wield_overlay);

void ItemDefinition::deSerialize(std::istream &is)
	// Reset everything

	// Deserialize
	int version = readU8(is);
	if (version < 5)
		throw SerializationError("unsupported ItemDefinition version");

	type = (enum ItemType)readU8(is);
	name = deSerializeString(is);
	description = deSerializeString(is);
	inventory_image = deSerializeString(is);
	wield_image = deSerializeString(is);
	wield_scale = readV3F1000(is);
	stack_max = readS16(is);
	usable = readU8(is);
	liquids_pointable = readU8(is);
	std::string tool_capabilities_s = deSerializeString(is);
		std::istringstream tmp_is(tool_capabilities_s, std::ios::binary);
		tool_capabilities = new ToolCapabilities;
	u32 groups_size = readU16(is);
	for(u32 i=0; i<groups_size; i++){
		std::string name = deSerializeString(is);
		int value = readS16(is);
		groups[name] = value;

	node_placement_prediction = deSerializeString(is);
	//deserializeSimpleSoundSpec(sound_place, is);
	sound_place.name = deSerializeString(is);
	sound_place.gain = readF1000(is);
	range = readF1000(is);

	sound_place_failed.name = deSerializeString(is);
	sound_place_failed.gain = readF1000(is);
	palette_image = deSerializeString(is);
	color = readARGB8(is);

	sound_place.pitch = readF1000(is);
	sound_place_failed.pitch = readF1000(is);
	inventory_overlay = deSerializeString(is);
	wield_overlay = deSerializeString(is);

	// If you add anything here, insert it primarily inside the try-catch
	// block to not need to increase the version.
	//try {
	//} catch(SerializationError &e) {};


// SUGG: Support chains of aliases?

class CItemDefManager: public IWritableItemDefManager
#ifndef SERVER
	struct ClientCached
		video::ITexture *inventory_texture;
		ItemMesh wield_mesh;
		Palette *palette;



#ifndef SERVER
		m_main_thread = std::this_thread::get_id();
	virtual ~CItemDefManager()
#ifndef SERVER
		const std::vector<ClientCached*> &values = m_clientcached.getValues();
		for (ClientCached *cc : values) {
			if (cc->wield_mesh.mesh)
			delete cc;

		for (auto &item_definition : m_item_definitions) {
			delete item_definition.second;
	virtual const ItemDefinition& get(const std::string &name_) const
		// Convert name according to possible alias
		std::string name = getAlias(name_);
		// Get the definition
		std::map<std::string, ItemDefinition*>::const_iterator i;
		i = m_item_definitions.find(name);
		if(i == m_item_definitions.end())
			i = m_item_definitions.find("unknown");
		assert(i != m_item_definitions.end());
		return *(i->second);
	virtual const std::string &getAlias(const std::string &name) const
		StringMap::const_iterator it = m_aliases.find(name);
		if (it != m_aliases.end())
			return it->second;
		return name;
	virtual void getAll(std::set<std::string> &result) const
		for (const auto &item_definition : m_item_definitions) {

		for (const auto &alias : m_aliases) {
	virtual bool isKnown(const std::string &name_) const
		// Convert name according to possible alias
		std::string name = getAlias(name_);
		// Get the definition
		std::map<std::string, ItemDefinition*>::const_iterator i;
		return m_item_definitions.find(name) != m_item_definitions.end();
#ifndef SERVER
	ClientCached* createClientCachedDirect(const std::string &name,
			Client *client) const
		infostream<<"Lazily creating item texture and mesh for \""

		// This is not thread-safe
		sanity_check(std::this_thread::get_id() == m_main_thread);

		// Skip if already in cache
		ClientCached *cc = NULL;
		m_clientcached.get(name, &cc);
			return cc;

		ITextureSource *tsrc = client->getTextureSource();
		const ItemDefinition &def = get(name);

		// Create new ClientCached
		cc = new ClientCached();

		// Create an inventory texture
		cc->inventory_texture = NULL;
		if (!def.inventory_image.empty())
			cc->inventory_texture = tsrc->getTexture(def.inventory_image);

		ItemStack item = ItemStack();
		item.name = def.name;

		getItemMesh(client, item, &(cc->wield_mesh));

		cc->palette = tsrc->getPalette(def.palette_image);

		// Put in cache
		m_clientcached.set(name, cc);

		return cc;
	ClientCached* getClientCached(const std::string &name,
			Client *client) const
		ClientCached *cc = NULL;
		m_clientcached.get(name, &cc);
		if (cc)
			return cc;

		if (std::this_thread::get_id() == m_main_thread) {
			return createClientCachedDirect(name, client);

		// We're gonna ask the result to be put into here
		static ResultQueue<std::string, ClientCached*, u8, u8> result_queue;

		// Throw a request in
		m_get_clientcached_queue.add(name, 0, 0, &result_queue);
		try {
			while(true) {
				// Wait result for a second
				GetResult<std::string, ClientCached*, u8, u8>
					result = result_queue.pop_front(1000);

				if (result.key == name) {
					return result.item;
		} catch(ItemNotFoundException &e) {
			errorstream << "Waiting for clientcached " << name
				<< " timed out." << std::endl;
			return &m_dummy_clientcached;
	// Get item inventory texture
	virtual video::ITexture* getInventoryTexture(const std::string &name,
			Client *client) const
		ClientCached *cc = getClientCached(name, client);
			return NULL;
		return cc->inventory_texture;
	// Get item wield mesh
	virtual ItemMesh* getWieldMesh(const std::string &name,
			Client *client) const
		ClientCached *cc = getClientCached(name, client);
			return NULL;
		return &(cc->wield_mesh);

	// Get item palette
	virtual Palette* getPalette(const std::string &name,
			Client *client) const
		ClientCached *cc = getClientCached(name, client);
			return NULL;
		return cc->palette;

	virtual video::SColor getItemstackColor(const ItemStack &stack,
		Client *client) const
		// Look for direct color definition
		const std::string &colorstring = stack.metadata.getString("color", 0);
		video::SColor directcolor;
		if (!colorstring.empty() && parseColorString(colorstring, directcolor, true))
			return directcolor;
		// See if there is a palette
		Palette *palette = getPalette(stack.name, client);
		const std::string &index = stack.metadata.getString("palette_index", 0);
		if (palette && !index.empty())
			return (*palette)[mystoi(index, 0, 255)];
		// Fallback color
		return get(stack.name).color;
	void clear()
		for(std::map<std::string, ItemDefinition*>::const_iterator
				i = m_item_definitions.begin();
				i != m_item_definitions.end(); ++i)
			delete i->second;

		// Add the four builtin items:
		//   "" is the hand
		//   "unknown" is returned whenever an undefined item
		//     is accessed (is also the unknown node)
		//   "air" is the air node
		//   "ignore" is the ignore node

		ItemDefinition* hand_def = new ItemDefinition;
		hand_def->name = "";
		hand_def->wield_image = "wieldhand.png";
		hand_def->tool_capabilities = new ToolCapabilities;
		m_item_definitions.insert(std::make_pair("", hand_def));

		ItemDefinition* unknown_def = new ItemDefinition;
		unknown_def->type = ITEM_NODE;
		unknown_def->name = "unknown";
		m_item_definitions.insert(std::make_pair("unknown", unknown_def));

		ItemDefinition* air_def = new ItemDefinition;
		air_def->type = ITEM_NODE;
		air_def->name = "air";
		m_item_definitions.insert(std::make_pair("air", air_def));

		ItemDefinition* ignore_def = new ItemDefinition;
		ignore_def->type = ITEM_NODE;
		ignore_def->name = "ignore";
		m_item_definitions.insert(std::make_pair("ignore", ignore_def));
	virtual void registerItem(const ItemDefinition &def)
		verbosestream<<"ItemDefManager: registering \""<<def.name<<"\""<<std::endl;
		// Ensure that the "" item (the hand) always has ToolCapabilities
		if (def.name.empty())
			FATAL_ERROR_IF(!def.tool_capabilities, "Hand does not have ToolCapabilities");

		if(m_item_definitions.count(def.name) == 0)
			m_item_definitions[def.name] = new ItemDefinition(def);
			*(m_item_definitions[def.name]) = def;

		// Remove conflicting alias if it exists
		bool alias_removed = (m_aliases.erase(def.name) != 0);
			infostream<<"ItemDefManager: erased alias "<<def.name
					<<" because item was defined"<<std::endl;
	virtual void unregisterItem(const std::string &name)
		verbosestream<<"ItemDefManager: unregistering \""<<name<<"\""<<std::endl;

		delete m_item_definitions[name];
	virtual void registerAlias(const std::string &name,
			const std::string &convert_to)
		if (m_item_definitions.find(name) == m_item_definitions.end()) {
			verbosestream<<"ItemDefManager: setting alias "<<name
				<<" -> "<<convert_to<<std::endl;
			m_aliases[name] = convert_to;
	void serialize(std::ostream &os, u16 protocol_version)
		writeU8(os, 0); // version
		u16 count = m_item_definitions.size();
		writeU16(os, count);

		for (std::map<std::string, ItemDefinition *>::const_iterator
				it = m_item_definitions.begin();
				it != m_item_definitions.end(); ++it) {
			ItemDefinition *def = it->second;
			// Serialize ItemDefinition and write wrapped in a string
			std::ostringstream tmp_os(std::ios::binary);
			def->serialize(tmp_os, protocol_version);
			os << serializeString(tmp_os.str());

		writeU16(os, m_aliases.size());

		for (StringMap::const_iterator
				it = m_aliases.begin();
				it != m_aliases.end(); ++it) {
			os << serializeString(it->first);
			os << serializeString(it->second);
	void deSerialize(std::istream &is)
		// Clear everything
		// Deserialize
		int version = readU8(is);
		if(version != 0)
			throw SerializationError("unsupported ItemDefManager version");
		u16 count = readU16(is);
		for(u16 i=0; i<count; i++)
			// Deserialize a string and grab an ItemDefinition from it
			std::istringstream tmp_is(deSerializeString(is), std::ios::binary);
			ItemDefinition def;
			// Register
		u16 num_aliases = readU16(is);
		for(u16 i=0; i<num_aliases; i++)
			std::string name = deSerializeString(is);
			std::string convert_to = deSerializeString(is);
			registerAlias(name, convert_to);
	void processQueue(IGameDef *gamedef)
#ifndef SERVER
		//NOTE this is only thread safe for ONE consumer thread!
			GetRequest<std::string, ClientCached*, u8, u8>
					request = m_get_clientcached_queue.pop();

					createClientCachedDirect(request.key, (Client *)gamedef));
	// Key is name
	std::map<std::string, ItemDefinition*> m_item_definitions;
	// Aliases
	StringMap m_aliases;
#ifndef SERVER
	// The id of the thread that is allowed to use irrlicht directly
	std::thread::id m_main_thread;
	// A reference to this can be returned when nothing is found, to avoid NULLs
	mutable ClientCached m_dummy_clientcached;
	// Cached textures and meshes
	mutable MutexedMap<std::string, ClientCached*> m_clientcached;
	// Queued clientcached fetches (to be processed by the main thread)
	mutable RequestQueue<std::string, ClientCached*, u8, u8> m_get_clientcached_queue;

IWritableItemDefManager* createItemDefManager()
	return new CItemDefManager();