Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


#include "irrlichttypes.h"
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <json/json.h>
#include "util/cpp11_container.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "metadata.h"

#define MODNAME_ALLOWED_CHARS "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_"

struct ModSpec
	std::string name;
	std::string path;
	//if normal mod:
	UNORDERED_SET<std::string> depends;
	UNORDERED_SET<std::string> optdepends;
	UNORDERED_SET<std::string> unsatisfied_depends;

	bool part_of_modpack;
	bool is_modpack;
	// if modpack:
	std::map<std::string,ModSpec> modpack_content;
	ModSpec(const std::string &name_="", const std::string &path_=""):

// Retrieves depends, optdepends, is_modpack and modpack_content
void parseModContents(ModSpec &mod);

std::map<std::string,ModSpec> getModsInPath(std::string path, bool part_of_modpack = false);

// replaces modpack Modspecs with their content
std::vector<ModSpec> flattenMods(std::map<std::string,ModSpec> mods);

// a ModConfiguration is a subset of installed mods, expected to have
// all dependencies fullfilled, so it can be used as a list of mods to
// load when the game starts.
class ModConfiguration
	// checks if all dependencies are fullfilled.
	bool isConsistent() const
		return m_unsatisfied_mods.empty();

	std::vector<ModSpec> getMods()
		return m_sorted_mods;

	const std::vector<ModSpec> &getUnsatisfiedMods() const
		return m_unsatisfied_mods;

	void printUnsatisfiedModsError() const;

	ModConfiguration(const std::string &worldpath);
	// adds all mods in the given path. used for games, modpacks
	// and world-specific mods (worldmods-folders)
	void addModsInPath(const std::string &path);

	// adds all mods in the set.
	void addMods(const std::vector<ModSpec> &new_mods);

	void addModsFormConfig(const std::string &settings_path, const std::set<std::string> &mods);

	void checkConflictsAndDeps();
	// move mods from m_unsatisfied_mods to m_sorted_mods
	// in an order that satisfies dependencies
	void resolveDependencies();

	// mods with unmet dependencies. Before dependencies are resolved,
	// this is where all mods are stored. Afterwards this contains
	// only the ones with really unsatisfied dependencies.
	std::vector<ModSpec> m_unsatisfied_mods;

	// list of mods sorted such that they can be loaded in the
	// given order with all dependencies being fullfilled. I.e.,
	// every mod in this list has only dependencies on mods which
	// appear earlier in the vector.
	std::vector<ModSpec> m_sorted_mods;

	// set of mod names for which an unresolved name conflict
	// exists. A name conflict happens when two or more mods
	// at the same level have the same name but different paths.
	// Levels (mods in higher levels override mods in lower levels):
	// 1. game mod in modpack; 2. game mod;
	// 3. world mod in modpack; 4. world mod;
	// 5. addon mod in modpack; 6. addon mod.
	UNORDERED_SET<std::string> m_name_conflicts;

	// Deleted default constructor
	ModConfiguration() {}


class ServerModConfiguration: public ModConfiguration
	ServerModConfiguration(const std::string &worldpath);


#ifndef SERVER
class ClientModConfiguration: public ModConfiguration
	ClientModConfiguration(const std::string &path);

Json::Value getModstoreUrl(const std::string &url);
inline Json::Value getModstoreUrl(const std::string &url)
	return Json::Value();

struct ModLicenseInfo {
	int id;
	std::string shortinfo;
	std::string url;

struct ModAuthorInfo {
	int id;
	std::string username;

struct ModStoreMod {
	int id;
	std::string title;
	std::string basename;
	ModAuthorInfo author;
	float rating;
	bool valid;

struct ModStoreCategoryInfo {
	int id;
	std::string name;

struct ModStoreVersionEntry {
	int id;
	std::string date;
	std::string file;
	bool approved;
	//ugly version number
	int mtversion;

struct ModStoreTitlePic {
	int id;
	std::string file;
	std::string description;
	int mod;

struct ModStoreModDetails {
	/* version_set?? */
	std::vector<ModStoreCategoryInfo> categories;
	ModAuthorInfo author;
	ModLicenseInfo license;
	ModStoreTitlePic titlepic;
	int id;
	std::string title;
	std::string basename;
	std::string description;
	std::string repository;
	float rating;
	std::vector<std::string> depends;
	std::vector<std::string> softdeps;

	std::string download_url;
	std::string screenshot_url;
	std::vector<ModStoreVersionEntry> versions;
	bool valid;

class ModMetadata: public Metadata
	ModMetadata(const std::string &mod_name);
	~ModMetadata() {}

	virtual void clear();

	bool save(const std::string &root_path);
	bool load(const std::string &root_path);

	bool isModified() const { return m_modified; }
	const std::string &getModName() const { return m_mod_name; }

	virtual bool setString(const std::string &name, const std::string &var);
	std::string m_mod_name;
	bool m_modified;
