Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

	Random portability stuff

	See comments in porting.h

#include "porting.h"

#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
	#include <sys/types.h>
	#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#elif defined(_WIN32)
	#include <algorithm>
#if !defined(_WIN32)
	#include <unistd.h>
	#include <sys/utsname.h>
#if defined(__hpux)
	#define _PSTAT64
	#include <sys/pstat.h>
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__) && \
	!defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(SERVER)
	#define XORG_USED
#ifdef XORG_USED
	#include <X11/Xlib.h>
	#include <X11/Xutil.h>

#include "config.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "filesys.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "util/string.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include <list>

namespace porting

	Signal handler (grabs Ctrl-C on POSIX systems)

bool g_killed = false;

bool * signal_handler_killstatus(void)
	return &g_killed;

#if !defined(_WIN32) // POSIX
	#include <signal.h>

void sigint_handler(int sig)
	if(!g_killed) {
		dstream<<DTIME<<"INFO: sigint_handler(): "
				<<"Ctrl-C pressed, shutting down."<<std::endl;

		// Comment out for less clutter when testing scripts
		/*dstream<<DTIME<<"INFO: sigint_handler(): "
				<<"Printing debug stacks"<<std::endl;

		g_killed = true;
	} else {
		(void)signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);

void signal_handler_init(void)
	(void)signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler);

#else // _WIN32
	#include <signal.h>

BOOL WINAPI event_handler(DWORD sig)
	switch (sig) {
		if (g_killed == false) {
			dstream << DTIME << "INFO: event_handler(): "
				<< "Ctrl+C, Close Event, Logoff Event or Shutdown Event,"
				" shutting down." << std::endl;
			g_killed = true;
		} else {
			(void)signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);

	return TRUE;

void signal_handler_init(void)
	SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)event_handler, TRUE);


	Multithreading support
int getNumberOfProcessors()

	return sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);

#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)

	unsigned int len, count;
	len = sizeof(count);
	return sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu", &count, &len, NULL, 0);

#elif defined(_GNU_SOURCE)

	return get_nprocs();

#elif defined(_WIN32)

	SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
	return sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;

#elif defined(PTW32_VERSION) || defined(__hpux)

	return pthread_num_processors_np();


	return 1;


#ifndef __ANDROID__
bool threadBindToProcessor(threadid_t tid, int pnumber)
#if defined(_WIN32)

	HANDLE hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, 0, tid);
	if (!hThread)
		return false;

	bool success = SetThreadAffinityMask(hThread, 1 << pnumber) != 0;

	return success;

#elif (defined(__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD_version >= 702106)) \
	|| defined(__linux) || defined(linux)

	cpu_set_t cpuset;

	CPU_SET(pnumber, &cpuset);
	return pthread_setaffinity_np(tid, sizeof(cpuset), &cpuset) == 0;

#elif defined(__sun) || defined(sun)

	return processor_bind(P_LWPID, MAKE_LWPID_PTHREAD(tid),
		pnumber, NULL) == 0;

#elif defined(_AIX)

	return bindprocessor(BINDTHREAD, (tid_t)tid, pnumber) == 0;

#elif defined(__hpux) || defined(hpux)

	pthread_spu_t answer;

	return pthread_processor_bind_np(PTHREAD_BIND_ADVISORY_NP,
		&answer, pnumber, tid) == 0;

#elif defined(__APPLE__)

	struct thread_affinity_policy tapol;

	thread_port_t threadport = pthread_mach_thread_np(tid);
	tapol.affinity_tag = pnumber + 1;
	return thread_policy_set(threadport, THREAD_AFFINITY_POLICY,
		(thread_policy_t)&tapol, THREAD_AFFINITY_POLICY_COUNT) == KERN_SUCCESS;


	return false;


bool threadSetPriority(threadid_t tid, int prio)
#if defined(_WIN32)

	HANDLE hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, 0, tid);
	if (!hThread)
		return false;

	bool success = SetThreadPriority(hThread, prio) != 0;

	return success;


	struct sched_param sparam;
	int policy;

	if (pthread_getschedparam(tid, &policy, &sparam) != 0)
		return false;

	int min = sched_get_priority_min(policy);
	int max = sched_get_priority_max(policy);

	sparam.sched_priority = min + prio * (max - min) / THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST;
	return pthread_setschedparam(tid, policy, &sparam) == 0;


	Path mangler

// Default to RUN_IN_PLACE style relative paths
std::string path_share = "..";
std::string path_user = "..";

std::string getDataPath(const char *subpath)
	return path_share + DIR_DELIM + subpath;

void pathRemoveFile(char *path, char delim)
	// Remove filename and path delimiter
	int i;
	for(i = strlen(path)-1; i>=0; i--)
		if(path[i] == delim)
	path[i] = 0;

bool detectMSVCBuildDir(const std::string &path)
	const char *ends[] = {
	return (removeStringEnd(path, ends) != "");

std::string get_sysinfo()
#ifdef _WIN32
	std::ostringstream oss;
	std::string tmp;
	ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
	osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
	tmp = osvi.szCSDVersion;
	std::replace(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), ' ', '_');

	oss << "Windows/" << osvi.dwMajorVersion << "."
		<< osvi.dwMinorVersion;
	if (osvi.szCSDVersion[0])
		oss << "-" << tmp;
	oss << " ";
	#ifdef _WIN64
	oss << "x86_64";
	BOOL is64 = FALSE;
	if (IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &is64) && is64)
		oss << "x86_64"; // 32-bit app on 64-bit OS
		oss << "x86";

	return oss.str();
	struct utsname osinfo;
	return std::string(osinfo.sysname) + "/"
		+ osinfo.release + " " + osinfo.machine;

bool getCurrentWorkingDir(char *buf, size_t len)
#ifdef _WIN32
	DWORD ret = GetCurrentDirectory(len, buf);
	return (ret != 0) && (ret <= len);
	return getcwd(buf, len);

bool getExecPathFromProcfs(char *buf, size_t buflen)
#ifndef _WIN32

	ssize_t len;
	if ((len = readlink("/proc/self/exe",     buf, buflen)) == -1 &&
		(len = readlink("/proc/curproc/file", buf, buflen)) == -1 &&
		(len = readlink("/proc/curproc/exe",  buf, buflen)) == -1)
		return false;

	buf[len] = '\0';
	return true;
	return false;

//// Windows
#if defined(_WIN32)

bool getCurrentExecPath(char *buf, size_t len)
	DWORD written = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, buf, len);
	if (written == 0 || written == len)
		return false;

	return true;

//// Linux
#elif defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__)

bool getCurrentExecPath(char *buf, size_t len)
	if (!getExecPathFromProcfs(buf, len))
		return false;

	return true;

//// Mac OS X, Darwin
#elif defined(__APPLE__)

bool getCurrentExecPath(char *buf, size_t len)
	uint32_t lenb = (uint32_t)len;
	if (_NSGetExecutablePath(buf, &lenb) == -1)
		return false;

	return true;

//// FreeBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)

bool getCurrentExecPath(char *buf, size_t len)
	// Try getting path from procfs first, since valgrind
	// doesn't work with the latter
	if (getExecPathFromProcfs(buf, len))
		return true;

	int mib[4];

	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
	mib[3] = -1;

	if (sysctl(mib, 4, buf, &len, NULL, 0) == -1)
		return false;

	return true;

//// Solaris
#elif defined(__sun) || defined(sun)

bool getCurrentExecPath(char *buf, size_t len)
	const char *exec = getexecname();
	if (exec == NULL)
		return false;

	if (strlcpy(buf, exec, len) >= len)
		return false;

	return true;

// HP-UX
#elif defined(__hpux)

bool getCurrentExecPath(char *buf, size_t len)
	struct pst_status psts;

	if (pstat_getproc(&psts, sizeof(psts), 0, getpid()) == -1)
		return false;

	if (pstat_getpathname(buf, len, &psts.pst_fid_text) == -1)
		return false;

	return true;


bool getCurrentExecPath(char *buf, size_t len)
	return false;


//// Windows
#if defined(_WIN32)

bool setSystemPaths()
	char buf[BUFSIZ];

	// Find path of executable and set path_share relative to it
	FATAL_ERROR_IF(!getCurrentExecPath(buf, sizeof(buf)),
		"Failed to get current executable path");
	pathRemoveFile(buf, '\\');

	// Use ".\bin\.."
	path_share = std::string(buf) + "\\..";

	// Use "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\<PROJECT_NAME>"
	DWORD len = GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA", buf, sizeof(buf));
	FATAL_ERROR_IF(len == 0 || len > sizeof(buf), "Failed to get APPDATA");

	path_user = std::string(buf) + DIR_DELIM + PROJECT_NAME;
	return true;

//// Linux
#elif defined(linux) || defined(__linux)

bool setSystemPaths()
	char buf[BUFSIZ];

	if (!getCurrentExecPath(buf, sizeof(buf))) {
#ifdef __ANDROID__
		errorstream << "Unable to read bindir "<< std::endl;
		FATAL_ERROR("Unable to read bindir");
		return false;

	pathRemoveFile(buf, '/');
	std::string bindir(buf);

	// Find share directory from these.
	// It is identified by containing the subdirectory "builtin".
	std::list<std::string> trylist;
	std::string static_sharedir = STATIC_SHAREDIR;
	if (static_sharedir != "" && static_sharedir != ".")

	trylist.push_back(bindir + DIR_DELIM ".." DIR_DELIM "share"
	trylist.push_back(bindir + DIR_DELIM "..");

#ifdef __ANDROID__

	for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator
			i = trylist.begin(); i != trylist.end(); i++) {
		const std::string &trypath = *i;
		if (!fs::PathExists(trypath) ||
			!fs::PathExists(trypath + DIR_DELIM + "builtin")) {
			dstream << "WARNING: system-wide share not found at \""
					<< trypath << "\""<< std::endl;

		// Warn if was not the first alternative
		if (i != trylist.begin()) {
			dstream << "WARNING: system-wide share found at \""
					<< trypath << "\"" << std::endl;

		path_share = trypath;

#ifndef __ANDROID__
	path_user = std::string(getenv("HOME")) + DIR_DELIM "."

	return true;

//// Mac OS X
#elif defined(__APPLE__)

bool setSystemPaths()
	CFBundleRef main_bundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
	CFURLRef resources_url = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(main_bundle);
	char path[PATH_MAX];
	if (CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(resources_url,
			TRUE, (UInt8 *)path, PATH_MAX)) {
		path_share = std::string(path);
	} else {
		dstream << "WARNING: Could not determine bundle resource path" << std::endl;

	path_user = std::string(getenv("HOME"))
		+ "/Library/Application Support/"
	return true;


bool setSystemPaths()
	path_share = STATIC_SHAREDIR;
	path_user  = std::string(getenv("HOME")) + DIR_DELIM "."
		+ lowercase(PROJECT_NAME);
	return true;


void initializePaths()
	char buf[BUFSIZ];

	infostream << "Using relative paths (RUN_IN_PLACE)" << std::endl;

	bool success =
		getCurrentExecPath(buf, sizeof(buf)) ||
		getExecPathFromProcfs(buf, sizeof(buf));

	if (success) {
		pathRemoveFile(buf, DIR_DELIM_CHAR);
		std::string execpath(buf);

		path_share = execpath + DIR_DELIM "..";
		path_user  = execpath + DIR_DELIM "..";

		if (detectMSVCBuildDir(execpath)) {
			path_share += DIR_DELIM "..";
			path_user  += DIR_DELIM "..";
	} else {
		errorstream << "Failed to get paths by executable location, "
			"trying cwd" << std::endl;

		if (!getCurrentWorkingDir(buf, sizeof(buf)))
			FATAL_ERROR("Ran out of methods to get paths");

		size_t cwdlen = strlen(buf);
		if (cwdlen >= 1 && buf[cwdlen - 1] == DIR_DELIM_CHAR) {
			buf[cwdlen] = '\0';

		if (cwdlen >= 4 && !strcmp(buf + cwdlen - 4, DIR_DELIM "bin"))
			pathRemoveFile(buf, DIR_DELIM_CHAR);

		std::string execpath(buf);

		path_share = execpath;
		path_user  = execpath;

	infostream << "Using system-wide paths (NOT RUN_IN_PLACE)" << std::endl;

	if (!setSystemPaths())
		errorstream << "Failed to get one or more system-wide path" << std::endl;


	infostream << "Detected share path: " << path_share << std::endl;
	infostream << "Detected user path: " << path_user << std::endl;

void setXorgClassHint(const video::SExposedVideoData &video_data,
	const std::string &name)
#ifdef XORG_USED
	if (video_data.OpenGLLinux.X11Display == NULL)

	XClassHint *classhint = XAllocClassHint();
	classhint->res_name  = (char *)name.c_str();
	classhint->res_class = (char *)name.c_str();

	XSetClassHint((Display *)video_data.OpenGLLinux.X11Display,
		video_data.OpenGLLinux.X11Window, classhint);

//// Video/Display Information (Client-only)

#ifndef SERVER

static irr::IrrlichtDevice *device;

void initIrrlicht(irr::IrrlichtDevice *device_)
	device = device_;

v2u32 getWindowSize()
	return device->getVideoDriver()->getScreenSize();

std::vector<core::vector3d<u32> > getSupportedVideoModes()
	IrrlichtDevice *nulldevice = createDevice(video::EDT_NULL);
	sanity_check(nulldevice != NULL);

	std::vector<core::vector3d<u32> > mlist;
	video::IVideoModeList *modelist = nulldevice->getVideoModeList();

	u32 num_modes = modelist->getVideoModeCount();
	for (u32 i = 0; i != num_modes; i++) {
		core::dimension2d<u32> mode_res = modelist->getVideoModeResolution(i);
		s32 mode_depth = modelist->getVideoModeDepth(i);
		mlist.push_back(core::vector3d<u32>(mode_res.Width, mode_res.Height, mode_depth));


	return mlist;

std::vector<irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE> getSupportedVideoDrivers()
	std::vector<irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE> drivers;

	for (int i = 0; i != irr::video::EDT_COUNT; i++) {
		if (irr::IrrlichtDevice::isDriverSupported((irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE)i))

	return drivers;

const char *getVideoDriverName(irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE type)
	static const char *driver_ids[] = {

	return driver_ids[type];

const char *getVideoDriverFriendlyName(irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE type)
	static const char *driver_names[] = {
		"NULL Driver",
		"Software Renderer",
		"Burning's Video",
		"Direct3D 8",
		"Direct3D 9",
		"OpenGL ES1",
		"OpenGL ES2",

	return driver_names[type];

#	ifndef __ANDROID__
#		ifdef XORG_USED

static float calcDisplayDensity()
	const char *current_display = getenv("DISPLAY");

	if (current_display != NULL) {
		Display *x11display = XOpenDisplay(current_display);

		if (x11display != NULL) {
			/* try x direct */
			float dpi_height = floor(DisplayHeight(x11display, 0) /
							(DisplayHeightMM(x11display, 0) * 0.039370) + 0.5);
			float dpi_width = floor(DisplayWidth(x11display, 0) /
							(DisplayWidthMM(x11display, 0) * 0.039370) + 0.5);


			return std::max(dpi_height,dpi_width) / 96.0;

	/* return manually specified dpi */
	return g_settings->getFloat("screen_dpi")/96.0;

float getDisplayDensity()
	static float cached_display_density = calcDisplayDensity();
	return cached_display_density;

#		else // XORG_USED
float getDisplayDensity()
	return g_settings->getFloat("screen_dpi")/96.0;
#		endif // XORG_USED

v2u32 getDisplaySize()
	IrrlichtDevice *nulldevice = createDevice(video::EDT_NULL);

	core::dimension2d<u32> deskres = nulldevice->getVideoModeList()->getDesktopResolution();
	nulldevice -> drop();

	return deskres;
#	endif // __ANDROID__
#endif // SERVER

} //namespace porting