/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2010-2016 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> Copyright (C) 2014-2016 nerzhul, Loic Blot <loic.blot@unix-experience.fr> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "remoteplayer.h" #include <json/json.h> #include "content_sao.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "gamedef.h" #include "porting.h" // strlcpy #include "server.h" #include "settings.h" /* RemotePlayer */ // static config cache for remoteplayer bool RemotePlayer::m_setting_cache_loaded = false; float RemotePlayer::m_setting_chat_message_limit_per_10sec = 0.0f; u16 RemotePlayer::m_setting_chat_message_limit_trigger_kick = 0; RemotePlayer::RemotePlayer(const char *name, IItemDefManager *idef): Player(name, idef) { if (!RemotePlayer::m_setting_cache_loaded) { RemotePlayer::m_setting_chat_message_limit_per_10sec = g_settings->getFloat("chat_message_limit_per_10sec"); RemotePlayer::m_setting_chat_message_limit_trigger_kick = g_settings->getU16("chat_message_limit_trigger_kick"); RemotePlayer::m_setting_cache_loaded = true; } movement_acceleration_default = g_settings->getFloat("movement_acceleration_default") * BS; movement_acceleration_air = g_settings->getFloat("movement_acceleration_air") * BS; movement_acceleration_fast = g_settings->getFloat("movement_acceleration_fast") * BS; movement_speed_walk = g_settings->getFloat("movement_speed_walk") * BS; movement_speed_crouch = g_settings->getFloat("movement_speed_crouch") * BS; movement_speed_fast = g_settings->getFloat("movement_speed_fast") * BS; movement_speed_climb = g_settings->getFloat("movement_speed_climb") * BS; movement_speed_jump = g_settings->getFloat("movement_speed_jump") * BS; movement_liquid_fluidity = g_settings->getFloat("movement_liquid_fluidity") * BS; movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth = g_settings->getFloat("movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth") * BS; movement_liquid_sink = g_settings->getFloat("movement_liquid_sink") * BS; movement_gravity = g_settings->getFloat("movement_gravity") * BS; // copy defaults m_cloud_params.density = 0.4f; m_cloud_params.color_bright = video::SColor(229, 240, 240, 255); m_cloud_params.color_ambient = video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0); m_cloud_params.height = 120.0f; m_cloud_params.thickness = 16.0f; m_cloud_params.speed = v2f(0.0f, -2.0f); } void RemotePlayer::serializeExtraAttributes(std::string &output) { assert(m_sao); Json::Value json_root; const PlayerAttributes &attrs = m_sao->getExtendedAttributes(); for (PlayerAttributes::const_iterator it = attrs.begin(); it != attrs.end(); ++it) { json_root[(*it).first] = (*it).second; } Json::FastWriter writer; output = writer.write(json_root); m_sao->setExtendedAttributeModified(false); } void RemotePlayer::deSerialize(std::istream &is, const std::string &playername, PlayerSAO *sao) { Settings args; if (!args.parseConfigLines(is, "PlayerArgsEnd")) { throw SerializationError("PlayerArgsEnd of player " + playername + " not found!"); } m_dirty = true; //args.getS32("version"); // Version field value not used const std::string &name = args.get("name"); strlcpy(m_name, name.c_str(), PLAYERNAME_SIZE); if (sao) { try { sao->setHPRaw(args.getS32("hp")); } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { sao->setHPRaw(PLAYER_MAX_HP); } try { sao->setBasePosition(args.getV3F("position")); } catch (SettingNotFoundException &e) {} try { sao->setPitch(args.getFloat("pitch")); } catch (SettingNotFoundException &e) {} try { sao->setYaw(args.getFloat("yaw")); } catch (SettingNotFoundException &e) {} try { sao->setBreath(args.getS32("breath"), false); } catch (SettingNotFoundException &e) {} try { const std::string &extended_attributes = args.get("extended_attributes"); Json::Reader reader; Json::Value attr_root; reader.parse(extended_attributes, attr_root); const Json::Value::Members attr_list = attr_root.getMemberNames(); for (Json::Value::Members::const_iterator it = attr_list.begin(); it != attr_list.end(); ++it) { Json::Value attr_value = attr_root[*it]; sao->setExtendedAttribute(*it, attr_value.asString()); } } catch (SettingNotFoundException &e) {} } inventory.deSerialize(is); if (inventory.getList("craftpreview") == NULL) { // Convert players without craftpreview inventory.addList("craftpreview", 1); bool craftresult_is_preview = true; if(args.exists("craftresult_is_preview")) craftresult_is_preview = args.getBool("craftresult_is_preview"); if(craftresult_is_preview) { // Clear craftresult inventory.getList("craftresult")->changeItem(0, ItemStack()); } } } void RemotePlayer::serialize(std::ostream &os) { // Utilize a Settings object for storing values Settings args; args.setS32("version", 1); args.set("name", m_name); // This should not happen assert(m_sao); args.setS32("hp", m_sao->getHP()); args.setV3F("position", m_sao->getBasePosition()); args.setFloat("pitch", m_sao->getPitch()); args.setFloat("yaw", m_sao->getYaw()); args.setS32("breath", m_sao->getBreath()); std::string extended_attrs = ""; serializeExtraAttributes(extended_attrs); args.set("extended_attributes", extended_attrs); args.writeLines(os); os<<"PlayerArgsEnd\n"; inventory.serialize(os); } const RemotePlayerChatResult RemotePlayer::canSendChatMessage() { // Rate limit messages u32 now = time(NULL); float time_passed = now - m_last_chat_message_sent; m_last_chat_message_sent = now; // If this feature is disabled if (m_setting_chat_message_limit_per_10sec <= 0.0) { return RPLAYER_CHATRESULT_OK; } m_chat_message_allowance += time_passed * (m_setting_chat_message_limit_per_10sec / 8.0f); if (m_chat_message_allowance > m_setting_chat_message_limit_per_10sec) { m_chat_message_allowance = m_setting_chat_message_limit_per_10sec; } if (m_chat_message_allowance < 1.0f) { infostream << "Player " << m_name << " chat limited due to excessive message amount." << std::endl; // Kick player if flooding is too intensive m_message_rate_overhead++; if (m_message_rate_overhead > RemotePlayer::m_setting_chat_message_limit_trigger_kick) { return RPLAYER_CHATRESULT_KICK; } return RPLAYER_CHATRESULT_FLOODING; } // Reinit message overhead if (m_message_rate_overhead > 0) { m_message_rate_overhead = 0; } m_chat_message_allowance -= 1.0f; return RPLAYER_CHATRESULT_OK; }