/* Minetest-c55 Copyright (C) 2010-2011 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "server.h" #include "utility.h" #include <iostream> #include "clientserver.h" #include "map.h" #include "jmutexautolock.h" #include "main.h" #include "constants.h" #include "voxel.h" #include "materials.h" #include "mineral.h" #include "config.h" #include "servercommand.h" #define BLOCK_EMERGE_FLAG_FROMDISK (1<<0) void * ServerThread::Thread() { ThreadStarted(); DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); BEGIN_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER while(getRun()) { try{ //TimeTaker timer("AsyncRunStep() + Receive()"); { //TimeTaker timer("AsyncRunStep()"); m_server->AsyncRunStep(); } //dout_server<<"Running m_server->Receive()"<<std::endl; m_server->Receive(); } catch(con::NoIncomingDataException &e) { } catch(con::PeerNotFoundException &e) { dout_server<<"Server: PeerNotFoundException"<<std::endl; } } END_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER return NULL; } void * EmergeThread::Thread() { ThreadStarted(); DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); //bool debug=false; BEGIN_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER /* Get block info from queue, emerge them and send them to clients. After queue is empty, exit. */ while(getRun()) { QueuedBlockEmerge *qptr = m_server->m_emerge_queue.pop(); if(qptr == NULL) break; SharedPtr<QueuedBlockEmerge> q(qptr); v3s16 &p = q->pos; v2s16 p2d(p.X,p.Z); /* Do not generate over-limit */ if(p.X < -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.X > MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Y < -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Y > MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Z < -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Z > MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE) continue; //derr_server<<"EmergeThread::Thread(): running"<<std::endl; //TimeTaker timer("block emerge"); /* Try to emerge it from somewhere. If it is only wanted as optional, only loading from disk will be allowed. */ /* Check if any peer wants it as non-optional. In that case it will be generated. Also decrement the emerge queue count in clients. */ bool optional = true; { core::map<u16, u8>::Iterator i; for(i=q->peer_ids.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { //u16 peer_id = i.getNode()->getKey(); // Check flags u8 flags = i.getNode()->getValue(); if((flags & BLOCK_EMERGE_FLAG_FROMDISK) == false) optional = false; } } /*dstream<<"EmergeThread: p=" <<"("<<p.X<<","<<p.Y<<","<<p.Z<<") " <<"optional="<<optional<<std::endl;*/ ServerMap &map = ((ServerMap&)m_server->m_env.getMap()); core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> changed_blocks; core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> lighting_invalidated_blocks; MapBlock *block = NULL; bool got_block = true; core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> modified_blocks; bool only_from_disk = false; if(optional) only_from_disk = true; v2s16 chunkpos = map.sector_to_chunk(p2d); bool generate_chunk = false; if(only_from_disk == false) { JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_server->m_env_mutex); if(map.chunkNonVolatile(chunkpos) == false) generate_chunk = true; } if(generate_chunk) { ChunkMakeData data; { JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_server->m_env_mutex); map.initChunkMake(data, chunkpos); } makeChunk(&data); { JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_server->m_env_mutex); map.finishChunkMake(data, changed_blocks); } } /* Fetch block from map or generate a single block */ { JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_server->m_env_mutex); // Load sector if it isn't loaded if(map.getSectorNoGenerateNoEx(p2d) == NULL) map.loadSectorFull(p2d); block = map.getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p); if(!block || block->isDummy()) { if(only_from_disk) { got_block = false; } else { // Get, load or create sector ServerMapSector *sector = (ServerMapSector*)map.createSector(p2d); // Generate block block = map.generateBlock(p, block, sector, changed_blocks, lighting_invalidated_blocks); if(block == NULL) got_block = false; } } else { if(block->getLightingExpired()){ lighting_invalidated_blocks[block->getPos()] = block; } } // TODO: Some additional checking and lighting updating, // see emergeBlock } {//envlock JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_server->m_env_mutex); if(got_block) { /* Collect a list of blocks that have been modified in addition to the fetched one. */ if(lighting_invalidated_blocks.size() > 0) { /*dstream<<"lighting "<<lighting_invalidated_blocks.size() <<" blocks"<<std::endl;*/ // 50-100ms for single block generation //TimeTaker timer("** EmergeThread updateLighting"); // Update lighting without locking the environment mutex, // add modified blocks to changed blocks map.updateLighting(lighting_invalidated_blocks, modified_blocks); } // Add all from changed_blocks to modified_blocks for(core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::Iterator i = changed_blocks.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { MapBlock *block = i.getNode()->getValue(); modified_blocks.insert(block->getPos(), block); } } // If we got no block, there should be no invalidated blocks else { assert(lighting_invalidated_blocks.size() == 0); } }//envlock /* Set sent status of modified blocks on clients */ // NOTE: Server's clients are also behind the connection mutex JMutexAutoLock lock(m_server->m_con_mutex); /* Add the originally fetched block to the modified list */ if(got_block) { modified_blocks.insert(p, block); } /* Set the modified blocks unsent for all the clients */ for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_server->m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); if(modified_blocks.size() > 0) { // Remove block from sent history client->SetBlocksNotSent(modified_blocks); } } } END_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER return NULL; } void RemoteClient::GetNextBlocks(Server *server, float dtime, core::array<PrioritySortedBlockTransfer> &dest) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); /*u32 timer_result; TimeTaker timer("RemoteClient::GetNextBlocks", &timer_result);*/ // Increment timers m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer += dtime; m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer -= dtime; if(m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer >= 0) return; // Won't send anything if already sending if(m_blocks_sending.size() >= g_settings.getU16 ("max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client")) { //dstream<<"Not sending any blocks, Queue full."<<std::endl; return; } Player *player = server->m_env.getPlayer(peer_id); assert(player != NULL); v3f playerpos = player->getPosition(); v3f playerspeed = player->getSpeed(); v3s16 center_nodepos = floatToInt(playerpos, BS); v3s16 center = getNodeBlockPos(center_nodepos); // Camera position and direction v3f camera_pos = playerpos + v3f(0, BS+BS/2, 0); v3f camera_dir = v3f(0,0,1); camera_dir.rotateYZBy(player->getPitch()); camera_dir.rotateXZBy(player->getYaw()); /* Get the starting value of the block finder radius. */ if(m_last_center != center) { m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; m_last_center = center; } /*dstream<<"m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer=" <<m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer<<std::endl;*/ if(m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer > 5.0) { m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer = 0; m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; //dstream<<"Resetting m_nearest_unsent_d"<<std::endl; } //s16 last_nearest_unsent_d = m_nearest_unsent_d; s16 d_start = m_nearest_unsent_d; //dstream<<"d_start="<<d_start<<std::endl; u16 max_simul_sends_setting = g_settings.getU16 ("max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client"); u16 max_simul_sends_usually = max_simul_sends_setting; /* Check the time from last addNode/removeNode. Decrease send rate if player is building stuff. */ m_time_from_building += dtime; if(m_time_from_building < g_settings.getFloat( "full_block_send_enable_min_time_from_building")) { max_simul_sends_usually = LIMITED_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_BLOCK_SENDS; } /* Number of blocks sending + number of blocks selected for sending */ u32 num_blocks_selected = m_blocks_sending.size(); /* next time d will be continued from the d from which the nearest unsent block was found this time. This is because not necessarily any of the blocks found this time are actually sent. */ s32 new_nearest_unsent_d = -1; s16 d_max = g_settings.getS16("max_block_send_distance"); s16 d_max_gen = g_settings.getS16("max_block_generate_distance"); //dstream<<"Starting from "<<d_start<<std::endl; bool sending_something = false; for(s16 d = d_start; d <= d_max; d++) { //dstream<<"RemoteClient::SendBlocks(): d="<<d<<std::endl; /* If m_nearest_unsent_d was changed by the EmergeThread (it can change it to 0 through SetBlockNotSent), update our d to it. Else update m_nearest_unsent_d */ /*if(m_nearest_unsent_d != last_nearest_unsent_d) { d = m_nearest_unsent_d; last_nearest_unsent_d = m_nearest_unsent_d; }*/ /* Get the border/face dot coordinates of a "d-radiused" box */ core::list<v3s16> list; getFacePositions(list, d); core::list<v3s16>::Iterator li; for(li=list.begin(); li!=list.end(); li++) { v3s16 p = *li + center; /* Send throttling - Don't allow too many simultaneous transfers - EXCEPT when the blocks are very close Also, don't send blocks that are already flying. */ // Start with the usual maximum u16 max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_usually; // If block is very close, allow full maximum if(d <= BLOCK_SEND_DISABLE_LIMITS_MAX_D) max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_setting; // Don't select too many blocks for sending if(num_blocks_selected >= max_simul_dynamic) goto queue_full; // Don't send blocks that are currently being transferred if(m_blocks_sending.find(p) != NULL) continue; /* Do not go over-limit */ if(p.X < -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.X > MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Y < -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Y > MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Z < -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Z > MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE) continue; // If this is true, inexistent block will be made from scratch bool generate = d <= d_max_gen; { /*// Limit the generating area vertically to 2/3 if(abs(p.Y - center.Y) > d_max_gen - d_max_gen / 3) generate = false;*/ // Limit the send area vertically to 2/3 if(abs(p.Y - center.Y) > d_max_gen - d_max_gen / 3) continue; } #if 1 /* If block is far away, don't generate it unless it is near ground level. */ if(d >= 4) { #if 1 // Block center y in nodes f32 y = (f32)(p.Y * MAP_BLOCKSIZE + MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2); // Don't generate if it's very high or very low if(y < -64 || y > 64) generate = false; #endif #if 0 v2s16 p2d_nodes_center( MAP_BLOCKSIZE*p.X, MAP_BLOCKSIZE*p.Z); // Get ground height in nodes s16 gh = server->m_env.getServerMap().findGroundLevel( p2d_nodes_center); // If differs a lot, don't generate if(fabs(gh - y) > MAP_BLOCKSIZE*2) generate = false; // Actually, don't even send it //continue; #endif } #endif /* Don't generate or send if not in sight */ if(isBlockInSight(p, camera_pos, camera_dir, 10000*BS) == false) { continue; } /* Don't send already sent blocks */ { if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) != NULL) continue; } /* Check if map has this block */ MapBlock *block = server->m_env.getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p); bool surely_not_found_on_disk = false; bool block_is_invalid = false; if(block != NULL) { if(block->isDummy()) { surely_not_found_on_disk = true; } if(block->isValid() == false) { block_is_invalid = true; } /*if(block->isFullyGenerated() == false) { block_is_invalid = true; }*/ v2s16 p2d(p.X, p.Z); ServerMap *map = (ServerMap*)(&server->m_env.getMap()); v2s16 chunkpos = map->sector_to_chunk(p2d); if(map->chunkNonVolatile(chunkpos) == false) block_is_invalid = true; #if 1 /* If block is not close, don't send it unless it is near ground level. Block is not near ground level if night-time mesh doesn't differ from day-time mesh. */ if(d > 3) { if(block->dayNightDiffed() == false) continue; } #endif } /* If block has been marked to not exist on disk (dummy) and generating new ones is not wanted, skip block. */ if(generate == false && surely_not_found_on_disk == true) { // get next one. continue; } /* Record the lowest d from which a a block has been found being not sent and possibly to exist */ if(new_nearest_unsent_d == -1 || d < new_nearest_unsent_d) { if(generate == true) new_nearest_unsent_d = d; } /* Add inexistent block to emerge queue. */ if(block == NULL || surely_not_found_on_disk || block_is_invalid) { //TODO: Get value from somewhere // Allow only one block in emerge queue //if(server->m_emerge_queue.peerItemCount(peer_id) < 1) if(server->m_emerge_queue.peerItemCount(peer_id) < 2) { //dstream<<"Adding block to emerge queue"<<std::endl; // Add it to the emerge queue and trigger the thread u8 flags = 0; if(generate == false) flags |= BLOCK_EMERGE_FLAG_FROMDISK; server->m_emerge_queue.addBlock(peer_id, p, flags); server->m_emergethread.trigger(); } // get next one. continue; } /* Add block to send queue */ PrioritySortedBlockTransfer q((float)d, p, peer_id); dest.push_back(q); num_blocks_selected += 1; sending_something = true; } } queue_full: if(new_nearest_unsent_d != -1) { m_nearest_unsent_d = new_nearest_unsent_d; } if(sending_something == false) { m_nothing_to_send_counter++; if(m_nothing_to_send_counter >= 3) { // Pause time in seconds m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 2.0; } } else { m_nothing_to_send_counter = 0; } /*timer_result = timer.stop(true); if(timer_result != 0) dstream<<"GetNextBlocks duration: "<<timer_result<<" (!=0)"<<std::endl;*/ } void RemoteClient::SendObjectData( Server *server, float dtime, core::map<v3s16, bool> &stepped_blocks ) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); // Can't send anything without knowing version if(serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) { dstream<<"RemoteClient::SendObjectData(): Not sending, no version." <<std::endl; return; } /* Send a TOCLIENT_OBJECTDATA packet. Sent as unreliable. u16 command u16 number of player positions for each player: v3s32 position*100 v3s32 speed*100 s32 pitch*100 s32 yaw*100 u16 count of blocks for each block: block objects */ std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); u8 buf[12]; // Write command writeU16(buf, TOCLIENT_OBJECTDATA); os.write((char*)buf, 2); /* Get and write player data */ // Get connected players core::list<Player*> players = server->m_env.getPlayers(true); // Write player count u16 playercount = players.size(); writeU16(buf, playercount); os.write((char*)buf, 2); core::list<Player*>::Iterator i; for(i = players.begin(); i != players.end(); i++) { Player *player = *i; v3f pf = player->getPosition(); v3f sf = player->getSpeed(); v3s32 position_i(pf.X*100, pf.Y*100, pf.Z*100); v3s32 speed_i (sf.X*100, sf.Y*100, sf.Z*100); s32 pitch_i (player->getPitch() * 100); s32 yaw_i (player->getYaw() * 100); writeU16(buf, player->peer_id); os.write((char*)buf, 2); writeV3S32(buf, position_i); os.write((char*)buf, 12); writeV3S32(buf, speed_i); os.write((char*)buf, 12); writeS32(buf, pitch_i); os.write((char*)buf, 4); writeS32(buf, yaw_i); os.write((char*)buf, 4); } /* Get and write object data */ /* Get nearby blocks. For making players to be able to build to their nearby environment (building is not possible on blocks that are not in memory): - Set blocks changed - Add blocks to emerge queue if they are not found SUGGESTION: These could be ignored from the backside of the player */ Player *player = server->m_env.getPlayer(peer_id); assert(player); v3f playerpos = player->getPosition(); v3f playerspeed = player->getSpeed(); v3s16 center_nodepos = floatToInt(playerpos, BS); v3s16 center = getNodeBlockPos(center_nodepos); s16 d_max = g_settings.getS16("active_object_range"); // Number of blocks whose objects were written to bos u16 blockcount = 0; std::ostringstream bos(std::ios_base::binary); for(s16 d = 0; d <= d_max; d++) { core::list<v3s16> list; getFacePositions(list, d); core::list<v3s16>::Iterator li; for(li=list.begin(); li!=list.end(); li++) { v3s16 p = *li + center; /* Ignore blocks that haven't been sent to the client */ { if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) == NULL) continue; } // Try stepping block and add it to a send queue try { // Get block MapBlock *block = server->m_env.getMap().getBlockNoCreate(p); /* Step block if not in stepped_blocks and add to stepped_blocks. */ if(stepped_blocks.find(p) == NULL) { block->stepObjects(dtime, true, server->getDayNightRatio()); stepped_blocks.insert(p, true); block->setChangedFlag(); } // Skip block if there are no objects if(block->getObjectCount() == 0) continue; /* Write objects */ // Write blockpos writeV3S16(buf, p); bos.write((char*)buf, 6); // Write objects block->serializeObjects(bos, serialization_version); blockcount++; /* Stop collecting objects if data is already too big */ // Sum of player and object data sizes s32 sum = (s32)os.tellp() + 2 + (s32)bos.tellp(); // break out if data too big if(sum > MAX_OBJECTDATA_SIZE) { goto skip_subsequent; } } //try catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { // Not in memory // Add it to the emerge queue and trigger the thread. // Fetch the block only if it is on disk. // Grab and increment counter /*SharedPtr<JMutexAutoLock> lock (m_num_blocks_in_emerge_queue.getLock()); m_num_blocks_in_emerge_queue.m_value++;*/ // Add to queue as an anonymous fetch from disk u8 flags = BLOCK_EMERGE_FLAG_FROMDISK; server->m_emerge_queue.addBlock(0, p, flags); server->m_emergethread.trigger(); } } } skip_subsequent: // Write block count writeU16(buf, blockcount); os.write((char*)buf, 2); // Write block objects os<<bos.str(); /* Send data */ //dstream<<"Server: Sending object data to "<<peer_id<<std::endl; // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer<u8> data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as unreliable server->m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, false); } void RemoteClient::GotBlock(v3s16 p) { if(m_blocks_sending.find(p) != NULL) m_blocks_sending.remove(p); else { /*dstream<<"RemoteClient::GotBlock(): Didn't find in" " m_blocks_sending"<<std::endl;*/ m_excess_gotblocks++; } m_blocks_sent.insert(p, true); } void RemoteClient::SentBlock(v3s16 p) { if(m_blocks_sending.find(p) == NULL) m_blocks_sending.insert(p, 0.0); else dstream<<"RemoteClient::SentBlock(): Sent block" " already in m_blocks_sending"<<std::endl; } void RemoteClient::SetBlockNotSent(v3s16 p) { m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; if(m_blocks_sending.find(p) != NULL) m_blocks_sending.remove(p); if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) != NULL) m_blocks_sent.remove(p); } void RemoteClient::SetBlocksNotSent(core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> &blocks) { m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; for(core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::Iterator i = blocks.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { v3s16 p = i.getNode()->getKey(); if(m_blocks_sending.find(p) != NULL) m_blocks_sending.remove(p); if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) != NULL) m_blocks_sent.remove(p); } } /* PlayerInfo */ PlayerInfo::PlayerInfo() { name[0] = 0; avg_rtt = 0; } void PlayerInfo::PrintLine(std::ostream *s) { (*s)<<id<<": "; (*s)<<"\""<<name<<"\" (" <<(position.X/10)<<","<<(position.Y/10) <<","<<(position.Z/10)<<") "; address.print(s); (*s)<<" avg_rtt="<<avg_rtt; (*s)<<std::endl; } u32 PIChecksum(core::list<PlayerInfo> &l) { core::list<PlayerInfo>::Iterator i; u32 checksum = 1; u32 a = 10; for(i=l.begin(); i!=l.end(); i++) { checksum += a * (i->id+1); checksum ^= 0x435aafcd; a *= 10; } return checksum; } /* Server */ Server::Server( std::string mapsavedir ): m_env(new ServerMap(mapsavedir), this), m_con(PROTOCOL_ID, 512, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this), m_thread(this), m_emergethread(this), m_time_of_day(9000), m_time_counter(0), m_time_of_day_send_timer(0), m_uptime(0), m_mapsavedir(mapsavedir), m_shutdown_requested(false), m_ignore_map_edit_events(false), m_ignore_map_edit_events_peer_id(0) { m_liquid_transform_timer = 0.0; m_print_info_timer = 0.0; m_objectdata_timer = 0.0; m_emergethread_trigger_timer = 0.0; m_savemap_timer = 0.0; m_env_mutex.Init(); m_con_mutex.Init(); m_step_dtime_mutex.Init(); m_step_dtime = 0.0; m_env.getMap().addEventReceiver(this); // Load players m_env.deSerializePlayers(m_mapsavedir); } Server::~Server() { dstream<<"Server::~Server()"<<std::endl; /* Send shutdown message */ { JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); std::wstring line = L"*** Server shutting down"; /* Send the message to clients */ for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { // Get client and check that it is valid RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); assert(client->peer_id == i.getNode()->getKey()); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; try{ SendChatMessage(client->peer_id, line); } catch(con::PeerNotFoundException &e) {} } } /* Save players */ dstream<<"Server: Saving players"<<std::endl; m_env.serializePlayers(m_mapsavedir); /* Stop threads */ stop(); /* Delete clients */ { JMutexAutoLock clientslock(m_con_mutex); for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { /*// Delete player // NOTE: These are removed by env destructor { u16 peer_id = i.getNode()->getKey(); JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); m_env.removePlayer(peer_id); }*/ // Delete client delete i.getNode()->getValue(); } } } void Server::start(unsigned short port) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); // Stop thread if already running m_thread.stop(); // Initialize connection m_con.setTimeoutMs(30); m_con.Serve(port); // Start thread m_thread.setRun(true); m_thread.Start(); dout_server<<"Server: Started on port "<<port<<std::endl; } void Server::stop() { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); // Stop threads (set run=false first so both start stopping) m_thread.setRun(false); m_emergethread.setRun(false); m_thread.stop(); m_emergethread.stop(); dout_server<<"Server: Threads stopped"<<std::endl; } void Server::step(float dtime) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); // Limit a bit if(dtime > 2.0) dtime = 2.0; { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_step_dtime_mutex); m_step_dtime += dtime; } } void Server::AsyncRunStep() { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); float dtime; { JMutexAutoLock lock1(m_step_dtime_mutex); dtime = m_step_dtime; } // Send blocks to clients SendBlocks(dtime); if(dtime < 0.001) return; //dstream<<"Server steps "<<dtime<<std::endl; //dstream<<"Server::AsyncRunStep(): dtime="<<dtime<<std::endl; { JMutexAutoLock lock1(m_step_dtime_mutex); m_step_dtime -= dtime; } /* Update uptime */ { m_uptime.set(m_uptime.get() + dtime); } /* Update m_time_of_day */ { m_time_counter += dtime; f32 speed = g_settings.getFloat("time_speed") * 24000./(24.*3600); u32 units = (u32)(m_time_counter*speed); m_time_counter -= (f32)units / speed; m_time_of_day.set((m_time_of_day.get() + units) % 24000); //dstream<<"Server: m_time_of_day = "<<m_time_of_day.get()<<std::endl; /* Send to clients at constant intervals */ m_time_of_day_send_timer -= dtime; if(m_time_of_day_send_timer < 0.0) { m_time_of_day_send_timer = g_settings.getFloat("time_send_interval"); //JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); //Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(client->peer_id); SharedBuffer<u8> data = makePacket_TOCLIENT_TIME_OF_DAY( m_time_of_day.get()); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, data, true); } } } { // Process connection's timeouts JMutexAutoLock lock2(m_con_mutex); m_con.RunTimeouts(dtime); } { // This has to be called so that the client list gets synced // with the peer list of the connection handlePeerChanges(); } { // Step environment // This also runs Map's timers JMutexAutoLock lock(m_env_mutex); m_env.step(dtime); } /* Do background stuff */ /* Transform liquids */ m_liquid_transform_timer += dtime; if(m_liquid_transform_timer >= 1.00) { m_liquid_transform_timer -= 1.00; JMutexAutoLock lock(m_env_mutex); core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> modified_blocks; m_env.getMap().transformLiquids(modified_blocks); #if 0 /* Update lighting */ core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> lighting_modified_blocks; ServerMap &map = ((ServerMap&)m_env.getMap()); map.updateLighting(modified_blocks, lighting_modified_blocks); // Add blocks modified by lighting to modified_blocks for(core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::Iterator i = lighting_modified_blocks.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { MapBlock *block = i.getNode()->getValue(); modified_blocks.insert(block->getPos(), block); } #endif /* Set the modified blocks unsent for all the clients */ JMutexAutoLock lock2(m_con_mutex); for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); if(modified_blocks.size() > 0) { // Remove block from sent history client->SetBlocksNotSent(modified_blocks); } } } // Periodically print some info { float &counter = m_print_info_timer; counter += dtime; if(counter >= 30.0) { counter = 0.0; JMutexAutoLock lock2(m_con_mutex); for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { //u16 peer_id = i.getNode()->getKey(); RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(player==NULL) continue; std::cout<<player->getName()<<"\t"; client->PrintInfo(std::cout); } } } //if(g_settings.getBool("enable_experimental")) { /* Check added and deleted active objects */ { //dstream<<"Server: Checking added and deleted active objects"<<std::endl; JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); // Radius inside which objects are active s16 radius = 32; for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(player==NULL) { dstream<<"WARNING: "<<__FUNCTION_NAME<<": Client "<<client->peer_id <<" has no associated player"<<std::endl; continue; } v3s16 pos = floatToInt(player->getPosition(), BS); core::map<u16, bool> removed_objects; core::map<u16, bool> added_objects; m_env.getRemovedActiveObjects(pos, radius, client->m_known_objects, removed_objects); m_env.getAddedActiveObjects(pos, radius, client->m_known_objects, added_objects); // Ignore if nothing happened if(removed_objects.size() == 0 && added_objects.size() == 0) { //dstream<<"INFO: active objects: none changed"<<std::endl; continue; } std::string data_buffer; char buf[4]; // Handle removed objects writeU16((u8*)buf, removed_objects.size()); data_buffer.append(buf, 2); for(core::map<u16, bool>::Iterator i = removed_objects.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { // Get object u16 id = i.getNode()->getKey(); ServerActiveObject* obj = m_env.getActiveObject(id); // Add to data buffer for sending writeU16((u8*)buf, i.getNode()->getKey()); data_buffer.append(buf, 2); // Remove from known objects client->m_known_objects.remove(i.getNode()->getKey()); if(obj && obj->m_known_by_count > 0) obj->m_known_by_count--; } // Handle added objects writeU16((u8*)buf, added_objects.size()); data_buffer.append(buf, 2); for(core::map<u16, bool>::Iterator i = added_objects.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { // Get object u16 id = i.getNode()->getKey(); ServerActiveObject* obj = m_env.getActiveObject(id); // Get object type u8 type = ACTIVEOBJECT_TYPE_INVALID; if(obj == NULL) dstream<<"WARNING: "<<__FUNCTION_NAME <<": NULL object"<<std::endl; else type = obj->getType(); // Add to data buffer for sending writeU16((u8*)buf, id); data_buffer.append(buf, 2); writeU8((u8*)buf, type); data_buffer.append(buf, 1); if(obj) data_buffer.append(serializeLongString( obj->getClientInitializationData())); else data_buffer.append(serializeLongString("")); // Add to known objects client->m_known_objects.insert(i.getNode()->getKey(), false); if(obj) obj->m_known_by_count++; } // Send packet SharedBuffer<u8> reply(2 + data_buffer.size()); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_ACTIVE_OBJECT_REMOVE_ADD); memcpy((char*)&reply[2], data_buffer.c_str(), data_buffer.size()); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, reply, true); dstream<<"INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: " <<removed_objects.size()<<" removed, " <<added_objects.size()<<" added, " <<"packet size is "<<reply.getSize()<<std::endl; } #if 0 /* Collect a list of all the objects known by the clients and report it back to the environment. */ core::map<u16, bool> all_known_objects; for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); // Go through all known objects of client for(core::map<u16, bool>::Iterator i = client->m_known_objects.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { u16 id = i.getNode()->getKey(); all_known_objects[id] = true; } } m_env.setKnownActiveObjects(whatever); #endif } /* Send object messages */ { JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); // Key = object id // Value = data sent by object core::map<u16, core::list<ActiveObjectMessage>* > buffered_messages; // Get active object messages from environment for(;;) { ActiveObjectMessage aom = m_env.getActiveObjectMessage(); if(aom.id == 0) break; core::list<ActiveObjectMessage>* message_list = NULL; core::map<u16, core::list<ActiveObjectMessage>* >::Node *n; n = buffered_messages.find(aom.id); if(n == NULL) { message_list = new core::list<ActiveObjectMessage>; buffered_messages.insert(aom.id, message_list); } else { message_list = n->getValue(); } message_list->push_back(aom); } // Route data to every client for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); std::string reliable_data; std::string unreliable_data; // Go through all objects in message buffer for(core::map<u16, core::list<ActiveObjectMessage>* >::Iterator j = buffered_messages.getIterator(); j.atEnd()==false; j++) { // If object is not known by client, skip it u16 id = j.getNode()->getKey(); if(client->m_known_objects.find(id) == NULL) continue; // Get message list of object core::list<ActiveObjectMessage>* list = j.getNode()->getValue(); // Go through every message for(core::list<ActiveObjectMessage>::Iterator k = list->begin(); k != list->end(); k++) { // Compose the full new data with header ActiveObjectMessage aom = *k; std::string new_data; // Add object id char buf[2]; writeU16((u8*)&buf[0], aom.id); new_data.append(buf, 2); // Add data new_data += serializeString(aom.datastring); // Add data to buffer if(aom.reliable) reliable_data += new_data; else unreliable_data += new_data; } } /* reliable_data and unreliable_data are now ready. Send them. */ if(reliable_data.size() > 0) { SharedBuffer<u8> reply(2 + reliable_data.size()); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MESSAGES); memcpy((char*)&reply[2], reliable_data.c_str(), reliable_data.size()); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, reply, true); } if(unreliable_data.size() > 0) { SharedBuffer<u8> reply(2 + unreliable_data.size()); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MESSAGES); memcpy((char*)&reply[2], unreliable_data.c_str(), unreliable_data.size()); // Send as unreliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, reply, false); } /*if(reliable_data.size() > 0 || unreliable_data.size() > 0) { dstream<<"INFO: Server: Size of object message data: " <<"reliable: "<<reliable_data.size() <<", unreliable: "<<unreliable_data.size() <<std::endl; }*/ } // Clear buffered_messages for(core::map<u16, core::list<ActiveObjectMessage>* >::Iterator i = buffered_messages.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { delete i.getNode()->getValue(); } } } // enable_experimental /* Send queued-for-sending map edit events. */ { while(m_unsent_map_edit_queue.size() != 0) { MapEditEvent* event = m_unsent_map_edit_queue.pop_front(); if(event->type == MEET_ADDNODE) { dstream<<"Server: MEET_ADDNODE"<<std::endl; sendAddNode(event->p, event->n, event->already_known_by_peer); } else if(event->type == MEET_REMOVENODE) { dstream<<"Server: MEET_REMOVENODE"<<std::endl; sendRemoveNode(event->p, event->already_known_by_peer); } else if(event->type == MEET_OTHER) { dstream<<"WARNING: Server: MEET_OTHER not implemented" <<std::endl; } else { dstream<<"WARNING: Server: Unknown MapEditEvent " <<((u32)event->type)<<std::endl; } delete event; } } /* Send object positions TODO: Get rid of MapBlockObjects */ { float &counter = m_objectdata_timer; counter += dtime; if(counter >= g_settings.getFloat("objectdata_interval")) { JMutexAutoLock lock1(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock lock2(m_con_mutex); SendObjectData(counter); counter = 0.0; } } /* Step node metadata */ { //TimeTaker timer("Step node metadata"); JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> changed_blocks; m_env.getMap().nodeMetadataStep(dtime, changed_blocks); for(core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::Iterator i = changed_blocks.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { MapBlock *block = i.getNode()->getValue(); for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); client->SetBlockNotSent(block->getPos()); } } } /* Trigger emergethread (it somehow gets to a non-triggered but bysy state sometimes) */ { float &counter = m_emergethread_trigger_timer; counter += dtime; if(counter >= 2.0) { counter = 0.0; m_emergethread.trigger(); } } // Save map { float &counter = m_savemap_timer; counter += dtime; if(counter >= g_settings.getFloat("server_map_save_interval")) { counter = 0.0; JMutexAutoLock lock(m_env_mutex); if(((ServerMap*)(&m_env.getMap()))->isSavingEnabled() == true) { // Save only changed parts m_env.getMap().save(true); // Delete unused sectors u32 deleted_count = m_env.getMap().deleteUnusedSectors( g_settings.getFloat("server_unload_unused_sectors_timeout")); if(deleted_count > 0) { dout_server<<"Server: Unloaded "<<deleted_count <<" sectors from memory"<<std::endl; } // Save players m_env.serializePlayers(m_mapsavedir); } } } } void Server::Receive() { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); u32 data_maxsize = 10000; Buffer<u8> data(data_maxsize); u16 peer_id; u32 datasize; try{ { JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); datasize = m_con.Receive(peer_id, *data, data_maxsize); } // This has to be called so that the client list gets synced // with the peer list of the connection handlePeerChanges(); ProcessData(*data, datasize, peer_id); } catch(con::InvalidIncomingDataException &e) { derr_server<<"Server::Receive(): " "InvalidIncomingDataException: what()=" <<e.what()<<std::endl; } catch(con::PeerNotFoundException &e) { //NOTE: This is not needed anymore // The peer has been disconnected. // Find the associated player and remove it. /*JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); dout_server<<"ServerThread: peer_id="<<peer_id <<" has apparently closed connection. " <<"Removing player."<<std::endl; m_env.removePlayer(peer_id);*/ } } void Server::ProcessData(u8 *data, u32 datasize, u16 peer_id) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); // Environment is locked first. JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); con::Peer *peer; try{ peer = m_con.GetPeer(peer_id); } catch(con::PeerNotFoundException &e) { derr_server<<DTIME<<"Server::ProcessData(): Cancelling: peer " <<peer_id<<" not found"<<std::endl; return; } u8 peer_ser_ver = getClient(peer->id)->serialization_version; try { if(datasize < 2) return; ToServerCommand command = (ToServerCommand)readU16(&data[0]); if(command == TOSERVER_INIT) { // [0] u16 TOSERVER_INIT // [2] u8 SER_FMT_VER_HIGHEST // [3] u8[20] player_name // [23] u8[28] password <--- can be sent without this, from old versions if(datasize < 2+1+PLAYERNAME_SIZE) return; derr_server<<DTIME<<"Server: Got TOSERVER_INIT from " <<peer->id<<std::endl; // First byte after command is maximum supported // serialization version u8 client_max = data[2]; u8 our_max = SER_FMT_VER_HIGHEST; // Use the highest version supported by both u8 deployed = core::min_(client_max, our_max); // If it's lower than the lowest supported, give up. if(deployed < SER_FMT_VER_LOWEST) deployed = SER_FMT_VER_INVALID; //peer->serialization_version = deployed; getClient(peer->id)->pending_serialization_version = deployed; if(deployed == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) { derr_server<<DTIME<<"Server: Cannot negotiate " "serialization version with peer " <<peer_id<<std::endl; return; } /* Set up player */ // Get player name char playername[PLAYERNAME_SIZE]; for(u32 i=0; i<PLAYERNAME_SIZE-1; i++) { playername[i] = data[3+i]; } playername[PLAYERNAME_SIZE-1] = 0; // Get password char password[PASSWORD_SIZE]; if(datasize == 2+1+PLAYERNAME_SIZE) { // old version - assume blank password password[0] = 0; } else { for(u32 i=0; i<PASSWORD_SIZE-1; i++) { password[i] = data[23+i]; } password[PASSWORD_SIZE-1] = 0; } Player *checkplayer = m_env.getPlayer(playername); if(checkplayer != NULL && strcmp(checkplayer->getPassword(),password)) { derr_server<<DTIME<<"Server: peer_id="<<peer_id <<": supplied invalid password for " <<playername<<std::endl; SendAccessDenied(m_con, peer_id); return; } // Get player Player *player = emergePlayer(playername, password, peer_id); /*{ // DEBUG: Test serialization std::ostringstream test_os; player->serialize(test_os); dstream<<"Player serialization test: \""<<test_os.str() <<"\""<<std::endl; std::istringstream test_is(test_os.str()); player->deSerialize(test_is); }*/ // If failed, cancel if(player == NULL) { derr_server<<DTIME<<"Server: peer_id="<<peer_id <<": failed to emerge player"<<std::endl; return; } /* // If a client is already connected to the player, cancel if(player->peer_id != 0) { derr_server<<DTIME<<"Server: peer_id="<<peer_id <<" tried to connect to " "an already connected player (peer_id=" <<player->peer_id<<")"<<std::endl; return; } // Set client of player player->peer_id = peer_id; */ // Check if player doesn't exist if(player == NULL) throw con::InvalidIncomingDataException ("Server::ProcessData(): INIT: Player doesn't exist"); /*// update name if it was supplied if(datasize >= 20+3) { data[20+3-1] = 0; player->updateName((const char*)&data[3]); }*/ /* Answer with a TOCLIENT_INIT */ { SharedBuffer<u8> reply(2+1+6+8); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_INIT); writeU8(&reply[2], deployed); writeV3S16(&reply[2+1], floatToInt(player->getPosition()+v3f(0,BS/2,0), BS)); //writeU64(&reply[2+1+6], m_env.getServerMap().getSeed()); writeU64(&reply[2+1+6], 0); // no seed // Send as reliable m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, reply, true); } /* Send complete position information */ SendMovePlayer(player); return; } if(command == TOSERVER_INIT2) { derr_server<<DTIME<<"Server: Got TOSERVER_INIT2 from " <<peer->id<<std::endl; getClient(peer->id)->serialization_version = getClient(peer->id)->pending_serialization_version; /* Send some initialization data */ // Send player info to all players SendPlayerInfos(); // Send inventory to player UpdateCrafting(peer->id); SendInventory(peer->id); // Send HP { Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(peer_id); SendPlayerHP(player); } // Send time of day { SharedBuffer<u8> data = makePacket_TOCLIENT_TIME_OF_DAY( m_time_of_day.get()); m_con.Send(peer->id, 0, data, true); } // Send information about server to player in chat SendChatMessage(peer_id, getStatusString()); // Send information about joining in chat { std::wstring name = L"unknown"; Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(peer_id); if(player != NULL) name = narrow_to_wide(player->getName()); std::wstring message; message += L"*** "; message += name; message += L" joined game"; BroadcastChatMessage(message); } return; } if(peer_ser_ver == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) { derr_server<<DTIME<<"Server::ProcessData(): Cancelling: Peer" " serialization format invalid or not initialized." " Skipping incoming command="<<command<<std::endl; return; } Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(peer_id); if(player == NULL){ derr_server<<"Server::ProcessData(): Cancelling: " "No player for peer_id="<<peer_id <<std::endl; return; } if(command == TOSERVER_PLAYERPOS) { if(datasize < 2+12+12+4+4) return; u32 start = 0; v3s32 ps = readV3S32(&data[start+2]); v3s32 ss = readV3S32(&data[start+2+12]); f32 pitch = (f32)readS32(&data[2+12+12]) / 100.0; f32 yaw = (f32)readS32(&data[2+12+12+4]) / 100.0; v3f position((f32)ps.X/100., (f32)ps.Y/100., (f32)ps.Z/100.); v3f speed((f32)ss.X/100., (f32)ss.Y/100., (f32)ss.Z/100.); pitch = wrapDegrees(pitch); yaw = wrapDegrees(yaw); player->setPosition(position); player->setSpeed(speed); player->setPitch(pitch); player->setYaw(yaw); /*dout_server<<"Server::ProcessData(): Moved player "<<peer_id<<" to " <<"("<<position.X<<","<<position.Y<<","<<position.Z<<")" <<" pitch="<<pitch<<" yaw="<<yaw<<std::endl;*/ } else if(command == TOSERVER_GOTBLOCKS) { if(datasize < 2+1) return; /* [0] u16 command [2] u8 count [3] v3s16 pos_0 [3+6] v3s16 pos_1 ... */ u16 count = data[2]; for(u16 i=0; i<count; i++) { if((s16)datasize < 2+1+(i+1)*6) throw con::InvalidIncomingDataException ("GOTBLOCKS length is too short"); v3s16 p = readV3S16(&data[2+1+i*6]); /*dstream<<"Server: GOTBLOCKS (" <<p.X<<","<<p.Y<<","<<p.Z<<")"<<std::endl;*/ RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id); client->GotBlock(p); } } else if(command == TOSERVER_DELETEDBLOCKS) { if(datasize < 2+1) return; /* [0] u16 command [2] u8 count [3] v3s16 pos_0 [3+6] v3s16 pos_1 ... */ u16 count = data[2]; for(u16 i=0; i<count; i++) { if((s16)datasize < 2+1+(i+1)*6) throw con::InvalidIncomingDataException ("DELETEDBLOCKS length is too short"); v3s16 p = readV3S16(&data[2+1+i*6]); /*dstream<<"Server: DELETEDBLOCKS (" <<p.X<<","<<p.Y<<","<<p.Z<<")"<<std::endl;*/ RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id); client->SetBlockNotSent(p); } } else if(command == TOSERVER_CLICK_OBJECT) { if(datasize < 13) return; if((player->privs & PRIV_BUILD) == 0) return; /* [0] u16 command [2] u8 button (0=left, 1=right) [3] v3s16 block [9] s16 id [11] u16 item */ u8 button = readU8(&data[2]); v3s16 p; p.X = readS16(&data[3]); p.Y = readS16(&data[5]); p.Z = readS16(&data[7]); s16 id = readS16(&data[9]); //u16 item_i = readU16(&data[11]); MapBlock *block = NULL; try { block = m_env.getMap().getBlockNoCreate(p); } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { derr_server<<"CLICK_OBJECT block not found"<<std::endl; return; } MapBlockObject *obj = block->getObject(id); if(obj == NULL) { derr_server<<"CLICK_OBJECT object not found"<<std::endl; return; } //TODO: Check that object is reasonably close // Left click if(button == 0) { InventoryList *ilist = player->inventory.getList("main"); if(g_settings.getBool("creative_mode") == false && ilist != NULL) { // Skip if inventory has no free space if(ilist->getUsedSlots() == ilist->getSize()) { dout_server<<"Player inventory has no free space"<<std::endl; return; } /* Create the inventory item */ InventoryItem *item = NULL; // If it is an item-object, take the item from it if(obj->getTypeId() == MAPBLOCKOBJECT_TYPE_ITEM) { item = ((ItemObject*)obj)->createInventoryItem(); } // Else create an item of the object else { item = new MapBlockObjectItem (obj->getInventoryString()); } // Add to inventory and send inventory ilist->addItem(item); UpdateCrafting(player->peer_id); SendInventory(player->peer_id); } // Remove from block block->removeObject(id); } } else if(command == TOSERVER_CLICK_ACTIVEOBJECT) { if(datasize < 7) return; if((player->privs & PRIV_BUILD) == 0) return; /* length: 7 [0] u16 command [2] u8 button (0=left, 1=right) [3] u16 id [5] u16 item */ u8 button = readU8(&data[2]); u16 id = readS16(&data[3]); u16 item_i = readU16(&data[11]); ServerActiveObject *obj = m_env.getActiveObject(id); if(obj == NULL) { derr_server<<"Server: CLICK_ACTIVEOBJECT: object not found" <<std::endl; return; } //TODO: Check that object is reasonably close // Left click, pick object up (usually) if(button == 0) { InventoryList *ilist = player->inventory.getList("main"); if(g_settings.getBool("creative_mode") == false && ilist != NULL) { // Skip if inventory has no free space if(ilist->getUsedSlots() == ilist->getSize()) { dout_server<<"Player inventory has no free space"<<std::endl; return; } // Skip if object has been removed if(obj->m_removed) return; /* Create the inventory item */ InventoryItem *item = obj->createPickedUpItem(); if(item) { // Add to inventory and send inventory ilist->addItem(item); UpdateCrafting(player->peer_id); SendInventory(player->peer_id); // Remove object from environment obj->m_removed = true; } else { /* Item cannot be picked up. Punch it instead. */ ToolItem *titem = NULL; std::string toolname = ""; InventoryList *mlist = player->inventory.getList("main"); if(mlist != NULL) { InventoryItem *item = mlist->getItem(item_i); if(item && (std::string)item->getName() == "ToolItem") { titem = (ToolItem*)item; toolname = titem->getToolName(); } } u16 wear = obj->punch(toolname); if(titem) { bool weared_out = titem->addWear(wear); if(weared_out) mlist->deleteItem(item_i); SendInventory(player->peer_id); } } } } } else if(command == TOSERVER_GROUND_ACTION) { if(datasize < 17) return; /* length: 17 [0] u16 command [2] u8 action [3] v3s16 nodepos_undersurface [9] v3s16 nodepos_abovesurface [15] u16 item actions: 0: start digging 1: place block 2: stop digging (all parameters ignored) 3: digging completed */ u8 action = readU8(&data[2]); v3s16 p_under; p_under.X = readS16(&data[3]); p_under.Y = readS16(&data[5]); p_under.Z = readS16(&data[7]); v3s16 p_over; p_over.X = readS16(&data[9]); p_over.Y = readS16(&data[11]); p_over.Z = readS16(&data[13]); u16 item_i = readU16(&data[15]); //TODO: Check that target is reasonably close /* 0: start digging */ if(action == 0) { /* NOTE: This can be used in the future to check if somebody is cheating, by checking the timing. */ } // action == 0 /* 2: stop digging */ else if(action == 2) { #if 0 RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer->id); JMutexAutoLock digmutex(client->m_dig_mutex); client->m_dig_tool_item = -1; #endif } /* 3: Digging completed */ else if(action == 3) { // Mandatory parameter; actually used for nothing core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> modified_blocks; u8 material = CONTENT_IGNORE; u8 mineral = MINERAL_NONE; bool cannot_remove_node = false; try { MapNode n = m_env.getMap().getNode(p_under); // Get mineral mineral = n.getMineral(); // Get material at position material = n.d; // If not yet cancelled if(cannot_remove_node == false) { // If it's not diggable, do nothing if(content_diggable(material) == false) { derr_server<<"Server: Not finishing digging: " <<"Node not diggable" <<std::endl; cannot_remove_node = true; } } // If not yet cancelled if(cannot_remove_node == false) { // Get node metadata NodeMetadata *meta = m_env.getMap().getNodeMetadata(p_under); if(meta && meta->nodeRemovalDisabled() == true) { derr_server<<"Server: Not finishing digging: " <<"Node metadata disables removal" <<std::endl; cannot_remove_node = true; } } } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { derr_server<<"Server: Not finishing digging: Node not found." <<" Adding block to emerge queue." <<std::endl; m_emerge_queue.addBlock(peer_id, getNodeBlockPos(p_over), BLOCK_EMERGE_FLAG_FROMDISK); cannot_remove_node = true; } // Make sure the player is allowed to do it if((player->privs & PRIV_BUILD) == 0) cannot_remove_node = true; /* If node can't be removed, set block to be re-sent to client and quit. */ if(cannot_remove_node) { derr_server<<"Server: Not finishing digging."<<std::endl; // Client probably has wrong data. // Set block not sent, so that client will get // a valid one. dstream<<"Client "<<peer_id<<" tried to dig " <<"node; but node cannot be removed." <<" setting MapBlock not sent."<<std::endl; RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id); v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(p_under); client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos); return; } /* Send the removal to all other clients. - If other player is close, send REMOVENODE - Otherwise set blocks not sent */ core::list<u16> far_players; sendRemoveNode(p_under, peer_id, &far_players, 100); /* Update and send inventory */ if(g_settings.getBool("creative_mode") == false) { /* Wear out tool */ InventoryList *mlist = player->inventory.getList("main"); if(mlist != NULL) { InventoryItem *item = mlist->getItem(item_i); if(item && (std::string)item->getName() == "ToolItem") { ToolItem *titem = (ToolItem*)item; std::string toolname = titem->getToolName(); // Get digging properties for material and tool DiggingProperties prop = getDiggingProperties(material, toolname); if(prop.diggable == false) { derr_server<<"Server: WARNING: Player digged" <<" with impossible material + tool" <<" combination"<<std::endl; } bool weared_out = titem->addWear(prop.wear); if(weared_out) { mlist->deleteItem(item_i); } } } /* Add dug item to inventory */ InventoryItem *item = NULL; if(mineral != MINERAL_NONE) item = getDiggedMineralItem(mineral); // If not mineral if(item == NULL) { std::string &dug_s = content_features(material).dug_item; if(dug_s != "") { std::istringstream is(dug_s, std::ios::binary); item = InventoryItem::deSerialize(is); } } if(item != NULL) { // Add a item to inventory player->inventory.addItem("main", item); // Send inventory UpdateCrafting(player->peer_id); SendInventory(player->peer_id); } } /* Remove the node (this takes some time so it is done after the quick stuff) */ m_ignore_map_edit_events = true; m_env.getMap().removeNodeAndUpdate(p_under, modified_blocks); m_ignore_map_edit_events = false; /* Set blocks not sent to far players */ for(core::list<u16>::Iterator i = far_players.begin(); i != far_players.end(); i++) { u16 peer_id = *i; RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id); if(client==NULL) continue; client->SetBlocksNotSent(modified_blocks); } } /* 1: place block */ else if(action == 1) { InventoryList *ilist = player->inventory.getList("main"); if(ilist == NULL) return; // Get item InventoryItem *item = ilist->getItem(item_i); // If there is no item, it is not possible to add it anywhere if(item == NULL) return; /* Handle material items */ if(std::string("MaterialItem") == item->getName()) { try{ // Don't add a node if this is not a free space MapNode n2 = m_env.getMap().getNode(p_over); if(content_buildable_to(n2.d) == false || (player->privs & PRIV_BUILD) ==0) { // Client probably has wrong data. // Set block not sent, so that client will get // a valid one. dstream<<"Client "<<peer_id<<" tried to place" <<" node in invalid position; setting" <<" MapBlock not sent."<<std::endl; RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id); v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(p_over); client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos); return; } } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { derr_server<<"Server: Ignoring ADDNODE: Node not found" <<" Adding block to emerge queue." <<std::endl; m_emerge_queue.addBlock(peer_id, getNodeBlockPos(p_over), BLOCK_EMERGE_FLAG_FROMDISK); return; } // Reset build time counter getClient(peer->id)->m_time_from_building = 0.0; // Create node data MaterialItem *mitem = (MaterialItem*)item; MapNode n; n.d = mitem->getMaterial(); if(content_features(n.d).wall_mounted) n.dir = packDir(p_under - p_over); /* Send to all players */ core::list<u16> far_players; sendAddNode(p_over, n, 0, &far_players, 100); /* Handle inventory */ InventoryList *ilist = player->inventory.getList("main"); if(g_settings.getBool("creative_mode") == false && ilist) { // Remove from inventory and send inventory if(mitem->getCount() == 1) ilist->deleteItem(item_i); else mitem->remove(1); // Send inventory UpdateCrafting(peer_id); SendInventory(peer_id); } /* Add node. This takes some time so it is done after the quick stuff */ core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> modified_blocks; m_ignore_map_edit_events = true; m_env.getMap().addNodeAndUpdate(p_over, n, modified_blocks); m_ignore_map_edit_events = false; /* Set blocks not sent to far players */ for(core::list<u16>::Iterator i = far_players.begin(); i != far_players.end(); i++) { u16 peer_id = *i; RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id); if(client==NULL) continue; client->SetBlocksNotSent(modified_blocks); } /* Calculate special events */ /*if(n.d == CONTENT_MESE) { u32 count = 0; for(s16 z=-1; z<=1; z++) for(s16 y=-1; y<=1; y++) for(s16 x=-1; x<=1; x++) { } }*/ } /* Place other item (not a block) */ else { v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(p_over); /* Check that the block is loaded so that the item can properly be added to the static list too */ MapBlock *block = m_env.getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(blockpos); if(block==NULL) { derr_server<<"Error while placing object: " "block not found"<<std::endl; return; } dout_server<<"Placing a miscellaneous item on map" <<std::endl; // Calculate a position for it v3f pos = intToFloat(p_over, BS); //pos.Y -= BS*0.45; pos.Y -= BS*0.25; // let it drop a bit // Randomize a bit pos.X += BS*0.2*(float)myrand_range(-1000,1000)/1000.0; pos.Z += BS*0.2*(float)myrand_range(-1000,1000)/1000.0; /* Create the object */ ServerActiveObject *obj = item->createSAO(&m_env, 0, pos); if(obj == NULL) { derr_server<<"WARNING: item resulted in NULL object, " <<"not placing onto map" <<std::endl; } else { // Add the object to the environment m_env.addActiveObject(obj); dout_server<<"Placed object"<<std::endl; if(g_settings.getBool("creative_mode") == false) { // Delete the right amount of items from the slot u16 dropcount = item->getDropCount(); // Delete item if all gone if(item->getCount() <= dropcount) { if(item->getCount() < dropcount) dstream<<"WARNING: Server: dropped more items" <<" than the slot contains"<<std::endl; InventoryList *ilist = player->inventory.getList("main"); if(ilist) // Remove from inventory and send inventory ilist->deleteItem(item_i); } // Else decrement it else item->remove(dropcount); // Send inventory UpdateCrafting(peer_id); SendInventory(peer_id); } } } } // action == 1 /* Catch invalid actions */ else { derr_server<<"WARNING: Server: Invalid action " <<action<<std::endl; } } #if 0 else if(command == TOSERVER_RELEASE) { if(datasize < 3) return; /* length: 3 [0] u16 command [2] u8 button */ dstream<<"TOSERVER_RELEASE ignored"<<std::endl; } #endif else if(command == TOSERVER_SIGNTEXT) { if((player->privs & PRIV_BUILD) == 0) return; /* u16 command v3s16 blockpos s16 id u16 textlen textdata */ std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); u8 buf[6]; // Read stuff is.read((char*)buf, 6); v3s16 blockpos = readV3S16(buf); is.read((char*)buf, 2); s16 id = readS16(buf); is.read((char*)buf, 2); u16 textlen = readU16(buf); std::string text; for(u16 i=0; i<textlen; i++) { is.read((char*)buf, 1); text += (char)buf[0]; } MapBlock *block = NULL; try { block = m_env.getMap().getBlockNoCreate(blockpos); } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { derr_server<<"Error while setting sign text: " "block not found"<<std::endl; return; } MapBlockObject *obj = block->getObject(id); if(obj == NULL) { derr_server<<"Error while setting sign text: " "object not found"<<std::endl; return; } if(obj->getTypeId() != MAPBLOCKOBJECT_TYPE_SIGN) { derr_server<<"Error while setting sign text: " "object is not a sign"<<std::endl; return; } ((SignObject*)obj)->setText(text); obj->getBlock()->setChangedFlag(); } else if(command == TOSERVER_SIGNNODETEXT) { if((player->privs & PRIV_BUILD) == 0) return; /* u16 command v3s16 p u16 textlen textdata */ std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); u8 buf[6]; // Read stuff is.read((char*)buf, 6); v3s16 p = readV3S16(buf); is.read((char*)buf, 2); u16 textlen = readU16(buf); std::string text; for(u16 i=0; i<textlen; i++) { is.read((char*)buf, 1); text += (char)buf[0]; } NodeMetadata *meta = m_env.getMap().getNodeMetadata(p); if(!meta) return; if(meta->typeId() != CONTENT_SIGN_WALL) return; SignNodeMetadata *signmeta = (SignNodeMetadata*)meta; signmeta->setText(text); v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(p); MapBlock *block = m_env.getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(blockpos); if(block) { block->setChangedFlag(); } for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos); } } else if(command == TOSERVER_INVENTORY_ACTION) { /*// Ignore inventory changes if in creative mode if(g_settings.getBool("creative_mode") == true) { dstream<<"TOSERVER_INVENTORY_ACTION: ignoring in creative mode" <<std::endl; return; }*/ // Strip command and create a stream std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); dstream<<"TOSERVER_INVENTORY_ACTION: data="<<datastring<<std::endl; std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); // Create an action InventoryAction *a = InventoryAction::deSerialize(is); if(a != NULL) { // Create context InventoryContext c; c.current_player = player; /* Handle craftresult specially if not in creative mode */ bool disable_action = false; if(a->getType() == IACTION_MOVE && g_settings.getBool("creative_mode") == false) { IMoveAction *ma = (IMoveAction*)a; if(ma->to_inv == "current_player" && ma->from_inv == "current_player") { InventoryList *rlist = player->inventory.getList("craftresult"); assert(rlist); InventoryList *clist = player->inventory.getList("craft"); assert(clist); InventoryList *mlist = player->inventory.getList("main"); assert(mlist); /* Craftresult is no longer preview if something is moved into it */ if(ma->to_list == "craftresult" && ma->from_list != "craftresult") { // If it currently is a preview, remove // its contents if(player->craftresult_is_preview) { rlist->deleteItem(0); } player->craftresult_is_preview = false; } /* Crafting takes place if this condition is true. */ if(player->craftresult_is_preview && ma->from_list == "craftresult") { player->craftresult_is_preview = false; clist->decrementMaterials(1); } /* If the craftresult is placed on itself, move it to main inventory instead of doing the action */ if(ma->to_list == "craftresult" && ma->from_list == "craftresult") { disable_action = true; InventoryItem *item1 = rlist->changeItem(0, NULL); mlist->addItem(item1); } } } if(disable_action == false) { // Feed action to player inventory a->apply(&c, this); // Eat the action delete a; } else { // Send inventory UpdateCrafting(player->peer_id); SendInventory(player->peer_id); } } else { dstream<<"TOSERVER_INVENTORY_ACTION: " <<"InventoryAction::deSerialize() returned NULL" <<std::endl; } } else if(command == TOSERVER_CHAT_MESSAGE) { /* u16 command u16 length wstring message */ u8 buf[6]; std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); // Read stuff is.read((char*)buf, 2); u16 len = readU16(buf); std::wstring message; for(u16 i=0; i<len; i++) { is.read((char*)buf, 2); message += (wchar_t)readU16(buf); } // Get player name of this client std::wstring name = narrow_to_wide(player->getName()); // Line to send to players std::wstring line; // Whether to send to the player that sent the line bool send_to_sender = false; // Whether to send to other players bool send_to_others = false; // Parse commands std::wstring commandprefix = L"/#"; if(message.substr(0, commandprefix.size()) == commandprefix) { line += L"Server: "; message = message.substr(commandprefix.size()); // Local player gets all privileges regardless of // what's set on their account. u64 privs = player->privs; if(g_settings.get("name") == player->getName()) privs = PRIV_ALL; ServerCommandContext *ctx = new ServerCommandContext( str_split(message, L' '), this, &m_env, player, privs); line += processServerCommand(ctx); send_to_sender = ctx->flags & 1; send_to_others = ctx->flags & 2; delete ctx; } else { line += L"<"; /*if(is_operator) line += L"@";*/ line += name; line += L"> "; line += message; send_to_others = true; } if(line != L"") { dstream<<"CHAT: "<<wide_to_narrow(line)<<std::endl; /* Send the message to clients */ for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { // Get client and check that it is valid RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); assert(client->peer_id == i.getNode()->getKey()); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; // Filter recipient bool sender_selected = (peer_id == client->peer_id); if(sender_selected == true && send_to_sender == false) continue; if(sender_selected == false && send_to_others == false) continue; SendChatMessage(client->peer_id, line); } } } else if(command == TOSERVER_DAMAGE) { if(g_settings.getBool("enable_damage")) { std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); u8 damage = readU8(is); if(player->hp > damage) { player->hp -= damage; } else { player->hp = 0; dstream<<"TODO: Server: TOSERVER_HP_DECREMENT: Player dies" <<std::endl; v3f pos = findSpawnPos(m_env.getServerMap()); player->setPosition(pos); player->hp = 20; SendMovePlayer(player); SendPlayerHP(player); //TODO: Throw items around } } SendPlayerHP(player); } else { derr_server<<"WARNING: Server::ProcessData(): Ignoring " "unknown command "<<command<<std::endl; } } //try catch(SendFailedException &e) { derr_server<<"Server::ProcessData(): SendFailedException: " <<"what="<<e.what() <<std::endl; } } void Server::onMapEditEvent(MapEditEvent *event) { dstream<<"Server::onMapEditEvent()"<<std::endl; if(m_ignore_map_edit_events) return; MapEditEvent *e = event->clone(); m_unsent_map_edit_queue.push_back(e); } Inventory* Server::getInventory(InventoryContext *c, std::string id) { if(id == "current_player") { assert(c->current_player); return &(c->current_player->inventory); } Strfnd fn(id); std::string id0 = fn.next(":"); if(id0 == "nodemeta") { v3s16 p; p.X = stoi(fn.next(",")); p.Y = stoi(fn.next(",")); p.Z = stoi(fn.next(",")); NodeMetadata *meta = m_env.getMap().getNodeMetadata(p); if(meta) return meta->getInventory(); dstream<<"nodemeta at ("<<p.X<<","<<p.Y<<","<<p.Z<<"): " <<"no metadata found"<<std::endl; return NULL; } dstream<<__FUNCTION_NAME<<": unknown id "<<id<<std::endl; return NULL; } void Server::inventoryModified(InventoryContext *c, std::string id) { if(id == "current_player") { assert(c->current_player); // Send inventory UpdateCrafting(c->current_player->peer_id); SendInventory(c->current_player->peer_id); return; } Strfnd fn(id); std::string id0 = fn.next(":"); if(id0 == "nodemeta") { v3s16 p; p.X = stoi(fn.next(",")); p.Y = stoi(fn.next(",")); p.Z = stoi(fn.next(",")); v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(p); NodeMetadata *meta = m_env.getMap().getNodeMetadata(p); if(meta) meta->inventoryModified(); for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos); } return; } dstream<<__FUNCTION_NAME<<": unknown id "<<id<<std::endl; } core::list<PlayerInfo> Server::getPlayerInfo() { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); core::list<PlayerInfo> list; core::list<Player*> players = m_env.getPlayers(); core::list<Player*>::Iterator i; for(i = players.begin(); i != players.end(); i++) { PlayerInfo info; Player *player = *i; try{ con::Peer *peer = m_con.GetPeer(player->peer_id); // Copy info from peer to info struct info.id = peer->id; info.address = peer->address; info.avg_rtt = peer->avg_rtt; } catch(con::PeerNotFoundException &e) { // Set dummy peer info info.id = 0; info.address = Address(0,0,0,0,0); info.avg_rtt = 0.0; } snprintf(info.name, PLAYERNAME_SIZE, "%s", player->getName()); info.position = player->getPosition(); list.push_back(info); } return list; } void Server::peerAdded(con::Peer *peer) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); dout_server<<"Server::peerAdded(): peer->id=" <<peer->id<<std::endl; PeerChange c; c.type = PEER_ADDED; c.peer_id = peer->id; c.timeout = false; m_peer_change_queue.push_back(c); } void Server::deletingPeer(con::Peer *peer, bool timeout) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); dout_server<<"Server::deletingPeer(): peer->id=" <<peer->id<<", timeout="<<timeout<<std::endl; PeerChange c; c.type = PEER_REMOVED; c.peer_id = peer->id; c.timeout = timeout; m_peer_change_queue.push_back(c); } /* Static send methods */ void Server::SendHP(con::Connection &con, u16 peer_id, u8 hp) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_HP); writeU8(os, hp); // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer<u8> data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } void Server::SendAccessDenied(con::Connection &con, u16 peer_id) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_ACCESS_DENIED); // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer<u8> data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } /* Non-static send methods */ void Server::SendObjectData(float dtime) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); core::map<v3s16, bool> stepped_blocks; for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { u16 peer_id = i.getNode()->getKey(); RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); assert(client->peer_id == peer_id); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; client->SendObjectData(this, dtime, stepped_blocks); } } void Server::SendPlayerInfos() { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); //JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); // Get connected players core::list<Player*> players = m_env.getPlayers(true); u32 player_count = players.getSize(); u32 datasize = 2+(2+PLAYERNAME_SIZE)*player_count; SharedBuffer<u8> data(datasize); writeU16(&data[0], TOCLIENT_PLAYERINFO); u32 start = 2; core::list<Player*>::Iterator i; for(i = players.begin(); i != players.end(); i++) { Player *player = *i; /*dstream<<"Server sending player info for player with " "peer_id="<<player->peer_id<<std::endl;*/ writeU16(&data[start], player->peer_id); memset((char*)&data[start+2], 0, PLAYERNAME_SIZE); snprintf((char*)&data[start+2], PLAYERNAME_SIZE, "%s", player->getName()); start += 2+PLAYERNAME_SIZE; } //JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); // Send as reliable m_con.SendToAll(0, data, true); } void Server::SendInventory(u16 peer_id) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); Player* player = m_env.getPlayer(peer_id); assert(player); /* Serialize it */ std::ostringstream os; //os.imbue(std::locale("C")); player->inventory.serialize(os); std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer<u8> data(s.size()+2); writeU16(&data[0], TOCLIENT_INVENTORY); memcpy(&data[2], s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } void Server::SendChatMessage(u16 peer_id, const std::wstring &message) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); u8 buf[12]; // Write command writeU16(buf, TOCLIENT_CHAT_MESSAGE); os.write((char*)buf, 2); // Write length writeU16(buf, message.size()); os.write((char*)buf, 2); // Write string for(u32 i=0; i<message.size(); i++) { u16 w = message[i]; writeU16(buf, w); os.write((char*)buf, 2); } // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer<u8> data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } void Server::BroadcastChatMessage(const std::wstring &message) { for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { // Get client and check that it is valid RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); assert(client->peer_id == i.getNode()->getKey()); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; SendChatMessage(client->peer_id, message); } } void Server::SendPlayerHP(Player *player) { SendHP(m_con, player->peer_id, player->hp); } void Server::SendMovePlayer(Player *player) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_MOVE_PLAYER); writeV3F1000(os, player->getPosition()); writeF1000(os, player->getPitch()); writeF1000(os, player->getYaw()); { v3f pos = player->getPosition(); f32 pitch = player->getPitch(); f32 yaw = player->getYaw(); dstream<<"Server sending TOCLIENT_MOVE_PLAYER" <<" pos=("<<pos.X<<","<<pos.Y<<","<<pos.Z<<")" <<" pitch="<<pitch <<" yaw="<<yaw <<std::endl; } // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer<u8> data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(player->peer_id, 0, data, true); } void Server::sendRemoveNode(v3s16 p, u16 ignore_id, core::list<u16> *far_players, float far_d_nodes) { float maxd = far_d_nodes*BS; v3f p_f = intToFloat(p, BS); // Create packet u32 replysize = 8; SharedBuffer<u8> reply(replysize); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_REMOVENODE); writeS16(&reply[2], p.X); writeS16(&reply[4], p.Y); writeS16(&reply[6], p.Z); for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { // Get client and check that it is valid RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); assert(client->peer_id == i.getNode()->getKey()); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; // Don't send if it's the same one if(client->peer_id == ignore_id) continue; if(far_players) { // Get player Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(player) { // If player is far away, only set modified blocks not sent v3f player_pos = player->getPosition(); if(player_pos.getDistanceFrom(p_f) > maxd) { far_players->push_back(client->peer_id); continue; } } } // Send as reliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, reply, true); } } void Server::sendAddNode(v3s16 p, MapNode n, u16 ignore_id, core::list<u16> *far_players, float far_d_nodes) { float maxd = far_d_nodes*BS; v3f p_f = intToFloat(p, BS); for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { // Get client and check that it is valid RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); assert(client->peer_id == i.getNode()->getKey()); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; // Don't send if it's the same one if(client->peer_id == ignore_id) continue; if(far_players) { // Get player Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(player) { // If player is far away, only set modified blocks not sent v3f player_pos = player->getPosition(); if(player_pos.getDistanceFrom(p_f) > maxd) { far_players->push_back(client->peer_id); continue; } } } // Create packet u32 replysize = 8 + MapNode::serializedLength(client->serialization_version); SharedBuffer<u8> reply(replysize); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_ADDNODE); writeS16(&reply[2], p.X); writeS16(&reply[4], p.Y); writeS16(&reply[6], p.Z); n.serialize(&reply[8], client->serialization_version); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, reply, true); } } void Server::SendBlockNoLock(u16 peer_id, MapBlock *block, u8 ver) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); v3s16 p = block->getPos(); #if 0 // Analyze it a bit bool completely_air = true; for(s16 z0=0; z0<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z0++) for(s16 x0=0; x0<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x0++) for(s16 y0=0; y0<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y0++) { if(block->getNodeNoEx(v3s16(x0,y0,z0)).d != CONTENT_AIR) { completely_air = false; x0 = y0 = z0 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE; // Break out } } // Print result dstream<<"Server: Sending block ("<<p.X<<","<<p.Y<<","<<p.Z<<"): "; if(completely_air) dstream<<"[completely air] "; dstream<<std::endl; #endif /* Create a packet with the block in the right format */ std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); block->serialize(os, ver); std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer<u8> blockdata((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); u32 replysize = 8 + blockdata.getSize(); SharedBuffer<u8> reply(replysize); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_BLOCKDATA); writeS16(&reply[2], p.X); writeS16(&reply[4], p.Y); writeS16(&reply[6], p.Z); memcpy(&reply[8], *blockdata, blockdata.getSize()); /*dstream<<"Server: Sending block ("<<p.X<<","<<p.Y<<","<<p.Z<<")" <<": \tpacket size: "<<replysize<<std::endl;*/ /* Send packet */ m_con.Send(peer_id, 1, reply, true); } void Server::SendBlocks(float dtime) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); //TimeTaker timer("Server::SendBlocks"); core::array<PrioritySortedBlockTransfer> queue; s32 total_sending = 0; for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); assert(client->peer_id == i.getNode()->getKey()); total_sending += client->SendingCount(); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; client->GetNextBlocks(this, dtime, queue); } // Sort. // Lowest priority number comes first. // Lowest is most important. queue.sort(); for(u32 i=0; i<queue.size(); i++) { //TODO: Calculate limit dynamically if(total_sending >= g_settings.getS32 ("max_simultaneous_block_sends_server_total")) break; PrioritySortedBlockTransfer q = queue[i]; MapBlock *block = NULL; try { block = m_env.getMap().getBlockNoCreate(q.pos); } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { continue; } RemoteClient *client = getClient(q.peer_id); SendBlockNoLock(q.peer_id, block, client->serialization_version); client->SentBlock(q.pos); total_sending++; } } /* Something random */ void Server::UpdateCrafting(u16 peer_id) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); Player* player = m_env.getPlayer(peer_id); assert(player); /* Calculate crafting stuff */ if(g_settings.getBool("creative_mode") == false) { InventoryList *clist = player->inventory.getList("craft"); InventoryList *rlist = player->inventory.getList("craftresult"); if(rlist->getUsedSlots() == 0) player->craftresult_is_preview = true; if(rlist && player->craftresult_is_preview) { rlist->clearItems(); } if(clist && rlist && player->craftresult_is_preview) { InventoryItem *items[9]; for(u16 i=0; i<9; i++) { items[i] = clist->getItem(i); } bool found = false; // Wood if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_TREE); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new MaterialItem(CONTENT_WOOD, 4)); found = true; } } // Stick if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new CraftItem("Stick", 4)); found = true; } } // Sign if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[2] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[3] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[5] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { //rlist->addItem(new MapBlockObjectItem("Sign")); rlist->addItem(new MaterialItem(CONTENT_SIGN_WALL, 1)); found = true; } } // Torch if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "lump_of_coal"); specs[3] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new MaterialItem(CONTENT_TORCH, 4)); found = true; } } // Wooden pick if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[2] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("WPick", 0)); found = true; } } // Stone pick if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[2] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("STPick", 0)); found = true; } } // Steel pick if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[2] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("SteelPick", 0)); found = true; } } // Mese pick if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_MESE); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_MESE); specs[2] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_MESE); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("MesePick", 0)); found = true; } } // Wooden shovel if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("WShovel", 0)); found = true; } } // Stone shovel if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("STShovel", 0)); found = true; } } // Steel shovel if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("SteelShovel", 0)); found = true; } } // Wooden axe if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[3] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("WAxe", 0)); found = true; } } // Stone axe if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[3] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("STAxe", 0)); found = true; } } // Steel axe if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[3] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("SteelAxe", 0)); found = true; } } // Wooden sword if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("WSword", 0)); found = true; } } // Stone sword if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("STSword", 0)); found = true; } } // Steel sword if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "Stick"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new ToolItem("SteelSword", 0)); found = true; } } // Chest if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[2] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[3] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[5] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[6] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); specs[8] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_WOOD); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new MaterialItem(CONTENT_CHEST, 1)); found = true; } } // Furnace if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[2] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[3] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[5] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[6] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); specs[8] = ItemSpec(ITEM_MATERIAL, CONTENT_COBBLE); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new MaterialItem(CONTENT_FURNACE, 1)); found = true; } } // Steel block if(!found) { ItemSpec specs[9]; specs[0] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[1] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[2] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[3] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[4] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[5] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[6] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[7] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); specs[8] = ItemSpec(ITEM_CRAFT, "steel_ingot"); if(checkItemCombination(items, specs)) { rlist->addItem(new MaterialItem(CONTENT_STEEL, 1)); found = true; } } } } // if creative_mode == false } RemoteClient* Server::getClient(u16 peer_id) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); //JMutexAutoLock lock(m_con_mutex); core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Node *n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // A client should exist for all peers assert(n != NULL); return n->getValue(); } std::wstring Server::getStatusString() { std::wostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); os<<L"# Server: "; // Version os<<L"version="<<narrow_to_wide(VERSION_STRING); // Uptime os<<L", uptime="<<m_uptime.get(); // Information about clients os<<L", clients={"; for(core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { // Get client and check that it is valid RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); assert(client->peer_id == i.getNode()->getKey()); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; // Get player Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(client->peer_id); // Get name of player std::wstring name = L"unknown"; if(player != NULL) name = narrow_to_wide(player->getName()); // Add name to information string os<<name<<L","; } os<<L"}"; if(((ServerMap*)(&m_env.getMap()))->isSavingEnabled() == false) os<<" WARNING: Map saving is disabled."<<std::endl; return os.str(); } void setCreativeInventory(Player *player) { player->resetInventory(); // Give some good tools { InventoryItem *item = new ToolItem("MesePick", 0); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new ToolItem("SteelPick", 0); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new ToolItem("SteelAxe", 0); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new ToolItem("SteelShovel", 0); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } /* Give materials */ // CONTENT_IGNORE-terminated list u8 material_items[] = { CONTENT_TORCH, CONTENT_COBBLE, CONTENT_MUD, CONTENT_STONE, CONTENT_SAND, CONTENT_TREE, CONTENT_LEAVES, CONTENT_GLASS, CONTENT_MESE, CONTENT_WATERSOURCE, CONTENT_CLOUD, CONTENT_CHEST, CONTENT_FURNACE, CONTENT_SIGN_WALL, CONTENT_IGNORE }; u8 *mip = material_items; for(u16 i=0; i<PLAYER_INVENTORY_SIZE; i++) { if(*mip == CONTENT_IGNORE) break; InventoryItem *item = new MaterialItem(*mip, 1); player->inventory.addItem("main", item); mip++; } #if 0 assert(USEFUL_CONTENT_COUNT <= PLAYER_INVENTORY_SIZE); // add torch first InventoryItem *item = new MaterialItem(CONTENT_TORCH, 1); player->inventory.addItem("main", item); // Then others for(u16 i=0; i<USEFUL_CONTENT_COUNT; i++) { // Skip some materials if(i == CONTENT_WATER || i == CONTENT_TORCH || i == CONTENT_COALSTONE) continue; InventoryItem *item = new MaterialItem(i, 1); player->inventory.addItem("main", item); } #endif /*// Sign { InventoryItem *item = new MapBlockObjectItem("Sign Example text"); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); }*/ } v3f findSpawnPos(ServerMap &map) { //return v3f(50,50,50)*BS; v2s16 nodepos; s16 groundheight = 0; // Try to find a good place a few times for(s32 i=0; i<1000; i++) { s32 range = 1 + i; // We're going to try to throw the player to this position nodepos = v2s16(-range + (myrand()%(range*2)), -range + (myrand()%(range*2))); v2s16 sectorpos = getNodeSectorPos(nodepos); // Get sector (NOTE: Don't get because it's slow) //m_env.getMap().emergeSector(sectorpos); // Get ground height at point (fallbacks to heightmap function) groundheight = map.findGroundLevel(nodepos); // Don't go underwater if(groundheight < WATER_LEVEL) { //dstream<<"-> Underwater"<<std::endl; continue; } // Don't go to high places if(groundheight > WATER_LEVEL + 4) { //dstream<<"-> Underwater"<<std::endl; continue; } // Found a good place //dstream<<"Searched through "<<i<<" places."<<std::endl; break; } // If no suitable place was not found, go above water at least. if(groundheight < WATER_LEVEL) groundheight = WATER_LEVEL; return intToFloat(v3s16( nodepos.X, groundheight + 2, nodepos.Y ), BS); } Player *Server::emergePlayer(const char *name, const char *password, u16 peer_id) { /* Try to get an existing player */ Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(name); if(player != NULL) { // If player is already connected, cancel if(player->peer_id != 0) { dstream<<"emergePlayer(): Player already connected"<<std::endl; return NULL; } // Got one. player->peer_id = peer_id; // Reset inventory to creative if in creative mode if(g_settings.getBool("creative_mode")) { setCreativeInventory(player); } return player; } /* If player with the wanted peer_id already exists, cancel. */ if(m_env.getPlayer(peer_id) != NULL) { dstream<<"emergePlayer(): Player with wrong name but same" " peer_id already exists"<<std::endl; return NULL; } /* Create a new player */ { player = new ServerRemotePlayer(); //player->peer_id = c.peer_id; //player->peer_id = PEER_ID_INEXISTENT; player->peer_id = peer_id; player->updateName(name); player->updatePassword(password); /* Set player position */ dstream<<"Server: Finding spawn place for player \"" <<player->getName()<<"\""<<std::endl; v3f pos = findSpawnPos(m_env.getServerMap()); player->setPosition(pos); /* Add player to environment */ m_env.addPlayer(player); /* Add stuff to inventory */ if(g_settings.getBool("creative_mode")) { setCreativeInventory(player); } else if(g_settings.getBool("give_initial_stuff")) { { InventoryItem *item = new ToolItem("SteelPick", 0); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new MaterialItem(CONTENT_TORCH, 99); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new ToolItem("SteelAxe", 0); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new ToolItem("SteelShovel", 0); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new MaterialItem(CONTENT_COBBLE, 99); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } /*{ InventoryItem *item = new MaterialItem(CONTENT_MESE, 6); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new MaterialItem(CONTENT_COALSTONE, 6); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new MaterialItem(CONTENT_WOOD, 6); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new CraftItem("Stick", 4); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new ToolItem("WPick", 32000); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); } { InventoryItem *item = new ToolItem("STPick", 32000); void* r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == NULL); }*/ /*// and some signs for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++) { InventoryItem *item = new MapBlockObjectItem("Sign Example text"); bool r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == true); }*/ /*// Give some other stuff { InventoryItem *item = new MaterialItem(CONTENT_TREE, 999); bool r = player->inventory.addItem("main", item); assert(r == true); }*/ } return player; } // create new player } void Server::handlePeerChange(PeerChange &c) { JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); if(c.type == PEER_ADDED) { /* Add */ // Error check core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Node *n; n = m_clients.find(c.peer_id); // The client shouldn't already exist assert(n == NULL); // Create client RemoteClient *client = new RemoteClient(); client->peer_id = c.peer_id; m_clients.insert(client->peer_id, client); } // PEER_ADDED else if(c.type == PEER_REMOVED) { /* Delete */ // Error check core::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::Node *n; n = m_clients.find(c.peer_id); // The client should exist assert(n != NULL); /* Mark objects to be not known by the client */ RemoteClient *client = n->getValue(); // Handle objects for(core::map<u16, bool>::Iterator i = client->m_known_objects.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { // Get object u16 id = i.getNode()->getKey(); ServerActiveObject* obj = m_env.getActiveObject(id); if(obj && obj->m_known_by_count > 0) obj->m_known_by_count--; } // Collect information about leaving in chat std::wstring message; { std::wstring name = L"unknown"; Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(c.peer_id); if(player != NULL) name = narrow_to_wide(player->getName()); message += L"*** "; message += name; message += L" left game"; if(c.timeout) message += L" (timed out)"; } /*// Delete player { m_env.removePlayer(c.peer_id); }*/ // Set player client disconnected { Player *player = m_env.getPlayer(c.peer_id); if(player != NULL) player->peer_id = 0; } // Delete client delete m_clients[c.peer_id]; m_clients.remove(c.peer_id); // Send player info to all remaining clients SendPlayerInfos(); // Send leave chat message to all remaining clients BroadcastChatMessage(message); } // PEER_REMOVED else { assert(0); } } void Server::handlePeerChanges() { while(m_peer_change_queue.size() > 0) { PeerChange c = m_peer_change_queue.pop_front(); dout_server<<"Server: Handling peer change: " <<"id="<<c.peer_id<<", timeout="<<c.timeout <<std::endl; handlePeerChange(c); } } void dedicated_server_loop(Server &server, bool &kill) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::cout<<DTIME<<std::endl; std::cout<<"========================"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Running dedicated server"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"========================"<<std::endl; std::cout<<std::endl; for(;;) { // This is kind of a hack but can be done like this // because server.step() is very light sleep_ms(30); server.step(0.030); if(server.getShutdownRequested() || kill) { std::cout<<DTIME<<" dedicated_server_loop(): Quitting."<<std::endl; break; } static int counter = 0; counter--; if(counter <= 0) { counter = 10; core::list<PlayerInfo> list = server.getPlayerInfo(); core::list<PlayerInfo>::Iterator i; static u32 sum_old = 0; u32 sum = PIChecksum(list); if(sum != sum_old) { std::cout<<DTIME<<"Player info:"<<std::endl; for(i=list.begin(); i!=list.end(); i++) { i->PrintLine(&std::cout); } } sum_old = sum; } } }