/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> #include "version.h" #include "settings.h" #include "serverlist.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "porting.h" #include "log.h" #include "network/networkprotocol.h" #include <json/json.h> #include "convert_json.h" #include "httpfetch.h" #include "util/string.h" namespace ServerList { std::string getFilePath() { std::string serverlist_file = g_settings->get("serverlist_file"); std::string dir_path = "client" DIR_DELIM "serverlist" DIR_DELIM; fs::CreateDir(porting::path_user + DIR_DELIM "client"); fs::CreateDir(porting::path_user + DIR_DELIM + dir_path); return porting::path_user + DIR_DELIM + dir_path + serverlist_file; } std::vector<ServerListSpec> getLocal() { std::string path = ServerList::getFilePath(); std::string liststring; if (fs::PathExists(path)) { std::ifstream istream(path.c_str()); if (istream.is_open()) { std::ostringstream ostream; ostream << istream.rdbuf(); liststring = ostream.str(); istream.close(); } } return deSerialize(liststring); } std::vector<ServerListSpec> getOnline() { std::ostringstream geturl; u16 proto_version_min = CLIENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN; geturl << g_settings->get("serverlist_url") << "/list?proto_version_min=" << proto_version_min << "&proto_version_max=" << CLIENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX; Json::Value root = fetchJsonValue(geturl.str(), NULL); std::vector<ServerListSpec> server_list; if (!root.isObject()) { return server_list; } root = root["list"]; if (!root.isArray()) { return server_list; } for (const Json::Value &i : root) { if (i.isObject()) { server_list.push_back(i); } } return server_list; } // Delete a server from the local favorites list bool deleteEntry(const ServerListSpec &server) { std::vector<ServerListSpec> serverlist = ServerList::getLocal(); for (std::vector<ServerListSpec>::iterator it = serverlist.begin(); it != serverlist.end();) { if ((*it)["address"] == server["address"] && (*it)["port"] == server["port"]) { it = serverlist.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } std::string path = ServerList::getFilePath(); std::ostringstream ss(std::ios_base::binary); ss << ServerList::serialize(serverlist); if (!fs::safeWriteToFile(path, ss.str())) return false; return true; } // Insert a server to the local favorites list bool insert(const ServerListSpec &server) { // Remove duplicates ServerList::deleteEntry(server); std::vector<ServerListSpec> serverlist = ServerList::getLocal(); // Insert new server at the top of the list serverlist.insert(serverlist.begin(), server); std::string path = ServerList::getFilePath(); std::ostringstream ss(std::ios_base::binary); ss << ServerList::serialize(serverlist); if (!fs::safeWriteToFile(path, ss.str())) return false; return true; } std::vector<ServerListSpec> deSerialize(const std::string &liststring) { std::vector<ServerListSpec> serverlist; std::istringstream stream(liststring); std::string line, tmp; while (std::getline(stream, line)) { std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::toupper); if (line == "[SERVER]") { ServerListSpec server; std::getline(stream, tmp); server["name"] = tmp; std::getline(stream, tmp); server["address"] = tmp; std::getline(stream, tmp); server["port"] = tmp; bool unique = true; for (const ServerListSpec &added : serverlist) { if (server["name"] == added["name"] && server["port"] == added["port"]) { unique = false; break; } } if (!unique) continue; std::getline(stream, tmp); server["description"] = tmp; serverlist.push_back(server); } } return serverlist; } const std::string serialize(const std::vector<ServerListSpec> &serverlist) { std::string liststring; for (const ServerListSpec &it : serverlist) { liststring += "[server]\n"; liststring += it["name"].asString() + '\n'; liststring += it["address"].asString() + '\n'; liststring += it["port"].asString() + '\n'; liststring += it["description"].asString() + '\n'; liststring += '\n'; } return liststring; } const std::string serializeJson(const std::vector<ServerListSpec> &serverlist) { Json::Value root; Json::Value list(Json::arrayValue); for (const ServerListSpec &it : serverlist) { list.append(it); } root["list"] = list; return fastWriteJson(root); } #if USE_CURL void sendAnnounce(AnnounceAction action, const u16 port, const std::vector<std::string> &clients_names, const double uptime, const u32 game_time, const float lag, const std::string &gameid, const std::string &mg_name, const std::vector<ModSpec> &mods, bool dedicated) { static const char *aa_names[] = {"start", "update", "delete"}; Json::Value server; server["action"] = aa_names[action]; server["port"] = port; if (g_settings->exists("server_address")) { server["address"] = g_settings->get("server_address"); } if (action != AA_DELETE) { bool strict_checking = g_settings->getBool("strict_protocol_version_checking"); server["name"] = g_settings->get("server_name"); server["description"] = g_settings->get("server_description"); server["version"] = g_version_string; server["proto_min"] = strict_checking ? LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION : SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN; server["proto_max"] = strict_checking ? LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION : SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX; server["url"] = g_settings->get("server_url"); server["creative"] = g_settings->getBool("creative_mode"); server["damage"] = g_settings->getBool("enable_damage"); server["password"] = g_settings->getBool("disallow_empty_password"); server["pvp"] = g_settings->getBool("enable_pvp"); server["uptime"] = (int) uptime; server["game_time"] = game_time; server["clients"] = (int) clients_names.size(); server["clients_max"] = g_settings->getU16("max_users"); server["clients_list"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); for (const std::string &clients_name : clients_names) { server["clients_list"].append(clients_name); } if (!gameid.empty()) server["gameid"] = gameid; } if (action == AA_START) { server["dedicated"] = dedicated; server["rollback"] = g_settings->getBool("enable_rollback_recording"); server["mapgen"] = mg_name; server["privs"] = g_settings->get("default_privs"); server["can_see_far_names"] = g_settings->getS16("player_transfer_distance") <= 0; server["mods"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); for (const ModSpec &mod : mods) { server["mods"].append(mod.name); } actionstream << "Announcing to " << g_settings->get("serverlist_url") << std::endl; } else if (action == AA_UPDATE) { if (lag) server["lag"] = lag; } HTTPFetchRequest fetch_request; fetch_request.url = g_settings->get("serverlist_url") + std::string("/announce"); fetch_request.post_fields["json"] = fastWriteJson(server); fetch_request.multipart = true; httpfetch_async(fetch_request); } #endif } // namespace ServerList