/* Minetest-c55 Copyright (C) 2010-2011 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef SETTINGS_HEADER #define SETTINGS_HEADER #include "common_irrlicht.h" #include #include #include #include #include "strfnd.h" #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "utility.h" #include "log.h" enum ValueType { VALUETYPE_STRING, VALUETYPE_FLAG // Doesn't take any arguments }; struct ValueSpec { ValueSpec(ValueType a_type, const char *a_help=NULL) { type = a_type; help = a_help; } ValueType type; const char *help; }; class Settings { public: Settings() { m_mutex.Init(); } void writeLines(std::ostream &os) { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex); for(core::map::Iterator i = m_settings.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { std::string name = i.getNode()->getKey(); std::string value = i.getNode()->getValue(); os< &dst, core::map &updated, bool &value_changed) { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex); if(is.eof()) return false; // NOTE: This function will be expanded to allow multi-line settings std::string line; std::getline(is, line); std::string trimmedline = trim(line); std::string line_end = ""; if(is.eof() == false) line_end = "\n"; // Ignore empty lines and comments if(trimmedline.size() == 0 || trimmedline[0] == '#') { dst.push_back(line+line_end); return true; } Strfnd sf(trim(line)); std::string name = sf.next("="); name = trim(name); if(name == "") { dst.push_back(line+line_end); return true; } std::string value = sf.next("\n"); value = trim(value); if(m_settings.find(name)) { std::string newvalue = m_settings[name]; if(newvalue != value) { infostream<<"Changing value of \""< \""< objects; core::map updated; bool something_actually_changed = false; // Read and modify stuff { std::ifstream is(filename); if(is.good() == false) { infostream<<"updateConfigFile():" " Error opening configuration file" " for reading: \"" <::Iterator i = m_settings.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { if(updated.find(i.getNode()->getKey())) continue; something_actually_changed = true; break; } } // If nothing was actually changed, skip writing the file if(!something_actually_changed){ infostream<<"Skipping writing of "<::Iterator i = objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); i++) { os<<(*i); } /* Write stuff that was not already in the file */ for(core::map::Iterator i = m_settings.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { if(updated.find(i.getNode()->getKey())) continue; std::string name = i.getNode()->getKey(); std::string value = i.getNode()->getValue(); infostream<<"Adding \""< &allowed_options) { int nonopt_index = 0; int i=1; for(;;) { if(i >= argc) break; std::string argname = argv[i]; if(argname.substr(0, 2) != "--") { // If option doesn't start with -, read it in as nonoptX if(argname[0] != '-'){ std::string name = "nonopt"; name += itos(nonopt_index); set(name, argname); nonopt_index++; i++; continue; } errorstream<<"Invalid command-line parameter \"" < expected."<::Node *n; n = allowed_options.find(name); if(n == NULL) { errorstream<<"Unknown command-line parameter \"" <getValue().type; std::string value = ""; if(type == VALUETYPE_FLAG) { value = "true"; } else { if(i >= argc) { errorstream<<"Invalid command-line parameter \"" <::Node *n; n = m_settings.find(name); if(n == NULL) { n = m_defaults.find(name); if(n == NULL) { throw SettingNotFoundException("Setting not found"); } } return n->getValue(); } bool getBool(std::string name) { return is_yes(get(name)); } bool getFlag(std::string name) { try { return getBool(name); } catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) { return false; } } // Asks if empty bool getBoolAsk(std::string name, std::string question, bool def) { // If it is in settings if(exists(name)) return getBool(name); std::string s; char templine[10]; std::cout<>value; return value; } void setBool(std::string name, bool value) { if(value) set(name, "true"); else set(name, "false"); } void setS32(std::string name, s32 value) { set(name, itos(value)); } void setFloat(std::string name, float value) { set(name, ftos(value)); } void setV3F(std::string name, v3f value) { std::ostringstream os; os<<"("<::Iterator i = other.m_settings.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { m_settings[i.getNode()->getKey()] = i.getNode()->getValue(); } for(core::map::Iterator i = other.m_defaults.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { m_defaults[i.getNode()->getKey()] = i.getNode()->getValue(); } return; } Settings & operator+=(Settings &other) { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex); JMutexAutoLock lock2(other.m_mutex); if(&other == this) return *this; for(core::map::Iterator i = other.m_settings.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { m_settings.insert(i.getNode()->getKey(), i.getNode()->getValue()); } for(core::map::Iterator i = other.m_defaults.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { m_defaults.insert(i.getNode()->getKey(), i.getNode()->getValue()); } return *this; } Settings & operator=(Settings &other) { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex); JMutexAutoLock lock2(other.m_mutex); if(&other == this) return *this; clear(); (*this) += other; return *this; } private: core::map m_settings; core::map m_defaults; // All methods that access m_settings/m_defaults directly should lock this. JMutex m_mutex; }; #endif