/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "server.h" #include #include #include #include "clientserver.h" #include "ban.h" #include "environment.h" #include "map.h" #include "jthread/jmutexautolock.h" #include "main.h" #include "constants.h" #include "voxel.h" #include "config.h" #include "version.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "mapblock.h" #include "serverobject.h" #include "genericobject.h" #include "settings.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "log.h" #include "scripting_game.h" #include "nodedef.h" #include "itemdef.h" #include "craftdef.h" #include "emerge.h" #include "mapgen.h" #include "biome.h" #include "content_mapnode.h" #include "content_nodemeta.h" #include "content_abm.h" #include "content_sao.h" #include "mods.h" #include "sha1.h" #include "base64.h" #include "tool.h" #include "sound.h" // dummySoundManager #include "event_manager.h" #include "hex.h" #include "serverlist.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "util/pointedthing.h" #include "util/mathconstants.h" #include "rollback.h" #include "util/serialize.h" #include "util/thread.h" #include "defaultsettings.h" class ClientNotFoundException : public BaseException { public: ClientNotFoundException(const char *s): BaseException(s) {} }; class ServerThread : public SimpleThread { Server *m_server; public: ServerThread(Server *server): SimpleThread(), m_server(server) { } void * Thread(); }; void * ServerThread::Thread() { ThreadStarted(); log_register_thread("ServerThread"); DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); BEGIN_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER while(getRun()) { try{ //TimeTaker timer("AsyncRunStep() + Receive()"); { //TimeTaker timer("AsyncRunStep()"); m_server->AsyncRunStep(); } //infostream<<"Running m_server->Receive()"<Receive(); } catch(con::NoIncomingDataException &e) { } catch(con::PeerNotFoundException &e) { infostream<<"Server: PeerNotFoundException"<setAsyncFatalError(e.what()); } catch(LuaError &e) { m_server->setAsyncFatalError(e.what()); } } END_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER(errorstream) return NULL; } v3f ServerSoundParams::getPos(ServerEnvironment *env, bool *pos_exists) const { if(pos_exists) *pos_exists = false; switch(type){ case SSP_LOCAL: return v3f(0,0,0); case SSP_POSITIONAL: if(pos_exists) *pos_exists = true; return pos; case SSP_OBJECT: { if(object == 0) return v3f(0,0,0); ServerActiveObject *sao = env->getActiveObject(object); if(!sao) return v3f(0,0,0); if(pos_exists) *pos_exists = true; return sao->getBasePosition(); } } return v3f(0,0,0); } void RemoteClient::GetNextBlocks(Server *server, float dtime, std::vector &dest) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); /*u32 timer_result; TimeTaker timer("RemoteClient::GetNextBlocks", &timer_result);*/ // Increment timers m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer -= dtime; m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer += dtime; if(m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer >= 0) return; Player *player = server->m_env->getPlayer(peer_id); // This can happen sometimes; clients and players are not in perfect sync. if(player == NULL) return; // Won't send anything if already sending if(m_blocks_sending.size() >= g_settings->getU16 ("max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client")) { //infostream<<"Not sending any blocks, Queue full."<getPosition(); v3f playerspeed = player->getSpeed(); v3f playerspeeddir(0,0,0); if(playerspeed.getLength() > 1.0*BS) playerspeeddir = playerspeed / playerspeed.getLength(); // Predict to next block v3f playerpos_predicted = playerpos + playerspeeddir*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*BS; v3s16 center_nodepos = floatToInt(playerpos_predicted, BS); v3s16 center = getNodeBlockPos(center_nodepos); // Camera position and direction v3f camera_pos = player->getEyePosition(); v3f camera_dir = v3f(0,0,1); camera_dir.rotateYZBy(player->getPitch()); camera_dir.rotateXZBy(player->getYaw()); /*infostream<<"camera_dir=("<getPlayerName(peer_id)<getFloat( "full_block_send_enable_min_time_from_building")) { max_simul_sends_usually = LIMITED_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_BLOCK_SENDS; } /* Number of blocks sending + number of blocks selected for sending */ u32 num_blocks_selected = m_blocks_sending.size(); /* next time d will be continued from the d from which the nearest unsent block was found this time. This is because not necessarily any of the blocks found this time are actually sent. */ s32 new_nearest_unsent_d = -1; s16 d_max = g_settings->getS16("max_block_send_distance"); s16 d_max_gen = g_settings->getS16("max_block_generate_distance"); // Don't loop very much at a time s16 max_d_increment_at_time = 2; if(d_max > d_start + max_d_increment_at_time) d_max = d_start + max_d_increment_at_time; /*if(d_max_gen > d_start+2) d_max_gen = d_start+2;*/ //infostream<<"Starting from "<getPlayerName(peer_id)< list; getFacePositions(list, d); std::list::iterator li; for(li=list.begin(); li!=list.end(); ++li) { v3s16 p = *li + center; /* Send throttling - Don't allow too many simultaneous transfers - EXCEPT when the blocks are very close Also, don't send blocks that are already flying. */ // Start with the usual maximum u16 max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_usually; // If block is very close, allow full maximum if(d <= BLOCK_SEND_DISABLE_LIMITS_MAX_D) max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_setting; // Don't select too many blocks for sending if(num_blocks_selected >= max_simul_dynamic) { queue_is_full = true; goto queue_full_break; } // Don't send blocks that are currently being transferred if(m_blocks_sending.find(p) != m_blocks_sending.end()) continue; /* Do not go over-limit */ if(p.X < -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.X > MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Y < -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Y > MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Z < -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE || p.Z > MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT / MAP_BLOCKSIZE) continue; // If this is true, inexistent block will be made from scratch bool generate = d <= d_max_gen; { /*// Limit the generating area vertically to 2/3 if(abs(p.Y - center.Y) > d_max_gen - d_max_gen / 3) generate = false;*/ // Limit the send area vertically to 1/2 if(abs(p.Y - center.Y) > d_max / 2) continue; } #if 0 /* If block is far away, don't generate it unless it is near ground level. */ if(d >= 4) { #if 1 // Block center y in nodes f32 y = (f32)(p.Y * MAP_BLOCKSIZE + MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2); // Don't generate if it's very high or very low if(y < -64 || y > 64) generate = false; #endif #if 0 v2s16 p2d_nodes_center( MAP_BLOCKSIZE*p.X, MAP_BLOCKSIZE*p.Z); // Get ground height in nodes s16 gh = server->m_env->getServerMap().findGroundLevel( p2d_nodes_center); // If differs a lot, don't generate if(fabs(gh - y) > MAP_BLOCKSIZE*2) generate = false; // Actually, don't even send it //continue; #endif } #endif //infostream<<"d="<m_env->getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p); bool surely_not_found_on_disk = false; bool block_is_invalid = false; if(block != NULL) { // Reset usage timer, this block will be of use in the future. block->resetUsageTimer(); // Block is dummy if data doesn't exist. // It means it has been not found from disk and not generated if(block->isDummy()) { surely_not_found_on_disk = true; } // Block is valid if lighting is up-to-date and data exists if(block->isValid() == false) { block_is_invalid = true; } /*if(block->isFullyGenerated() == false) { block_is_invalid = true; }*/ #if 0 v2s16 p2d(p.X, p.Z); ServerMap *map = (ServerMap*)(&server->m_env->getMap()); v2s16 chunkpos = map->sector_to_chunk(p2d); if(map->chunkNonVolatile(chunkpos) == false) block_is_invalid = true; #endif if(block->isGenerated() == false) block_is_invalid = true; #if 1 /* If block is not close, don't send it unless it is near ground level. Block is near ground level if night-time mesh differs from day-time mesh. */ if(d >= 4) { if(block->getDayNightDiff() == false) continue; } #endif } /* If block has been marked to not exist on disk (dummy) and generating new ones is not wanted, skip block. */ if(generate == false && surely_not_found_on_disk == true) { // get next one. continue; } /* Add inexistent block to emerge queue. */ if(block == NULL || surely_not_found_on_disk || block_is_invalid) { /* //TODO: Get value from somewhere // Allow only one block in emerge queue //if(server->m_emerge_queue.peerItemCount(peer_id) < 1) // Allow two blocks in queue per client //if(server->m_emerge_queue.peerItemCount(peer_id) < 2) u32 max_emerge = 5; // Make it more responsive when needing to generate stuff if(surely_not_found_on_disk) max_emerge = 1; if(server->m_emerge_queue.peerItemCount(peer_id) < max_emerge) { //infostream<<"Adding block to emerge queue"<m_emerge_queue.addBlock(peer_id, p, flags); server->m_emergethread.trigger(); if(nearest_emerged_d == -1) nearest_emerged_d = d; } else { if(nearest_emergefull_d == -1) nearest_emergefull_d = d; goto queue_full_break; } */ if (server->m_emerge->enqueueBlockEmerge(peer_id, p, generate)) { if (nearest_emerged_d == -1) nearest_emerged_d = d; } else { if (nearest_emergefull_d == -1) nearest_emergefull_d = d; goto queue_full_break; } // get next one. continue; } if(nearest_sent_d == -1) nearest_sent_d = d; /* Add block to send queue */ /*errorstream<<"sending from d="<getPlayerName(peer_id)< g_settings->getS16("max_block_send_distance")){ new_nearest_unsent_d = 0; m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 2.0; /*infostream<<"GetNextBlocks(): d wrapped around for " <getPlayerName(peer_id) <<"; setting to 0 and pausing"< &blocks) { m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; for(std::map::iterator i = blocks.begin(); i != blocks.end(); ++i) { v3s16 p = i->first; if(m_blocks_sending.find(p) != m_blocks_sending.end()) m_blocks_sending.erase(p); if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) != m_blocks_sent.end()) m_blocks_sent.erase(p); } } /* Server */ Server::Server( const std::string &path_world, const SubgameSpec &gamespec, bool simple_singleplayer_mode ): m_path_world(path_world), m_gamespec(gamespec), m_simple_singleplayer_mode(simple_singleplayer_mode), m_async_fatal_error(""), m_env(NULL), m_con(PROTOCOL_ID, 512, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, g_settings->getBool("enable_ipv6") && g_settings->getBool("ipv6_server"), this), m_banmanager(NULL), m_rollback(NULL), m_rollback_sink_enabled(true), m_enable_rollback_recording(false), m_emerge(NULL), m_script(NULL), m_itemdef(createItemDefManager()), m_nodedef(createNodeDefManager()), m_craftdef(createCraftDefManager()), m_event(new EventManager()), m_thread(NULL), m_time_of_day_send_timer(0), m_uptime(0), m_shutdown_requested(false), m_ignore_map_edit_events(false), m_ignore_map_edit_events_peer_id(0) { m_liquid_transform_timer = 0.0; m_liquid_transform_every = 1.0; m_print_info_timer = 0.0; m_masterserver_timer = 0.0; m_objectdata_timer = 0.0; m_emergethread_trigger_timer = 0.0; m_savemap_timer = 0.0; m_env_mutex.Init(); m_con_mutex.Init(); m_step_dtime_mutex.Init(); m_step_dtime = 0.0; if(path_world == "") throw ServerError("Supplied empty world path"); if(!gamespec.isValid()) throw ServerError("Supplied invalid gamespec"); infostream<<"Server created for gameid \""< unsatisfied_mods = modconf.getUnsatisfiedMods(); // complain about mods with unsatisfied dependencies if(!modconf.isConsistent()) { for(std::vector::iterator it = unsatisfied_mods.begin(); it != unsatisfied_mods.end(); ++it) { ModSpec mod = *it; errorstream << "mod \"" << mod.name << "\" has unsatisfied dependencies: "; for(std::set::iterator dep_it = mod.unsatisfied_depends.begin(); dep_it != mod.unsatisfied_depends.end(); ++dep_it) errorstream << " \"" << *dep_it << "\""; errorstream << std::endl; } } Settings worldmt_settings; std::string worldmt = m_path_world + DIR_DELIM + "world.mt"; worldmt_settings.readConfigFile(worldmt.c_str()); std::vector names = worldmt_settings.getNames(); std::set load_mod_names; for(std::vector::iterator it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it) { std::string name = *it; if(name.compare(0,9,"load_mod_")==0 && worldmt_settings.getBool(name)) load_mod_names.insert(name.substr(9)); } // complain about mods declared to be loaded, but not found for(std::vector::iterator it = m_mods.begin(); it != m_mods.end(); ++it) load_mod_names.erase((*it).name); for(std::vector::iterator it = unsatisfied_mods.begin(); it != unsatisfied_mods.end(); ++it) load_mod_names.erase((*it).name); if(!load_mod_names.empty()) { errorstream << "The following mods could not be found:"; for(std::set::iterator it = load_mod_names.begin(); it != load_mod_names.end(); ++it) errorstream << " \"" << (*it) << "\""; errorstream << std::endl; } // Path to builtin.lua std::string builtinpath = getBuiltinLuaPath() + DIR_DELIM + "builtin.lua"; // Lock environment JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); // Initialize scripting infostream<<"Server: Initializing Lua"<loadMod(builtinpath, "__builtin"); if(!success){ errorstream<<"Server: Failed to load and run " <::iterator i = m_mods.begin(); i != m_mods.end(); i++){ const ModSpec &mod = *i; infostream<::iterator i = m_mods.begin(); i != m_mods.end(); i++){ const ModSpec &mod = *i; std::string scriptpath = mod.path + DIR_DELIM + "init.lua"; infostream<<" ["<loadMod(scriptpath, mod.name); if(!success){ errorstream<<"Server: Failed to load and run " <updateAliases(m_itemdef); // Initialize Environment ServerMap *servermap = new ServerMap(path_world, this, m_emerge); m_env = new ServerEnvironment(servermap, m_script, this, m_emerge); // Run some callbacks after the MG params have been set up but before activation MapgenParams *mgparams = servermap->getMapgenParams(); m_script->environment_OnMapgenInit(mgparams); // Initialize mapgens m_emerge->initMapgens(mgparams); // Give environment reference to scripting api m_script->initializeEnvironment(m_env); // Register us to receive map edit events servermap->addEventReceiver(this); // If file exists, load environment metadata if(fs::PathExists(m_path_world+DIR_DELIM+"env_meta.txt")) { infostream<<"Server: Loading environment metadata"<loadMeta(m_path_world); } // Load players infostream<<"Server: Loading players"<deSerializePlayers(m_path_world); /* Add some test ActiveBlockModifiers to environment */ add_legacy_abms(m_env, m_nodedef); m_liquid_transform_every = g_settings->getFloat("liquid_update"); } Server::~Server() { infostream<<"Server destructing"<::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { // Get client and check that it is valid RemoteClient *client = i->second; assert(client->peer_id == i->first); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; try{ SendChatMessage(client->peer_id, line); } catch(con::PeerNotFoundException &e) {} } } { JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); /* Execute script shutdown hooks */ m_script->on_shutdown(); } { JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); /* Save players */ infostream<<"Server: Saving players"<serializePlayers(m_path_world); /* Save environment metadata */ infostream<<"Server: Saving environment metadata"<saveMeta(m_path_world); } /* Stop threads */ stop(); delete m_thread; //shutdown all emerge threads first! delete m_emerge; /* Delete clients */ { JMutexAutoLock clientslock(m_con_mutex); for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { // Delete client delete i->second; } } // Delete things in the reverse order of creation delete m_env; delete m_rollback; delete m_banmanager; delete m_event; delete m_itemdef; delete m_nodedef; delete m_craftdef; // Deinitialize scripting infostream<<"Server: Deinitializing scripting"<::iterator i = m_detached_inventories.begin(); i != m_detached_inventories.end(); i++){ delete i->second; } } } void Server::start(unsigned short port) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); infostream<<"Starting server on port "<stop(); // Initialize connection m_con.SetTimeoutMs(30); m_con.Serve(port); // Start thread m_thread->setRun(true); m_thread->Start(); // ASCII art for the win! actionstream <<" .__ __ __ "<__| \\___ >____ > |__| "<setRun(false); //m_emergethread.setRun(false); m_thread->stop(); //m_emergethread.stop(); infostream<<"Server: Threads stopped"< 2.0) dtime = 2.0; { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_step_dtime_mutex); m_step_dtime += dtime; } // Throw if fatal error occurred in thread std::string async_err = m_async_fatal_error.get(); if(async_err != ""){ throw ServerError(async_err); } } void Server::AsyncRunStep() { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); g_profiler->add("Server::AsyncRunStep (num)", 1); float dtime; { JMutexAutoLock lock1(m_step_dtime_mutex); dtime = m_step_dtime; } { // Send blocks to clients SendBlocks(dtime); } if(dtime < 0.001) return; g_profiler->add("Server::AsyncRunStep with dtime (num)", 1); //infostream<<"Server steps "<setTimeOfDaySpeed(g_settings->getFloat("time_speed")); /* Send to clients at constant intervals */ m_time_of_day_send_timer -= dtime; if(m_time_of_day_send_timer < 0.0) { m_time_of_day_send_timer = g_settings->getFloat("time_send_interval"); //JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); u16 time = m_env->getTimeOfDay(); float time_speed = g_settings->getFloat("time_speed"); for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; SendTimeOfDay(client->peer_id, time, time_speed); } } } { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_env_mutex); // Figure out and report maximum lag to environment float max_lag = m_env->getMaxLagEstimate(); max_lag *= 0.9998; // Decrease slowly (about half per 5 minutes) if(dtime > max_lag){ if(dtime > 0.1 && dtime > max_lag * 2.0) infostream<<"Server: Maximum lag peaked to "<reportMaxLagEstimate(max_lag); // Step environment ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "SEnv step"); ScopeProfiler sp2(g_profiler, "SEnv step avg", SPT_AVG); m_env->step(dtime); } const float map_timer_and_unload_dtime = 2.92; if(m_map_timer_and_unload_interval.step(dtime, map_timer_and_unload_dtime)) { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_env_mutex); // Run Map's timers and unload unused data ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Server: map timer and unload"); m_env->getMap().timerUpdate(map_timer_and_unload_dtime, g_settings->getFloat("server_unload_unused_data_timeout")); } /* Do background stuff */ /* Handle players */ { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock lock2(m_con_mutex); ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Server: handle players"); for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; PlayerSAO *playersao = getPlayerSAO(client->peer_id); if(playersao == NULL) continue; /* Handle player HPs (die if hp=0) */ if(playersao->m_hp_not_sent && g_settings->getBool("enable_damage")) { if(playersao->getHP() == 0) DiePlayer(client->peer_id); else SendPlayerHP(client->peer_id); } /* Send player breath if changed */ if(playersao->m_breath_not_sent){ SendPlayerBreath(client->peer_id); } /* Send player inventories if necessary */ if(playersao->m_moved){ SendMovePlayer(client->peer_id); playersao->m_moved = false; } if(playersao->m_inventory_not_sent){ UpdateCrafting(client->peer_id); SendInventory(client->peer_id); } } } /* Transform liquids */ m_liquid_transform_timer += dtime; if(m_liquid_transform_timer >= m_liquid_transform_every) { m_liquid_transform_timer -= m_liquid_transform_every; JMutexAutoLock lock(m_env_mutex); ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Server: liquid transform"); std::map modified_blocks; m_env->getMap().transformLiquids(modified_blocks); #if 0 /* Update lighting */ core::map lighting_modified_blocks; ServerMap &map = ((ServerMap&)m_env->getMap()); map.updateLighting(modified_blocks, lighting_modified_blocks); // Add blocks modified by lighting to modified_blocks for(core::map::Iterator i = lighting_modified_blocks.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { MapBlock *block = i.getNode()->getValue(); modified_blocks.insert(block->getPos(), block); } #endif /* Set the modified blocks unsent for all the clients */ JMutexAutoLock lock2(m_con_mutex); for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; if(modified_blocks.size() > 0) { // Remove block from sent history client->SetBlocksNotSent(modified_blocks); } } } // Periodically print some info { float &counter = m_print_info_timer; counter += dtime; if(counter >= 30.0) { counter = 0.0; JMutexAutoLock lock2(m_con_mutex); m_clients_names.clear(); if(m_clients.size() != 0) infostream<<"Players:"<::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { //u16 peer_id = i.getNode()->getKey(); RemoteClient *client = i->second; Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(player==NULL) continue; infostream<<"* "<getName()<<"\t"; client->PrintInfo(infostream); m_clients_names.push_back(player->getName()); } } } #if USE_CURL // send masterserver announce { float &counter = m_masterserver_timer; if(!isSingleplayer() && (!counter || counter >= 300.0) && g_settings->getBool("server_announce") == true) { ServerList::sendAnnounce(!counter ? "start" : "update", m_clients_names, m_uptime.get(), m_env->getGameTime(), m_gamespec.id, m_mods); counter = 0.01; } counter += dtime; } #endif //if(g_settings->getBool("enable_experimental")) { /* Check added and deleted active objects */ { //infostream<<"Server: Checking added and deleted active objects"<getS16("active_object_send_range_blocks"); radius *= MAP_BLOCKSIZE; for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; // If definitions and textures have not been sent, don't // send objects either if(!client->definitions_sent) continue; Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(player==NULL) { // This can happen if the client timeouts somehow /*infostream<<"WARNING: "<<__FUNCTION_NAME<<": Client " <peer_id <<" has no associated player"<getPosition(), BS); std::set removed_objects; std::set added_objects; m_env->getRemovedActiveObjects(pos, radius, client->m_known_objects, removed_objects); m_env->getAddedActiveObjects(pos, radius, client->m_known_objects, added_objects); // Ignore if nothing happened if(removed_objects.size() == 0 && added_objects.size() == 0) { //infostream<<"active objects: none changed"<::iterator i = removed_objects.begin(); i != removed_objects.end(); ++i) { // Get object u16 id = *i; ServerActiveObject* obj = m_env->getActiveObject(id); // Add to data buffer for sending writeU16((u8*)buf, id); data_buffer.append(buf, 2); // Remove from known objects client->m_known_objects.erase(id); if(obj && obj->m_known_by_count > 0) obj->m_known_by_count--; } // Handle added objects writeU16((u8*)buf, added_objects.size()); data_buffer.append(buf, 2); for(std::set::iterator i = added_objects.begin(); i != added_objects.end(); ++i) { // Get object u16 id = *i; ServerActiveObject* obj = m_env->getActiveObject(id); // Get object type u8 type = ACTIVEOBJECT_TYPE_INVALID; if(obj == NULL) infostream<<"WARNING: "<<__FUNCTION_NAME <<": NULL object"<getSendType(); // Add to data buffer for sending writeU16((u8*)buf, id); data_buffer.append(buf, 2); writeU8((u8*)buf, type); data_buffer.append(buf, 1); if(obj) data_buffer.append(serializeLongString( obj->getClientInitializationData(client->net_proto_version))); else data_buffer.append(serializeLongString("")); // Add to known objects client->m_known_objects.insert(id); if(obj) obj->m_known_by_count++; } // Send packet SharedBuffer reply(2 + data_buffer.size()); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_ACTIVE_OBJECT_REMOVE_ADD); memcpy((char*)&reply[2], data_buffer.c_str(), data_buffer.size()); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, reply, true); verbosestream<<"Server: Sent object remove/add: " < all_known_objects; for(core::map::Iterator i = m_clients.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { RemoteClient *client = i.getNode()->getValue(); // Go through all known objects of client for(core::map::Iterator i = client->m_known_objects.getIterator(); i.atEnd()==false; i++) { u16 id = i.getNode()->getKey(); all_known_objects[id] = true; } } m_env->setKnownActiveObjects(whatever); #endif } /* Send object messages */ { JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Server: sending object messages"); // Key = object id // Value = data sent by object std::map* > buffered_messages; // Get active object messages from environment for(;;) { ActiveObjectMessage aom = m_env->getActiveObjectMessage(); if(aom.id == 0) break; std::list* message_list = NULL; std::map* >::iterator n; n = buffered_messages.find(aom.id); if(n == buffered_messages.end()) { message_list = new std::list; buffered_messages[aom.id] = message_list; } else { message_list = n->second; } message_list->push_back(aom); } // Route data to every client for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; std::string reliable_data; std::string unreliable_data; // Go through all objects in message buffer for(std::map* >::iterator j = buffered_messages.begin(); j != buffered_messages.end(); ++j) { // If object is not known by client, skip it u16 id = j->first; if(client->m_known_objects.find(id) == client->m_known_objects.end()) continue; // Get message list of object std::list* list = j->second; // Go through every message for(std::list::iterator k = list->begin(); k != list->end(); ++k) { // Compose the full new data with header ActiveObjectMessage aom = *k; std::string new_data; // Add object id char buf[2]; writeU16((u8*)&buf[0], aom.id); new_data.append(buf, 2); // Add data new_data += serializeString(aom.datastring); // Add data to buffer if(aom.reliable) reliable_data += new_data; else unreliable_data += new_data; } } /* reliable_data and unreliable_data are now ready. Send them. */ if(reliable_data.size() > 0) { SharedBuffer reply(2 + reliable_data.size()); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MESSAGES); memcpy((char*)&reply[2], reliable_data.c_str(), reliable_data.size()); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, reply, true); } if(unreliable_data.size() > 0) { SharedBuffer reply(2 + unreliable_data.size()); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MESSAGES); memcpy((char*)&reply[2], unreliable_data.c_str(), unreliable_data.size()); // Send as unreliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, reply, false); } /*if(reliable_data.size() > 0 || unreliable_data.size() > 0) { infostream<<"Server: Size of object message data: " <<"reliable: "<* >::iterator i = buffered_messages.begin(); i != buffered_messages.end(); ++i) { delete i->second; } } } // enable_experimental /* Send queued-for-sending map edit events. */ { // We will be accessing the environment and the connection JMutexAutoLock lock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); // Don't send too many at a time //u32 count = 0; // Single change sending is disabled if queue size is not small bool disable_single_change_sending = false; if(m_unsent_map_edit_queue.size() >= 4) disable_single_change_sending = true; int event_count = m_unsent_map_edit_queue.size(); // We'll log the amount of each Profiler prof; while(m_unsent_map_edit_queue.size() != 0) { MapEditEvent* event = m_unsent_map_edit_queue.pop_front(); // Players far away from the change are stored here. // Instead of sending the changes, MapBlocks are set not sent // for them. std::list far_players; if(event->type == MEET_ADDNODE) { //infostream<<"Server: MEET_ADDNODE"<p, event->n, event->already_known_by_peer, &far_players, 5); else sendAddNode(event->p, event->n, event->already_known_by_peer, &far_players, 30); } else if(event->type == MEET_REMOVENODE) { //infostream<<"Server: MEET_REMOVENODE"<p, event->already_known_by_peer, &far_players, 5); else sendRemoveNode(event->p, event->already_known_by_peer, &far_players, 30); } else if(event->type == MEET_BLOCK_NODE_METADATA_CHANGED) { infostream<<"Server: MEET_BLOCK_NODE_METADATA_CHANGED"<p); } else if(event->type == MEET_OTHER) { infostream<<"Server: MEET_OTHER"<::iterator i = event->modified_blocks.begin(); i != event->modified_blocks.end(); ++i) { setBlockNotSent(*i); } } else { prof.add("unknown", 1); infostream<<"WARNING: Server: Unknown MapEditEvent " <<((u32)event->type)< 0) { // Convert list format to that wanted by SetBlocksNotSent std::map modified_blocks2; for(std::set::iterator i = event->modified_blocks.begin(); i != event->modified_blocks.end(); ++i) { modified_blocks2[*i] = m_env->getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(*i); } // Set blocks not sent for(std::list::iterator i = far_players.begin(); i != far_players.end(); ++i) { u16 peer_id = *i; RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id); if(client==NULL) continue; client->SetBlocksNotSent(modified_blocks2); } } delete event; /*// Don't send too many at a time count++; if(count >= 1 && m_unsent_map_edit_queue.size() < 100) break;*/ } if(event_count >= 5){ infostream<<"Server: MapEditEvents:"<= 2.0) { counter = 0.0; m_emerge->triggerAllThreads(); // Update m_enable_rollback_recording here too m_enable_rollback_recording = g_settings->getBool("enable_rollback_recording"); } } // Save map, players and auth stuff { float &counter = m_savemap_timer; counter += dtime; if( luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TFUNCTION); push_v3s16(L, blockpos); lua_pushinteger(L, action); lua_pushinteger(L, state->refcount); lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, state->args_ref); setOriginDirect(state->origin.c_str()); try { PCALL_RES(lua_pcall(L, 4, 0, error_handler)); } catch (LuaError &e) { server->setAsyncFatalError( std::string("on_emerge_area_completion: ") + e.what() + "\n" + script_get_backtrace(L)); } lua_pop(L, 1); // Pop error handler if (state->refcount == 0) { luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, state->callback_ref); luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, state->args_ref); } } void ScriptApiEnv::on_liquid_transformed( const std::vector<std::pair<v3s16, MapNode>> &list) { SCRIPTAPI_PRECHECKHEADER // Get core.registered_on_liquid_transformed lua_getglobal(L, "core"); lua_getfield(L, -1, "registered_on_liquid_transformed"); luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TTABLE); lua_remove(L, -2); // Skip converting list and calling hook if there are // no registered callbacks. if(lua_objlen(L, -1) < 1) return; // Convert the list to a pos array and a node array for lua int index = 1; const NodeDefManager *ndef = getEnv()->getGameDef()->ndef(); lua_createtable(L, list.size(), 0); lua_createtable(L, list.size(), 0); for(std::pair<v3s16, MapNode> p : list) { lua_pushnumber(L, index); push_v3s16(L, p.first); lua_rawset(L, -4); lua_pushnumber(L, index++); pushnode(L, p.second, ndef); lua_rawset(L, -3); } runCallbacks(2, RUN_CALLBACKS_MODE_FIRST); } ver: New connection: \""<= g_settings->getU16("max_users") && !checkPriv(playername, "server") && !checkPriv(playername, "ban") && !checkPriv(playername, "privs") && !checkPriv(playername, "password") && playername != g_settings->get("name")) { actionstream<<"Server: "<getAuth(playername, &checkpwd, NULL); // If no authentication info exists for user, create it if(!has_auth){ if(!isSingleplayer() && g_settings->getBool("disallow_empty_password") && std::string(given_password) == ""){ actionstream<<"Server: "<get("default_password")); std::string initial_password = translatePassword(playername, raw_default_password); // If default_password is empty, allow any initial password if (raw_default_password.length() == 0) initial_password = given_password; m_script->createAuth(playername, initial_password); } has_auth = m_script->getAuth(playername, &checkpwd, NULL); if(!has_auth){ actionstream<<"Server: "<(m_env->getPlayer(playername)); if(player && player->peer_id != 0){ errorstream<<"Server: "< reply(2+1+6+8+4); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_INIT); writeU8(&reply[2], deployed); writeV3S16(&reply[2+1], floatToInt(playersao->getPlayer()->getPosition()+v3f(0,BS/2,0), BS)); writeU64(&reply[2+1+6], m_env->getServerMap().getSeed()); writeF1000(&reply[2+1+6+8], g_settings->getFloat("dedicated_server_step")); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, reply, true); } /* Send complete position information */ SendMovePlayer(peer_id); return; } if(command == TOSERVER_INIT2) { verbosestream<<"Server: Got TOSERVER_INIT2 from " <getPlayer(peer_id); if(!player){ verbosestream<<"Server: TOSERVER_INIT2: " <<"Player not found; ignoring."<serialization_version = getClient(peer_id)->pending_serialization_version; /* Send some initialization data */ infostream<<"Server: Sending content to " <net_proto_version); // Send node definitions SendNodeDef(m_con, peer_id, m_nodedef, client->net_proto_version); // Send media announcement sendMediaAnnouncement(peer_id); // Send privileges SendPlayerPrivileges(peer_id); // Send inventory formspec SendPlayerInventoryFormspec(peer_id); // Send inventory UpdateCrafting(peer_id); SendInventory(peer_id); // Send HP if(g_settings->getBool("enable_damage")) SendPlayerHP(peer_id); // Send Breath SendPlayerBreath(peer_id); // Send detached inventories sendDetachedInventories(peer_id); // Show death screen if necessary if(player->hp == 0) SendDeathscreen(m_con, peer_id, false, v3f(0,0,0)); // Send time of day { u16 time = m_env->getTimeOfDay(); float time_speed = g_settings->getFloat("time_speed"); SendTimeOfDay(peer_id, time, time_speed); } // Note things in chat if not in simple singleplayer mode if(!m_simple_singleplayer_mode) { // Send information about server to player in chat SendChatMessage(peer_id, getStatusString()); // Send information about joining in chat { std::wstring name = L"unknown"; Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(peer_id); if(player != NULL) name = narrow_to_wide(player->getName()); std::wstring message; message += L"*** "; message += name; message += L" joined the game."; BroadcastChatMessage(message); } } // Warnings about protocol version can be issued here if(getClient(peer_id)->net_proto_version < LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { SendChatMessage(peer_id, L"# Server: WARNING: YOUR CLIENT'S " L"VERSION MAY NOT BE FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH THIS SERVER!"); } /* Print out action */ { std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; assert(client->peer_id == i->first); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; // Get player Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(!player) continue; // Get name of player os<getName()<<" "; } actionstream<getName()<<" ["<GotBlock(p); } } else if(command == TOSERVER_DELETEDBLOCKS) { if(datasize < 2+1) return; /* [0] u16 command [2] u8 count [3] v3s16 pos_0 [3+6] v3s16 pos_1 ... */ u16 count = data[2]; for(u16 i=0; iSetBlockNotSent(p); } } else if(command == TOSERVER_CLICK_OBJECT) { infostream<<"Server: CLICK_OBJECT not supported anymore"<getName()); /* Note: Always set inventory not sent, to repair cases where the client made a bad prediction. */ /* Handle restrictions and special cases of the move action */ if(a->getType() == IACTION_MOVE) { IMoveAction *ma = (IMoveAction*)a; ma->from_inv.applyCurrentPlayer(player->getName()); ma->to_inv.applyCurrentPlayer(player->getName()); setInventoryModified(ma->from_inv); setInventoryModified(ma->to_inv); bool from_inv_is_current_player = (ma->from_inv.type == InventoryLocation::PLAYER) && (ma->from_inv.name == player->getName()); bool to_inv_is_current_player = (ma->to_inv.type == InventoryLocation::PLAYER) && (ma->to_inv.name == player->getName()); /* Disable moving items out of craftpreview */ if(ma->from_list == "craftpreview") { infostream<<"Ignoring IMoveAction from " <<(ma->from_inv.dump())<<":"<from_list <<" to "<<(ma->to_inv.dump())<<":"<to_list <<" because src is "<from_list<to_list == "craftpreview" || ma->to_list == "craftresult") { infostream<<"Ignoring IMoveAction from " <<(ma->from_inv.dump())<<":"<from_list <<" to "<<(ma->to_inv.dump())<<":"<to_list <<" because dst is "<to_list<getName(), "interact") && (!from_inv_is_current_player || !to_inv_is_current_player)) { infostream<<"Cannot move outside of player's inventory: " <<"No interact privilege"<getType() == IACTION_DROP) { IDropAction *da = (IDropAction*)a; da->from_inv.applyCurrentPlayer(player->getName()); setInventoryModified(da->from_inv); /* Disable dropping items out of craftpreview */ if(da->from_list == "craftpreview") { infostream<<"Ignoring IDropAction from " <<(da->from_inv.dump())<<":"<from_list <<" because src is "<from_list<getName(), "interact")) { delete a; return; } } /* Handle restrictions and special cases of the craft action */ else if(a->getType() == IACTION_CRAFT) { ICraftAction *ca = (ICraftAction*)a; ca->craft_inv.applyCurrentPlayer(player->getName()); setInventoryModified(ca->craft_inv); //bool craft_inv_is_current_player = // (ca->craft_inv.type == InventoryLocation::PLAYER) && // (ca->craft_inv.name == player->getName()); // Disallow crafting if not allowed to interact if(!checkPriv(player->getName(), "interact")) { infostream<<"Cannot craft: " <<"No interact privilege"<apply(this, playersao, this); // Eat the action delete a; } else if(command == TOSERVER_CHAT_MESSAGE) { /* u16 command u16 length wstring message */ u8 buf[6]; std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); // Read stuff is.read((char*)buf, 2); u16 len = readU16(buf); std::wstring message; for(u16 i=0; igetName()); // Get player name of this client std::wstring name = narrow_to_wide(player->getName()); // Run script hook bool ate = m_script->on_chat_message(player->getName(), wide_to_narrow(message)); // If script ate the message, don't proceed if(ate) return; // Line to send to players std::wstring line; // Whether to send to the player that sent the line bool send_to_sender = false; // Whether to send to other players bool send_to_others = false; // Commands are implemented in Lua, so only catch invalid // commands that were not "eaten" and send an error back if(message[0] == L'/') { message = message.substr(1); send_to_sender = true; if(message.length() == 0) line += L"-!- Empty command"; else line += L"-!- Invalid command: " + str_split(message, L' ')[0]; } else { if(checkPriv(player->getName(), "shout")){ line += L"<"; line += name; line += L"> "; line += message; send_to_others = true; } else { line += L"-!- You don't have permission to shout."; send_to_sender = true; } } if(line != L"") { if(send_to_others) actionstream<<"CHAT: "<::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { // Get client and check that it is valid RemoteClient *client = i->second; assert(client->peer_id == i->first); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; // Filter recipient bool sender_selected = (peer_id == client->peer_id); if(sender_selected == true && send_to_sender == false) continue; if(sender_selected == false && send_to_others == false) continue; SendChatMessage(client->peer_id, line); } } } else if(command == TOSERVER_DAMAGE) { std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); u8 damage = readU8(is); if(g_settings->getBool("enable_damage")) { actionstream<getName()<<" damaged by " <<(int)damage<<" hp at "<getPosition()/BS) <setHP(playersao->getHP() - damage); if(playersao->getHP() == 0 && playersao->m_hp_not_sent) DiePlayer(peer_id); if(playersao->m_hp_not_sent) SendPlayerHP(peer_id); } } else if(command == TOSERVER_BREATH) { std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); u16 breath = readU16(is); playersao->setBreath(breath); } else if(command == TOSERVER_PASSWORD) { /* [0] u16 TOSERVER_PASSWORD [2] u8[28] old password [30] u8[28] new password */ if(datasize != 2+PASSWORD_SIZE*2) return; /*char password[PASSWORD_SIZE]; for(u32 i=0; igetName()<<" supplied invalid password hash"<getName(); std::string checkpwd; m_script->getAuth(playername, &checkpwd, NULL); if(oldpwd != checkpwd) { infostream<<"Server: invalid old password"<setPassword(playername, newpwd); if(success){ actionstream<getName()<<" changes password"<getName()<<" tries to change password but " <<"it fails"<setWieldIndex(item); } else if(command == TOSERVER_RESPAWN) { if(player->hp != 0 || !g_settings->getBool("enable_damage")) return; RespawnPlayer(peer_id); actionstream<getName()<<" respawns at " <getPosition()/BS)< tosend; u16 numfiles = readU16(is); infostream<<"Sending "<definitions_sent = true; } else if(command == TOSERVER_RECEIVED_MEDIA) { getClient(peer_id)->definitions_sent = true; } else if(command == TOSERVER_INTERACT) { std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); /* [0] u16 command [2] u8 action [3] u16 item [5] u32 length of the next item [9] serialized PointedThing actions: 0: start digging (from undersurface) or use 1: stop digging (all parameters ignored) 2: digging completed 3: place block or item (to abovesurface) 4: use item */ u8 action = readU8(is); u16 item_i = readU16(is); std::istringstream tmp_is(deSerializeLongString(is), std::ios::binary); PointedThing pointed; pointed.deSerialize(tmp_is); verbosestream<<"TOSERVER_INTERACT: action="<<(int)action<<", item=" <getName() <<" tried to interact, but is dead!"<getLastGoodPosition(); // Update wielded item playersao->setWieldIndex(item_i); // Get pointed to node (undefined if not POINTEDTYPE_NODE) v3s16 p_under = pointed.node_undersurface; v3s16 p_above = pointed.node_abovesurface; // Get pointed to object (NULL if not POINTEDTYPE_OBJECT) ServerActiveObject *pointed_object = NULL; if(pointed.type == POINTEDTHING_OBJECT) { pointed_object = m_env->getActiveObject(pointed.object_id); if(pointed_object == NULL) { verbosestream<<"TOSERVER_INTERACT: " "pointed object is NULL"<getBasePosition(); pointed_pos_above = pointed_pos_under; } /* Check that target is reasonably close (only when digging or placing things) */ if(action == 0 || action == 2 || action == 3) { float d = player_pos.getDistanceFrom(pointed_pos_under); float max_d = BS * 14; // Just some large enough value if(d > max_d){ actionstream<<"Player "<getName() <<" tried to access "<SetBlockNotSent(blockpos); // Call callbacks m_script->on_cheat(playersao, "interacted_too_far"); // Do nothing else return; } } /* Make sure the player is allowed to do it */ if(!checkPriv(player->getName(), "interact")) { actionstream<getName()<<" attempted to interact with " < under if(action == 2){ v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(floatToInt(pointed_pos_under, BS)); client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos); } // Placement -> above if(action == 3){ v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(floatToInt(pointed_pos_above, BS)); client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos); } return; } /* If something goes wrong, this player is to blame */ RollbackScopeActor rollback_scope(m_rollback, std::string("player:")+player->getName()); /* 0: start digging or punch object */ if(action == 0) { if(pointed.type == POINTEDTHING_NODE) { /* NOTE: This can be used in the future to check if somebody is cheating, by checking the timing. */ MapNode n(CONTENT_IGNORE); try { n = m_env->getMap().getNode(p_under); } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { infostream<<"Server: Not punching: Node not found." <<" Adding block to emerge queue." <enqueueBlockEmerge(peer_id, getNodeBlockPos(p_above), false); } if(n.getContent() != CONTENT_IGNORE) m_script->node_on_punch(p_under, n, playersao); // Cheat prevention playersao->noCheatDigStart(p_under); } else if(pointed.type == POINTEDTHING_OBJECT) { // Skip if object has been removed if(pointed_object->m_removed) return; actionstream<getName()<<" punches object " <getDescription()<getWieldedItem(); ToolCapabilities toolcap = punchitem.getToolCapabilities(m_itemdef); v3f dir = (pointed_object->getBasePosition() - (player->getPosition() + player->getEyeOffset()) ).normalize(); float time_from_last_punch = playersao->resetTimeFromLastPunch(); pointed_object->punch(dir, &toolcap, playersao, time_from_last_punch); } } // action == 0 /* 1: stop digging */ else if(action == 1) { } // action == 1 /* 2: Digging completed */ else if(action == 2) { // Only digging of nodes if(pointed.type == POINTEDTHING_NODE) { MapNode n(CONTENT_IGNORE); try { n = m_env->getMap().getNode(p_under); } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { infostream<<"Server: Not finishing digging: Node not found." <<" Adding block to emerge queue." <enqueueBlockEmerge(peer_id, getNodeBlockPos(p_above), false); } /* Cheat prevention */ bool is_valid_dig = true; if(!isSingleplayer() && !g_settings->getBool("disable_anticheat")) { v3s16 nocheat_p = playersao->getNoCheatDigPos(); float nocheat_t = playersao->getNoCheatDigTime(); playersao->noCheatDigEnd(); // If player didn't start digging this, ignore dig if(nocheat_p != p_under){ infostream<<"Server: NoCheat: "<getName() <<" started digging " <on_cheat(playersao, "finished_unknown_dig"); } // Get player's wielded item ItemStack playeritem; InventoryList *mlist = playersao->getInventory()->getList("main"); if(mlist != NULL) playeritem = mlist->getItem(playersao->getWieldIndex()); ToolCapabilities playeritem_toolcap = playeritem.getToolCapabilities(m_itemdef); // Get diggability and expected digging time DigParams params = getDigParams(m_nodedef->get(n).groups, &playeritem_toolcap); // If can't dig, try hand if(!params.diggable){ const ItemDefinition &hand = m_itemdef->get(""); const ToolCapabilities *tp = hand.tool_capabilities; if(tp) params = getDigParams(m_nodedef->get(n).groups, tp); } // If can't dig, ignore dig if(!params.diggable){ infostream<<"Server: NoCheat: "<getName() <<" completed digging "<on_cheat(playersao, "dug_unbreakable"); } // Check digging time // If already invalidated, we don't have to if(!is_valid_dig){ // Well not our problem then } // Clean and long dig else if(params.time > 2.0 && nocheat_t * 1.2 > params.time){ // All is good, but grab time from pool; don't care if // it's actually available playersao->getDigPool().grab(params.time); } // Short or laggy dig // Try getting the time from pool else if(playersao->getDigPool().grab(params.time)){ // All is good } // Dig not possible else{ infostream<<"Server: NoCheat: "<getName() <<" completed digging "<on_cheat(playersao, "dug_too_fast"); } } /* Actually dig node */ if(is_valid_dig && n.getContent() != CONTENT_IGNORE) m_script->node_on_dig(p_under, n, playersao); // Send unusual result (that is, node not being removed) if(m_env->getMap().getNodeNoEx(p_under).getContent() != CONTENT_AIR) { // Re-send block to revert change on client-side RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id); v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(floatToInt(pointed_pos_under, BS)); client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos); } } } // action == 2 /* 3: place block or right-click object */ else if(action == 3) { ItemStack item = playersao->getWieldedItem(); // Reset build time counter if(pointed.type == POINTEDTHING_NODE && item.getDefinition(m_itemdef).type == ITEM_NODE) getClient(peer_id)->m_time_from_building = 0.0; if(pointed.type == POINTEDTHING_OBJECT) { // Right click object // Skip if object has been removed if(pointed_object->m_removed) return; actionstream<getName()<<" right-clicks object " <getDescription()<rightClick(playersao); } else if(m_script->item_OnPlace( item, playersao, pointed)) { // Placement was handled in lua // Apply returned ItemStack playersao->setWieldedItem(item); } // If item has node placement prediction, always send the // blocks to make sure the client knows what exactly happened if(item.getDefinition(m_itemdef).node_placement_prediction != ""){ RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id); v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(floatToInt(pointed_pos_above, BS)); client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos); v3s16 blockpos2 = getNodeBlockPos(floatToInt(pointed_pos_under, BS)); if(blockpos2 != blockpos){ client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos2); } } } // action == 3 /* 4: use */ else if(action == 4) { ItemStack item = playersao->getWieldedItem(); actionstream<getName()<<" uses "<item_OnUse( item, playersao, pointed)) { // Apply returned ItemStack playersao->setWieldedItem(item); } } // action == 4 /* Catch invalid actions */ else { infostream<<"WARNING: Server: Invalid action " <::iterator i = m_playing_sounds.find(id); if(i == m_playing_sounds.end()) continue; ServerPlayingSound &psound = i->second; psound.clients.erase(peer_id); if(psound.clients.size() == 0) m_playing_sounds.erase(i++); } } else if(command == TOSERVER_NODEMETA_FIELDS) { std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); v3s16 p = readV3S16(is); std::string formname = deSerializeString(is); int num = readU16(is); std::map fields; for(int k=0; kgetName()); // Check the target node for rollback data; leave others unnoticed RollbackNode rn_old(&m_env->getMap(), p, this); m_script->node_on_receive_fields(p, formname, fields,playersao); // Report rollback data RollbackNode rn_new(&m_env->getMap(), p, this); if(rollback() && rn_new != rn_old){ RollbackAction action; action.setSetNode(p, rn_old, rn_new); rollback()->reportAction(action); } } else if(command == TOSERVER_INVENTORY_FIELDS) { std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2); std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary); std::string formname = deSerializeString(is); int num = readU16(is); std::map fields; for(int k=0; kon_playerReceiveFields(playersao, formname, fields); } else { infostream<<"Server::ProcessData(): Ignoring " "unknown command "<getArea())) return; MapEditEvent *e = event->clone(); m_unsent_map_edit_queue.push_back(e); } Inventory* Server::getInventory(const InventoryLocation &loc) { switch(loc.type){ case InventoryLocation::UNDEFINED: {} break; case InventoryLocation::CURRENT_PLAYER: {} break; case InventoryLocation::PLAYER: { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(loc.name.c_str()); if(!player) return NULL; PlayerSAO *playersao = player->getPlayerSAO(); if(!playersao) return NULL; return playersao->getInventory(); } break; case InventoryLocation::NODEMETA: { NodeMetadata *meta = m_env->getMap().getNodeMetadata(loc.p); if(!meta) return NULL; return meta->getInventory(); } break; case InventoryLocation::DETACHED: { if(m_detached_inventories.count(loc.name) == 0) return NULL; return m_detached_inventories[loc.name]; } break; default: assert(0); } return NULL; } void Server::setInventoryModified(const InventoryLocation &loc) { switch(loc.type){ case InventoryLocation::UNDEFINED: {} break; case InventoryLocation::PLAYER: { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(loc.name.c_str()); if(!player) return; PlayerSAO *playersao = player->getPlayerSAO(); if(!playersao) return; playersao->m_inventory_not_sent = true; playersao->m_wielded_item_not_sent = true; } break; case InventoryLocation::NODEMETA: { v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(loc.p); MapBlock *block = m_env->getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(blockpos); if(block) block->raiseModified(MOD_STATE_WRITE_NEEDED); setBlockNotSent(blockpos); } break; case InventoryLocation::DETACHED: { sendDetachedInventoryToAll(loc.name); } break; default: assert(0); } } void Server::peerAdded(con::Peer *peer) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); verbosestream<<"Server::peerAdded(): peer->id=" <id<id; c.timeout = false; m_peer_change_queue.push_back(c); } void Server::deletingPeer(con::Peer *peer, bool timeout) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); verbosestream<<"Server::deletingPeer(): peer->id=" <id<<", timeout="<id; c.timeout = timeout; m_peer_change_queue.push_back(c); } /* Static send methods */ void Server::SendMovement(con::Connection &con, u16 peer_id) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_MOVEMENT); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_acceleration_default")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_acceleration_air")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_acceleration_fast")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_speed_walk")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_speed_crouch")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_speed_fast")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_speed_climb")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_speed_jump")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_liquid_fluidity")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_liquid_sink")); writeF1000(os, g_settings->getFloat("movement_gravity")); // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } void Server::SendHP(con::Connection &con, u16 peer_id, u8 hp) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_HP); writeU8(os, hp); // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } void Server::SendBreath(con::Connection &con, u16 peer_id, u16 breath) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_BREATH); writeU16(os, breath); // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } void Server::SendAccessDenied(con::Connection &con, u16 peer_id, const std::wstring &reason) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_ACCESS_DENIED); os< data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } void Server::SendDeathscreen(con::Connection &con, u16 peer_id, bool set_camera_point_target, v3f camera_point_target) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_DEATHSCREEN); writeU8(os, set_camera_point_target); writeV3F1000(os, camera_point_target); // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } void Server::SendItemDef(con::Connection &con, u16 peer_id, IItemDefManager *itemdef, u16 protocol_version) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); /* u16 command u32 length of the next item zlib-compressed serialized ItemDefManager */ writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_ITEMDEF); std::ostringstream tmp_os(std::ios::binary); itemdef->serialize(tmp_os, protocol_version); std::ostringstream tmp_os2(std::ios::binary); compressZlib(tmp_os.str(), tmp_os2); os<getPlayer(params.to_player.c_str()); if(!player){ infostream<<"Server::playSound: Player \""<peer_id == PEER_ID_INEXISTENT){ infostream<<"Server::playSound: Player \""<peer_id); dst_clients.insert(client); } else { for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(!player) continue; if(pos_exists){ if(player->getPosition().getDistanceFrom(pos) > params.max_hear_distance) continue; } dst_clients.insert(client); } } if(dst_clients.size() == 0) return -1; // Create the sound s32 id = m_next_sound_id++; // The sound will exist as a reference in m_playing_sounds m_playing_sounds[id] = ServerPlayingSound(); ServerPlayingSound &psound = m_playing_sounds[id]; psound.params = params; for(std::set::iterator i = dst_clients.begin(); i != dst_clients.end(); i++) psound.clients.insert((*i)->peer_id); // Create packet std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_PLAY_SOUND); writeS32(os, id); os< data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send for(std::set::iterator i = dst_clients.begin(); i != dst_clients.end(); i++){ // Send as reliable m_con.Send((*i)->peer_id, 0, data, true); } return id; } void Server::stopSound(s32 handle) { // Get sound reference std::map::iterator i = m_playing_sounds.find(handle); if(i == m_playing_sounds.end()) return; ServerPlayingSound &psound = i->second; // Create packet std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_STOP_SOUND); writeS32(os, handle); // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send for(std::set::iterator i = psound.clients.begin(); i != psound.clients.end(); i++){ // Send as reliable m_con.Send(*i, 0, data, true); } // Remove sound reference m_playing_sounds.erase(i); } void Server::sendRemoveNode(v3s16 p, u16 ignore_id, std::list *far_players, float far_d_nodes) { float maxd = far_d_nodes*BS; v3f p_f = intToFloat(p, BS); // Create packet u32 replysize = 8; SharedBuffer reply(replysize); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_REMOVENODE); writeS16(&reply[2], p.X); writeS16(&reply[4], p.Y); writeS16(&reply[6], p.Z); for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { // Get client and check that it is valid RemoteClient *client = i->second; assert(client->peer_id == i->first); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; // Don't send if it's the same one if(client->peer_id == ignore_id) continue; if(far_players) { // Get player Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(player) { // If player is far away, only set modified blocks not sent v3f player_pos = player->getPosition(); if(player_pos.getDistanceFrom(p_f) > maxd) { far_players->push_back(client->peer_id); continue; } } } // Send as reliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, reply, true); } } void Server::sendAddNode(v3s16 p, MapNode n, u16 ignore_id, std::list *far_players, float far_d_nodes) { float maxd = far_d_nodes*BS; v3f p_f = intToFloat(p, BS); for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { // Get client and check that it is valid RemoteClient *client = i->second; assert(client->peer_id == i->first); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; // Don't send if it's the same one if(client->peer_id == ignore_id) continue; if(far_players) { // Get player Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(player) { // If player is far away, only set modified blocks not sent v3f player_pos = player->getPosition(); if(player_pos.getDistanceFrom(p_f) > maxd) { far_players->push_back(client->peer_id); continue; } } } // Create packet u32 replysize = 8 + MapNode::serializedLength(client->serialization_version); SharedBuffer reply(replysize); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_ADDNODE); writeS16(&reply[2], p.X); writeS16(&reply[4], p.Y); writeS16(&reply[6], p.Z); n.serialize(&reply[8], client->serialization_version); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(client->peer_id, 0, reply, true); } } void Server::setBlockNotSent(v3s16 p) { for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; client->SetBlockNotSent(p); } } void Server::SendBlockNoLock(u16 peer_id, MapBlock *block, u8 ver, u16 net_proto_version) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); v3s16 p = block->getPos(); #if 0 // Analyze it a bit bool completely_air = true; for(s16 z0=0; z0getNodeNoEx(v3s16(x0,y0,z0)).d != CONTENT_AIR) { completely_air = false; x0 = y0 = z0 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE; // Break out } } // Print result infostream<<"Server: Sending block ("<serialize(os, ver, false); block->serializeNetworkSpecific(os, net_proto_version); std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer blockdata((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); u32 replysize = 8 + blockdata.getSize(); SharedBuffer reply(replysize); writeU16(&reply[0], TOCLIENT_BLOCKDATA); writeS16(&reply[2], p.X); writeS16(&reply[4], p.Y); writeS16(&reply[6], p.Z); memcpy(&reply[8], *blockdata, blockdata.getSize()); /*infostream<<"Server: Sending block ("< queue; s32 total_sending = 0; { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Server: selecting blocks for sending"); for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; assert(client->peer_id == i->first); // If definitions and textures have not been sent, don't // send MapBlocks either if(!client->definitions_sent) continue; total_sending += client->SendingCount(); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; client->GetNextBlocks(this, dtime, queue); } } // Sort. // Lowest priority number comes first. // Lowest is most important. std::sort(queue.begin(), queue.end()); for(u32 i=0; i= g_settings->getS32 ("max_simultaneous_block_sends_server_total")) break; PrioritySortedBlockTransfer q = queue[i]; MapBlock *block = NULL; try { block = m_env->getMap().getBlockNoCreate(q.pos); } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { continue; } RemoteClient *client = getClientNoEx(q.peer_id); if(!client) continue; if(client->denied) continue; SendBlockNoLock(q.peer_id, block, client->serialization_version, client->net_proto_version); client->SentBlock(q.pos); total_sending++; } } void Server::fillMediaCache() { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); infostream<<"Server: Calculating media file checksums"< paths; for(std::vector::iterator i = m_mods.begin(); i != m_mods.end(); i++){ const ModSpec &mod = *i; paths.push_back(mod.path + DIR_DELIM + "textures"); paths.push_back(mod.path + DIR_DELIM + "sounds"); paths.push_back(mod.path + DIR_DELIM + "media"); paths.push_back(mod.path + DIR_DELIM + "models"); } paths.push_back(porting::path_user + DIR_DELIM + "textures" + DIR_DELIM + "server"); // Collect media file information from paths into cache for(std::list::iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); i++) { std::string mediapath = *i; std::vector dirlist = fs::GetDirListing(mediapath); for(u32 j=0; jm_media[filename] = MediaInfo(filepath, sha1_base64); verbosestream<<"Server: "< file_announcements; for(std::map::iterator i = m_media.begin(); i != m_media.end(); i++){ // Put in list file_announcements.push_back( SendableMediaAnnouncement(i->first, i->second.sha1_digest)); } // Make packet std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); /* u16 command u32 number of files for each texture { u16 length of name string name u16 length of sha1_digest string sha1_digest } */ writeU16(os, TOCLIENT_ANNOUNCE_MEDIA); writeU16(os, file_announcements.size()); for(std::list::iterator j = file_announcements.begin(); j != file_announcements.end(); ++j){ os<name); os<sha1_digest); } os<get("remote_media")); // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } struct SendableMedia { std::string name; std::string path; std::string data; SendableMedia(const std::string &name_="", const std::string path_="", const std::string &data_=""): name(name_), path(path_), data(data_) {} }; void Server::sendRequestedMedia(u16 peer_id, const std::list &tosend) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); verbosestream<<"Server::sendRequestedMedia(): " <<"Sending files to client"< > file_bunches; file_bunches.push_back(std::list()); u32 file_size_bunch_total = 0; for(std::list::const_iterator i = tosend.begin(); i != tosend.end(); ++i) { if(m_media.find(i->name) == m_media.end()){ errorstream<<"Server::sendRequestedMedia(): Client asked for " <<"unknown file \""<<(i->name)<<"\""<= bytes_per_bunch){ file_bunches.push_back(std::list()); file_size_bunch_total = 0; } } /* Create and send packets */ u32 num_bunches = file_bunches.size(); for(u32 i=0; i::iterator j = file_bunches[i].begin(); j != file_bunches[i].end(); ++j){ os<name); os<data); } // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); verbosestream<<"Server::sendRequestedMedia(): bunch " <serialize(os); // Make data buffer std::string s = os.str(); SharedBuffer data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size()); // Send as reliable m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true); } void Server::sendDetachedInventoryToAll(const std::string &name) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i){ RemoteClient *client = i->second; sendDetachedInventory(name, client->peer_id); } } void Server::sendDetachedInventories(u16 peer_id) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); for(std::map::iterator i = m_detached_inventories.begin(); i != m_detached_inventories.end(); i++){ const std::string &name = i->first; //Inventory *inv = i->second; sendDetachedInventory(name, peer_id); } } /* Something random */ void Server::DiePlayer(u16 peer_id) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); PlayerSAO *playersao = getPlayerSAO(peer_id); assert(playersao); infostream<<"Server::DiePlayer(): Player " <getPlayer()->getName() <<" dies"<setHP(0); // Trigger scripted stuff m_script->on_dieplayer(playersao); SendPlayerHP(peer_id); SendDeathscreen(m_con, peer_id, false, v3f(0,0,0)); } void Server::RespawnPlayer(u16 peer_id) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); PlayerSAO *playersao = getPlayerSAO(peer_id); assert(playersao); infostream<<"Server::RespawnPlayer(): Player " <getPlayer()->getName() <<" respawns"<setHP(PLAYER_MAX_HP); bool repositioned = m_script->on_respawnplayer(playersao); if(!repositioned){ v3f pos = findSpawnPos(m_env->getServerMap()); playersao->setPos(pos); } } void Server::DenyAccess(u16 peer_id, const std::wstring &reason) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); SendAccessDenied(m_con, peer_id, reason); RemoteClient *client = getClientNoEx(peer_id); if(client) client->denied = true; // If there are way too many clients, get rid of denied new ones immediately if((int)m_clients.size() > 2 * g_settings->getU16("max_users")){ verbosestream<<"Server: DenyAccess: Too many clients; getting rid of " <<"peer_id="<::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // The client may not exist; clients are immediately removed if their // access is denied, and this event occurs later then. if(n == m_clients.end()) return; /* Mark objects to be not known by the client */ RemoteClient *client = n->second; // Handle objects for(std::set::iterator i = client->m_known_objects.begin(); i != client->m_known_objects.end(); ++i) { // Get object u16 id = *i; ServerActiveObject* obj = m_env->getActiveObject(id); if(obj && obj->m_known_by_count > 0) obj->m_known_by_count--; } /* Clear references to playing sounds */ for(std::map::iterator i = m_playing_sounds.begin(); i != m_playing_sounds.end();) { ServerPlayingSound &psound = i->second; psound.clients.erase(peer_id); if(psound.clients.size() == 0) m_playing_sounds.erase(i++); else i++; } Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(peer_id); // Collect information about leaving in chat std::wstring message; { if(player != NULL && reason != CDR_DENY) { std::wstring name = narrow_to_wide(player->getName()); message += L"*** "; message += name; message += L" left the game."; if(reason == CDR_TIMEOUT) message += L" (timed out)"; } } /* Run scripts and remove from environment */ { if(player != NULL) { PlayerSAO *playersao = player->getPlayerSAO(); assert(playersao); m_script->on_leaveplayer(playersao); playersao->disconnected(); } } /* Print out action */ { if(player != NULL && reason != CDR_DENY) { std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; assert(client->peer_id == i->first); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; // Get player Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(client->peer_id); if(!player) continue; // Get name of player os<getName()<<" "; } actionstream<getName()<<" " <<(reason==CDR_TIMEOUT?"times out.":"leaves game.") <<" List of players: "<getPlayer(peer_id); assert(player); // Get a preview for crafting ItemStack preview; InventoryLocation loc; loc.setPlayer(player->getName()); getCraftingResult(&player->inventory, preview, false, this); m_env->getScriptIface()->item_CraftPredict(preview, player->getPlayerSAO(), (&player->inventory)->getList("craft"), loc); // Put the new preview in InventoryList *plist = player->inventory.getList("craftpreview"); assert(plist); assert(plist->getSize() >= 1); plist->changeItem(0, preview); } RemoteClient* Server::getClient(u16 peer_id) { RemoteClient *client = getClientNoEx(peer_id); if(!client) throw ClientNotFoundException("Client not found"); return client; } RemoteClient* Server::getClientNoEx(u16 peer_id) { std::map::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // The client may not exist; clients are immediately removed if their // access is denied, and this event occurs later then. if(n == m_clients.end()) return NULL; return n->second; } std::string Server::getPlayerName(u16 peer_id) { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(peer_id); if(player == NULL) return "[id="+itos(peer_id)+"]"; return player->getName(); } PlayerSAO* Server::getPlayerSAO(u16 peer_id) { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(peer_id); if(player == NULL) return NULL; return player->getPlayerSAO(); } std::wstring Server::getStatusString() { std::wostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); os<second; assert(client->peer_id == i->first); if(client->serialization_version == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) continue; // Get player Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(client->peer_id); // Get name of player std::wstring name = L"unknown"; if(player != NULL) name = narrow_to_wide(player->getName()); // Add name to information string if(!first) os<getMap()))->isSavingEnabled() == false) os<get("motd") != "") os<get("motd")); return os.str(); } std::set Server::getPlayerEffectivePrivs(const std::string &name) { std::set privs; m_script->getAuth(name, NULL, &privs); return privs; } bool Server::checkPriv(const std::string &name, const std::string &priv) { std::set privs = getPlayerEffectivePrivs(name); return (privs.count(priv) != 0); } void Server::reportPrivsModified(const std::string &name) { if(name == ""){ for(std::map::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i){ RemoteClient *client = i->second; Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(client->peer_id); reportPrivsModified(player->getName()); } } else { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(name.c_str()); if(!player) return; SendPlayerPrivileges(player->peer_id); PlayerSAO *sao = player->getPlayerSAO(); if(!sao) return; sao->updatePrivileges( getPlayerEffectivePrivs(name), isSingleplayer()); } } void Server::reportInventoryFormspecModified(const std::string &name) { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(name.c_str()); if(!player) return; SendPlayerInventoryFormspec(player->peer_id); } void Server::setIpBanned(const std::string &ip, const std::string &name) { m_banmanager->add(ip, name); } void Server::unsetIpBanned(const std::string &ip_or_name) { m_banmanager->remove(ip_or_name); } std::string Server::getBanDescription(const std::string &ip_or_name) { return m_banmanager->getBanDescription(ip_or_name); } void Server::notifyPlayer(const char *name, const std::wstring msg, const bool prepend = true) { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(name); if(!player) return; if (prepend) SendChatMessage(player->peer_id, std::wstring(L"Server -!- ")+msg); else SendChatMessage(player->peer_id, msg); } bool Server::showFormspec(const char *playername, const std::string &formspec, const std::string &formname) { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername); if(!player) { infostream<<"showFormspec: couldn't find player:"<peer_id, formspec, formname); return true; } u32 Server::hudAdd(Player *player, HudElement *form) { if (!player) return -1; u32 id = player->getFreeHudID(); if (id < player->hud.size()) player->hud[id] = form; else player->hud.push_back(form); SendHUDAdd(player->peer_id, id, form); return id; } bool Server::hudRemove(Player *player, u32 id) { if (!player || id >= player->hud.size() || !player->hud[id]) return false; delete player->hud[id]; player->hud[id] = NULL; SendHUDRemove(player->peer_id, id); return true; } bool Server::hudChange(Player *player, u32 id, HudElementStat stat, void *data) { if (!player) return false; SendHUDChange(player->peer_id, id, stat, data); return true; } bool Server::hudSetFlags(Player *player, u32 flags, u32 mask) { if (!player) return false; SendHUDSetFlags(player->peer_id, flags, mask); return true; } bool Server::hudSetHotbarItemcount(Player *player, s32 hotbar_itemcount) { if (!player) return false; if (hotbar_itemcount <= 0 || hotbar_itemcount > HUD_HOTBAR_ITEMCOUNT_MAX) return false; std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary); writeS32(os, hotbar_itemcount); SendHUDSetParam(player->peer_id, HUD_PARAM_HOTBAR_ITEMCOUNT, os.str()); return true; } void Server::hudSetHotbarImage(Player *player, std::string name) { if (!player) return; SendHUDSetParam(player->peer_id, HUD_PARAM_HOTBAR_IMAGE, name); } void Server::hudSetHotbarSelectedImage(Player *player, std::string name) { if (!player) return; SendHUDSetParam(player->peer_id, HUD_PARAM_HOTBAR_SELECTED_IMAGE, name); } void Server::notifyPlayers(const std::wstring msg) { BroadcastChatMessage(msg); } void Server::spawnParticle(const char *playername, v3f pos, v3f velocity, v3f acceleration, float expirationtime, float size, bool collisiondetection, std::string texture) { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername); if(!player) return; SendSpawnParticle(player->peer_id, pos, velocity, acceleration, expirationtime, size, collisiondetection, texture); } void Server::spawnParticleAll(v3f pos, v3f velocity, v3f acceleration, float expirationtime, float size, bool collisiondetection, std::string texture) { SendSpawnParticleAll(pos, velocity, acceleration, expirationtime, size, collisiondetection, texture); } u32 Server::addParticleSpawner(const char *playername, u16 amount, float spawntime, v3f minpos, v3f maxpos, v3f minvel, v3f maxvel, v3f minacc, v3f maxacc, float minexptime, float maxexptime, float minsize, float maxsize, bool collisiondetection, std::string texture) { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername); if(!player) return -1; u32 id = 0; for(;;) // look for unused particlespawner id { id++; if (std::find(m_particlespawner_ids.begin(), m_particlespawner_ids.end(), id) == m_particlespawner_ids.end()) { m_particlespawner_ids.push_back(id); break; } } SendAddParticleSpawner(player->peer_id, amount, spawntime, minpos, maxpos, minvel, maxvel, minacc, maxacc, minexptime, maxexptime, minsize, maxsize, collisiondetection, texture, id); return id; } u32 Server::addParticleSpawnerAll(u16 amount, float spawntime, v3f minpos, v3f maxpos, v3f minvel, v3f maxvel, v3f minacc, v3f maxacc, float minexptime, float maxexptime, float minsize, float maxsize, bool collisiondetection, std::string texture) { u32 id = 0; for(;;) // look for unused particlespawner id { id++; if (std::find(m_particlespawner_ids.begin(), m_particlespawner_ids.end(), id) == m_particlespawner_ids.end()) { m_particlespawner_ids.push_back(id); break; } } SendAddParticleSpawnerAll(amount, spawntime, minpos, maxpos, minvel, maxvel, minacc, maxacc, minexptime, maxexptime, minsize, maxsize, collisiondetection, texture, id); return id; } void Server::deleteParticleSpawner(const char *playername, u32 id) { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername); if(!player) return; m_particlespawner_ids.erase( std::remove(m_particlespawner_ids.begin(), m_particlespawner_ids.end(), id), m_particlespawner_ids.end()); SendDeleteParticleSpawner(player->peer_id, id); } void Server::deleteParticleSpawnerAll(u32 id) { m_particlespawner_ids.erase( std::remove(m_particlespawner_ids.begin(), m_particlespawner_ids.end(), id), m_particlespawner_ids.end()); SendDeleteParticleSpawnerAll(id); } Inventory* Server::createDetachedInventory(const std::string &name) { if(m_detached_inventories.count(name) > 0){ infostream<<"Server clearing detached inventory \""< &actions, std::list *log) { infostream<<"Server::rollbackRevertActions(len="<getMap()); // Disable rollback report sink while reverting BoolScopeSet rollback_scope_disable(&m_rollback_sink_enabled, false); // Fail if no actions to handle if(actions.empty()){ log->push_back("Nothing to do."); return false; } int num_tried = 0; int num_failed = 0; for(std::list::const_iterator i = actions.begin(); i != actions.end(); i++) { const RollbackAction &action = *i; num_tried++; bool success = action.applyRevert(map, this, this); if(!success){ num_failed++; std::ostringstream os; os<<"Revert of step ("<push_back(os.str()); }else{ std::ostringstream os; os<<"Successfully reverted step ("<push_back(os.str()); } } infostream<<"Map::rollbackRevertActions(): "<allocateDummy(name); } ISoundManager* Server::getSoundManager() { return &dummySoundManager; } MtEventManager* Server::getEventManager() { return m_event; } IRollbackReportSink* Server::getRollbackReportSink() { if(!m_enable_rollback_recording) return NULL; if(!m_rollback_sink_enabled) return NULL; return m_rollback; } IWritableItemDefManager* Server::getWritableItemDefManager() { return m_itemdef; } IWritableNodeDefManager* Server::getWritableNodeDefManager() { return m_nodedef; } IWritableCraftDefManager* Server::getWritableCraftDefManager() { return m_craftdef; } const ModSpec* Server::getModSpec(const std::string &modname) { for(std::vector::iterator i = m_mods.begin(); i != m_mods.end(); i++){ const ModSpec &mod = *i; if(mod.name == modname) return &mod; } return NULL; } void Server::getModNames(std::list &modlist) { for(std::vector::iterator i = m_mods.begin(); i != m_mods.end(); i++) { modlist.push_back(i->name); } } std::string Server::getBuiltinLuaPath() { return porting::path_share + DIR_DELIM + "builtin"; } v3f findSpawnPos(ServerMap &map) { //return v3f(50,50,50)*BS; v3s16 nodepos; #if 0 nodepos = v2s16(0,0); groundheight = 20; #endif #if 1 s16 water_level = map.m_mgparams->water_level; // Try to find a good place a few times for(s32 i=0; i<1000; i++) { s32 range = 1 + i; // We're going to try to throw the player to this position v2s16 nodepos2d = v2s16( -range + (myrand() % (range * 2)), -range + (myrand() % (range * 2))); // Get ground height at point s16 groundheight = map.findGroundLevel(nodepos2d); if (groundheight <= water_level) // Don't go underwater continue; if (groundheight > water_level + 6) // Don't go to high places continue; nodepos = v3s16(nodepos2d.X, groundheight, nodepos2d.Y); bool is_good = false; s32 air_count = 0; for (s32 i = 0; i < 10; i++) { v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(nodepos); map.emergeBlock(blockpos, true); content_t c = map.getNodeNoEx(nodepos).getContent(); if (c == CONTENT_AIR || c == CONTENT_IGNORE) { air_count++; if (air_count >= 2){ is_good = true; break; } } nodepos.Y++; } if(is_good){ // Found a good place //infostream<<"Searched through "<(m_env->getPlayer(name)); // If player is already connected, cancel if(player != NULL && player->peer_id != 0) { infostream<<"emergePlayer(): Player already connected"<getPlayer(peer_id) != NULL) { infostream<<"emergePlayer(): Player with wrong name but same" " peer_id already exists"<updateName(name); /* Set player position */ infostream<<"Server: Finding spawn place for player \"" <getServerMap()); player->setPosition(pos); /* Add player to environment */ m_env->addPlayer(player); } /* Create a new player active object */ PlayerSAO *playersao = new PlayerSAO(m_env, player, peer_id, getPlayerEffectivePrivs(player->getName()), isSingleplayer()); /* Clean up old HUD elements from previous sessions */ player->hud.clear(); /* Add object to environment */ m_env->addActiveObject(playersao); /* Run scripts */ if(newplayer) m_script->on_newplayer(playersao); m_script->on_joinplayer(playersao); return playersao; } void Server::handlePeerChange(PeerChange &c) { JMutexAutoLock envlock(m_env_mutex); JMutexAutoLock conlock(m_con_mutex); if(c.type == PEER_ADDED) { /* Add */ // Error check std::map::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(c.peer_id); // The client shouldn't already exist assert(n == m_clients.end()); // Create client RemoteClient *client = new RemoteClient(); client->peer_id = c.peer_id; m_clients[client->peer_id] = client; } // PEER_ADDED else if(c.type == PEER_REMOVED) { /* Delete */ DeleteClient(c.peer_id, c.timeout?CDR_TIMEOUT:CDR_LEAVE); } // PEER_REMOVED else { assert(0); } } void Server::handlePeerChanges() { while(m_peer_change_queue.size() > 0) { PeerChange c = m_peer_change_queue.pop_front(); verbosestream<<"Server: Handling peer change: " <<"id="<getFloat("dedicated_server_step"); // This is kind of a hack but can be done like this // because server.step() is very light { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "dedicated server sleep"); sleep_ms((int)(steplen*1000.0)); } server.step(steplen); if(server.getShutdownRequested() || kill) { infostream<<"Dedicated server quitting"<getBool("server_announce") == true) ServerList::sendAnnounce("delete"); #endif break; } /* Profiler */ float profiler_print_interval = g_settings->getFloat("profiler_print_interval"); if(profiler_print_interval != 0) { if(m_profiler_interval.step(steplen, profiler_print_interval)) { infostream<<"Profiler:"<print(infostream); g_profiler->clear(); } } } }